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How Britain sold Trump on aid to Ukraine - link

It's just like I poasted before- the extent to which Trump c...
Confused alpha piazza
Why doesn’t he just negotiate a peace deal as a candid...
fiercely-loyal meetinghouse
Zelensky would never insult and anger Biden by participating...
Confused alpha piazza
Biden would probably just get the DOJ to charge him with mor...
nubile range
cuz there’s no deal possible without Ukraine having a ...
bearded base
He used that line about a year ago and hasn't repeated it si...
Confused alpha piazza
the unpopularity is why he hasn’t harped on it repeate...
bearded base
The timing of the war is working out perfectly for Trump. I ...
Confused alpha piazza
no, you’re reading this very wrong. these are Slavs af...
bearded base
Trump would basically write Zelensky a blank check if Zelens...
Charismatic doctorate lodge

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Date: May 13th, 2024 3:45 PM
Author: Confused alpha piazza

It's just like I poasted before- the extent to which Trump cares about this country over that country or this person over that person is absolutely dwarfed by the extent to which he cares about himself.

And he's gone on the record as saying he's gonna make the deal that ends the war, and his ego wants that more than he would like to see Russia win. So Britain appealed to his ego and self-interest and won him over:


British officials also credit Cameron’s visit to Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s Florida home, for helping him to look differently at the issue. Cameron’s initial approach, hectoring Republican congressmen that they had a duty to help defend Europe, was received badly. But Whitehall officials say that when the foreign secretary spoke to Trump he changed tack, making an argument about what would be best for him if he became president again.

“What would be best for Trump, essentially, would be for the Ukrainians to be able to hold their front line,” a senior source said.

“In order to do that, they needed more money for weapons. If Trump was to win in January, would Trump rather have Putin marching on Kyiv because the Ukrainians had collapsed? Or keep the Ukrainians in the fight so that if he does win in January, he inherits a stalemate.”

Cameron’s message was simple: “What are the best conditions in which you as president can make a deal in January? It’s both sides holding their lines and paying a price for that.” Trump is understood to have responded: “No one has set that out for me in these terms. And I’m glad we had the conversation.”

Shortly afterwards, Trump tweeted that Europe needed to do more, but he also said: “We all want a secure and strong Ukraine,” which was taken as a green light by Republican congressmen to support the aid package.

A British source familiar with some of the behind-the-scenes conversations added that another message has been delivered to Trump by others: “We think there is mileage in presenting a set of circumstances where Trump gets to say he has been the diplomatic and military genius who brought this war to an end. That’s a big ego point for him and he would love to say that.

“On the flip side, we also think we can present to Trump the case that if Russia is seen to have won the war decisively, it’s obviously a bad thing. If that happens on Trump’s watch, it’s going to cause him a load more problems with accusations about him being close to Putin. Trump won’t want America to look like it has wimped out and lost on Trump’s watch because that would bring forward threats from China.”


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Date: May 13th, 2024 3:47 PM
Author: fiercely-loyal meetinghouse

Why doesn’t he just negotiate a peace deal as a candidate? Why wait until he’s potus? Imagine the mileage he’d get.


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Date: May 13th, 2024 3:51 PM
Author: Confused alpha piazza

Zelensky would never insult and anger Biden by participating in something like that. Besides, Trump's whole leverage over Ukraine is either giving them more money or cutting off the money. After Congress passed the supplemental they will have money through Biden's lame duck months, and it's a safe bet that, if he loses, he will load Ukraine up on weapons from our stocks in his last few months.

That will start to run out about a year from now, so that's when President Trump would have leverage to force Ukraine to give up land. And honestly, that's the time frame when they are going to have to be publicly facing the fact that taking back the Donbas or Crimea is a pipe dream.


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Date: May 13th, 2024 3:53 PM
Author: nubile range

Biden would probably just get the DOJ to charge him with more shit if he did that. also you are a mentally retarded jewish pedophile.


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Date: May 13th, 2024 4:00 PM
Author: bearded base

cuz there’s no deal possible without Ukraine having a lot more leverage

unlike the OP and almost everything else written about what Trump allegedly has said, what he actually DID say was basically “I’m gonna make a deal and if Russia doesn’t agree then we are gonna send Ukraine more than they have ever received”


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Date: May 13th, 2024 4:08 PM
Author: Confused alpha piazza

He used that line about a year ago and hasn't repeated it since. Ukraine aid is more unpopular among the Republican base than it was when he said that.


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Date: May 13th, 2024 4:10 PM
Author: bearded base

the unpopularity is why he hasn’t harped on it repeatedly, but if he’s in the WH that’s a different story

and since he does want to be seen as the peacemaker, I think that line is still extremely relevant. not to mention because it’s literally the only policy option available apart from just giving up. Biden’s WH is already doing the middle ground option which is a disaster


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Date: May 13th, 2024 4:35 PM
Author: Confused alpha piazza

The timing of the war is working out perfectly for Trump. I think both sides will be exhausted, punch-drunk fighters by this time next year. Ukraine more so than Russia, but Russia is financing this war by burning through its savings and mortgaging its future. There's a point at which the money and credit to do that will become difficult to bear while under sanctions.

So I think Trump will be able to make a settlement, not so much because of his great negotiating skills as because it will be time for one.


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Date: May 13th, 2024 4:58 PM
Author: bearded base

no, you’re reading this very wrong. these are Slavs after all and what makes you exhausted isn’t relevant to them

if it’s still a stalled war and Trump gets in and sends a huge chunk of weapons and gear then that will at best be the beginning of the end (assuming russia doesn’t go full retard and go for nukes)


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Date: May 13th, 2024 4:04 PM
Author: Charismatic doctorate lodge

Trump would basically write Zelensky a blank check if Zelensky invested an hour a week into publicly complimenting Trump.
