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"Flynn was railroaded" forcememe is hilariously unhelpful to him

Grizzly Cracking Death Wish Twinkling Uncleanness
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I wonder why he didn’t withdraw his plea when the judg...
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Date: May 13th, 2018 10:45 AM
Author: Grizzly Cracking Death Wish Twinkling Uncleanness


Lol at these idiots thinking they are helping him by trying to unwind the sweetest plea/cooperation agreement in the history of criminal law. Lol at the notion that this traitor’s only exposure is for false statements when he’s selling his homes to pay his legal bills. A false statements case doesn’t take millions of dollars to defend and doesn’t require a year of Covington & Burling invoices; that Skadden shithead has already begun serving his sentence for the same crime and he was indicted after General Misha. This scumbag’s case is still ongoing because he is trying to work off treason charges and avoid life in Leavenworth. Lol at unwinding his deal


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Date: May 22nd, 2018 3:21 AM
Author: Grizzly Cracking Death Wish Twinkling Uncleanness


Friends and family of former national security adviser Michael Flynn are waging a campaign to try to exonerate the retired lieutenant general — and, possibly, land him a presidential pardon.

The push comes as Flynn himself — who in December pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak — is also trying to rehabilitate his public image, including appearing with a long-shot Republican House candidate, delivering a private foreign policy speech in Manhattan and writing the foreword to a friend’s self-published manifesto supporting President Trump.

But the effort, largely based on social media, has at times put Flynn’s advocates, and occasionally Flynn, at odds with his own legal team, which believes that any public attention to Flynn’s case is not helpful as he awaits sentencing. It has counseled that he and his family should remain quiet.

In December, for instance, one of Flynn’s brothers, Joseph Flynn, posted a tweet urging the president to pardon his former adviser. “About time you pardoned General Flynn who has taken the biggest fall for all of you given the illegitimacy of this confessed crime in the wake of all this corruption,” he wrote.

But the missive raised concerns among Flynn’s legal team at Covington & Burling — where Flynn’s lawyer, Robert Kelner works — and shortly thereafter Joseph Flynn deleted the tweet and replaced it with a more respectful plea on his brother’s behalf.

Flynn was also approached, at one point, with a lucrative offer to write a book, but he declined after discussing the idea with his legal team.

Kelner, who declined to comment, has urged Flynn to keep a low profile and to not speak about the case, a Flynn confidant said, with the goal of avoiding a prison sentence and placating special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.

While the defense of the retired general started on the fringes of the president’s support network, the Flynn exoneration movement has picked up steam in recent weeks. His advocates have seized on recent comments by former FBI director James B. Comey during his book tour that he doesn’t recall telling lawmakers that FBI agents did not think Flynn was lying intentionally when he was first interviewed about his conversation with Kislyak.

Their effort got a boost earlier this month when Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) took issue with Comey’s statement in a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, who is overseeing the Russia probe, and FBI Director Christopher A. Wray.

Grassley wrote that when Comey met with committee members on March 15, 2017, “Comey led us to believe during that briefing that the agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe he intentionally lied about his conversation with the Ambassador and that the Justice Department was unlikely to prosecute him for false statements made in that interview.”

“In the months since then,” Grassley added, “the Special Counsel obtained a guilty plea from Lt. General Flynn for that precise alleged conduct.”

The Wall Street Journal editorial board chimed in two days later, writing: “The question is whether special counsel Robert S. Mueller III pressured him to plead to a crime he didn’t commit.”

While Flynn’s supporters have focused on his guilty plea regarding lying to the FBI, the special counsel’s office made clear in a court filing at the time that he was also being investigated for other possible crimes before the deal was struck, including improperly lobbying for Turkey.

The White House has taken a mixed stance toward Flynn. Trump has expressed solidarity with him, both publicly and privately. In a tweet last month, his most recent to mention Flynn, he lamented his former adviser’s life being “totally destroyed.”

But at one point late last year, when it looked as though Flynn might accuse Trump or people close to the president of possible wrongdoing, the president’s own legal team readied an attack on his credibility. And many White House aides have privately expressed little sympathy for him, saying choosing Flynn for the top national security post was a mistake from the very beginning. The president, at times, has also called the general “very controversial,” according to a senior administration official.

Trump has not publicly ruled out pardoning Flynn. “I don’t want to talk about pardons for Michael Flynn yet,” the president told reporters in December. “We’ll see what happens.”

As the investigation heated up in 2017, John Dowd, who until recently was one of Trump’s personal lawyers, floated the idea of pardons to lawyers for both Flynn and Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager who Mueller indicted — calls that startled their respective counsels. Trump has also occasionally asked advisers in the West Wing about pardons.

One Trump confidant envisioned a scenario in which — if the president is vindicated by the result of Mueller’s probe — he might issue across-the-board pardons to all his former campaign aides entangled in the investigation’s tentacles.

Barry Bennett, a former Trump campaign aide, offered a similar analysis. “I think if the investigation turns up zero, there is a chance everyone gets pardoned, just to make a point,” he said.

Despite warnings from Flynn’s lawyers, some of his allies and family members have persisted. At one point, Mueller’s investigators warned Flynn’s lawyers that they planned to indict him and also could charge his son, Michael Flynn Jr. — and many believe Flynn’s decision to take a plea deal and cooperate with the probe was driven by his desire to protect his son.

Flynn Jr. has denied this was a motivation for his father and remains an active presence on social media, often sending missives defending the elder Flynn and questioning the Mueller team’s investigation.

“Is it not possible he just plead guilty because of the financial burden it created and is creating on our family??” Flynn Jr. wrote in one tweet.

In another, he both chastised the media and contradicted the White House’s official version of events — that Flynn was fired for misleading Pence — in writing that his father never lied. “W everything going on during the transition, isnt possible that it was a miscommunication btw 2 people that couldve been resolved w/o all the media hoopla?”he wrote.

Pasquale Scopelliti, a self-described business coach in Charlottesville who befriended Flynn during the 2016 campaign, is helping lead an effort on social media to clear Flynn’s name. Flynn wrote the foreword to an e-book, “The MAGA Manifesto,” being self-published by Scopelliti

Scopelliti is still pushing for a pardon but noted that Flynn’s brother, who was initially engaged in the idea, seems to have backed off the idea slightly.

“I think he realized it was maybe not the best option,” Scopelliti said. “I don’t believe the family takes a position on it now.”


Reply Favorite

Date: May 22nd, 2018 3:24 AM
Author: Sable cruel-hearted library

Do you ever sleep?


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Date: May 13th, 2018 10:53 AM
Author: exciting indian lodge

no one cares


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Date: May 13th, 2018 10:54 AM
Author: Comical ruddy voyeur incel

we elected trump, deal with it


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Date: May 13th, 2018 11:32 AM
Author: chest-beating tattoo hunting ground

Inspector Javert time-travels to 2018, sees Robert Mueller. "haha, wow, holy shit"


Reply Favorite

Date: May 16th, 2018 10:04 AM
Author: Beady-eyed Indecent Dopamine Hell


Reply Favorite

Date: May 31st, 2018 12:48 PM
Author: brindle stage


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Date: May 13th, 2018 11:42 AM
Author: Hateful jewess

You gotta go back


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Date: May 13th, 2018 11:45 AM
Author: bat-shit-crazy aromatic rehab

The goyim know



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Date: May 13th, 2018 11:50 AM
Author: Judgmental high-end national

The Star of David on the guy in the background seems unnecessary


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Date: May 13th, 2018 11:52 AM
Author: bat-shit-crazy aromatic rehab



Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2018 3:37 PM
Author: Grizzly Cracking Death Wish Twinkling Uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2018 11:48 AM
Author: Brass sick crackhouse



Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2018 12:17 PM
Author: Grizzly Cracking Death Wish Twinkling Uncleanness


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Date: May 13th, 2018 2:35 PM
Author: Grizzly Cracking Death Wish Twinkling Uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: May 13th, 2018 7:09 PM
Author: Grizzly Cracking Death Wish Twinkling Uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: May 16th, 2018 10:00 AM
Author: Grizzly Cracking Death Wish Twinkling Uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: May 22nd, 2018 8:03 AM
Author: Grizzly Cracking Death Wish Twinkling Uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: May 22nd, 2018 10:01 AM
Author: Grizzly Cracking Death Wish Twinkling Uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: May 22nd, 2018 10:23 AM
Author: jet-lagged roast beef

Choo choo!


Reply Favorite

Date: May 22nd, 2018 5:31 PM
Author: Grizzly Cracking Death Wish Twinkling Uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: May 22nd, 2018 5:33 PM
Author: Fragrant Mahogany Jew Mad-dog Skullcap

Always a pumo


Reply Favorite

Date: May 27th, 2018 7:38 PM
Author: Grizzly Cracking Death Wish Twinkling Uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: May 31st, 2018 12:47 PM
Author: Brass sick crackhouse


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Date: May 31st, 2018 11:15 PM
Author: Grizzly Cracking Death Wish Twinkling Uncleanness


Reply Favorite

Date: December 18th, 2018 12:24 PM
Author: Brass sick crackhouse


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Date: December 18th, 2018 12:37 PM
Author: Grizzly Cracking Death Wish Twinkling Uncleanness

I wonder why he didn’t withdraw his plea when the judge called his bluff today!


Reply Favorite

Date: December 18th, 2018 2:23 PM
Author: Grizzly Cracking Death Wish Twinkling Uncleanness



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Date: October 28th, 2019 9:08 PM
Author: Brass sick crackhouse


Reply Favorite

Date: October 28th, 2019 9:10 PM
Author: greedy abode cuck


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Date: May 22nd, 2020 12:54 AM
Author: well-lubricated menage persian

Goddamn WLMAS
