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Hey, gawker.com totally PWNED lying cunt Brittan Heller!

doods, how did we miss this? http://gawker.com/5333523/cu...
contagious principal's office
Odious immigrant ape
remember her pussywhipped husband's stupid law review articl...
Out-of-control yellow office
you mean that shit published under plagiarist nathaniel glei...
contagious principal's office
The ability to speak anonymously is critical to the openness...
Multi-colored stock car
Is this Brittan K. Heller? The lying perjurer who got SUED i...
Bat-shit-crazy garnet newt cuckold
Among other claims, yes.
Talented Cerise Site Incel
Multi-colored stock car
Talented Cerise Site Incel
Bat-shit-crazy garnet newt cuckold
Exciting Indirect Expression

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Date: November 7th, 2010 5:13 PM
Author: contagious principal's office

doods, how did we miss this?


Hey look, another pair who went the Universal Life route! (I am obsessed.) Brittan Heller attended Yale Law, where she met Nathaniel Gleicher during a boring series of semi-flirtatious encounters, which the Times recounts in tedious detail, at information sessions for prospective students. In one conversation, Gleicher (fresh off a stint in St. Vincent and the Grenadines) defended his Peace Corps cred: "Everyone thought it was a cushy assignment on a Caribbean beach," he said. But in reality, he told her, in his two years there he found poverty and AIDS, and wrestled with the area's odd inconsistencies. (People had cellphones and flat-screen televisions, he said, but often no running water.)"

Hmm. Sounds like … a cushy assignment on a Caribbean beach!

Anyway, a gentle question for Heller: girl, didn't your long national nightmare as one of the two Yale Law students who sued the AutoAdmit trolls teach you better than to weave your tragic tale into your Times wedding announcement? Just wondering, because I did not know your name before, but now that you piqued my interest I sure do!


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Date: November 7th, 2010 5:15 PM
Author: Odious immigrant ape



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Date: November 7th, 2010 5:22 PM
Author: Out-of-control yellow office

remember her pussywhipped husband's stupid law review article? what a bitchmade faggot: http://www.yalelawjournal.org/the-yale-law-journal/content-pages/john-doe-subpoenas:-toward-a-consistent-legal-standard/


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Date: November 7th, 2010 5:25 PM
Author: contagious principal's office

you mean that shit published under plagiarist nathaniel gleicher's name?

no wonder those tools fled to korea and afghanistan


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Date: June 9th, 2011 3:09 PM
Author: Multi-colored stock car

The ability to speak anonymously is critical to the openness of the Internet.

The loss of the right to anonymous speech online would be a grave blow to the

vibrancy of the public sphere. At the same time, however, anonymity can foster

vicious attacks, especially those that would be socially unacceptable in

traditional public discourse. This phenomenon cannot be erased entirely—

indeed, it should not be. The wholesale elimination of such unpleasant speech

would necessarily encompass valuable, protected speech in its sweep.

Nevertheless, the increasing complexity of the online environment demands

standards that govern online speech with increasing nuance. By distinguishing

between speech targeted at private and public figures, and by distinguishing

speech on public controversies, the standard that this Note proposes would

ensure heightened protection for the speech that is most beneficial to the public

sphere while simultaneously providing the targets of anonymous harassment a

balanced opportunity to unmask their attackers.


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Date: June 8th, 2011 8:14 PM
Author: Bat-shit-crazy garnet newt cuckold

Is this Brittan K. Heller? The lying perjurer who got SUED in FEDERAL COURT for libel, slander, and abuse of process?


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Date: June 8th, 2011 8:38 PM
Author: Talented Cerise Site Incel

Among other claims, yes.


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Date: June 9th, 2011 3:04 PM
Author: Multi-colored stock car


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Date: June 9th, 2011 2:53 PM
Author: Talented Cerise Site Incel


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Date: June 22nd, 2011 2:33 PM
Author: Bat-shit-crazy garnet newt cuckold


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Date: January 4th, 2012 3:49 PM
Author: Exciting Indirect Expression
