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Check out this Quora Answer on Why People Hate Leslie Jones

buff big-titted cuckold nursing home
She's not wrong...
Cyan Stimulating Stead
I disagree with what she's saying and actually like Leslie J...
Startled Pearly Cruise Ship Karate
replace leslie jones with long duk dong and you have a uvt r...
Wild Sanctuary
PSA: Jones' skits on SNL invariably play to racist stereotyp...
filthy godawful point fanboi
aqua concupiscible base sneaky criminal

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Date: April 23rd, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: buff big-titted cuckold nursing home


I am a black woman and I hate her with a burning passion. I have zero sympathy for her and the racist attacks against her because she herself is a product of white racism. Whites in our history have both constructed and used theur media as a weapon to push negative stereotypes of black people for centuries in this nation with the aim of shaping biases against us or mocking us. The media has always been white people's playground when it comes to creating and enforcing racist stereotypes and using these stereotypes, showing them repetitively, to engrain certain images of POCS into the minds of the masses. These negative portrayals were constructed by whites and pushed repetitively to create the stereotype. Each stereotype, hand crafted and perpetuated by white media, which is the dominant media, was created with a racist purpose in mind and that was to use racist social engineering to get the masses to form biases against certain groups of people. There is a list of racist stereotypes through caricatures that whites have created in the past and pushed in media that were very effective in encouraging negative attitudes towards blacks. Caricatures have certain portrayals and personality designs. Where whites get to play unique characters in media, blacks and Asians ect. Are reduced to caricatures. Leslie is a new caricature all on her own that was created to attack black feminine beauty, and portray us as masculine and grotesque. I have bared witness to the new generation’s bias against black women and for the most part, people’s attitudes towards us are that of scorn. Leslie Jones isn't the first time white's tried to push this new generation stereotype to attack black women, she's just the perfect caricature to do so and that is her purpose. I've noticed in media, before the birth of the leslie jones stereotype, whites usually casting either fat or manly looking black women they've scraped off the bottom of the barrel to represent black women in media and begin to shape biases against us.

These stereotypes affect every aspect of how black women navigate this country, and people’s attitudes and interactions with us. The aim of leslie is to portray black women as manly, grotesque, and just over all unattractive. She's the perfect body for whites to use to push this stereotype and that's why we hate her, especially since she has no problem letting herself be used by whites in this manner to damage black women's image.

I'm typing on my phone and I have no patience to fix these errors, or go back and critique my writting.


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Date: April 23rd, 2017 12:02 PM
Author: Cyan Stimulating Stead

She's not wrong...


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Date: April 23rd, 2017 12:11 PM
Author: Startled Pearly Cruise Ship Karate

I disagree with what she's saying and actually like Leslie Jones. Leslie Jones is a black comic, who is funny in her own way, and kills with black crowds. She brings real diversity to SNL as opposed to that Sasheer Zamata girl, who is just a black, less funny white person. There is a long history of Hollywood propping up these non-threatening black comics and talking about how amazing they are, etc.

But she faces many of the same problems that Lena Dunham does. She's not that book smart, and she's not attractive. Yet the internet goes out of their way to talk about how amazing and beautiful she is. They get outraged when designers won't make dresses for her, etc. They've swept her up into their world and their causes and made her into a beautiful hero warrior figure, but she's really just a funny angry large black woman.

It's the equivalent of trying to make Chris Farley the sexiest man in the world and saying everyone needs to sit down and listen to his views on the crisis in Syria.


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Date: April 23rd, 2017 12:12 PM
Author: Wild Sanctuary

replace leslie jones with long duk dong and you have a uvt rant


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Date: April 23rd, 2017 12:59 PM
Author: filthy godawful point fanboi

PSA: Jones' skits on SNL invariably play to racist stereotypes of black women.


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Date: April 23rd, 2017 1:13 PM
Author: aqua concupiscible base sneaky criminal


she loves asian guys but complains they're not as romantic or chivalrous as white guys, which is definitely true.
