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NYT: Trump border policy already working, migrants turning around, going home

MAGA! For Migrant Families in Mexico, Threat of Separatio...
Gay heaven
“I had thought that if a mother like me had gone to the bord...
Gay heaven
Yeah and just "bad luck" you just happened to get ...
disgusting address
Oh shit, baby daddy getting angry. Better leave El Salvador,...
dead avocado locus hissy fit
no where else is safe between there and the US, by the way
Cream Bearded Office
buff area codepig
Kids probably weren’t his and the thug just realized that an...
judgmental ruddy depressive trailer park
how fucking far up in the ivory tower are these jews? how...
passionate feces stain
they don't. this is mostly just straight reporting
elite karate striped hyena
They're preaching to the choir: nobody reads the failing N.Y...
adventurous point incel
Change the story to a 21 year old white woman from WV with t...
Impressive Yarmulke
Gay heaven
libs don't actually care about any of these people. they jus...
frum fat ankles
buff area codepig
soggy buck-toothed masturbator
Really sad how evil they are tbh
French jet party of the first part trump supporter
chestnut ratface
how terrible and distressing! just imagine how "confuse...
histrionic salmon national
Lol at the guy at the end. "I can't go back to Hondura...
Gay heaven
what gets me is that these so-called investigative journalis...
histrionic salmon national
Gay heaven
swashbuckling metal circlehead theater
Disturbing Azure Rigor
"who gave only his first name, Alexander, out of fear t...
Impressive Yarmulke
So they openly intend to use their kids as a get out of jail...
Stimulating slap-happy tattoo
*puts Anne Frank in a cage*
big step-uncle's house
"A mother from El Salvador swiveled away from the fire ...
dead avocado locus hissy fit
economic migration
Blathering rebellious kitty cat queen of the night
"Going back was not an option, he said, and remaining i...
pontificating scarlet range newt
buff area codepig
Because it’s a shithole
French jet party of the first part trump supporter
And why did her father leave her in El Salvador?
Impressive Yarmulke
exhilarant emerald garrison really tough guy
Its like, if you stop making it easy to become an illegal in...
disgusting address
amazing how fast news spreads nowadays too!
free-loading maize spot
I'd been conflicted on this policy mainly because it seemed ...
up-to-no-good dragon forum
false flag Trumpmo NYT columnist
Garnet zombie-like market
LOLing hard at the top Times pick comment though "P...
histrionic salmon national
Gay heaven
Blathering rebellious kitty cat queen of the night
Floppy dysfunction parlour
Secession is the answer.
pontificating scarlet range newt
"They both are caring for future citizens of the US mor...
Well-lubricated Vigorous University
He's going to be.
Know-it-all orchid fanboi chapel
Again, why can't we just promote internal population growth?...
frum fat ankles
huge risk that many "internally" produced kids wil...
Garnet zombie-like market
i think it's probably feminism that's preventing them
frum fat ankles
passionate feces stain
Our dwindling population of 320million wont last!! We need ...
Dull 180 Gas Station Trust Fund
Gonna guess the author is female
French jet party of the first part trump supporter
going out on a limb, huh
pontificating scarlet range newt
America done here
Impressive Yarmulke
**slaps self in face**
Cream Bearded Office
btw, we totally don't want open boarders. that's just anoth...
lilac gaming laptop
Why wouldn't it be an effective deterrent? If before you co...
Gay heaven
I've noticed a lot of article in shitlib rags like NYT that ...
disgusting address
buff area codepig
Angry preventive strike
180 lol @ these fraud liar liberals claiming they arent j...
honey-headed dilemma psychic
"On Tuesday, Mr. García accompanied a group of C...
glittery space
Razzle-dazzle hominid lettuce
Would be hilarious to stick Mexico w all these immigrants, t...
glittery space
Razzle-dazzle hominid lettuce
The NYT printed this to rile up their side-- that Trump is s...
Dull 180 Gas Station Trust Fund
Razzle-dazzle hominid lettuce
"Why are you trying to get to the US? Are you fleeing t...
Angry preventive strike
buff area codepig
Does anybody know if families which are not applying for as...
Ruby piazza
Tripping native puppy
Wonderful goal in life weed whacker

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: June 20th, 2018 10:08 AM
Author: Gay heaven


For Migrant Families in Mexico, Threat of Separation Puts Plans in Doubt

TAPACHULA, Mexico — A mother from El Salvador swiveled away from the fire where she was toasting tortillas at a migrant shelter in southern Mexico. The woman, Lucía Carmen Flores Sánchez, had just learned on Tuesday about the Trump administration’s policy of separating children from their parents at the United States border.

“Oh,” she said, a look of surprise on her face.

Fleeing gang violence in her country, she had been traveling overland with her mother and her daughter, to reunite with her father in the northern Mexican state of Baja California. From there, she had hoped to find a way to cross into the United States with her daughter.

“Maybe better to stay in Baja California,” said Ms. Flores, 27, glancing at her daughter. “I’m not going to lose the only thing I’ve got.”

As word of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy, which calls for prosecuting everyone who crosses the border illegally, has traveled along the migrant trail that winds through Mexico and Central America, some are forging ahead, while others, like Ms. Flores, are reconsidering their plans to enter the United States. Still others are pausing their trips to see if the separation policy is reversed, or weighing the risks of an illegal crossing against the chances of success with an asylum petition.

And an increasing number, migrants’ advocates say, will heed the siren call of human smugglers, who will try to use the separation policy to sell their services, arguing that they are the migrants’ best hope for getting across the border and holding onto their children. The smugglers will even be able to increase their prices for the work as a result of the Trump administration’s policy, advocates predict.

“Any restrictive measure in terms of migration and refuge is going to favor the business of the transnational criminal networks,” said Ramón Márquez, director of La 72, a migrant shelter in Tenosique, Mexico.

The policy has stirred controversy in the United States, with lawmakers from both parties calling for its end in the face of defiance from the Trump administration. On Tuesday evening, Republican senators in Washington moved to try to defuse the crisis and find a way to end the policy.

Among the migrants bound for the United States, the policy has sowed confusion, as they struggled to make sense of what it means for the rest of their journeys.

The Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy, enacted last month amid a sharp increase in seizures along the southwestern border of the United States, has resulted in the separation of about 2,000 children from their parents in the past six weeks.


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The policy has set off a growing wave of outrage around the world, including at the United Nations.

Administration officials said the policy was intended to dissuade migrants — specifically families — from trying to cross the border unlawfully.

Until the announcement of the zero tolerance policy, and under previous administrations, adults traveling with their minor children were generally exempted from criminal prosecutions.

This was a well-known policy throughout Mexico and Central America, and was often part of the calculus for migrants: Those traveling with children knew that if they were detained and put into deportation proceedings, they would most likely be released quickly, sometimes with an ankle monitor, to await their day in court.

That was what Ms. Flores understood, until she learned Tuesday evening of the new approach. She had made it only as far as the Jesús El Buen Pastor del Pobre y el Migrante Shelter in Tapachula, just a few miles from Mexico’s border with Guatemala.

“I had thought that if a mother like me had gone to the border with a child, I’d be allowed to leave detention,” she said, still trying to get her head around the news she had just received.

“That was the mentality,” she said. “But hearing this, better not.”

Yolanda López, 21, was standing nearby. She, too, was hearing about the separations for the first time.

She said she had fled El Salvador with her two young children after their father, a gang member, violently threatened to take them away from her. L ike Ms. Flores, she was hoping to figure out how to cross into the United States.

But she found herself reconsidering.

“Maybe it’s best not to,” she said as she thought about her new circumstances. “What bad luck.”

Some Trump administration officials have said that the new policy is meant to deter people from entering the United States, while other administration figures have denied it vehemently. The administration has also said the policy was intended, in part, to stop criminals masquerading as parents from getting into the country more easily, even though only a tiny fraction of the total number of families apprehended at the southwestern border involve fraud.

Though the policy most directly affects families trying to cross the border unlawfully, it also appears to be having an impact on the broader population of migrants by contributing to what is for many a confusing swirl of recent immigration-related declarations and decisions by the Trump administration.

“They have implemented fear,” said Luis Rey García Villagrán, a migrants’ advocate in Tapachula, speaking about the Trump administration. “The situation has gotten worse.”

On Tuesday, Mr. García accompanied a group of Central American families to apply for letters of safe passage from the Mexican immigration authorities, which would enable them to travel freely to the northern border. There, the families planned to petition for asylum at an official port of entry.

But they were unsure whether the Trump administration’s border policy would apply to them, too.

One man spoke of a friend who had applied for asylum for herself and her daughter at a border crossing in Tijuana on Saturday, and they were allowed to remain together. But he also knew of a neighbor from El Salvador who was separated at an official border crossing from her two grandchildren; the children’s mother had been murdered by a gang.

Kirstjen Nielsen, the homeland security secretary, said this week that the authorities were not separating families “legitimately seeking asylum” at a port of entry.

To one man traveling with his young son, it seemed like different border crossings had different rules.

“These things make me think,” said the man, who only gave his last name, Hernández, out of fear of being located by the criminal gang in Honduras that had forced them to flee. “I’m not the kind of father who’s going to leave his kids.”

Among the confusing signals migrant families had recently picked up from the Trump administration was the decision last week by Attorney General Jeff Sessions that generally barred domestic and gang violence as grounds for asylum.

All the families gathered outside the immigration office with Mr. García, the migrants’ advocate, said they were fleeing gang violence, which has been a common basis for asylum petitions by Central Americans in recent years.

One of the men said that he, his wife and four children had fled Honduras because of violent extortion threats by a gang. They had heard about ruling by Mr. Sessions after arriving in Mexico. It was a dispiriting blow to their hope for American sanctuary, but it was not going to deter them, said the man, who gave only his first name, Alexander, out of fear the gang would track him down.

Going back was not an option, he said, and remaining in Mexico was not much better. That left the United States, Alexander said, even if nobody seemed to know what would happen to them at the border.

“I’m always going to try,” he said.



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Date: June 20th, 2018 10:09 AM
Author: Gay heaven

“I had thought that if a mother like me had gone to the border with a child, I’d be allowed to leave detention,” she said, still trying to get her head around the news she had just received.

“That was the mentality,” she said. “But hearing this, better not.”

Yolanda López, 21, was standing nearby. She, too, was hearing about the separations for the first time.

She said she had fled El Salvador with her two young children after their father, a gang member, violently threatened to take them away from her. L ike Ms. Flores, she was hoping to figure out how to cross into the United States.

But she found herself reconsidering.

“Maybe it’s best not to,” she said as she thought about her new circumstances. “What bad luck.”


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Date: June 20th, 2018 10:39 AM
Author: disgusting address

Yeah and just "bad luck" you just happened to get knocked up (x2) by a gang member. So random. Fuck why does the US need 75 IQ gang breeders?


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Date: June 20th, 2018 11:14 AM
Author: dead avocado locus hissy fit

Oh shit, baby daddy getting angry. Better leave El Salvador, cross through Guatemala and Mexico and try to sneak into the US.


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Date: June 20th, 2018 11:58 AM
Author: Cream Bearded Office

no where else is safe between there and the US, by the way


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Date: June 20th, 2018 12:08 PM
Author: buff area codepig


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Date: June 20th, 2018 1:56 PM
Author: judgmental ruddy depressive trailer park

Kids probably weren’t his and the thug just realized that and got pissed.


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Date: June 20th, 2018 11:08 AM
Author: passionate feces stain

how fucking far up in the ivory tower are these jews?

how can they possibly think that printing this is going to make americans more sympathetic to these people....?



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Date: June 20th, 2018 11:15 AM
Author: elite karate striped hyena

they don't. this is mostly just straight reporting


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Date: June 20th, 2018 12:56 PM
Author: adventurous point incel

They're preaching to the choir: nobody reads the failing N.Y. Times except true believers.


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Date: June 20th, 2018 11:22 AM
Author: Impressive Yarmulke

Change the story to a 21 year old white woman from WV with two kids by a meth head and libs would have a field day making fun of her


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:23 AM
Author: Gay heaven


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Date: June 20th, 2018 11:25 AM
Author: frum fat ankles

libs don't actually care about any of these people. they just want people with problems who will be taken care of by the government and thus will be future democratic voters.

if a woman from WV feels more attachment to her culture and to whites than to govt assistance that the dems want to give her, then she's basically dead to them and her problems are inconsequential


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Date: June 20th, 2018 12:08 PM
Author: buff area codepig


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Date: June 20th, 2018 1:59 PM
Author: soggy buck-toothed masturbator


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Date: June 20th, 2018 12:04 PM
Author: French jet party of the first part trump supporter

Really sad how evil they are tbh


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Date: June 20th, 2018 10:11 AM
Author: chestnut ratface


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Date: June 20th, 2018 10:20 AM
Author: histrionic salmon national

how terrible and distressing! just imagine how "confused" you'd be at this policy as a single mother with young children who had expected to be "caught and released" in the US with very little hassle.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 10:22 AM
Author: Gay heaven

Lol at the guy at the end. "I can't go back to Honduras because this evil gang wants to kill me and my whole family, but yeah, Mexico is just a shithole, so fuck staying here."


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 10:27 AM
Author: histrionic salmon national

what gets me is that these so-called investigative journalists just print these tales as tearjerkers with zero followup. like there's nothing suspicious about a dude who's supposedly worried about being tracked thousands of miles by gangs because they missed extorting him

are these journalists so racist/contemptuous of shithole countries that they think innocent families often get targeted for death there for no reason at all? do you think MAYBE some of these asylum seekers were bad hombres who tried to fuck over the wrong muchachos and had to get the heck out of dodge?


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:03 AM
Author: Gay heaven


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Date: June 20th, 2018 11:47 AM
Author: swashbuckling metal circlehead theater


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Date: June 21st, 2018 2:58 AM
Author: Disturbing Azure Rigor


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Date: June 20th, 2018 11:23 AM
Author: Impressive Yarmulke

"who gave only his first name, Alexander, out of fear the gang would track him down."

And what is stopping them from coming to America to track him down?


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 10:32 AM
Author: Stimulating slap-happy tattoo

So they openly intend to use their kids as a get out of jail card.

Libs are disgusting.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 12:07 PM
Author: big step-uncle's house

*puts Anne Frank in a cage*


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 10:35 AM
Author: dead avocado locus hissy fit

"A mother from El Salvador swiveled away from the fire where she was toasting tortillas at a migrant shelter in southern Mexico.

Fleeing gang violence in her country, she had been traveling overland with her mother and her daughter, to reunite with her father in the northern Mexican state of Baja California. From there, she had hoped to find a way to cross into the United States with her daughter."

A person from El Salvador in Mexico is not fleeing gang violence in her country. She's already fled it. She's now hoping to enter the U.S. because...?


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 10:41 AM
Author: Blathering rebellious kitty cat queen of the night

economic migration


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:20 AM
Author: pontificating scarlet range newt

"Going back was not an option, he said, and remaining in Mexico was not much better."

Why? Why can't she stay in Mexico?


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 12:09 PM
Author: buff area codepig



Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 12:54 PM
Author: French jet party of the first part trump supporter

Because it’s a shithole


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:25 AM
Author: Impressive Yarmulke

And why did her father leave her in El Salvador?


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 10:36 AM
Author: exhilarant emerald garrison really tough guy



Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 10:38 AM
Author: disgusting address

Its like, if you stop making it easy to become an illegal in the US, then illegals won't come!


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:04 AM
Author: free-loading maize spot

amazing how fast news spreads nowadays too!


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 10:41 AM
Author: up-to-no-good dragon forum

I'd been conflicted on this policy mainly because it seemed unlikely to act as an effective deterrent. Why would the NYT write this? Even the comments are full of vindicated Trumpmos.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 10:44 AM
Author: Garnet zombie-like market

false flag Trumpmo NYT columnist


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 10:45 AM
Author: histrionic salmon national

LOLing hard at the top Times pick comment though

"People who are concerned about human rights in the US should consider that there is no difference in humanity between a single mother from El Salvador in El Salvador and a single mother from Honduras in Chicago. They both deserve the same support from the government. They both are caring for future citizens of the US more likely than not. Central America is a major source of the future population of the United States and to the degree we neglect their welfare we are neglecting the future welfare of the USA."


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:05 AM
Author: Gay heaven



Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:09 AM
Author: Blathering rebellious kitty cat queen of the night


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:24 AM
Author: Floppy dysfunction parlour


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:09 AM
Author: pontificating scarlet range newt

Secession is the answer.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:10 AM
Author: Well-lubricated Vigorous University

"They both are caring for future citizens of the US more likely than not."

is he wrong?


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 12:31 PM
Author: Know-it-all orchid fanboi chapel

He's going to be.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:22 AM
Author: frum fat ankles

Again, why can't we just promote internal population growth? Provide incentives for people to have kids.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:31 AM
Author: Garnet zombie-like market

huge risk that many "internally" produced kids will be white


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:49 AM
Author: frum fat ankles

i think it's probably feminism that's preventing them


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:22 AM
Author: passionate feces stain



Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:24 AM
Author: Dull 180 Gas Station Trust Fund

Our dwindling population of 320million wont last!! We need new bodies in here asap or we'll turn into Japan!!


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:26 AM
Author: French jet party of the first part trump supporter

Gonna guess the author is female


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:30 AM
Author: pontificating scarlet range newt

going out on a limb, huh


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:29 AM
Author: Impressive Yarmulke

America done here


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 12:00 PM
Author: Cream Bearded Office

**slaps self in face**


Reply Favorite

Date: June 26th, 2018 10:04 AM
Author: lilac gaming laptop

btw, we totally don't want open boarders. that's just another crazy trump nazi conspiracy tale.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:07 AM
Author: Gay heaven

Why wouldn't it be an effective deterrent? If before you could just get into the US if you brought a kid with you, and now you can't, that seems pretty basic and effective.

I too am surprised that the NYT printed this though.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:18 AM
Author: disgusting address

I've noticed a lot of article in shitlib rags like NYT that seemingly argue against the case they're trying to make. Especially in "human interest" tearjerker stories where the supposed victim is largely at fault for their own misery. These people really live in a bubble and can't imagine other people reacting differently to the same story. I understand how dumb women will read this and see "this poor woman escaping her violent husband" but they can't fathom us seeing "dead-eyed mayan bringing her kids her who will grow up to be just like dad".


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 12:10 PM
Author: buff area codepig


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 12:11 PM
Author: Angry preventive strike


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 10:51 AM
Author: honey-headed dilemma psychic


lol @ these fraud liar liberals claiming they arent just economic migrants using their kids as get-out-of-jail-free human shields. Lock up libs!


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:14 AM
Author: glittery space

"On Tuesday, Mr. García accompanied a group of Central American families to apply for letters of safe passage from the Mexican immigration authorities, which would enable them to travel freely to the northern border. There, the families planned to petition for asylum at an official port of entry."

See how many people are given "letters of safe passage" once all these migrants decide to stay in Mexico.


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:29 AM
Author: Razzle-dazzle hominid lettuce


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:30 AM
Author: glittery space

Would be hilarious to stick Mexico w all these immigrants, then quickly put up a wall. Sorry, it's your problem now!


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:50 AM
Author: Razzle-dazzle hominid lettuce


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:26 AM
Author: Dull 180 Gas Station Trust Fund

The NYT printed this to rile up their side-- that Trump is successfully thwarting neoliberal plans for importing spenders and voters, in hopes that the 'resistance' escalates its response


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:31 AM
Author: Razzle-dazzle hominid lettuce


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 11:35 AM
Author: Angry preventive strike

"Why are you trying to get to the US? Are you fleeing the violence and gangs from your country?"

"Gangs, oh, yes there are many violent gangs in our country."

Maria Flores, who is fleeing gang violence in El Salvador...


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 12:11 PM
Author: buff area codepig


Reply Favorite

Date: June 20th, 2018 1:02 PM
Author: Ruby piazza

Does anybody know if families which are not applying for asylum or which do not pass the initial credible threat interview are still being released, or is expedited removal happening so quickly that there is no need to release the families and they are just deported it right away?


Reply Favorite

Date: June 26th, 2018 9:54 AM
Author: Tripping native puppy


Reply Favorite

Date: September 27th, 2018 10:03 AM
Author: Wonderful goal in life weed whacker
