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It's official. I need to make a YouTube video about that battle of khalkhin gol

Spent too much time trying to find out what's out there. The...
supple slippery casino mental disorder
It really needs to be about this. Everyone overlooks this. F...
supple slippery casino mental disorder
"On 14 May, Lt. Col. Yaozo Azuma led the reconnaissance...
supple slippery casino mental disorder
BTW notice how Ukraine tried to run this flame on Russia and...
supple slippery casino mental disorder
This was the it. Everything got decided by a stupid tank bat...
supple slippery casino mental disorder
Don't forget to mention the Kugelpanzer
Cruel-hearted International Law Enforcement Agency Athletic Conference
supple slippery casino mental disorder
People are always commenting on how this patch of land was f...
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Here's the other thing people don't appreciate: it had fuck ...
supple slippery casino mental disorder
it would just be you smearing feces on the wall and ranting ...
hairraiser chapel fanboi
You can use it as a lens for studying all modern wars. Borde...
supple slippery casino mental disorder
thats some powerful feces
hairraiser chapel fanboi
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Date: April 29th, 2024 9:42 AM
Author: supple slippery casino mental disorder

Spent too much time trying to find out what's out there. The only good lecture I can find is paid content, not on YouTube. I bet I can make a fortune in ad revenue from one good video


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Date: April 29th, 2024 2:32 PM
Author: supple slippery casino mental disorder

It really needs to be about this. Everyone overlooks this. From Wikipedia:

"The incident began on 11 May 1939. A Mongolian cavalry unit of some 70 to 90 men had entered the disputed area in search of grazing for their horses. On that day, Manchu cavalry attacked the Mongolians and drove them back across the river Khalkhin Gol. On 13 May, the Mongolian force returned in greater numbers and the Manchukoans failed to dislodge them."

"some 70 to 90 men" on HORSES was all it took to rope the most elite units in the Kwantung Army into this battle. The wounded/KIA stats don't tell you the full picture. Japan didn't just lose 20% of this or that, they lost the top 20%. Their smartest, most elite doods got tricked. Same thing that happened to the AFU at Soledar.


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Date: April 29th, 2024 3:06 PM
Author: supple slippery casino mental disorder

"On 14 May, Lt. Col. Yaozo Azuma led the reconnaissance regiment of the 23rd Infantry Division, supported by the 64th Infantry Regiment of the same division, under Colonel Takemitsu Yamagata, into the territory and the Mongolians withdrew. Soviet and Mongolian troops returned to the disputed region, however, and Azuma's force again moved to evict them, but the Soviet-Mongolian forces surrounded Azuma's force on 28 May and destroyed it.[29] The Azuma force suffered eight officers and 97 men killed and one officer and 33 men wounded, for 63% total casualties."

HUMILIATION. Any war historian today would hit the pause button right here. Maybe consider waiting until 1941 to do something about it. Definitely don't respond impulsively, and telegraph your low IQ to your adversary.


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Date: April 29th, 2024 3:09 PM
Author: supple slippery casino mental disorder

BTW notice how Ukraine tried to run this flame on Russia and it failed? They kept claiming they killed some Russia general, or some Russian general got fired, and they tried to make it seem like Russians should have no faith in their military leaders.

It FAILED. That tactic doesn't work on Russia. They run that tactic on you. It's always been like that. They don't care if you think their generals suck. They don't even care if the generals actually suck, since it's so easy to replace the bad ones.


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Date: April 29th, 2024 3:18 PM
Author: supple slippery casino mental disorder

This was the it. Everything got decided by a stupid tank battle. Kwantung army morale permafucked. Credibility wrecked. Navy told to attack Pearl Harbor 2 years later. No point in even talking about the "battle" after this event.

"However, Zhukov, perceiving the threat, launched a counterattack with 450 tanks and armored cars. The tanks consisted of primarily BTs with a handful of T-26s, while the armored cars were BA-10s and BA-3/6s, which were similar in armor (6–15 mm (0.24–0.59 in)) and armament (main: 45 mm (2 in) gun 20K mod, secondary: two 7.62 mm (0.30 in) machine guns) to the Soviet light tanks. The Soviet armored force, despite being unsupported by infantry, attacked the Japanese on three sides and nearly encircled them. The Japanese force, further handicapped by having only one pontoon bridge across the river for supplies, was forced to withdraw, recrossing the river on 5 July. Meanwhile, the 1st Tank Corps of the Yasuoka Detachment (the southern task force) attacked on the night of 2 July, moving in the darkness to avoid the Soviet artillery on the high ground of the river's west bank. A pitched battle ensued in which the Yasuoka Detachment lost over half its armor, but still could not break through the Soviet forces on the east bank and reach the Kawatama Bridge.[37] After a Soviet counterattack on 9 July threw the battered, depleted Yasuoka Detachment back, it was dissolved and Yasuoka was relieved.[38]"


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Date: April 29th, 2024 2:36 PM
Author: Cruel-hearted International Law Enforcement Agency Athletic Conference

Don't forget to mention the Kugelpanzer


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Date: April 29th, 2024 2:44 PM
Author: supple slippery casino mental disorder



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Date: April 29th, 2024 2:48 PM
Author: supple slippery casino mental disorder

People are always commenting on how this patch of land was flat and featureless and worth absolutely nothing to anyone.

But there's two ways of looking at that. When u are training a border collie (or any type of collie) you can make it happy by creating arbitrary "borders" and ordering it not to cross them. Then enjoy playing games where they pretend they're going to cross the border and you stop them. It's like playing fetch with a golden retriever, but you're also teaching the dog that "when I say this is the border, I mean it goddamnit." You can do that anywhere, indoors or outdoors, any time of day, just randomly create borders and enforce them. Japanese people never raised sheep, so they never had sheep dogs, so they wouldn't know about this.


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Date: April 29th, 2024 2:56 PM
Author: supple slippery casino mental disorder

Here's the other thing people don't appreciate: it had fuck all to do with "Russia" per se. It wasn't Russia's border that got fucked with. It was Mongolia's. The actual country of Mongolia. Japan was being told to respect Mongolia's borders, BY Mongolian forces. These Mongolians may have been Russian allies, but the alliance was newly-formed, it was strictly a one-way promise that Russia would defend Mongolia. What was Russia getting in exchange for defending Mongolia? Why would they waste any significant resources defending a worthless Mongolian border?

If you were Japanese, and this Mongolian border is the only thing between you and Siberia, and you already control Manchuria, how worried are you about Mongolia in May 1939? They're still using HORSES.


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Date: April 29th, 2024 3:10 PM
Author: hairraiser chapel fanboi

it would just be you smearing feces on the wall and ranting like a hyena

i would watch


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Date: April 29th, 2024 3:11 PM
Author: supple slippery casino mental disorder

You can use it as a lens for studying all modern wars. Borders are still a big deal today. It didn't always used to be like that.


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Date: April 29th, 2024 3:11 PM
Author: hairraiser chapel fanboi

thats some powerful feces


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Date: April 29th, 2024 3:12 PM
Author: supple slippery casino mental disorder

