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Can understand now why autistic attys have such rage

I had an associate for a while who did weird shit all the ti...
motley halford

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Date: April 29th, 2024 6:17 PM
Author: motley halford

I had an associate for a while who did weird shit all the time. She was told she could come in around 10 and and man that’s what she did. No hints that this was just friendly suggestion not to be bound to a specific start time. And she would leave right at five, walking past people still at work, including all her seniors. She loved those Covid masks, never took it off. When senior partners would ask her to work on something, she would refuse and say she was busy with her own work already. When she proofed stuff, she would change all the two-spaces after a period to one-space and totally lost her shit about how I was using the See tag. Her argument on a motion was blatantly cross counter to a more important motion that was before the court. She told me she didnt want to work in a courtroom setting. She was an odd duck.

Anyway she left right before her employment status was going to change with us anyway, and she went to a lower level competitor for like twice the pay.

Anyway, I learned she was fired from there after a year. I saw on LinkedIn that she liked some article about how neurotypicals need to consider the needs of autistics. And then it all made sense.
