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lol, MTV thrashes White Student Unions in LENGTHY SCREED

boyish center partner
A sad attempt at silencing the voices of students speaking o...
out-of-control very tactful bawdyhouse goyim
free speech is a privilege, not a right. america is not ...
soul-stirring lay cuckold
libs, pls explain
Arousing space
stopped reading at "A sad attempt at silencing the voic...
razzle-dazzle newt
MTV should shut the fuck up
deranged cruel-hearted hospital foreskin
MTV hasnt been relevant since the 90s
Honey-headed metal antidepressant drug
mtv has been NIGGER CENTRAL for more than a decade now. ...
soul-stirring lay cuckold
decided to have a sad? who writes like this? FUCK all shitli...
soul-stirring lay cuckold
flesh halford jewess
Was sure that was a typo
swollen brunch dragon
"have a sad"
flesh halford jewess
This is the same MTV that recently said black people can't b...
Sinister crotch
the white student union facebook pages are full of VDare art...
fragrant resort
You say that like it's a bad thing.
deranged cruel-hearted hospital foreskin
that will scare off 90% of people who land on the page
fragrant resort
so much the more reason not to cry about how they're "s...
exhilarant stag film mad-dog skullcap
who gives a shit? most people are retarded sheep who listen ...
razzle-dazzle newt
The 13th Amendmenf is a crime
erotic stain

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Date: November 22nd, 2015 6:18 PM
Author: boyish center partner


This ‘White Student Union’ Needs To Take Several Seats And Read A Book

A sad attempt at silencing the voices of students speaking out against racism.

by Rae Paoletta 11/20/2015

PSA: “reverse racism” isn’t a thing.

Most people seem to understand this, but the recently sprouted “White Student Union” at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) is evidence that there’s still a whole lot of work to do.

In the wake of ongoing protests on college campuses across the country, in which students have publicly gathered to challenge racism, a group of (presumably white) students decided to have a sad. Lots of other people want to have a sad too — the Facebook group of the “Illini White Student Union” currently has more than 1,800 likes, and reportedly asked others to “send in pictures you take of any black protesters on the quad so we know who anti-whites are.” Of course, there’s no shortage of garbage comments either:

The good news is that another group on campus is having none of the WSU’s “raciist bull shit.” Standing With Her, which describes itself as “stand[ing] with Black women to keep racist colleges and universities accountable,” wrote an open letter to their university condemning the White Student Union.

MTV News spoke via email to Pasha Trotter, lead Organizer of SWH and a doctoral candidate at the school’s department of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership.

“In addition to sharing a couple of sources ’devoted to fighting antiwhite racism,'” she said, “they went so far as to post a screenshot of a black woman UIUC student’s Facebook page, including her full name and profile picture, along with her Facebook post that speaks out against the now removed Illini White Student Union’s page.”

Trotter added, “We are deeply concerned by this threat to her life and other actions they plan to “organize against” the Black Lives Matter activists on campus whom they have labeled as ’antiwhite.’ Actions like Illini White Student Union are acts of surveillance and intimidation.”

The News Gazette reports that Rene Romano, the university’s vice chancellor for student affairs, called the page “offensive to [the] university community.”

“Posts and pages such as these stand in complete opposition to the values of mutual respect and community that define the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. While they may be protected exercises of free speech, they are offensive, divisive and stunningly narrow-minded expressions,” Romano said.

UIUC’s student-run paper, The Daily Illini, reports that campus UIUC spokeswoman Robin Kaler said the school won’t take further action against the people who created the White Student Union Facebook, if they are confirmed to be students. She apparently “cit[ed] the creator’s first amendment rights.” She will, however, “continue to work with Facebook to have the Illini White Student Union page removed from the site.

Although the Facebook was reportedly taken down at one point, it appeared to be live at press time.

Rae Paoletta = pig



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Date: November 22nd, 2015 6:54 PM
Author: out-of-control very tactful bawdyhouse goyim

A sad attempt at silencing the voices of students speaking out against racism.

A sad attempt at silencing the voices of students speaking out against racism.

A sad attempt at silencing the voices of students speaking out against racism.

She will, however, “continue to work with Facebook to have the Illini White Student Union page removed from the site."

She will, however, “continue to work with Facebook to have the Illini White Student Union page removed from the site."

She will, however, “continue to work with Facebook to have the Illini White Student Union page removed from the site."


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Date: November 22nd, 2015 7:12 PM
Author: soul-stirring lay cuckold

free speech is a privilege, not a right.

america is not a white nation.

muslims are peaceful bros that just want to live their lives and love each other.

there is a god that loves you.



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Date: November 22nd, 2015 7:47 PM
Author: Arousing space

libs, pls explain


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Date: November 22nd, 2015 8:24 PM
Author: razzle-dazzle newt

stopped reading at "A sad attempt at silencing the voices of students speaking out against racism."


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Date: November 22nd, 2015 6:19 PM
Author: deranged cruel-hearted hospital foreskin

MTV should shut the fuck up


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Date: November 22nd, 2015 8:15 PM
Author: Honey-headed metal antidepressant drug

MTV hasnt been relevant since the 90s


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Date: November 22nd, 2015 6:20 PM
Author: soul-stirring lay cuckold

mtv has been NIGGER CENTRAL for more than a decade now.

guess niggers are the source of hippness, so thats why. but niggers should be enjoyed like circus freaks, if you take them seriously you are done here.


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Date: November 22nd, 2015 6:21 PM
Author: soul-stirring lay cuckold

decided to have a sad? who writes like this? FUCK all shitlibs. fuck them all to death.


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Date: November 22nd, 2015 6:24 PM
Author: flesh halford jewess


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Date: November 22nd, 2015 6:44 PM
Author: swollen brunch dragon

Was sure that was a typo


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Date: November 22nd, 2015 6:24 PM
Author: flesh halford jewess

"have a sad"


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Date: November 22nd, 2015 7:11 PM
Author: Sinister crotch

This is the same MTV that recently said black people can't be racist.



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Date: November 22nd, 2015 7:17 PM
Author: fragrant resort

the white student union facebook pages are full of VDare articles. they literally use a VDare article to introduce themselves.


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Date: November 22nd, 2015 7:18 PM
Author: deranged cruel-hearted hospital foreskin

You say that like it's a bad thing.


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Date: November 22nd, 2015 8:04 PM
Author: fragrant resort

that will scare off 90% of people who land on the page


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Date: November 22nd, 2015 8:06 PM
Author: exhilarant stag film mad-dog skullcap

so much the more reason not to cry about how they're "silencing" anyone when nobody is going to be swayed anyway


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Date: November 22nd, 2015 8:24 PM
Author: razzle-dazzle newt

who gives a shit? most people are retarded sheep who listen to the likes of the nyslimes


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Date: November 22nd, 2015 11:27 PM
Author: erotic stain

The 13th Amendmenf is a crime
