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How white entitlement marred my trip to a Ferguson teach-in

smoky kitchen
link didn't work. i am, however, now convinced that sean han...
Charismatic magical azn stead
smoky kitchen
holy shit for a moment i actually thought there would be no ...
amber ratface church
*opens thingsthatneverhappened.txt* *ctrl-f* *"ne...
fear-inspiring lay
ladyies and gentlemen this woman is paid about 70K a year by...
olive university philosopher-king
"In the reverse scenario, a black man would never get o...
cowardly odious den
insanely creepy parlor striped hyena
Swashbuckling ungodly home
razzmatazz telephone
"A black man would never presume to occupy interracial ...
insanely creepy parlor striped hyena
this is hilarious, considering the fact that the DC metro, a...
contagious menage
Didn't libs just start protesting against manspreading? Now ...
frum garrison
shaky maroon whorehouse haunted graveyard
light parlour
Charismatic magical azn stead
razzmatazz telephone
blathering field factory reset button
Brittney Cooper is a big fat nigger
contagious menage
She is savaged in the comments
Irradiated House Love Of Her Life
"a procession of lynched black bodies" Why wa...
Zombie-like startling locale fanboi
lol, which one of you bros was it?
Vibrant generalized bond abode
professorcrunk is a known doobs moniker
olive university philosopher-king
so lemme get this straight. nigger professor of nigger studi...
amber ratface church
aphrodisiac legal warrant
Claret Bawdyhouse
"Oh god oh!" as 1000's of pages of scholarship fal...
House-broken Market
Vibrant generalized bond abode
blathering field factory reset button
I'm black but i cracked up at this
transparent effete hell degenerate
mind-boggling marketing idea dilemma
"In the reverse scenario, a black man would never get o...
Claret Bawdyhouse
" [B]lack people never presume they are entitled to occ...
Claret Bawdyhouse
light parlour
lol i've been riding the subway with my then gf in new york ...
amber ratface church
and she totally misses the irony of saying this when the who...
fishy chapel sneaky criminal
yeah but he wouldn't be RUDE about it
cowardly odious den
LOL at this exchange in the comments: pwakeman 1 day ago ...
Mewling Private Investor Tank
"Some will argue that I cannot generalize ideas about w...
cowardly odious den
now i'm not gonna say draping my 300 pound ass and laptop ba...
amber ratface church
light parlour
Holy shit 180
mind-boggling marketing idea dilemma
180 url
Claret Bawdyhouse
Did you see the graphic at the top? Wow!
mind-boggling marketing idea dilemma
seems like a 180 site, might frequent
Claret Bawdyhouse
Hell, I might register.
mind-boggling marketing idea dilemma
Welcome to the Forums of Niggermania ! As a guest you hav...
light parlour
olive university philosopher-king
Talented brunch doctorate
light parlour

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: December 24th, 2014 6:59 PM
Author: smoky kitchen


Cartoon world, bros.


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Date: December 24th, 2014 7:01 PM
Author: Charismatic magical azn stead

link didn't work. i am, however, now convinced that sean hannity runs Bboom http://www.salon.com/2014/12/23/sean_hannity_named_worst_of_fox_by_colleagues_has_twitter_temper_tantrum/


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Date: December 24th, 2014 11:41 PM
Author: smoky kitchen


On Friday, I was on the train to New York to do a teach-in on Ferguson at NYU. Beats headphones on, lost in thought, peering out the window, I suddenly saw a white hand shoving my work carry-on toward me. Startled, I looked up to see the hand belonged to a white guy, who was haphazardly handling my open bag, with my laptop perched just inside to make space for himself on the seat next to me.

That he wanted the seat on the now full train was not the problem. That he assumed the prerogative to place his hands on my bag, grab it, shove it at me, all while my computer was unsecured and peaking out, infuriated me. I said to him, “Never put your hands on my property.”

His reply: “Well, you should listen when I talk to you.” That line there, the command that when he, whoever he was, spoke, I should automatically listen encapsulates the breadth of the battle against racism we have to fight in this country.

Buoyed by his own entitlement, his own sense of white male somebodiness, this passenger never even considered that he might simply try harder to get my attention before putting his hands on my stuff. His own need to control space, his own sense of entitlement to move anything in his way even if it held something of value to another person, his belief that he had the right to do whatever he needed to do to make the environment conform to his will are all hallmarks of white privilege.

In the reverse scenario, a black man would never get on the train, snatch up a white woman’s bag, and shove it in her face. But then black women are rarely entitled to the courtesies proffered to white women, and black people never presume they are entitled to occupy interracial spaces so aggressively.

To have a white man in 2014 demand that I listen when he speaks is the height of racial disrespect and indignity. To have a white person shove my belongings to the side rather than simply get my attention and ask my permission is an unnecessary level of disrespect, one that conveys yet again that their needs matter more than my own.

I do not exist to make white people comfortable. The fact that I know that and act like it makes white people even more uncomfortable.

Some will argue that I cannot generalize ideas about white entitlement from the action of one jerk on the train. After all, people get into petty squabbles on the train all the time. Let us not forget, however, that the civil rights movement was catalyzed by a squabble over a seat on a bus. I’m no Rosa Parks, of course. But what these connected histories teach us is that the right to occupy public accommodations unharassed is a right black people fought for. Died for. Endured centuries of indignity and white entitlement for. Battles over how we share public space are foundational to the narrative of race in this country.

Still I am struck by the utter cluelessness of this guy on the train, by the way in which snatching up my belongings and shoving them at me seemed like an entirely reasonable thing for him to do. Mere seconds after this exchange, he looked at me frantically as he patted his pockets. “I can’t find my cellphone!” He knew I didn’t have it, but what he wanted from me was empathy and, perhaps, assistance. As I fought back the urge to pummel this man, it occurred to me that far too many white people really don’t get how short black America’s collective fuse is in this moment.

In the words of Melle Mel, Don’t push me cuz I’m close to the edge, I’m trying not to lose my head.

My eighth grade language arts teacher once said to our class, “Human nature doesn’t change very much over time.” For some reason, more than 20 years later, that axiom sticks with me. Stuck on the precipice wondering “where we go from here,” I am honestly shocked that we are even here in the first place. You see, I really am an optimist. Despite being a student of history, despite having spent probably thousands of hours at this point reading about the long history of racial brutalities and indignities against black people, I am a believer. A believer in progress. A believer in good. Maintaining faith in anything good is generally not the province of academics, for whom cynicism is the price of the ticket.

But here we are. Mark Bittman asked at the New York Times this week, “Is it bad enough yet?” The old adage goes that when white America sneezes, black America catches cold. It might be more accurate to say that black America has walking pneumonia at this point. Is progress a myth?

The fact that our civil rights history has so firmly receded to the background that this white man had no sense of the racial irony of him being a jerk to a black woman on a train tells me that we are more vulnerable than ever to repeating our sordid racial history.

If you have ever taught college students, you’ll learn that they are quick to tell you how different their generation is from your own. Particularly around questions of race, late millennials believe wholeheartedly that rabid racism was the province of their grandparents or of the occasional extremist. But they are not the first generation to believe that myth. Those of us born on the cusp of generation X and generation Y (1980 for me) also believed that a world constructed of “colored people,” as my grandmother called us, and white people was a thing of the past.

Most of my childhood and teenage friends were white. I slept over at the houses of white friends and to this day still count some of the white people of my teenage life as friends. The same is true for my big cousins, reared nearby in the small rural towns that flanked my own. High school students in the 1980s, my boy cousins had a mixed-race crew of country boy friends, that played ball of various kinds together in addition to hunting and fishing and riding four-wheelers. The ordinariness of those friendships is only remarkable when one considers that the schools that they attended had only integrated in the decade prior. The swiftness with which those generations of folks born in the late 20th century embraced racial integration interpersonally in unlikely small-town rural Southern places makes this moment harder to ponder.

Even as we grew up and the political fissures became more apparent, we staved off the precarity of these formative relationships, by believing in the basic goodness and humanity of each other.

I have seen white and black people treat each other like human beings. White people who are Republicans, black people who are Democrats. So despite my clarity on the cancer that is white supremacy, much of my endless patience with white people and simultaneous lack of patience with white people is rooted in a foundational belief that they can do better.

Yet, in so many more ways than one, it seems that we have returned to a world in which whiteness is marked much less by a benign disregard for black humanity and much more by a malignant denial of black humanity. My teacher’s words, human nature doesn’t change very much, echo in my head.

Last week, a series of aggregate Washington Post polls revealed that white American faith in the police has increased significantly since August. In fact, white confidence in the ability of the police to treat people equally based on race is the highest on record in the nearly 20 years since the Washington Post has collected such data.

How is it that 50,000 people showed up to march in the streets of New York City to protest racialized police brutality in the same week that white confidence in the police reached a new record?

What kind of America is this? How are white people so oblivious to black pain and frustration? How are they so lacking in empathy?

I think I have to conclude that they aren’t oblivious. They are no more oblivious to black pain than slave masters were when they ripped families apart. They are no more oblivious than the white families I see on those old lynching postcards, hoisting children on their shoulders, smiling for a better look at the camera.

I know these are extreme examples. But this is my point. We are told to believe that white America has learned the lesson of these past eras. We are told to believe that the majority of the country understands these acts to be unconscionable. We are told that white barbarism is a thing of the past. And yet, what we have seen over the last few months is a case study in 21st century white barbarism. Alongside a procession of lynched black bodies, we have witnessed sham grand jury proceedings that sound exactly like the sham trials that used to precede lynchings. And much like our white forebears reassured “outside agitators” that all was well, most of white America moves along thinking not only that all is well, but that this is how things should be. They ignore the way that our current system of mass incarceration is simply a remix of the convict leasing system that grew out of slavery. They ignore the increasing wealth gap between white families and black families. They are oblivious to all the ways the old playbook has been not discarded but simply updated for a new era.

What I envy about the prior racial era is the explicit nature of racial animus. In this moment we are saddled with the task not only of surviving widespread and deadly racial discrimination but also proving that things are “racial” to begin with.

I return yet again to what my teacher taught me. Human nature doesn’t change very much. And since white supremacy has created a world in which white people are the only ones who are acknowledged as human, I conclude that what my teacher really taught me, perhaps inadvertently, is that white people don’t change very much over time. Armed with the severity of that truth, the question of the hour remains, “Where do we go from here?”

Brittney Cooper

Brittney Cooper is a contributing writer at Salon, and teaches Women's and Gender Studies and Africana Studies at Rutgers. Follow her on Twitter at @professorcrunk.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 1:57 AM
Author: amber ratface church

holy shit for a moment i actually thought there would be no link


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:02 AM
Author: fear-inspiring lay

*opens thingsthatneverhappened.txt*


*"never put your hands on"*



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Date: December 25th, 2014 2:06 AM
Author: olive university philosopher-king

ladyies and gentlemen this woman is paid about 70K a year by the state of New Jersey to teach three classes of propaganda; that would be about six hours of teachin and prep work a week


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Date: December 25th, 2014 2:13 AM
Author: cowardly odious den

"In the reverse scenario, a black man would never get on the train, snatch up a white woman’s bag"


"...and shove it in her face."

oh, well. yeah.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 8:20 AM
Author: insanely creepy parlor striped hyena



Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 8:54 AM
Author: Swashbuckling ungodly home


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 11:07 AM
Author: razzmatazz telephone


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Date: December 25th, 2014 7:56 AM
Author: insanely creepy parlor striped hyena

"A black man would never presume to occupy interracial paces so presumptively"



Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 11:00 AM
Author: contagious menage

this is hilarious, considering the fact that the DC metro, around the time school lets out, looks like the fucking ape house at the zoo. teenage coons hooting and hollering, talking shit to white people.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 24th, 2014 11:51 PM
Author: frum garrison

Didn't libs just start protesting against manspreading? Now they want 2 seats?


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 12:39 AM
Author: shaky maroon whorehouse haunted graveyard


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:05 AM
Author: light parlour


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 10:35 AM
Author: Charismatic magical azn stead


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 11:08 AM
Author: razzmatazz telephone


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 12:48 PM
Author: blathering field factory reset button


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 12:18 AM
Author: contagious menage

Brittney Cooper is a big fat nigger


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 1:07 AM
Author: Irradiated House Love Of Her Life

She is savaged in the comments


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 1:07 AM
Author: Zombie-like startling locale fanboi

"a procession of lynched black bodies"

Why was this not on CNN?


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 1:53 AM
Author: Vibrant generalized bond abode

lol, which one of you bros was it?


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:08 AM
Author: olive university philosopher-king

professorcrunk is a known doobs moniker


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:03 AM
Author: amber ratface church

so lemme get this straight. nigger professor of nigger studies is taking up two seats on a crowded train like a nigger while blasting her nigger music on her nigger beats headphones so loud that she can't hear when some guy who wants to use one of her *two* seats asks her to move her stuff and, upon her total lack of response, moves her stuff for her.



Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:09 AM
Author: aphrodisiac legal warrant



Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:13 AM
Author: Claret Bawdyhouse



Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 9:43 AM
Author: House-broken Market

"Oh god oh!" as 1000's of pages of scholarship fall


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 5:59 PM
Author: Vibrant generalized bond abode


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 12:48 PM
Author: blathering field factory reset button


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 5:58 PM
Author: transparent effete hell degenerate

I'm black but i cracked up at this


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:06 AM
Author: mind-boggling marketing idea dilemma


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:15 AM
Author: Claret Bawdyhouse

"In the reverse scenario, a black man would never get on the train, snatch up a white woman’s bag, and shove it in her face."

No kidding. He would run away with it.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:16 AM
Author: Claret Bawdyhouse

" [B]lack people never presume they are entitled to occupy interracial spaces so aggressively."



Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:17 AM
Author: light parlour


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:25 AM
Author: amber ratface church

lol i've been riding the subway with my then gf in new york and it's a time when all the lines are very crowded so it's bodies on bodies.

some old nigger, like 60 at least shoved up against her and and started grinding his dick into her ass until it got hard.

she didn't say anything to me until we left at our stop or he left for his (can't remember). if she had i would have beat his ass. and yeah it's NYC so maybe a mob of niggers would have pulled me off and beaten me to death instead, but that's a chance you take because niggers need to be taught that they can't act like fucking animals. people like the fat bitch author of this article will make it easier for nigger perverts to do continue to do chimp shit like this.


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Date: December 25th, 2014 11:02 AM
Author: fishy chapel sneaky criminal

and she totally misses the irony of saying this when the whole confrontation results from her passive-aggressive occupation of two seats on a crowded train


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:16 AM
Author: cowardly odious den

yeah but he wouldn't be RUDE about it


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:18 AM
Author: Mewling Private Investor Tank

LOL at this exchange in the comments:

pwakeman 1 day ago

I really wish the white guy who did this would step forward with his own article detailing the incident. I feel like we're only getting 1 side of the story here.


darkhelmet1976 1 day ago

@pwakeman Why do you believe that?

Either you think her larger point is wrong and she's using an exaggerated version of an event to prop it up.

Or, you agree with her larger point and disputing the truth of her story is totally missing the point.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:19 AM
Author: cowardly odious den

"Some will argue that I cannot generalize ideas about white entitlement from the action of one jerk on the train. After all, people get into petty squabbles on the train all the time. Let us not forget, however, that the civil rights movement was catalyzed by a squabble over a seat on a bus. "



Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:29 AM
Author: amber ratface church

now i'm not gonna say draping my 300 pound ass and laptop bag over two subway seats on a full train and ignoring someone who asks me to move my shit is basically the same thing as rosa parks...


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:19 AM
Author: light parlour



Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:23 AM
Author: mind-boggling marketing idea dilemma

Holy shit 180


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:24 AM
Author: Claret Bawdyhouse

180 url


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:24 AM
Author: mind-boggling marketing idea dilemma

Did you see the graphic at the top? Wow!


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:27 AM
Author: Claret Bawdyhouse

seems like a 180 site, might frequent


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:28 AM
Author: mind-boggling marketing idea dilemma

Hell, I might register.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:48 AM
Author: light parlour

Welcome to the Forums of Niggermania !

As a guest you have limited access to the forums and you can only post in the guest forum. If you register,

you'll have full access to the forum including Nigger Mating, Niggers in Africa, Nigger Graphics, etc.

We do not have ads or pop ups and we keep your email confidential. Please register by clicking the link at the top of the page.

THANK YOU to our December Contributors: niggroidzilla, Bubba Deets, WhiteManFromTown, Porch Monkey Watcher, Malcolm Xcrement, Cosmo, nudell1212, goawaynigger, Scratch, missakaffir, Anonymous from NC, ghettomaker, Freak, Runniger, JUNGLE BUNNY - COST=$339 DONATED=$615


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 2:26 AM
Author: olive university philosopher-king



Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 9:41 AM
Author: Talented brunch doctorate



Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2014 5:50 PM
Author: light parlour
