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Republicans really fucked up this election

All they had to do was recognize that Trump was unstoppable ...
gold chest-beating stage keepsake machete
Your post escalated quickly.
poppy soul-stirring cuckoldry theater stage
ultramarine metal native
They're now pushing to change the convention rules to Robert...
gold chest-beating stage keepsake machete
Tbf, the so called "liberal media" is walking hand...
odious idea he suggested parlour
Real talk: they're both the same thing
burgundy orchestra pit roast beef
Hard to think GOP POTUS politics won't be forever changed af...
burgundy orchestra pit roast beef
they fucked up by not recognizing and neutralizing the trump...
flushed vibrant school dingle berry
ultramarine metal native
This they thought he would go away but now they ass fuked
Shaky feces dilemma
They ass fuked but not for the reason you think.
gold chest-beating stage keepsake machete
u mad all Trump has to do is make a 60 second anti Hillary I...
burgundy orchestra pit roast beef
If I wanted to hear pablum I'd listen to CNN. Do you real...
gold chest-beating stage keepsake machete
of course he is very dumb
sienna idiotic clown stag film
he sucks gasoline through a hose and has a felony record, wh...
Swashbuckling shrine
There aren't enough white racists left in amerikkka for Trum...
Shaky feces dilemma
yeah dems will turnout in droves to vote for the iraq warmon...
Swashbuckling shrine
Lol u think that is even an issue when most dems think trump...
Shaky feces dilemma
no one thinks that except the upper 1% of mentally ill shits...
Swashbuckling shrine
This would be right if the Republicans weren't also hell-ben...
abusive concupiscible state
do you really think the only candidate with the same level o...
flushed vibrant school dingle berry
charismatic bright pit gaming laptop
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump Disloyal R's ...
Self-centered Principal's Office Stock Car

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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:16 AM
Author: gold chest-beating stage keepsake machete

All they had to do was recognize that Trump was unstoppable after South Carolina and acquiesce. But they have been fighting like guerillas over every inch of ground ceded and now everyone knows how awful a group of people they are. People used to laugh at what Pat Buchanan and Ross Perot said about Republican leadership. Now everyone knows they are absolute dirtbags who need to be hung in the sunlight and beaten till the dust stops coming off them.


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:18 AM
Author: poppy soul-stirring cuckoldry theater stage

Your post escalated quickly.


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:20 AM
Author: ultramarine metal native


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:21 AM
Author: gold chest-beating stage keepsake machete

They're now pushing to change the convention rules to Robert's rules so they can jettison rule 40(b) requiring first-ballot candidates to win a majority of delegates in 8 states. This rule was made to stop Ron Paul, and now it's helping Trump. So they have to get rid of it. They say it's in the name of transparency and simplicity, since the convention rules are arcane. But I'm sorry, you can't just change the rules when they aren't going your way and not piss everyone off. Their behavior this election has been inexcusable.


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:32 AM
Author: odious idea he suggested parlour

Tbf, the so called "liberal media" is walking hand in hand with the GOP establishment, carrying their water.


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:33 AM
Author: burgundy orchestra pit roast beef

Real talk: they're both the same thing


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:18 AM
Author: burgundy orchestra pit roast beef

Hard to think GOP POTUS politics won't be forever changed after this


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:20 AM
Author: flushed vibrant school dingle berry

they fucked up by not recognizing and neutralizing the trump threat as early as possible. now they're stuck with a supremely unpalatable candidate who will emerge from the primaries too battered to be remotely competitive against clinton.


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:21 AM
Author: ultramarine metal native



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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:22 AM
Author: Shaky feces dilemma

This they thought he would go away but now they ass fuked


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:25 AM
Author: gold chest-beating stage keepsake machete

They ass fuked but not for the reason you think.


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:23 AM
Author: burgundy orchestra pit roast beef

u mad all Trump has to do is make a 60 second anti Hillary Instagram video and it goes viral on all major networks 24/7?

*woof woof woof woof*


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:24 AM
Author: gold chest-beating stage keepsake machete

If I wanted to hear pablum I'd listen to CNN.

Do you really think that the Democratic party, which neutralized its popular insurgent, will defeat the Republican party, which has been captured by its popular insurgent, in a year when anti-establishment feeling runs high? Are you really that dumb?


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:25 AM
Author: sienna idiotic clown stag film

of course he is very dumb


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:26 AM
Author: Swashbuckling shrine

he sucks gasoline through a hose and has a felony record, whatchu think


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:26 AM
Author: Shaky feces dilemma

There aren't enough white racists left in amerikkka for Trump to ever win and trump has done more for dem turnout than anything every nig, Paco and Ching Chung will be voting in November


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:28 AM
Author: Swashbuckling shrine

yeah dems will turnout in droves to vote for the iraq warmonger running against the guy who proudly shat all over dubya's legacy and virtually ended the bush dynasty


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:30 AM
Author: Shaky feces dilemma

Lol u think that is even an issue when most dems think trump will nuke world and get US into endless wars cause he's a violent prone ego maniac


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:30 AM
Author: Swashbuckling shrine

no one thinks that except the upper 1% of mentally ill shits like you and benzo. thankfully neither of you can vote and no one takes you seriously irl


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:28 AM
Author: abusive concupiscible state

This would be right if the Republicans weren't also hell-bent on dividing themselves and alienating huge chunks of their voters however they possibly can.


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Date: March 17th, 2016 1:30 AM
Author: flushed vibrant school dingle berry

do you really think the only candidate with the same level of name recognition will recover from a 13 point deficit that doesn't even reflect the inevitable clinton machine onslaught? or that he'll build the requisite data, ground game, and get out the vote operations that are necessary to target voters? all of his success is a function of unearned media and the momentum he gained from early wins that were only possible because republicans squabbled with each other instead of focusing on defeating him.


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Date: January 19th, 2018 11:17 PM
Author: charismatic bright pit gaming laptop



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Date: January 19th, 2018 11:26 PM
Author: Self-centered Principal's Office Stock Car

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

Disloyal R's are far more difficult than Crooked Hillary. They come at you from all sides. They don’t know how to win - I will teach them!

9:48 AM - 11 Oct 2016
