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this woman from ukraine said she wanted only a foreigner bec...
mauve digit ratio codepig
where the fuck is KGB to kill them niggs?? back when my gran...
mauve digit ratio codepig
aren't you ukrainian? thoughts on russian rape of your count...
Green chapel
the type of ukrainian that supports usa over russia is the t...
mauve digit ratio codepig
180. Only good Galicians are the dead kind. Never forget.
lime space
stfu jew
mauve digit ratio codepig
misanthropic newt
Green chapel
low-t copper theatre mediation
i'm dying
Galvanic shaky step-uncle's house
still dying laughing about this
Galvanic shaky step-uncle's house
irradiated unhinged hell
Best Schtick ever
Yellow Cheese-eating Police Squad
pontificating concupiscible jap site
unreal thread
Salmon menage
He gives Johnsmeyer a serious run for his money
pontificating concupiscible jap site
up-to-no-good filthpig
Salmon menage
post the video!
low-t copper theatre mediation
low-t copper theatre mediation
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Date: July 23rd, 2014 10:11 PM
Author: mauve digit ratio codepig

this woman from ukraine said she wanted only a foreigner because russian men are assholes. said she dont care about eye size or skin color. so they gave her a nigger from moscow, a 5'0 chinaman from moscow. and a pickup artist from odessa. so the nigger was all confident and talking about how he's a top singleman in moscow. he came with another nigger+white girl. said that his family owns a factory and a beach in haiti lol. that he works as a doorman at a club. he showed that he could smile like an ape and could dance (that was his present to her to dance salsa). he mostly talked about how he was going to marry a russian girl but cheated on her with another russian girl.

then 5'2 chinaman came with 2 hot russian girls. he said he photographed them, he's an artist, planned to continue studies in paris. said he had a russian gf, he cooked for her 3times/day and cleaned the apt and she left him.

then came the russian man and said he dated a 14yo girl. and talked for a long time about how he did not take her virginity at 14 but at 15 1/2. and then talked about how she wasnt as young as it seems and had bad female friends.

while in the audience the nigger was laughing at the chinaman, calling him a shorty. and was awed by the russian. and said he too needed to visit a high school and pick up some 14yo. he started dancing in the audience when the russian gave her his present. she chose the russian.


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Date: July 23rd, 2014 10:15 PM
Author: mauve digit ratio codepig

where the fuck is KGB to kill them niggs?? back when my grandfather was in kgb he wouldve seen that ape at a club and he wouldve put a bullet in his monkey head without a hesitation. he parachuted in romania and chechnya. why the fuck do we have niggers in moscow today??


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Date: July 23rd, 2014 10:38 PM
Author: Green chapel

aren't you ukrainian? thoughts on russian rape of your country?


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Date: July 26th, 2014 8:52 AM
Author: mauve digit ratio codepig

the type of ukrainian that supports usa over russia is the type that enjoys watching his whore sister work abroad in a strip club and fuck niggers and talk about how she is "european". west ukraine doest even have any universities. all of their medicine depts (just like aviation depts lol) are filled with literal niggers from africa.


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Date: July 26th, 2014 8:55 AM
Author: lime space

180. Only good Galicians are the dead kind. Never forget.


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Date: July 26th, 2014 8:55 AM
Author: mauve digit ratio codepig

stfu jew


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Date: July 26th, 2014 11:17 AM
Author: misanthropic newt


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Date: July 26th, 2014 12:03 PM
Author: Green chapel



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Date: August 20th, 2014 7:31 AM
Author: low-t copper theatre mediation


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Date: August 20th, 2014 9:53 AM
Author: Galvanic shaky step-uncle's house

i'm dying


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Date: August 20th, 2014 7:12 PM
Author: Galvanic shaky step-uncle's house

still dying laughing about this


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Date: September 24th, 2014 1:20 AM
Author: irradiated unhinged hell


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Date: July 23rd, 2014 10:41 PM
Author: Yellow Cheese-eating Police Squad

Best Schtick ever


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Date: July 26th, 2014 11:13 AM
Author: pontificating concupiscible jap site


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Date: July 26th, 2014 11:14 AM
Author: Salmon menage

unreal thread


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Date: July 26th, 2014 11:17 AM
Author: pontificating concupiscible jap site

He gives Johnsmeyer a serious run for his money


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Date: July 27th, 2014 7:05 AM
Author: up-to-no-good filthpig


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Date: August 20th, 2014 5:09 AM
Author: Salmon menage


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Date: August 20th, 2014 7:32 AM
Author: low-t copper theatre mediation

post the video!


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Date: August 20th, 2014 1:01 PM
Author: low-t copper theatre mediation


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Date: August 20th, 2014 8:25 AM
Author: misanthropic newt
