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ITT: HuffingtonPost comments about the terrorist attack in London

pearl insane background story milk
In 25 years of IRA bombings and attacks in London, no one se...
Pink stead
insanity, as if this occurs in a vacuum
Apoplectic judgmental menage
Debbie Willam Attacker was of Asian origin so of course rig...
pearl insane background story milk
Kevin Nivek Murphy · Owner-operator at Wolfram C...
pearl insane background story milk
Jonathan Hilts · Planetary Circumnavigator at Eart...
comical sepia dopamine station
pearly swashbuckling theater
these ppl live in an alternate reality
translucent arrogant trust fund turdskin
pearl insane background story milk
pearl insane background story milk
pearl insane background story milk
Anybody still think we can share a country with these psycho...
light glittery gunner
pearl insane background story milk

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Date: March 22nd, 2017 9:56 PM
Author: pearl insane background story milk


Devon Beaty

If the person is Muslim, Trump will get his twitter fingers out ASAP. If the person is a radical conservative, you won't hear a peep. The correct and Presidential way to handle this situation is for Trump to condemn all political violence, whether it be religious, right-wing or left-wing.

Mike Riley ·

Los Angeles, California

Earlier this year The President launched a raid in Yemen that got 23 civilians killed including a little girl. There was no hashtag, no Pray For Yemen, nobody cared!!

Jonathan Hilts ·

Planetary Circumnavigator at Earth

In 25 years of IRA bombings and attacks in London, no one seriously talked about restricting Roman Catholicism, but watch (if this turns out to be loosely associated with ISIS) as people use this as a pretext to restricting Muslims, who are just as dismayed by things like this.

Lori Quick ·

The University of San Francisco

I don't want to minimize this incident. Having said that, why is it that when 80 or 90 innocent people get blown to smithereens in a place like Iraq or Syrian or Pakistan, the news media spends about 1 minute on it, yet when 10 or 12 people get killed in England, every news channel is on it 24 hours a day? Is it any wonder that many Muslims view us with such distrust?

Rob Samarati ·

Hard Knocks University

Soon as the weather gets nice the nut cases become more active. The world is less safe b/c of bad decisions by US republicans and theocratic conservatives worldwide.

Andre Caesar Anderson

On 20 Mar 2017, a car bomb exploded in Baghdad killing 23 Humans. Not a word was spoken on any network, nor were there blaring headlines of "CATASTRPOHIC INJURIES!"

Just saying.

Gina Laster ·

Works at Self-Employed

Keeping Britain in prayer. So sorry this has happened to you. Brussels, Paris, Nice, now Britain. But I hope that this will finally help people to understand that walling yourself off from the rest of the world won't stop terrorism. What might help would be to reexamine our activities abroad to find out why we're being targeted. There's nothing you can do about crazy people flipping out. But if the attacks are in response to something we're doing that's hurting or killing innocent civilians (like drone attacks), we either have to stop doing it or be prepared to accept collateral damage like this.

Kali Higgins

Herrs Bannon and Trump will do their best to bring about the end of the world. Their are both so paranoid and terrified that they will like all paranoics before them bring about exactly what they most fear. Instead of getting help for their own personal fears, they project them outward, onto the world. Thus creating and attracting what they fear! Send them into exile, and we can stop worrying.


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Date: March 19th, 2018 8:47 PM
Author: Pink stead

In 25 years of IRA bombings and attacks in London, no one seriously talked about restricting Roman Catholicism, but watch (if this turns out to be loosely associated with ISIS) as people use this as a pretext to restricting Muslims, who are just as dismayed by things like this.

Pretty sure Englishmen and Norsemen have been trying to keep the Irish micks from invading their homelands and to kick them out for like 200 years


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Date: March 19th, 2018 8:50 PM
Author: Apoplectic judgmental menage

insanity, as if this occurs in a vacuum


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Date: March 22nd, 2017 9:59 PM
Author: pearl insane background story milk

Debbie Willam

Attacker was of Asian origin so of course right wingers are having a field day with their hate but say nothing as their governments attack other nations killing hundreds of thousands of people.... You didn't hear of this attack in the link below which killed innocent, displaced people in Syria. How about we stop invading other nations, killing millions of people so we can stop creating angry people. Brown people angry because white countries keep invading and killing their people. Dont their lives matter?

Crystal Suarez ·

San Marcos, Texas

A lot of people jump to say ISIS with good reason, but I have yet to hear anyone say Putin. Aren't they both known killers. I know the Parliament and Putin as of recent were not on very pleasant terms.


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Date: March 22nd, 2017 10:08 PM
Author: pearl insane background story milk

Kevin Nivek Murphy ·

Owner-operator at Wolfram Creative LLC

Remember when white conservitives were always mute about Terrorist Attacks in the UK when the IRA was the main culprit? Funny how that flipped it around when they could point out brown people.

Beaureg Jack

In an average year, 110000 persons are victims of gun violence in the states every year, and more than 30000 of them die, but guess what, that's not a real problem because the crazies say it's not really a problem UNLESS the perp speaks in a foreign dialect. For some weird reason those are the only murders that count ... go figure


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Date: March 22nd, 2017 10:10 PM
Author: comical sepia dopamine station

Jonathan Hilts ·

Planetary Circumnavigator at Earth

Jonathan Hilts ·

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Jonathan Hilts ·

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Jonathan Hilts ·

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Jonathan Hilts ·

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Jonathan Hilts ·

Planetary Circumnavigator at Earth


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Date: March 22nd, 2017 10:10 PM
Author: pearly swashbuckling theater


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Date: March 22nd, 2017 10:11 PM
Author: translucent arrogant trust fund turdskin

these ppl live in an alternate reality


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Date: March 22nd, 2017 10:19 PM
Author: pearl insane background story milk


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Date: March 23rd, 2017 9:02 AM
Author: pearl insane background story milk


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Date: November 5th, 2017 12:57 PM
Author: pearl insane background story milk


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Date: November 5th, 2017 1:00 PM
Author: light glittery gunner

Anybody still think we can share a country with these psychos?


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Date: March 19th, 2018 8:44 PM
Author: pearl insane background story milk
