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reminder Transcendental Meditation will change your life

but you are too stubborn to even try it
wine stag film
i try to meditate and am driven up to waste my day by absolu...
Anal field goal in life
LJL. TM is a scam perpetrated on Boomers by a shortmo India...
Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse
disgusting business firm trump supporter
Is a gc scam or the real deal? Howard stern is a god damn lu...
Flirting harsh property
this is correct
Irradiated roommate
Breakdown or links plz
Flirting harsh property
my cousins are TMers it will change your life, but not ho...
Awkward regret masturbator
What does this mean lol
Flirting harsh property
(yogic hops autistically into nirvana)
Awkward regret masturbator
it means you will waste $ on TM-related shit, start eating b...
Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse
lol you don't have to go in that deep, just 20 minutes twice...
wine stag film
that's what MMY used to tell people back in the late 50s and...
Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse
You don't have to buy anything, the fundamentals remain the ...
wine stag film
And all this time I thought it was something George strait m...
Nofapping honey-headed forum
Just do meditation no need for TM branding
Rose Curious Meetinghouse Cuckoldry
TM is different in that you don't try to be "mindful&qu...
wine stag film
Meditation with a mantra, an object like breath, etc - you c...
Rose Curious Meetinghouse Cuckoldry
Mindfulness meditation does not involve clearing your head o...
aromatic principal's office antidepressant drug
I didn't mean to equate them. It seems there are three main ...
wine stag film
1 and 2 are the same. there are a lot of mindfulness teacher...
hyperactive iridescent main people
Correct. Mindfulness is mostly from the Buddhist tradition.
aromatic principal's office antidepressant drug
Ok fair enough though I swear there's a third one out there
wine stag film
why are you convinced that repeating a word over and over is...
hyperactive iridescent main people
It just works for me better than anything else
wine stag film
fair enough. Steve Jobs was supposedly into it
hyperactive iridescent main people
So it's the rosary.
Floppy Elastic Band National
meditation is the opposite of poasting
jade sickened private investor hall
That's how you know it's right
wine stag film
TM is a bunch of bullshit. However, the main difference bet...
Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse
You seem adamant about TM being bullshit. That's fine, but a...
wine stag film
You don't want to hang out with other roos. They're fucking...
Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse
You're saying if you could go back you wouldn't do it again?...
wine stag film
I didn't have much choice, as my parents were TM "gover...
Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse
Yeah I suspected as much, but as I mentioned the fundamental...
wine stag film
"the fundamentals are solid" LOL OK hoss *assi...
Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse
The whole point is to relieve you of stress, anxiety, to pro...
wine stag film
If it succeeds at it, fine. If it works for you, more power...
Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse
I think there is a cohort that desperately wants to belong s...
wine stag film
Catholic illuminative meditation been around for kinda long ...
Floppy Elastic Band National
i can’t meditate while my HODL app keeps flashing green and ...
Vermilion parlor

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: December 15th, 2017 7:27 PM
Author: wine stag film

but you are too stubborn to even try it


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Date: December 15th, 2017 7:30 PM
Author: Anal field goal in life

i try to meditate and am driven up to waste my day by absolute SHITTTThoughts


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Date: December 15th, 2017 8:22 PM
Author: Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse

LJL. TM is a scam perpetrated on Boomers by a shortmo Indian physicist.


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Date: December 16th, 2017 12:50 AM
Author: disgusting business firm trump supporter


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Date: December 16th, 2017 12:52 AM
Author: Flirting harsh property

Is a gc scam or the real deal? Howard stern is a god damn lunatic and he swears by it


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Date: December 16th, 2017 12:53 AM
Author: Irradiated roommate

this is correct


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Date: December 16th, 2017 12:53 AM
Author: Flirting harsh property

Breakdown or links plz


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Date: December 16th, 2017 12:55 AM
Author: Awkward regret masturbator

my cousins are TMers

it will change your life, but not how you think


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Date: December 16th, 2017 12:56 AM
Author: Flirting harsh property

What does this mean lol


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Date: December 16th, 2017 12:57 AM
Author: Awkward regret masturbator

(yogic hops autistically into nirvana)


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Date: December 16th, 2017 2:45 AM
Author: Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse

it means you will waste $ on TM-related shit, start eating bland vegetarian food and doing other quirky shit like sleeping with your head to the east or avoiding south entrances to buildings because "maharishi said so," and get tired twice a day when your body gets used to meditating in the mornings and evenings. if you're especially susceptible, you'll end up going nuts during a "rounding" course where you chain-meditate for hours on end in a "unstressing" ritual and spend thousands more on "sutra" courses devoted to teaching you a bunch of bullshit culminating in a phrase that is supposed to make you fly while sitting in the lotus position. you will happily ignore that none of this shit works as promised, because we are in the "kali yuga" and at the lowest point of "support of nature." actually, this is slightly untrue; according to the reesh himself, the low point was 1969. we're back on the upswing, but barely. you may even sing the happy birthday song differently, replacing the penultimate line with "happy birthday, happy GC" which references one of the levels of consciousness, akin to "thetan levels," that you can attain through careful practice of TM, the sutras, and the various "sthapatya veda" lifestyle changes you are expected to make, as well as through the purchase of "yagya" chanting ceremonies. nobody you see will actually gain these levels, which have expanded in number as the years have gone by and the spiritual regeneration movement, as the TM organization is called, has expanded its product offering. you will also notice that your fellow roos are sickly and unhappy compared to normies.

good luck. happy GC.


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Date: December 16th, 2017 9:54 AM
Author: wine stag film

lol you don't have to go in that deep, just 20 minutes twice a day in the privacy of your home is enough


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Date: December 16th, 2017 11:31 AM
Author: Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse

that's what MMY used to tell people back in the late 50s and early 60s. then he kept adding revenue-generation products to the required list.


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Date: December 21st, 2017 1:42 PM
Author: wine stag film

You don't have to buy anything, the fundamentals remain the same.


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Date: December 16th, 2017 11:32 AM
Author: Nofapping honey-headed forum

And all this time I thought it was something George strait made up.


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Date: December 21st, 2017 1:42 PM
Author: Rose Curious Meetinghouse Cuckoldry

Just do meditation no need for TM branding


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Date: December 21st, 2017 1:44 PM
Author: wine stag film

TM is different in that you don't try to be "mindful" or clear your head of thought. You silently repeat a mantra and let the wellspring of consciousness flow naturally. It sounds lame on paper but it works.


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Date: December 21st, 2017 1:47 PM
Author: Rose Curious Meetinghouse Cuckoldry

Meditation with a mantra, an object like breath, etc - you can get free instruction in all of them, or sit with someone for a fee far less than you would pay for TM branded stuff.


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Date: December 21st, 2017 1:55 PM
Author: aromatic principal's office antidepressant drug

Mindfulness meditation does not involve clearing your head of thought. You focus on an object like breath or body and watch thoughts come and go.


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Date: December 21st, 2017 1:57 PM
Author: wine stag film

I didn't mean to equate them. It seems there are three main "forms" of meditation:

1) mindfulness

2) the Buddhist tradition of seeking tranquility by clearing your mind

3) TM


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Date: December 21st, 2017 1:58 PM
Author: hyperactive iridescent main people

1 and 2 are the same. there are a lot of mindfulness teachers with different styles and a lot of them are Buddhist


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Date: December 21st, 2017 2:03 PM
Author: aromatic principal's office antidepressant drug

Correct. Mindfulness is mostly from the Buddhist tradition.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 21st, 2017 2:04 PM
Author: wine stag film

Ok fair enough though I swear there's a third one out there


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Date: December 21st, 2017 1:56 PM
Author: hyperactive iridescent main people

why are you convinced that repeating a word over and over is better than sitting there silently and paying attention to your breathing?


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Date: December 21st, 2017 1:58 PM
Author: wine stag film

It just works for me better than anything else


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Date: December 21st, 2017 1:59 PM
Author: hyperactive iridescent main people

fair enough. Steve Jobs was supposedly into it


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Date: December 21st, 2017 7:39 PM
Author: Floppy Elastic Band National

So it's the rosary.


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Date: December 21st, 2017 2:10 PM
Author: jade sickened private investor hall

meditation is the opposite of poasting


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Date: December 21st, 2017 7:05 PM
Author: wine stag film

That's how you know it's right


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Date: December 21st, 2017 7:27 PM
Author: Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse

TM is a bunch of bullshit. However, the main difference between it and other forms of meditation is that TM discourages concentration on your mantra and instead teaches you to let the mantra come to you naturally. As your TM teacher will instruct you during the puja ceremony in which you get your mantra and get your meditation checked, "we take it as it comes." This is part of a yes-ladder script written by Maharishi. Your "secret mantra," by the way, is the same for everybody in your age group at the time of "initiation," or learning to meditate. There's nothing secret, sacred, or unique about it. You can achieve the same results by sitting quietly and allowing any repetitive sound to come to the fringes of your consciousness, including "HEH" or "STIM."

The idea behind the "sutras" is also LOL. These, which include "yogic flying," claim to manifest physical changes by thought. You accomplish this first by meditating to "transcend" regular consciousness, just like diving deep into water puts you in a place of quiet beneath the turbulence and tribulations of the surface chop. From there, you put the sutra into your consciousness, with the idea that the deep, tiny ripple it causes will grow in strength as it regains the surface level of being - again, like the small ripple deep below the surface becomes a large wave upon breaching it. I note that Maharishi did not think this analogy through well, as energy decays rapidly in water - much as the "powerful" flying sutra decays simply to skinnyfat meditators comically hopping around in a seated position.

This is "yogic flying." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlw8CxTkyxA

This is not to say that creating physical manifestations through meditation-like techniques are impossible. You can change your susceptibility to heat and cold - another promised effect of one of the sutras - by proper breathing techniques, like the Wim Hof method. You can change your heart rate and oxygenation the same way, and by tricking your body into entering the mammalian dive reflex. These are generally physical reactions to triggered physiological changes, however, and not "manifestations of transcendental thought" or other such nonsense.


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Date: December 21st, 2017 7:29 PM
Author: wine stag film

You seem adamant about TM being bullshit. That's fine, but as long as I'm alive I have to buy in to SOME form of bullshit. So TM is my slice of bullshit. I think I'm gonna start taking courses in NYC, might even be a good way to socialize so I can get myself into more bullshit.


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Date: December 21st, 2017 7:33 PM
Author: Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse

You don't want to hang out with other roos. They're fucking nuts.

And no, you don't need to buy into some form of bullshit. Just live your life, treat other people well, eat good food, exercise, and be happy.

The yogic flying sutra is "relationship of body and akash; lightness of cotton fiber." I just saved you four days with Doug and Linda Birx and $5k. Have fun.


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Date: December 21st, 2017 7:35 PM
Author: wine stag film

You're saying if you could go back you wouldn't do it again? Do you still practice? What kind of people did you meet?


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Date: December 21st, 2017 7:39 PM
Author: Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse

I didn't have much choice, as my parents were TM "governors" long before I was born.

No, I don't still practice. Most of us second-generation TM kids don't.

The people you meet are hippie nutcases that actually believe bullshit like the "Maharishi Effect" works (if you get 1% of the world's population to practice TM or the square root of 1% to practice the sutras, you get world peace). Most are extremely unhealthy and look it, and wholly consumed by the New Age bullshit surrounding the movement. They're the type of people that buy healing crystals and ritual cleansing ceremonies.

My parents and their closest friends are far less nuts, but they're still conditioned to get tired and crabby twice a day if they don't meditate.


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Date: December 21st, 2017 7:43 PM
Author: wine stag film

Yeah I suspected as much, but as I mentioned the fundamentals are solid. People I respect seem to swear by it, Jerry Seinfeld, David Lynch. They aren't hippies or anything. Seems like you had an interesting childhood though lol


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Date: December 21st, 2017 7:46 PM
Author: Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse

"the fundamentals are solid" LOL OK hoss

*assigns you same sound as every other 10 year old*

*tells you it's your 'personal magical sound'*

*a solid fundamental is performed*


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Date: December 21st, 2017 7:51 PM
Author: wine stag film

The whole point is to relieve you of stress, anxiety, to provide an escape from existence. As long as it succeeds at that, mission accomplished. I understand your criticisms but you can punch holes in anything if you put your mind to it.


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Date: December 21st, 2017 7:55 PM
Author: Naked ruddy rigpig whorehouse

If it succeeds at it, fine. If it works for you, more power to you.

I've never seen such a stressed, anxious, and unhealthy population as a whole as I have with TM practitioners. They replaced their other anxieties with constant worry about "being on the program," which is to say complete adherence to the dictates of the TM lifestyle. The right clothes, diet, foods, housing, etc. Ignore all that and you'll be better off, but it still demands the question of why TM practice wasn't enough to rid its followers of that stress to begin with.


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Date: December 21st, 2017 7:57 PM
Author: wine stag film

I think there is a cohort that desperately wants to belong somewhere. That will never be me. I'm just trying to get through life. I have too much self-awareness to buy wholesale into some movement like the people you are describing. I just need an outlet.


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Date: December 21st, 2017 7:39 PM
Author: Floppy Elastic Band National

Catholic illuminative meditation been around for kinda long time. Hth.


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Date: December 21st, 2017 7:40 PM
Author: Vermilion parlor

i can’t meditate while my HODL app keeps flashing green and red
