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McInnes, Molyneux, and 4chan: Investigating pathways to the alt-right [SPLC]

Razzmatazz brilliant corner
You can play connect the dots with anything. "Tie Obama...
Ultramarine stag film
Pat Buchanan is a "legacy white nationalist"?
Ultramarine stag film
“More recently, he invited Charles Murray on his podcast. Th...
Confused Free-loading Location Legal Warrant
Under the guise of scientific objectivity, Harris has presen...
Ultramarine stag film
lol at this
Carmine Azn
Copper passionate pozpig gay wizard
No chance even the writer buys this horseshit
aromatic sickened goyim address
The explanation of neoreaction is not very good.
Ultramarine stag film
“...a popular YouTuber who began his broadcasts from his fat...
Confused Free-loading Location Legal Warrant

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: April 21st, 2018 10:12 PM
Author: Razzmatazz brilliant corner


LOL @ SPLC but it's thorough and not bad


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Date: April 21st, 2018 10:27 PM
Author: Ultramarine stag film

You can play connect the dots with anything. "Tie Obama to Mao for me!"


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Date: April 21st, 2018 10:28 PM
Author: Ultramarine stag film

Pat Buchanan is a "legacy white nationalist"?


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Date: April 21st, 2018 10:27 PM
Author: Confused Free-loading Location Legal Warrant

“More recently, he invited Charles Murray on his podcast. Their conversation centered on an idea that lies far outside of scientific consensus: that racial differences in IQ scores are genetically based. Though mainstream behavioral scientists have demonstrated that intelligence is less significantly affected by genetics than environment (demonstrated by research that shows the IQ gap between black and white Americans is closing, and that the average American IQ has risen dramatically since the mid-twentieth century), Harris still dismissed any criticism of Murray’s work as “politically correct moral panic.””

This is the most kikish thing ever written.


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Date: April 21st, 2018 10:29 PM
Author: Ultramarine stag film

Under the guise of scientific objectivity, Harris has presented deeply flawed data to perpetuate fear of Muslims and to argue that black people are genetically inferior to whites.

Deeply flawed? More like on the verge of being proven rock-solid, indisputably correct...


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Date: April 21st, 2018 10:36 PM
Author: Carmine Azn

lol at this


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Date: April 21st, 2018 10:41 PM
Author: Copper passionate pozpig gay wizard



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Date: April 22nd, 2018 1:13 AM
Author: aromatic sickened goyim address

No chance even the writer buys this horseshit


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Date: April 21st, 2018 10:32 PM
Author: Ultramarine stag film

The explanation of neoreaction is not very good.


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Date: April 21st, 2018 10:32 PM
Author: Confused Free-loading Location Legal Warrant

“...a popular YouTuber who began his broadcasts from his father’s basement in Linlithgow, Scotland, in 2013.”

