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Mueller is now investigating Kushner's non-Russia foreign financing

Haunting Famous Landscape Painting Knife
Lmao this is getting ridiculous
Rose meetinghouse
See, Kushner, got preferential loans from China, because of ...
Haunting Famous Landscape Painting Knife
Who do you think leaked this story, and why? Its from Kushne...
shimmering fear-inspiring rehab puppy
shimmering fear-inspiring rehab puppy
17 indictments and four guilty pleas so far, trumpmos.
Motley Ivory Crackhouse Son Of Senegal
And the only ones dealing with Russia are for making tweets ...
Haunting Famous Landscape Painting Knife
Wrong. The Flynn, Manafort, Gates, and Papadoc indictments a...
Motley Ivory Crackhouse Son Of Senegal
But nothing to do with Trump or the election?
Haunting Famous Landscape Painting Knife
there's literally nothing about the Papadoc indictment that ...
Motley Ivory Crackhouse Son Of Senegal
Oh I missed have missed that. How does it tie into the Trump...
Haunting Famous Landscape Painting Knife
Dis is veddy veddy bad
Brindle Hell Sneaky Criminal
razzle-dazzle school

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 19th, 2018 4:19 PM
Author: Haunting Famous Landscape Painting Knife



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Date: February 19th, 2018 4:20 PM
Author: Rose meetinghouse

Lmao this is getting ridiculous


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Date: February 19th, 2018 4:21 PM
Author: Haunting Famous Landscape Painting Knife

See, Kushner, got preferential loans from China, because of the Russians, who rigged the election!


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Date: February 21st, 2018 4:53 PM
Author: shimmering fear-inspiring rehab puppy

Who do you think leaked this story, and why? Its from Kushner's camp. Mueller probably wants to know why he asked the Russian ambassador for a secure Russian operated SCIF to have conversations with Russian bankers, but Kushner didn't leak those inquiries. Odd case


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Date: February 21st, 2018 4:55 PM
Author: shimmering fear-inspiring rehab puppy


Federal investigators want to know if the Fifth Avenue building’s finances came up in a post-election meeting Kushner had with the head of Russia’s state-controlled development bank.

The Kushners have reason to look far afield. Even after selling big sections of 666 Fifth in 2011, they have increased their own vulnerability by borrowing more money for other deals, people close to the company say. After a refinancing, the deed to 666 Fifth sits in an escrow account, ready to be seized by lenders in a default, an action indicating their trust has grown thin. The mortgage will become even more of a burden after a scheduled jump in interest rates in December. Under some dire circumstances, guarantees in the refinancing agreement could even give lenders the ability to go after the family’s other assets—many of which are also underpinned by debt.

Federal investigators know that Kushner met with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in Trump Tower last December and later met with Sergey Gorkov, head of the Kremlin-controlled VEB bank in two meetings that he didn’t, at first, disclose publicly or on his application for his national-security clearance. After those meetings became public, Kushner and the White House said the contacts were made in his role as a Trump adviser and didn’t involve discussion of his family business. But VEB and a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin described the meetings quite differently, noted Adam Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. They said that Kushner was there in his capacity as head of his family’s real estate business. Investigators say they are studying those accounts with keen interest.

“I think it is part of a pattern of outreach to Russian financial interests, which are essentially Vladimir Putin and his oligarch circle, by Trump family members,” said Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, a Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee. “The financial dealings are important because we know that the Russian playbook is to engage and compromise foreign leaders.” He added, “Whether this meeting and contact are significant remains to be understood.”


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Date: February 19th, 2018 4:28 PM
Author: Motley Ivory Crackhouse Son Of Senegal

17 indictments and four guilty pleas so far, trumpmos.


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Date: February 19th, 2018 4:29 PM
Author: Haunting Famous Landscape Painting Knife

And the only ones dealing with Russia are for making tweets from twitter accounts with fewer followers than the 10th chick kicked off the Bachelor last season?


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Date: February 19th, 2018 4:33 PM
Author: Motley Ivory Crackhouse Son Of Senegal

Wrong. The Flynn, Manafort, Gates, and Papadoc indictments all deal with Russia.


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Date: February 19th, 2018 4:54 PM
Author: Haunting Famous Landscape Painting Knife

But nothing to do with Trump or the election?


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Date: February 19th, 2018 4:57 PM
Author: Motley Ivory Crackhouse Son Of Senegal

there's literally nothing about the Papadoc indictment that doesn't have to do with Trump or the election. Flynn indictment has to do with Trump but it occurred post election. The specific charges in the Manafort/Gates indictments seem to have mostly occurred before the campaign but the fact that they were charged by Mueller and not someone else suggests there more than an indirect connection to the Russia investigation.


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Date: February 19th, 2018 6:47 PM
Author: Haunting Famous Landscape Painting Knife

Oh I missed have missed that. How does it tie into the Trump campaign then?


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Date: February 19th, 2018 6:49 PM
Author: Brindle Hell Sneaky Criminal

Dis is veddy veddy bad


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Date: March 25th, 2019 11:47 AM
Author: razzle-dazzle school
