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Why do realtors insist on writing up a fucking contract to make an offer?

Is this a regional thing? Every time we're interested in...
coral old irish cottage
Realtor is nothing everything is easy and if aren't a broker...
pearl cuckoldry therapy
Soggy Mahogany Macaca
this is very uncommon. even residential stuff is usually gon...
sickened lime personal credit line
rambunctious principal's office
It's regional. I think they do this in CA
irradiated spot
Because they’re smarter than you and have larger penis...
disturbing rehab ape
i've made offers on houses in 5 different markets and it's l...
bat-shit-crazy vivacious home goal in life
You have this completely backwards. If you want to see all t...
coral old irish cottage
a 90 iq realtor isnt going to include every fill in the blan...
bat-shit-crazy vivacious home goal in life
The standard forms are easier to put together than a term sh...
Talented dilemma
you do know that 60-95% of female realtors are former porn s...
Magenta Main People Theatre
That’s not true
disrespectful razzle degenerate
correct. more like 98%
Dashing Drab Quadroon Cruise Ship
You can’t talk about Women who sell Real Estate like t...
disrespectful razzle degenerate
green adventurous parlor gunner
rambunctious principal's office
That's not true? *shrugs* Okay, that's not true.
Magenta Main People Theatre
disrespectful razzle degenerate
becus consideration and getting your money back
Dashing Drab Quadroon Cruise Ship
Real estate is retarded, why isn’t there just an open ...
laughsome shimmering athletic conference hairy legs
You can in Belgium: https://www.biddit.be/nl/catalog/deta...
Exhilarant mustard codepig double fault
Shows seriousness. Sellers and banks dont want to deal with ...
Territorial location
"Because they have MY back!"
yapping orchestra pit
vermilion tantric selfie
it makes it appear like they're doing a lot of complicated w...
insanely creepy crackhouse philosopher-king
These are form contracts that usually take like half a day t...
Cowardly corner sex offender
lol @ proles realizing this
insanely creepy crackhouse philosopher-king
Never heard of this; I've bought three houses and sold one, ...
Cowardly corner sex offender
i've found that the contract is frequently negotiated after ...
rambunctious principal's office
It's not in the standard NY contract, and I don't know anyon...
Cowardly corner sex offender
i believe you. re-reading my comment my tone reads "not...
rambunctious principal's office
Signing the contract before the inspection and then renegoti...
Cowardly corner sex offender
because inspections cost time and money. also not forming...
rambunctious principal's office
it's the biggest purchase for most people and there are a lo...
claret space
No, they don't
Cowardly corner sex offender
he's so fucking dumb it's infuriating. yeah buyer backs out ...
rambunctious principal's office
you don't know shit about shit, do you? contracts always hav...
rambunctious principal's office
commissions are paid at closing, but are earned when there i...
claret space
how the fuck does a deal fall apart if you have a WILLING AN...
rambunctious principal's office
lol, you are a little bitch you think a contract is not enf...
claret space
"you think a contract is not enforceable against the bu...
rambunctious principal's office
i'll answer this in two parts. beginning with your last para...
claret space
that has nothing to do with your OP. you said: "when...
rambunctious principal's office
i already addressed that several posts above "and when...
claret space
1) i said right from the outset "the rare exception to ...
rambunctious principal's office
dude, you're a little bitch. i'm glad i infuriate you. no f...
claret space
no one makes a distinction between whether a deal "fall...
rambunctious principal's office
i clarified that distinction early on. you are clinging to ...
claret space
not agreeing with SC but perhaps the agents insist on contra...
green adventurous parlor gunner
SC is wrong on so many levels as per usual. the obligation t...
rambunctious principal's office
well the recent ruling against NAR has rocked the boat and a...
green adventurous parlor gunner
sure. but realtors are retards so the motivations for their ...
rambunctious principal's office
i'm not wrong, dipshit 1) who cares if it is 'extremely rar...
claret space
rambunctious principal's office
the terms of the listing agreement are dictated by what happ...
claret space
you said that they GET THEIR COMMISSIONS regardless, not tha...
rambunctious principal's office
'get' is a synonym of 'earn' and i clarified i meant earn ea...
claret space
ok, so if 99.999999% of the time real estate agents don't ge...
rambunctious principal's office
FLORIDA: Sued by real estate agent over “Unpaid Real E...
claret space
again, i said that caveat right from the beginning. you ...
rambunctious principal's office
it's really dumb. sign a form contract subject to a week...
rough-skinned cerise ticket booth milk
Something about land contracts having to be in writing I...
wild theater stage
this used to be a law bort. meanwhile spaceporn has to show ...
rambunctious principal's office
Totally misses the point.
Territorial location
how? it boils down to "some realtors believe the buyers...
rambunctious principal's office
Aspie. No one wants a dumb as fuck bullshit lawsuit allegin...
wild theater stage
And aren’t you “in house” What kind of ...
wild theater stage
stupid, i was agreeing with you. are you aware that the requ...
rambunctious principal's office
Not stupid. I’m used to you as troll. I don’t ac...
wild theater stage
then why did you say fraud? you obviously read it. you just ...
rambunctious principal's office
Dude. I don’t read your posts. You passed my retard ...
wild theater stage
lmao bro you are so stubborn and stupid. i agree with you an...
rambunctious principal's office
wtf are you talking about? the thread asks why some buyer's ...
rambunctious principal's office
You have autism.
wild theater stage
Reading through all this, I sort of get the argument that se...
coral old irish cottage
Concupiscible Impressive Newt Step-uncle's House
It's fucking retarded My realtor says, "as a lawyer....
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"Professional to professional, you know it is, my man.&...
vermilion tantric selfie

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: April 19th, 2024 2:10 PM
Author: coral old irish cottage

Is this a regional thing?

Every time we're interested in a house I'm always like "Tell them we'll do 1.4 with x contingency but we will waive y contingency".

And then the realtor insists we have to draft the entire fucking contract and sign it otherwise "we won't be taken seriously."

Why am I signing a contract for something the seller never agreed to and btw, i've never even talked to the seller...


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Date: April 19th, 2024 6:25 PM
Author: pearl cuckoldry therapy

Realtor is nothing everything is easy and if aren't a broker die


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Date: April 19th, 2024 2:11 PM
Author: Soggy Mahogany Macaca



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Date: April 19th, 2024 2:22 PM
Author: sickened lime personal credit line

this is very uncommon. even residential stuff is usually gone over by phone before any thing is typed or filled-in.

tbf, the fill-in-the-blank state RE contracts take like 10 minutes to do.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 12:00 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office


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Date: April 19th, 2024 2:24 PM
Author: irradiated spot

It's regional. I think they do this in CA


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Date: April 19th, 2024 2:26 PM
Author: disturbing rehab ape

Because they’re smarter than you and have larger penises


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Date: April 19th, 2024 2:46 PM
Author: bat-shit-crazy vivacious home goal in life

i've made offers on houses in 5 different markets and it's like this everywhere. it's retarded not to send the seller a completed offer they can just sign if they like it. think about it from the seller's perspective -- they want to see ALL the terms on the form quickly, rather than read your email with whatever retarded shit you put down. if the buyer cant be bothered to spend 5 minutes on a fill in the blank coutract, do u really think tey're serious?


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Date: April 19th, 2024 5:52 PM
Author: coral old irish cottage

You have this completely backwards. If you want to see all the terms quickly, you just create a brief TERM SHEET.

Why would you want to look to Clause 54(c) to see if they are waiving the inspection contingency.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 7:58 AM
Author: bat-shit-crazy vivacious home goal in life

a 90 iq realtor isnt going to include every fill in the blank term on their term sheet. better to just make them fill in the entire contract

anyway, i've seen states where the form contract has all the major fill in the blanks on the cover page as a rider or something to make it quick to fill out. that's certainly an efficient way


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Date: April 24th, 2024 6:20 PM
Author: Talented dilemma

The standard forms are easier to put together than a term sheet.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 6:22 PM
Author: Magenta Main People Theatre

you do know that 60-95% of female realtors are former porn stars/call girls right


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Date: April 19th, 2024 6:24 PM
Author: disrespectful razzle degenerate

That’s not true


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Date: April 19th, 2024 6:25 PM
Author: Dashing Drab Quadroon Cruise Ship

correct. more like 98%


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Date: April 19th, 2024 6:59 PM
Author: disrespectful razzle degenerate

You can’t talk about Women who sell Real Estate like that


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 8:01 AM
Author: green adventurous parlor gunner


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 4:20 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office


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Date: April 19th, 2024 6:25 PM
Author: Magenta Main People Theatre

That's not true? *shrugs* Okay, that's not true.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 6:59 PM
Author: disrespectful razzle degenerate



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Date: April 19th, 2024 6:24 PM
Author: Dashing Drab Quadroon Cruise Ship

becus consideration and getting your money back


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Date: April 19th, 2024 11:01 PM
Author: laughsome shimmering athletic conference hairy legs

Real estate is retarded, why isn’t there just an open marketplace like for NFTs like opensea or blur. Just let me put an offer on a house and u can accept or not fgt

Would truly be one of the best use cases for eliminating the middle man


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Date: April 24th, 2024 6:23 PM
Author: Exhilarant mustard codepig double fault

You can in Belgium:



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Date: April 22nd, 2024 8:55 AM
Author: Territorial location

Shows seriousness. Sellers and banks dont want to deal with bullshit tentative offers. As noted the 'contracts' are just forms with all kinds of contingencies baked in.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 9:07 AM
Author: yapping orchestra pit

"Because they have MY back!"


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Date: April 24th, 2024 6:24 PM
Author: vermilion tantric selfie


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 9:15 AM
Author: insanely creepy crackhouse philosopher-king

it makes it appear like they're doing a lot of complicated work, big deal to 'write a contract'

from a practical pov, it also moves the deal along quicker


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 2:59 PM
Author: Cowardly corner sex offender

These are form contracts that usually take like half a day to negotiate, not really saving any time


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 4:26 PM
Author: insanely creepy crackhouse philosopher-king

lol @ proles realizing this


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 11:56 AM
Author: Cowardly corner sex offender

Never heard of this; I've bought three houses and sold one, and the contract was always negotiated after the offer was accepted and inspection was done


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 4:42 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

i've found that the contract is frequently negotiated after a verbal offer is accepted, but i've never heard of it happening after an inspection is done. having an inspection contingency is a major term of the contract. never heard of an inspection occurring before a contract was completed.


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Date: April 23rd, 2024 12:51 PM
Author: Cowardly corner sex offender

It's not in the standard NY contract, and I don't know anyone who didn't do the inspection right after the offer was accepted and before signing


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Date: April 23rd, 2024 1:11 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

i believe you. re-reading my comment my tone reads "not true", but i was just giving my lived experience. real estate customs are very local. that's why this thread is kind of silly, in some areas the "offer must be written to be taken seriously" might be true. realtors are just bugs and they just do what everyone else does without putting much thought into it.


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Date: April 24th, 2024 6:15 PM
Author: Cowardly corner sex offender

Signing the contract before the inspection and then renegotiating/backing out later instead of just doing it beforehand seems really strange to me. I don't see how it really benefits either side


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Date: April 24th, 2024 7:39 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

because inspections cost time and money.

also not forming a contract until inspection is functionally identical to a contract with an inspection contingency.

and if you're in a sellers market where only no inspection contingency contracts are the only ones considered, then you will not have time to conduct an inspection before the seller accepts a written offer.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 3:09 PM
Author: claret space

it's the biggest purchase for most people and there are a lot of dickheads out there.

when deals fall apart realtors gets screwed unless the written contract has been agreed to. then they get their commission, regardless.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 3:14 PM
Author: Cowardly corner sex offender

No, they don't


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 3:18 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

he's so fucking dumb it's infuriating. yeah buyer backs out for whatever reason but seller still pays 6%. makes a lot of sense.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 3:16 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

you don't know shit about shit, do you? contracts always have commissions being paid upon closing. if the deal falls through the agents don't get paid, stupid. the rare exception to this is if an agent brings a willing and able buyer and the seller refuses to sell or pay commission.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 4:09 PM
Author: claret space

commissions are paid at closing, but are earned when there is a willing and able buyer. that's established by the contract. which needs to be in writing. which goes back to why real estate agents begin with an offer in writing instead of wasting their time.

you're a faggot, right?

and when i said a deal falls apart, i wasn't referring to something like the buyer not getting specified financing. that's not a deal falling apart, that's a deal never being finalized


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 4:15 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

how the fuck does a deal fall apart if you have a WILLING AND ABLE buyer, stupid? the only possible reason is the seller backs out for some reason, which is extremely rare and the edge case i talked about.

also, did you miss the day on statute of frauds? a verbal contract for the transfer of real property isn't enforceable, you dumb fuck.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 5:46 PM
Author: claret space

lol, you are a little bitch

you think a contract is not enforceable against the buyer because the buyer gets cold feet and is then no longer 'willing'? you think that's the definition of 'willing'?

why are you bringing up the statute of frauds? the entire thread is about why do real estate agents want offers in writing rather than verbally?


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 5:56 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

"you think a contract is not enforceable against the buyer because the buyer gets cold feet and is then no longer 'willing'? you think that's the definition of 'willing'?"

who pays the commission in a standard real estate deal, dummy? the seller. the COMMISSIONS are paid to the buyers agent UPON CLOSING and the seller earns them when a WILLING AND ABLE BUYER is brought. if the buyer is no longer WILLING and the deal falls apart the realtors get NOTHING.

yes, of course the contract can be enforced against the buyer. but if it is then the deal hasn't "FALLEN APART", it is just enforced through the courts. and in practice that never fucking happens. so it has NOTHING to do with protecting commission.

you're the one that mentioned WILLING AND ABLE buyer, which is based on the LISTING AGREEMENT, not the OFFER, which is what is being discussed here. and, in practice, again, never fucking happens. realtors aren't regularly collecting commissions from people that back out of deals, even if they might be entitled to, you dumb fuck. you said they get paid regardless. they don't. only in extremely rare circumstances does this happen. a buyer insisting on a written offer has NOTHING to do with protecting their commissions in case a deal falls through, you literal fucking retard.

"why are you bringing up the statute of frauds? the entire thread is about why do real estate agents want offers in writing rather than verbally?"

is this a real question? because a verbal offer isn't enforceable for real estate transactions.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 6:02 PM
Author: claret space

i'll answer this in two parts. beginning with your last paragraph

you are a retard. no fuck it's not enforceable, but it takes 5 minutes to pass along a verbal offer to the seller and get a tentative agreement. real estate agents who don't do this don't do it for their own reasons such as wasting their time.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 6:10 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

that has nothing to do with your OP. you said:

"when deals fall apart realtors gets screwed unless the written contract has been agreed to. then they get their commission, regardless."

you don't specify when the deal falls apart "for reasons not covered in the contract", which is 99.9% of the time. and even that 0.1% of the time the deal falls apart and the agents are entitled commission, they are almost never getting it.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 6:14 PM
Author: claret space

i already addressed that several posts above

"and when i said a deal falls apart, i wasn't referring to something like the buyer not getting specified financing. that's not a deal falling apart, that's a deal never being finalized"


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 6:16 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

1) i said right from the outset "the rare exception to this is if an agent brings a willing and able buyer and the seller refuses to sell or pay commission."

2) as pointed out several times now, that is because of the LISTING AGREEMENT, not an OFFER, which is the topic of this thread

3) what the fuck is the difference between a deal "falling apart" and a deal "never being finalized?"


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 6:25 PM
Author: claret space

dude, you're a little bitch. i'm glad i infuriate you.

no fucking shit there is a difference between a listing agreement and the offer.

but every listing agreement for real estate requires a written offer

so, why would a real estate agent want an offer in writing? so they don't waste their time #1 and #2 so that they can earn get be entitled to a commission

3) i already said that above. if you weren't so gung ho on sucking cock, you'd see that falling apart means for reasons not containted within the offer to purchase. anything not achieved within the offer to purchase means 'never being finalized'. i provided that definition above already, even if it should have been obvious


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 6:32 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

no one makes a distinction between whether a deal "falls through" or "isn't finalized" based on whether a breach occurred.

but im done with this. you're so stupid, but i must be stupid too for even attempted to confront you logically.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 6:41 PM
Author: claret space

i clarified that distinction early on.

you are clinging to the idea that realtors never sue for commissions to which they are entitled to. please advise your clients accordingly.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 4:23 PM
Author: green adventurous parlor gunner

not agreeing with SC but perhaps the agents insist on contracts when making offers because in theory the seller’s side could try and retrade on the commission after a verbal offer is made

for example the buyer’s agent is expecting to split 5-6%

they call the seller’s agent and make the offer, which is accepted. everyone is happy

when they move to contracting the seller’s agent says “the buyer is only paying 4%, I’ll give you 1.5%.” the buyer’s agent can’t then spoil the deal by insisting on a higher number


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 4:33 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

SC is wrong on so many levels as per usual. the obligation to pay an agent upon bringing a willing and able buyer comes from the listing agreement anyway, not the sale contract. because how could it? if the seller says "i changed my mind, i don't want to sell" and doesn't agree to the contract, then how could *THAT* contract be used to enforce the commission?!

the reason realtors generally often insist on a written offer is because contracts for real estate *must* be in writing to be enforceable. it has nothing to do with enforcing commissions. which, of course, can be altered from the listing agreement during the offer phase.

and sure, having all the terms on paper to prevent people from pulling the rug later is why we have written contracts to begin with. i'm sure this sometimes happens with commissions, but probably rarely, more often it's going to be contingencies and shit. the commission split is one of the most significant contract terms, so i doubt the "haha whoops i meant you only get X%" happens very frequently.

nevertheless, the sales contract isn't used to enforced paying commission on a seller's breach. not only does that hardly ever happen, but the juice isn't worth the squeeze. how often are realtors suing breaching sellers to recover commissions? most people are judgment proof and aren't worth suing unless they are insured.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 5:23 PM
Author: green adventurous parlor gunner

well the recent ruling against NAR has rocked the boat and a lot of weaker agents are spooked and not wanting to take any risks


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 5:34 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

sure. but realtors are retards so the motivations for their behavior is often untethered from reality anyway. and what you're talking about is making sure the terms of the commission split are in writing, not about commissions being paid if a deal falls through.

either way, i was just pushing back against sealerclubber because his just completely wrong and stupid. 1) sellers torpedoing a deal with a ready and willing buyer is extremely rare, and 2) even in those situations realtors aren't frequently suing. ask a realtor how many times they've sued a seller for a commission because they wouldn't accept a willing and able buyer.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 5:56 PM
Author: claret space

i'm not wrong, dipshit

1) who cares if it is 'extremely rare'. a realtor is entitled to a commission if the seller backs out without a legitimate, contractual reason

2) very stupid argument by you. no surprise. just because something isn't likely to occur, the threat that it can occur is valuable. since there can be no threat unless everything is in writing, a real estate agent wants things in writing. it really isn't about the buyer taking the offer seriously, it's about the real estate agent not wasting her time with someone who is not serious.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 6:01 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

1a) THAT'S NOT BASED ON THE OFFER YOU FUCKING RETARD! THAT'S BASED ON THE LISTING AGREEMENT! yeah, technically a seller breaching after an offer is signed also owes commission if they back out once a willing and able buyer is found, but how often does that fucking happen? never.

1b) BECAUSE YOU SAID THEY GET THEIR COMMISSION REGARDLESS! if it doesn't happen in practice then they don't get their commission, as you stated.

2) which has nothing to do with COMMISSIONS being paid if the deal falls through. go ask a realtor how many times they've recovered commissions from a real that fell through, even if one of the parties breached?


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 6:06 PM
Author: claret space

the terms of the listing agreement are dictated by what happens with the offer. the offer must be in writing and have its contingencies, if any, met.

1b) realtors can and do sue for their commissions. it doesn't matter if it is uncommon. that's like saying attorneys don't sue for their unpaid fees.

2) i don't need to ask realtors what they do in practice. they are entitled to their commission if they provided what they are contracted to do

If Buyer Defaults, Seller Still May Owe Real Estate Commission

By Christopher Combs | July 10, 2022

Question: We signed a purchase contract for the sale of our Peoria home, and escrow is scheduled to close next week. Although we are prepared to close, we have been having second thoughts about moving to a California beach town. Therefore, we were not exactly unhappy when the buyer telephoned us that he no longer wanted to buy our Peoria home. In fact, the buyer said that we could even keep his $6,000 earnest money. When we contacted our listing broker to say that we wanted to cancel the transaction, however, our listing broker said that we would still owe her a 5% real estate commission. How can we owe a 5% real estate commission to our listing broker when we were ready to close the sale of our home, but the buyer backed out?

Answer: Under most listing agreements a listing broker is entitled to a real estate commission whether or not the transaction closes, if the listing broker produces a ready, willing, and able buyer with no remaining contingencies in the purchase contract, e.g., inspections or financing. Therefore, if your buyer was a ready, willing, and able buyer with no remaining contingencies in the purchase contract, and simply does not want to close the transaction, you may owe the 5% real estate commission to your listing broker. You then would be entitled to sue the buyer for your damages, including the payment of the 5% commission, because of the buyer’s breach of the purchase contract.

Note: Under the listing agreement with your listing broker, your listing broker may also be entitled to a portion of the $6,000 earnest money forfeited by the buyer.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 6:12 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

you said that they GET THEIR COMMISSIONS regardless, not that they are entitled to them. i'm entitled to back rent from tenants, how often is that collected?

and, again, that happens only in edge case scenarios that i talked about right at the outset. 99.9% when an RE deal falls through it's covered by a contract. so the vast majority of the time they aren't even entitled to their fees to begin with.

edit: also notice you just quoted about LISTING AGREEMENTS, which is different from an OFFER, which i pointed out right at the outset. god you are so fucking stupid.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 6:21 PM
Author: claret space

'get' is a synonym of 'earn' and i clarified i meant earn early on up above


verb as in make money

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bring in








pick up








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Date: April 22nd, 2024 6:25 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

ok, so if 99.999999% of the time real estate agents don't get, earn, collect, draw, gain, or obtain a commission from a deal that falls through what the fuck are you talking about?

and, once again, that rare exception i noted in my very first response to you, with DOESN'T DERIVE FROM THE OFFER ANYWAY.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 6:39 PM
Author: claret space

FLORIDA: Sued by real estate agent over “Unpaid Real Estate Commission” in small claims court ... Hey, I'm posting here because my mom got sued by ..

My mentor and former PAR legal counsel, the late Tom Caldwell, used to caution brokers intent on suing clients for fees by asking that. The clear message is that when you sue for a fee, the client is going to bite by claiming that no fee was owed because of the malpractice committed by the broker or salesperson.

I represent brokers who sue for their fees and the defenses always include claims of malpractice. It is true that my clients win most of these cases, though the only credit I lay claim to is that I am selective about the cases I take.

Sep 6, 2018 — A real estate broker north of Toronto is suing a consumer for commission even though a $900,000 home sale arranged by his company fell through.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 6:58 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

again, i said that caveat right from the beginning.

you said "when deals fall apart realtors gets screwed unless the written contract has been agreed to. then they get their commission, regardless."

1) the vast majority of the time when a deal falls through it is covered by a term in the contract, and the agents aren't even entitled to fees, so they don't "get their commission, regardless."

2) even when a deal falls through due to a breach and commissions are owed, the vast majority of the time the realtors don't sue, hence they don't "get their commission, regardless."

why do you think the author says "I am selective about the cases I take."? because the situation where there is a breach and it's worth suing the breacher is extremely rare. which i also said.

and i'll autistically point out once again that these cases almost always derive from the listing agreement, not the offer, which is the topic of this thread. the only time the OFFER is used is when the seller backs out and both agents are entitled to commission, which never fucking happens. how often do you think a buyer's agent produces a willing and able buyer and the seller backs out after a contract is signed? and then the buyer's agent sued? almost fucking never. hence, this this very rare scenario is NOT the reason buyer's agents insist on written offers.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 4:17 PM
Author: rough-skinned cerise ticket booth milk

it's really dumb.

sign a form contract subject to a week long process whereby lawyers exchange form letters amending the form contract.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 4:44 PM
Author: wild theater stage

Something about land contracts having to be in writing It’s been awhile. Likewise offers to purchase land in order to be legally enforceable


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 4:46 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

this used to be a law bort. meanwhile spaceporn has to show up to remind everyone about the statute of frauds.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 5:43 PM
Author: Territorial location

Totally misses the point.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 5:45 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

how? it boils down to "some realtors believe the buyers presenting a legally enforceable offer are more likely to be taken seriously by sellers."

whether that is true or not is beside the point. that is the motivation for them insisting on written offers.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 7:44 PM
Author: wild theater stage

Aspie. No one wants a dumb as fuck bullshit lawsuit alleging fraud


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 7:45 PM
Author: wild theater stage

And aren’t you “in house” What kind of incompetent are you That’s literally ur job


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 7:50 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

stupid, i was agreeing with you. are you aware that the requirement for contracts involving the transfer of land be in writing is known as "the statute of frauds"?


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 7:52 PM
Author: wild theater stage

Not stupid. I’m used to you as troll. I don’t actually read your posts.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 7:56 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

then why did you say fraud? you obviously read it. you just didn't realize i was agreeing with you and thought i was talking about civil fraud suits. because you're a dumb dumb, bud.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 7:57 PM
Author: wild theater stage

Dude. I don’t read your posts. You passed my retard event horizon a long time ago. Don’t be mad. It is what it is. Many others are there as well. I have internet confirmed iq of 149 and double ur life experience. Do u honestly think I read your troll spore?


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 8:00 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

lmao bro you are so stubborn and stupid. i agree with you and you lashed out because you're dumb, not because you didn't read, because you would not have mentioned "fraud" otherwise. like, even when i respond agreeing with you can't just be like "oops lol" if you misread it? your assertion is that you double posted about it but didn't read, even thought it's one sentence, and you clearly did because you said fraud? c'mon bud lol.


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 7:47 PM
Author: rambunctious principal's office

wtf are you talking about? the thread asks why some buyer's agents insist on written offers. this is clearly because they believe a written offer, which is legally enforceable, will be taken more seriously. what does that have to due with civil fraud?


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Date: April 22nd, 2024 7:49 PM
Author: wild theater stage

You have autism.


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Date: April 23rd, 2024 6:31 PM
Author: coral old irish cottage

Reading through all this, I sort of get the argument that sellers only want "serious" offers and don't want to waste their time with jokesters.

But this is clearly outweighed by all the unnecessary work of completing these docs back and forth before there's an agreement (not to mention the liability by having all these conflicting docs floating around).

The SOF arguments are stupid. A car is subject to the SOF. Imagine how dumb it would be if you wanted to buy a $25,000 car at a dealership and had to draw up a legally binding contract for $22,000 for the car plus $8,000 for your trade in, and then the car had to add a signed counter addendum offering you $23,000 for the car and $7,500 for the trade in but also had to change the color as your color wasn't in stock, etc.

It's a really dumb processors perpetuated by REALTORS(R)


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Date: April 23rd, 2024 6:43 PM
Author: Concupiscible Impressive Newt Step-uncle's House


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Date: April 23rd, 2024 6:42 PM
Author: Concupiscible Impressive Newt Step-uncle's House

It's fucking retarded

My realtor says, "as a lawyer. You know this is how it needs to be done". I'm like that's not remotely how we do it at all just pick up the phone


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Date: April 24th, 2024 9:08 PM
Author: vermilion tantric selfie

"Professional to professional, you know it is, my man."
