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dumbcunt Robin DiAngelo: Whitey has caught on to "privilege" NEED A NEW SCAM!

"white...FRAGILITY, yeah that's the ticket!" SA...
bipolar mental disorder house

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Date: November 25th, 2015 11:28 AM
Author: bipolar mental disorder house

"white...FRAGILITY, yeah that's the ticket!"

SAB: Carla Murphy recently referenced "white fragility" in an article forColorlines, and I’ve seen it referenced on Twitter and Facebook a lot lately. It seems like it’s having a moment. Why do you think that is?

RD: I think we get tired of certain terms. What I do used to be called "diversity training," then "cultural competency" and now, "anti-racism." These terms are really useful for periods of time, but then they get coopted, and people build all this baggage around them, and you have to come up with new terms or else people won’t engage.

And I think "white privilege" has reached that point. It rocked my world when I first really got it, when I came across Peggy McIntosh. It’s a really powerful start for people. But unfortunately it's been played so much now that it turns people off.

