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C&F (NY) + 3L Job Search Happy Meal

First, the C&F. I'll cut to the chase, I was an opiate/h...
Flushed irradiated fat ankles halford
(15 y/o Harrison applying to LS)
violent nofapping digit ratio
Flushed irradiated fat ankles halford
lol, just lol @ u. you don't know shit about being C&F f...
Lake point kitty
Flushed irradiated fat ankles halford
histrionic quadroon menage

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Date: October 28th, 2014 12:12 AM
Author: Flushed irradiated fat ankles halford

First, the C&F. I'll cut to the chase, I was an opiate/heroin addict for many moons. During that time, I was arrested once for a drug/paraphernalia/weapon (butterfly "gravity" knife) in 2010, pled down to 2 non-criminal violations. Also in 2010, I was arrested for shoplifting and made to complete an 8 hour shoplifting-is-bad course, which I did. Later that same year, I went to rehab for the umpteenth time, finally got clean and sober and haven't had a drink/drug for more than 4 years. Outpatient, AA, etc. I'm now a model citizen. People even like me. Unfortunately, after I cleaned up my act and a week after I took my LSAT (my first sponsor was a lawyer who encouraged me to follow that path, please withhold judgment because he's a wonderful man), I was arrested in 2011 by the DEA for felony conspiracy to possess/distribute based on happenings from the beginning of 2007, the Feds squeaking in just under the 5-year SOL. That nigthmare endured for another year before I pled out to misdemeanor "aiding and abetting the possession of a controlled substance," netting myself 4 years of probation, community service, fines and a substantial "restitution." I applied to school, got in, have done very well, went to the Dean ASAP after orientation to make sure I had fully and satisfactorily disclosed everything on my law school app and am generally a happy and adjusted person, and probably close to the only one in my school who doesn't drink or use drugs. As graduation creeps ever closer, though, I am nervous about whats in store for me. Any insight would be appreciated.

My other question regards employment (sorry if this should be a different thread). Unbeknownst to me, people love underdogs, and my rough life back story got me a summer associate position at one of the "big" LI firms (though I feel guilty leveraging my struggle for personal gain). As a matter of course, this firm never gives offers to its summer people at the end of the summer, the earliest I heard of it happening was during 2nd semester 3L year. They did not need me during the school year, but gave a "glowing recommendation" to a former partner at small boutique firm I applied to and now work for, where they are looking to hire a new associate after the school year. Still, I would kill to work at my summer firm, and was wondering if there was a way to keep myself "on the radar" without being an annoying pest. I don't want them to forget about me come hiring time next summer.

Sorry for the rambling, and thanks for listening!


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Date: October 28th, 2014 12:15 AM
Author: violent nofapping digit ratio

(15 y/o Harrison applying to LS)


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Date: March 12th, 2018 11:24 PM
Author: Flushed irradiated fat ankles halford


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Date: March 12th, 2018 11:30 PM
Author: Lake point kitty

lol, just lol @ u. you don't know shit about being C&F fucked.


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Date: March 20th, 2018 11:05 PM
Author: Flushed irradiated fat ankles halford


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Date: March 20th, 2018 11:06 PM
Author: histrionic quadroon menage
