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Criteria for being a Real Man

So, you want to bring up the real man thing again? Ok. Cr...
vivacious garnet address national security agency
0 for 4. well done.
Low-t windowlicker cruise ship
Nah, just At least 6'2" At least 200 lbs At least ...
Histrionic cream lay
6'3" 230 Don't spin like rat
Rose corner
taking care of your dad's 2nd wife or being a journalist in ...
silver striped hyena
what about one of those ice crab fisher guys on the TV show?
duck-like blathering location
be perfectly willing to fight a stranger if they steal your ...
Slimy hyperventilating space
black startled hospital tank
vivacious garnet address national security agency
Avocado titillating locale scourge upon the earth
Scarlet cerebral queen of the night
pea-brained senate
magenta rough-skinned stock car
do you have to be all 4 or just one of the 4? I qualify unde...
insane mildly autistic messiness juggernaut
Not coming up with lists of criteria on the internet for wha...
Lake nighttime police squad
glittery foreskin dopamine
painfully bad
vivacious garnet address national security agency
glittery foreskin dopamine
one of the worst articles ever
abnormal stag film
Xoxo Hemingway
Blue hell sex offender
Suck cock
irate lascivious pit death wish
"You also do not have to procreate. You could be a fath...
Underhanded autistic house doctorate
vivacious garnet address national security agency
Pearly Philosopher-king
ITT: massive levels of assburgers
Hateful rebellious orchestra pit sneaky criminal
(reminder: this poaster was rejected by a Russian profession...
irate lascivious pit death wish
magenta rough-skinned stock car
what about ohp
self-centered doobsian lodge
He said 405
Concupiscible sanctuary
1. Complete a construction project in your house. Not some f...
Peach market
This is really prole
cracking tattoo
Only fucking faggots are born wealthy. Prove me wrong.
Peach market
magenta rough-skinned stock car
He's the oberprolenfuhrer and I say this as one of his most ...
Peach market
I deadlifted 365 literally the first time i deadlifted in my...
magenta rough-skinned stock car
sure you did
fragrant theatre ratface
if you have strong rows and squats, it is very easy to deadl...
magenta rough-skinned stock car
own a construction business
maize temple antidepressant drug
fighting diverse national
1. shove iPhone up your butt
motley maniacal heaven weed whacker
passionate salmon famous landscape painting
Sad thread on the whole
Impressive learning disabled institution
Slippery sexy ticket booth liquid oxygen
abusive sinister travel guidebook pozpig
instantly envisioned OP as a nasally Jew when I read that.
electric school
- has XY chromosomes - has penis *SJWs furious*
buff aromatic old irish cottage resort
This list is SPS. Here is a better one: 1. takes char...
Blue hell sex offender
18. Maybe a perfectly drafted discovery objection that was n...
Concupiscible sanctuary
idiotic list
insane mildly autistic messiness juggernaut
vivacious garnet address national security agency
1. lifts nude
twinkling kink-friendly private investor garrison
gooky and misguided OP good try though
Light Pontificating Menage Degenerate

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: April 17th, 2018 9:37 AM
Author: vivacious garnet address national security agency

So, you want to bring up the real man thing again? Ok.

Criteria for being a real man:

1) Military service

2) Primary caretaker for elderly or disabled person that's NOT your vocation -- so like a parent or other family member.

3) Worker in some way in a war zone -- construction, journalist, whatever.

4) Married, active father to 2-4 children. You must live in the same house with those children and the mother, and you must take care of them financially and emotionally. You can't be a BAD father and be a man. You also do not have to procreate. You could be a father to them by adoption or marriage (wife had kids from previous marriage for example). Need at least 2 to fully feel what it's like to be a father, and more than 4 just allows the kids to take care of themselves too much, so 2-4 kids is the range. Now, if you had 4 and then one moves out and you had a 5th, then I'd accept that.

Those are the main ways to be a man. I would consider others if you want to provide them.

A single guy though who never has children and works to support himself and his lifestyle and doesn't fall into any of the other criteria I spelled out isn't a real man in my opinion. To be a real man requires serious responsibility, and that isn't fully realized for most people unless they are a GOOD father to 2-4 children.


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Date: April 20th, 2018 2:10 AM
Author: Low-t windowlicker cruise ship

0 for 4. well done.


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Date: April 17th, 2018 9:41 AM
Author: Histrionic cream lay

Nah, just

At least 6'2"

At least 200 lbs

At least 8"


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Date: April 19th, 2018 8:57 PM
Author: Rose corner



Don't spin like rat


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Date: April 17th, 2018 9:43 AM
Author: silver striped hyena

taking care of your dad's 2nd wife or being a journalist in baghdad isn't the same as the other 2. did you mean all 4 at once?


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Date: April 17th, 2018 9:43 AM
Author: duck-like blathering location

what about one of those ice crab fisher guys on the TV show?


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Date: April 17th, 2018 9:47 AM
Author: Slimy hyperventilating space

be perfectly willing to fight a stranger if they steal your parking space


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Date: April 17th, 2018 9:49 AM
Author: black startled hospital tank


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Date: April 18th, 2018 9:39 AM
Author: vivacious garnet address national security agency


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Date: April 19th, 2018 8:47 PM
Author: Avocado titillating locale scourge upon the earth


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Date: April 19th, 2018 8:58 PM
Author: Scarlet cerebral queen of the night


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Date: April 19th, 2018 9:01 PM
Author: pea-brained senate


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Date: April 19th, 2018 9:29 PM
Author: magenta rough-skinned stock car


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Date: April 17th, 2018 9:47 AM
Author: insane mildly autistic messiness juggernaut

do you have to be all 4 or just one of the 4? I qualify under the latter but I'm a complete bitch


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Date: April 17th, 2018 9:52 AM
Author: Lake nighttime police squad

Not coming up with lists of criteria on the internet for what it takes to be a man. Lol at pussyboi op

And by your criteria trumps not a man? Ljl


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Date: April 18th, 2018 9:41 AM
Author: glittery foreskin dopamine


By Jeff Klima

Ernest Hemingway once famously said that in order for one to be a man, a guy had to do four things: 1.) Plant a tree 2.) Fight a bull 3.) Have a son 4.) Write a book. Now that sounds like a damn good list, and it does sound manly as hell, but it also sounds outdated as hell.

Whether Hemingway meant for the list to be taken literally or metaphorically doesn’t really matter because we, as a society, are fascinated with both making lists and attempting to live by them. Me especially. Currently my five favorite films are 1. Network 2. Point Break 3. Adaptation 4. The Blues Brothers 5. Jaws. Don’t expect that list to be the same next week though — I am constantly watching and re-watching films that find their way in and out of my heart. My five favorite books? Well that’s a whole other article. But I’ve been fascinated with Hemingway and his odd little checklist for quite some time.

The first rule, Plant a tree, if taken non-literally seems to contradict with the third rule: Have a son. And for that matter, in terms of metaphor, rule three and rule four are at odds. They all deal with the idea of spreading one’s seed and creating something that endures. The only stand-alone measure of Hemingway’s manhood was to fight a bull — to persevere in the face of danger. If one wanted to create the argument that Hemingway was speaking on a higher plane, then one would logically have to reason out instead the values that Hemingway was inferring. So naturally his list then becomes: 1.) Maintain the balance of the Earth 2.) Test your mettle 3.) Carry on your family name 4.) Do what you love. But you know what? That sounds like the least manly list ever. Step five should involve sipping a latte and getting your asshole bleached. And to that, I say, “No way, Hemingway!”

Taken literally, as it should be, the list, unfortunately, is almost as bad. All four things read like a quick checklist that Hemingway scribbled out right before he unloaded the round of buckshot through his parietal lobe. “Ugh ... ugh... shit, lets see ... I fought that bull one time— that was pretty badass. I’m an author, so I’ll put something about the manliness of book writing ... I’ve got three boys, so that’s a lock ... hmm... fuck it, plant a tree ... yeah, why not.” Do you believe that Hemingway made his list before he fought a bull? Neither do I (Incidentally if you said “yes” there, go to hell). One of his steps to manhood could just as easily have been 2. Jump a motorcycle over a shark tank. In this day and age, it’s probably a more achievable task and it seems equally as manly.

So if Hemingway’s list doesn’t really hold up in this day and age, how then is a boy like me able to become a man? Well, by God, I’ll do what any man-in-waiting worth his salt should do. I’ll make my own damn list.

First up, forget the son. Hell, I don’t want any kids, they’ll get in the way of my lying around naked ... and if they don’t, well they ought to ... that’s just weird. So rule three for me becomes instead: Eat a hamburger that wins you money. It doesn’t have to be the biggest; it’s just got to get you paid.

Now rule two is a good one, but too hard to accomplish without getting PETA on your ass, so out of necessity our litmus test for bravery becomes: Punch out a terrorist. I’m sure this would have been on Hemingway’s list if terrorists seemed as common a threat back in his day. Now, ideally, the terrorist would be trying to kill innocent people at the time you punch him out, but if it so happens your “terrorist” is a 46-year-old white guy wearing a Hawaiian shirt in a bar when you happen to be there, drunk ... well, this one is open to some interpretation.

Planting trees is so 1993 — this is the age of technology and big hamburgers. These days you want your rule number one to have some gusto! And so now we have: Rule 1. Destroy a car with a sledgehammer. Not bad, right?

And now for the last rule: Write a book. Well it just so happens that writing a book was manly then, and it’s manly now. In fact, it’s probably the manliest thing you could ever do (short of being a fighter pilot, but that’s a whole different ballgame). So rule 4 stays. If you don’t like it, well, lets just say that being a man isn’t for everybody.


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Date: April 18th, 2018 9:46 AM
Author: vivacious garnet address national security agency

painfully bad


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Date: April 18th, 2018 9:47 AM
Author: glittery foreskin dopamine



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Date: April 20th, 2018 10:37 PM
Author: abnormal stag film

one of the worst articles ever


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Date: April 20th, 2018 1:32 AM
Author: Blue hell sex offender

Xoxo Hemingway


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Date: April 18th, 2018 9:47 AM
Author: irate lascivious pit death wish

Suck cock


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Date: April 18th, 2018 9:48 AM
Author: Underhanded autistic house doctorate

"You also do not have to procreate. You could be a father to them by adoption or marriage (wife had kids from previous marriage for example)."

We're talking about being a man not an intellectual.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 8:33 PM
Author: vivacious garnet address national security agency


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 8:44 PM
Author: Pearly Philosopher-king



Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 8:45 PM
Author: Hateful rebellious orchestra pit sneaky criminal

ITT: massive levels of assburgers


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 8:46 PM
Author: irate lascivious pit death wish

(reminder: this poaster was rejected by a Russian professional whore)


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Date: April 19th, 2018 8:49 PM
Author: magenta rough-skinned stock car



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Date: April 20th, 2018 2:16 AM
Author: self-centered doobsian lodge

what about ohp


Reply Favorite

Date: April 20th, 2018 6:00 AM
Author: Concupiscible sanctuary

He said 405


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Date: April 19th, 2018 8:50 PM
Author: Peach market

1. Complete a construction project in your house. Not some faggot nailing up a shelf, something involving power tools and that will last the life of the structure. Frame a wall, run some power, plumb a new bathroom, etc.

2. Kill. It can be a person, an animal, or someone's dreams, but without knowing the feeling of taking a life, you can't live your own to the fullest.

3. Deadlift at least 3 plates - a surprising number of people can't do this, and it's far more useful in day to day life than benching 1.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 8:59 PM
Author: cracking tattoo

This is really prole


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 9:04 PM
Author: Peach market

Only fucking faggots are born wealthy. Prove me wrong.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 9:08 PM
Author: magenta rough-skinned stock car



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Date: April 19th, 2018 9:10 PM
Author: Peach market

He's the oberprolenfuhrer and I say this as one of his most loyal supporters. He's the blue collar billionaire by anyone's standards.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 9:00 PM
Author: magenta rough-skinned stock car

I deadlifted 365 literally the first time i deadlifted in my life (I had been doing squats and rows previously for 2 years)


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 9:25 PM
Author: fragrant theatre ratface

sure you did


Reply Favorite

Date: April 20th, 2018 10:26 PM
Author: magenta rough-skinned stock car

if you have strong rows and squats, it is very easy to deadlift, it is not a technical lift like the squat or bench


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 8:50 PM
Author: maize temple antidepressant drug

own a construction business


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 8:55 PM
Author: fighting diverse national



Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 9:01 PM
Author: motley maniacal heaven weed whacker

1. shove iPhone up your butt


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 9:01 PM
Author: passionate salmon famous landscape painting


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 9:02 PM
Author: Impressive learning disabled institution

Sad thread on the whole


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 9:27 PM
Author: Slippery sexy ticket booth liquid oxygen


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 9:27 PM
Author: abusive sinister travel guidebook pozpig


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 9:46 PM
Author: electric school

instantly envisioned OP as a nasally Jew when I read that.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 9:47 PM
Author: buff aromatic old irish cottage resort

- has XY chromosomes

- has penis

*SJWs furious*


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2018 11:15 PM
Author: Blue hell sex offender

This list is SPS.

Here is a better one:

1. takes charge and leads (doesn't have to be all the time but has to be a capability).

2. Loyal to his friends (of which he has several close ones that have lasted years).

3. In shape (doesn't have to be ripped but can't be fat)

4. Mastered his craft, whatever it may be.

5. Spends his time building something that will last longer than he will.

6. Contributes to society in some sort of way (e.g., not just about making bucks).

7. Has a sport in his life that he is good at. Competes a lot and enjoys it.

8. Drinks but in a controlled fashion.

9. Chest hair

10. Has a dog but not an over the top "bully breed" or some puny little hamster thing.

11. If he has a wife and/or kids, he is the rock.

12. Takes care of his elders.

13. Sticks up for the little guy.

14. Is passionate about something and spends time doing that thing well.

15. Tips well.

16. Well traveled but not showy.

17. Calm

18. Contributes something to this world that unequivocally would not have been there had he not lived. Maybe it's his children. Maybe a company. Maybe one wrought iron support beam placed perfectly in a 70 story building. Needs a legacy of some sort no mater how big or small.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 20th, 2018 6:04 AM
Author: Concupiscible sanctuary

18. Maybe a perfectly drafted discovery objection that was never propounded because the case settled, nearly stored on a server of closed files.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 20th, 2018 8:57 AM
Author: insane mildly autistic messiness juggernaut

idiotic list


Reply Favorite

Date: September 13th, 2018 10:54 AM
Author: vivacious garnet address national security agency


Reply Favorite

Date: April 20th, 2018 9:18 AM
Author: twinkling kink-friendly private investor garrison

1. lifts nude


Reply Favorite

Date: September 13th, 2018 10:55 AM
Author: Light Pontificating Menage Degenerate

gooky and misguided OP good try though
