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Jews: You realize your days are numbered, right?

By leading the charge to destroy Western Civilization from w...
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
"reign it in"
very tactful chapel selfie
Nothing like a hot take from Lawman8.
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
lol getting pwned by honiara isn't a good look
painfully honest motley immigrant
What is "Western Civilization" certain ideas? a ...
flirting dilemma
The Wiki definition looks pretty good, except for the Jewish...
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
Why are you trying to de-Judaize the foundation of western c...
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
TMF conclusively debunked your lies about Christianity here,...
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
I responded, and he neither could counter my arguments or co...
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
Christian here but I found the discussion in that thread rou...
Provocative corn cake
Cr, anti-semitism is his “safe space” and in a transparent a...
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
lol breh you've been gaped harder than any poster in xo hist...
Glassy Cracking New Version
You’re a fat, balding pumo
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
u are not a Christian
flirting dilemma
He’s (((Christian)) bro. You don’t need to believe in Jesus ...
vigorous mauve shrine windowlicker
I don't think any of his supporters are remotely Christian. ...
heady parlor
"he neither could counter my arguments or confront dire...
heady parlor
lol cr. this kike really hates white people http://autoadmi...
Glassy Cracking New Version
Wow, I’m soooooo shocked!!!
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
It stirred a lively debate, but nowhere did I imply or argue...
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
Glassy Cracking New Version
As you can see, deception runs right through the core of his...
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
Glassy Cracking New Version
Blah blah blah “and Bloodacre too!”
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
Nice reaction to being completely exposed. Hate white peo...
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
Glassy Cracking New Version
Those links are obviously tongue in cheek and the humor is i...
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
lol lawman check his posts ITT http://www.autoadmit.com/t...
Glassy Cracking New Version
I don’t think so. Bloodacre is just as fervent in spoutin...
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
Jews really need to begin self policing. Or the worst member...
Gold boyish dingle berry site
The other way to look at this is that if you accept all this...
heady parlor
tcr. My Jewish fiancee is very conservative and pro West/...
mildly autistic multi-colored filthpig jew
Exactly. Seems unlikely your kids will be Jewish either. S...
heady parlor
If they have a Jewish mom, they're considered Jewish whether...
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
Considered by who? They will not consider themselves Jewish...
heady parlor
By Jews/Judaism. But you prob wouldn't know this consider...
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
That doesn't really matter. Seriously.
heady parlor
But it's a true and undeniable fact that you can't get aroun...
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
You're being obtuse, as usual. Many people leave Judaism an...
heady parlor
"You're being obtuse, as usual. Many people leave Judai...
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
Again, no one cares about Jews or Judaism or what you think....
heady parlor
*dat* *cancel*
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
heady parlor
I mean my fiancee never went to Hebrew School or had a bat m...
mildly autistic multi-colored filthpig jew
Exactly. My point is just that for anyone that "gets i...
heady parlor
mildly autistic multi-colored filthpig jew
crusty cheese-eating set sneaky criminal
this is almost self-evident at this point. the jew has overp...
excitant degenerate
I’m seeing growing goyim awareness of the Jew in many corner...
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
ljl at you using Yiddish word for "Non-Jewish", ne...
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
define "jews"
Canary Swashbuckling Yarmulke
excitant degenerate
Hah, you need to read pensive. This is really very bad and d...
Provocative corn cake
I’m aware of your pensive flame: http://www.xoxohth.com/t...
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
You wish you were half as bright as pensive breh. Instead yo...
Provocative corn cake
I, for one, welcome our Jewish overlords whose days are numb...
very tactful chapel selfie
I’m unaware of any movement to call out Jews. I’m all for it...
Dashing area
We’re at least 50 years away
vigorous mauve shrine windowlicker
It’s not mainstream per se, but I’m seeing it on places like...
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
It’s hilarious how jews run 24/7 think pieces about “rising ...
vigorous mauve shrine windowlicker
Glassy Cracking New Version
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
Yeah the (((()))) meme of weirdo internet anti semites isnt ...
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
If you read my OP, you guys are painting yourselves into thi...
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
Oh ok thanks for clarifying.
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
You should consider it friendly advice ;)
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
Yeah I’ll consider it that way sure lawman.
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
History has a tendency of repeating itself.
vigorous mauve shrine windowlicker
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
Since the Jewish Supramicist poaster spurred me to type out ...
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
Lawman8, I want to print this poast out and frame it. 180.
Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter
My weakness is that I engage you in good faith. But this was...
Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier
Glassy Cracking New Version
glittery codepig
chartreuse nibblets voyeur
glittery codepig
Rule? Is that how you classify 8k years of Jewish history? ...
heady parlor

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 3:55 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier

By leading the charge to destroy Western Civilization from within, you’ve painted yourselves into a corner you won’t be able to get out of.

1. Jews have positioned Islam of all religions to be the dominant religion of the 21st century. As a country’s given Muslim population grows - led by Muslim migrants brought in due to Jewish interference - more and more Jews get attacked. After all, we all know how Muslims feel about Jews.

2. China is emerging as the dominant world economy of the 21st century. And the Chinese don’t give a fuck about Jews and generally aren’t as fooled by Jewish tricks as whites are.

3. By becoming more and more blatant with their contempt for white men, ((())) exists for very good reason, more and more goyim are waking up to Jewish Privilege and the Jewish contempt for white nations.

I guess something like this has played out in every country Jews have ever lived in, which is why they’ve been exiled from anywhere they’ve ever lived. The pattern seems to be that they entrench themselves in the institutions that power finance + culture, through a combination of merit and only favoring other Jews, and become well-off. But then they overplay their hands and their contempt for their host country becomes evident, leading to their expulsion. Don’t really see any alternative for what will happen within the next 20 years. If only you guys could just reign it in.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 5:11 PM
Author: very tactful chapel selfie

"reign it in"


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 5:12 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

Nothing like a hot take from Lawman8.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 2:19 PM
Author: painfully honest motley immigrant

lol getting pwned by honiara isn't a good look


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 3:58 PM
Author: flirting dilemma

What is "Western Civilization"

certain ideas? a people?

Define your terms.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 4:00 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier

The Wiki definition looks pretty good, except for the Jewish edit in the second to last sentence:

Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization, Occidental culture, the Western world, Western society, European civilization, or Christian civilization,[2] is a term used very broadly to refer to a heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems and specific artifacts and technologies that have some origin or association with Europe. The term also applies beyond Europe to countries and cultures whose histories are strongly connected to Europe by immigration, colonization, or influence. For example, Western culture includes countries in the Americas and Australasia, whose language and demographic ethnicity majorities are European.

Western culture is characterized by a host of artistic, philosophic, literary and legal themes and traditions; the heritage of Greek, Roman, Germanic, Celtic, Slavic and other ethnic and linguistic groups. Christianity including the Roman Catholic Church,[3][4][5] Protestantism[6][7] and the Orthodox Church,[8][9] has played a prominent role in the shaping of Western civilization since at least the 4th century[10][11][12][13][14] as did Judaism (particularly Hellenistic Judaism and Jewish Christianity).[15][16][17][18] Before the Cold War era, the traditional Western viewpoint identified Western civilization with the Western Christian (Catholic-Protestant) countries and culture.[19][20]



Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 4:18 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

Why are you trying to de-Judaize the foundation of western civ, when Judaism was the mother religion of Christianity and a synonym for western civ is "Judeo-Christian Civilization"?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 4:21 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier

TMF conclusively debunked your lies about Christianity here, in a legendary gaping:



Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 4:22 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

I responded, and he neither could counter my arguments or confront direct points, rather he'd go into different tangents and then claim retroactively he was addressing a different issue. This thread became a pointless endeavor, and he ended up agreeing with me on core issues he couldn't dispute while retaining only his opinions which are based on his personal feelings.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 4:34 PM
Author: Provocative corn cake

Christian here but I found the discussion in that thread rousing and not one sided in either direction. Lawman8 is quite clearly an antismite itt thats attempting to cover up his rehashing of myopic social theory with tryhardedness


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 4:53 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

Cr, anti-semitism is his “safe space” and in a transparent and desperate attempt to curry favor with internet strangers he resorts to ranting about Jews to distract from his done-here level gaping and pathetic “apology” that ensued.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 6:48 PM
Author: Glassy Cracking New Version

lol breh you've been gaped harder than any poster in xo history


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 6:56 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

You’re a fat, balding pumo


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 6:37 PM
Author: flirting dilemma

u are not a Christian


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 6:49 PM
Author: vigorous mauve shrine windowlicker

He’s (((Christian)) bro. You don’t need to believe in Jesus or the Bible to be (((Christian)))


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:55 PM
Author: heady parlor

I don't think any of his supporters are remotely Christian. They should at least put down the gefilte fish before trying to pretend they are.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:15 PM
Author: heady parlor

"he neither could counter my arguments or confront direct points"

At no point was this true.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 6:50 PM
Author: Glassy Cracking New Version

lol cr. this kike really hates white people



Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 6:52 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier

Wow, I’m soooooo shocked!!!


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 6:59 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

It stirred a lively debate, but nowhere did I imply or argue to “hate” the white working class. Wonder why you’d read it that way.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:03 PM
Author: Glassy Cracking New Version




Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:07 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier

As you can see, deception runs right through the core of his identity. Effortlessly lies like it’s nothing.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:10 PM
Author: Glassy Cracking New Version


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:18 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

Blah blah blah “and Bloodacre too!”


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:20 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier

Nice reaction to being completely exposed.

Hate white people? Little old me? Ignore those links, let me invoke Bloodacre! That’s responsive!


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:22 PM
Author: Glassy Cracking New Version


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:23 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

Those links are obviously tongue in cheek and the humor is in the reaction of the kind that’s occurring at this very moment.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:27 PM
Author: Glassy Cracking New Version

lol lawman check his posts ITT


is this guy antisemitic flame or what


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:31 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier

I don’t think so.

Bloodacre is just as fervent in spouting the notion that Jews have been exiled from everywhere they’ve ever lived due to the largest global anti-Semetic conspiracy in human history. Nothing at all to do with their behavior.

This may be some kind of survival mechanism we can’t explain.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:31 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter



Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 3:58 PM
Author: Gold boyish dingle berry site

Jews really need to begin self policing. Or the worst members of the group will take them all down.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 4:00 PM
Author: heady parlor

The other way to look at this is that if you accept all this you're probably not staying Jewish.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 12:00 PM
Author: mildly autistic multi-colored filthpig jew


My Jewish fiancee is very conservative and pro West/USA/Europe and she basically all but said she's tired of living around jews because her worldview is so different from them


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:18 PM
Author: heady parlor

Exactly. Seems unlikely your kids will be Jewish either. So in a few generations your family will just be normal and none will be Jewish. The people who stay are those that like that worldview.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:19 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

If they have a Jewish mom, they're considered Jewish whether they are practicing or not.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:41 PM
Author: heady parlor

Considered by who? They will not consider themselves Jewish, are unlikely to themselves marry Jews, etc. In the long term there will be zero Jewish identity there.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:42 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

By Jews/Judaism.

But you prob wouldn't know this considering the stunning lack of knowledge you've displayed in previous gape out threads.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:43 PM
Author: heady parlor

That doesn't really matter. Seriously.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:44 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

But it's a true and undeniable fact that you can't get around you squirmy dumb fuck. Additionally being conservative doesn't meaning not being Jewish. Mark Levin is definitely Jewish.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:51 PM
Author: heady parlor

You're being obtuse, as usual. Many people leave Judaism and no longer consider themselves Jewish and are accepted by others as being part of that group. This isn't a new phenomenon either. For example, politician Benjamin Disraeli in the 19th century.

His children aren't going to consider themselves Jewish. If they have ANY personal connection to Judaism, which is doubtful, it will be 100% gone by the next generation.

The ultimate catalyst for this is that Judaism has a strong culture and people who don't like it are going to bail. Simple as that. What Judaism considers anyone is totally irrelevant to a non-Jew. It would be like if somehow a Mormon came up to me and said "by the way, did you know you're actually a Mormon? Yeah, we have this rule that anyone who's parents ate holy biscuits is actually Mormon. Your parents did." I would just laugh and shrug and ignore it. In other words, while a group can decide who they will recognize as one of their own, they can't force that identity on an individual. It just isn't possible.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:59 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

"You're being obtuse, as usual. Many people leave Judaism and no longer consider themselves Jewish and are accepted by others as being part of that group."

It's amazing that you're so dumb you don't realize this is completely irrelevant to what Judaism itself says. You're basically a shitpoaster at this point.

"What Judaism considers anyone is totally irrelevant to a non-Jew."

What Judaism considers is relevant to Judaism and anyone born to Jewish parents or a Jewish mother, is considered Jewish whether they practice in any way or not at all. You are incredibly dense to not grasp this simple point.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 2:16 PM
Author: heady parlor

Again, no one cares about Jews or Judaism or what you think. In fact, throughout history the only question people have had is "wait, do we want to let these people live here and on what conditions?" Never has anyone non-Jewish asked "but what does JUDAISM think about this?"


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 2:17 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

*dat* *cancel*


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 2:17 PM
Author: heady parlor



Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:25 PM
Author: mildly autistic multi-colored filthpig jew

I mean my fiancee never went to Hebrew School or had a bat mitzvah or anything. she's not very jewish in that sense. part of what attracted me to her was her conservative/GOP values.

our kids will very likely be just normal whites -- and certainly once they have kids.

i've also began pointing out to her how often these liberal, anti-american pieces are written by jews or pushed by jews, and she's now totally redpilled on the issue. she said to me "cot damn my fucking people really need to get it together"


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:45 PM
Author: heady parlor

Exactly. My point is just that for anyone that "gets it" they're not staying in that little insular group. There is massive self-selection and a huge number of people that realize it is SPS marry out, convert out, and generally disassociate from the group.

The effect of that, though, is that if you see someone who doesn't choose to do that then it is highly likely that they buy quite a bit of the schtick.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:51 PM
Author: mildly autistic multi-colored filthpig jew


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 3:59 PM
Author: crusty cheese-eating set sneaky criminal


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 4:05 PM
Author: excitant degenerate

this is almost self-evident at this point. the jew has overplayed his hand in America. they have gotten away with too much, and they will not be able to reign it in as they have not been punished one bit for their transgressions. it would be like a heroin addict quitting cold turkey in the middle of a binge.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 4:15 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier

I’m seeing growing goyim awareness of the Jew in many corners.

It’s a shame they continually overplay their hands, and push for self-destructive ideas like the importation of millions of Muslims. I think their hatred for the majority culture (white) is too burning for them to control.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 4:16 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

ljl at you using Yiddish word for "Non-Jewish", never change Lawman8


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 4:18 PM
Author: Canary Swashbuckling Yarmulke

define "jews"


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 4:22 PM
Author: excitant degenerate



Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 4:22 PM
Author: Provocative corn cake

Hah, you need to read pensive. This is really very bad and dumb.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 4:38 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier

I’m aware of your pensive flame:



Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 4:41 PM
Author: Provocative corn cake

You wish you were half as bright as pensive breh. Instead you rail against Jews in a way that is neither theoretically novel nor empirical likely lmao


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 5:05 PM
Author: very tactful chapel selfie

I, for one, welcome our Jewish overlords whose days are numbered.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 6:44 PM
Author: Dashing area

I’m unaware of any movement to call out Jews. I’m all for it, but there is presently zero mainstream rhetoric.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 6:48 PM
Author: vigorous mauve shrine windowlicker

We’re at least 50 years away


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 6:54 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier

It’s not mainstream per se, but I’m seeing it on places like Reddit. This would have been unthinkable even 5 years ago.

Also, consider how widespread the ((())) meme got. That alone starts the process, and once you see the truth, you can’t unsee it.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 6:56 PM
Author: vigorous mauve shrine windowlicker

It’s hilarious how jews run 24/7 think pieces about “rising anti-semitism”, but when it’s pointed out that may be a reflection of their behavior the same observation is shouted down as absurd


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:03 PM
Author: Glassy Cracking New Version


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:09 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:01 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

Yeah the (((()))) meme of weirdo internet anti semites isnt enough, we should be ovened with Bloodacre and the rest of the Jews right ?


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:09 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier

If you read my OP, you guys are painting yourselves into this corner, and won’t have anyone to save you. I certainly wouldn’t be the one to throw you into the ovens.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:20 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

Oh ok thanks for clarifying.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:21 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier

You should consider it friendly advice ;)


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:22 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

Yeah I’ll consider it that way sure lawman.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 6:59 PM
Author: vigorous mauve shrine windowlicker

History has a tendency of repeating itself.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 7:06 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 8:19 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier

Since the Jewish Supramicist poaster spurred me to type out the meaning of International Jewry, I’m going to repaste it here. This is why Jews are painting themselves into a corner as described in my OP:

A short answer is that International Jewry is characterized by seething hatred for the majority culture in a given host society.

This hatred is manifested in many forms, such as advocating policies intended to undermine national sovereignty (i.e. open borders policies, and pushing the idea that national borders are obsolete), along with reflexively taking the side of the “victim” or “oppressed” in a given host society. The real reason behind siding with the “oppressed” is because this provides another avenue to attack the majority population.

There are a host of other policies associated with International Jewry, but that’s the big picture.

A second key component is exclusively helping Jews get into key positions. This has been referred to as Jewish Privilege, and it’s contributed to Jews being MASSIVELY overrepresented in top executive positions and ownership of areas like the media.

If you engage in either set of behaviors, you’d be considered as contributing to International Jewry. And this set of behaviors is engrained into Jewish DNA and has led to their expulsion from every society in which they’ve ever lived.

The way for Jews to avoid history from repeating itself is twofold. First, International Jewry needs to stop. Second, barring that, more moderate Jews should identify and speak out against Jewish Privilege.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 8:28 PM
Author: Crystalline internet-worthy gaming laptop faggot firefighter

Lawman8, I want to print this poast out and frame it. 180.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 8:32 PM
Author: Soul-stirring demanding sound barrier

My weakness is that I engage you in good faith. But this was a helpful exercise nonetheless.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 24th, 2018 8:34 PM
Author: Glassy Cracking New Version


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:01 PM
Author: glittery codepig


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:06 PM
Author: chartreuse nibblets voyeur


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 12:58 PM
Author: glittery codepig


Reply Favorite

Date: April 25th, 2018 1:56 PM
Author: heady parlor

Rule? Is that how you classify 8k years of Jewish history? lol
