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real talk about professional blacks who report racial incidents

aromatic masturbator
real talk: your points are convoluted and senseless. rac...
Bateful corner idiot
aromatic masturbator
aromatic masturbator
aromatic masturbator
sounds more like a complete pussy
rambunctious blue site
on the other hand, your op was made up bullshit.
rambunctious blue site
drab nofapping resort
"how simple a fix" is it? tell us, then, how to...
Emerald market trust fund
aromatic masturbator
"then this shit happens and they question all their rel...
Pale piazza people who are hurt
Painfully honest wagecucks
canary nudist stag film background story
Date: November 23rd, 2015 11:52 AM Author: Know-it-all asso...
Splenetic kitchen
In other words, white people should never be racist but if a...
Coral domesticated immigrant house
Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:05 AM I know many professio...
galvanic address internal respiration
women do this with catcalling too - right to facebook - but ...
Emerald market trust fund
aromatic masturbator
there is a lot of truth to OP, but I think that's it's a gen...
Irate Stage
You're dad sounds 180. Make America great again.
Slimy messiness milk
aromatic masturbator
I've poasted about him before. he's 180 as fuck true "...
Irate Stage
aromatic masturbator
[editted because I was being a cock] the way CBs work, th...
Irate Stage
reminds me of mcwhorter on the most recent one saying that h...
Emerald market trust fund
aromatic masturbator
I really do think there is a lack of "man up" and ...
Irate Stage
there was a rather heated debate on another blog i read abou...
Emerald market trust fund
my gut reaction is yes for the fact that the type of guy who...
Irate Stage
libs hate the concept of BOOTSTRAPS. No one is responsible f...
Stirring Peach School Selfie
Look man, for the most part, blacks don't like whites and wo...
pink hairraiser office
don't most minorities surveyed answer that they'd want to li...
Emerald market trust fund
That's only because most black areas are lousy and dangerous...
pink hairraiser office
I think this is where blacks and latinos differ a great deal...
Irate Stage
In what regard?
pink hairraiser office
we don't hate whites. the kind of work latinos do puts them...
Irate Stage
aromatic masturbator
This has been my experience too.
mint gay wizard main people
aromatic masturbator
it hurts bc it challenges their humanity. not surprised that...
Citrine rehab boistinker
aromatic masturbator
bc 1 generation ago enough ppl shared that sentiment to crea...
Citrine rehab boistinker
aromatic masturbator
people are calling them subhuman on the street that cool wi...
Citrine rehab boistinker
aromatic masturbator
i doubt that if you were a 53 year old doctor returning from...
Citrine rehab boistinker
aromatic masturbator
Victimhood has become a virtue.
Wine insecure principal's office
i'm not gonna defend racial slurs thrown at blacks or anyone...
bearded razzle-dazzle liquid oxygen corn cake
We are on the same page.
aromatic masturbator
oh ok, i must have misread that post then. i'm asian-ame...
bearded razzle-dazzle liquid oxygen corn cake
What shit have you endured? Not trying to fight, just genui...
aromatic masturbator
Bamboo ceiling. Harder to get into Harvard.
Orange kitty
Garnet whorehouse degenerate
cr op LOL at "microaggressions" relative to the...
Chestnut theater place of business
The hardest part about being poor and black/latino is living...
Irate Stage
aromatic masturbator
lol op is secretly racist as fuck. how about people not yel...
dull alpha turdskin
tbf, I don't think he's hidden it. his night threading defi...
Irate Stage
Garnet whorehouse degenerate
marvelous step-uncle's house marketing idea
internet-worthy sanctuary gunner
spaceporn, i NEVER forget!
Pearl Glittery Factory Reset Button

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:05 AM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 11:52 AM
Author: Bateful corner idiot

real talk: your points are convoluted and senseless.

racial slurs hurt these minority bros a lot, and rock their foundation. think of it this way, they have a charmed life because of AA but also because they went to college, worked hard, got good enough grades, got a good jerb, and have been doing good work at their jerb, they work with whites probably live with whites. then this shit happens and they question all their relationships with whites. wonder if in fact, behind closed doors when they're not around, whites just think of them as niggas. that really fucks with them.

real talk

so maybe when some idiot rural poor white shouts out at this otherwise chill fratty black bro, you should worry that you're losing a good one. worry about the idiot white, not the response. how simple a fix to simply not have this shit thrown out at good bros. now this dude is going to think well fuck all, fuck whites, going to join #blacklivesmatter


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 1:27 PM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 1:30 PM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 1:34 PM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 1:33 PM
Author: rambunctious blue site

sounds more like a complete pussy


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 1:34 PM
Author: rambunctious blue site

on the other hand, your op was made up bullshit.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 2:53 PM
Author: drab nofapping resort


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 1:28 PM
Author: Emerald market trust fund

"how simple a fix"

is it? tell us, then, how to fix it


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 1:31 PM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 5:20 PM
Author: Pale piazza people who are hurt

"then this shit happens and they question all their relationships with whites. wonder if in fact, behind closed doors when they're not around, whites just think of them as niggas. that really fucks with them."

yeah, and when some blacks do bad things, it makes me question all my relationships with blacks. makes me wonder if in fact, behind closed doors when I'm not around, blacks just act like apes. that really fucks with me.


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Date: September 12th, 2020 9:20 AM
Author: Painfully honest wagecucks


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Date: September 12th, 2020 10:36 AM
Author: canary nudist stag film background story


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Date: September 12th, 2020 4:38 AM
Author: Splenetic kitchen

Date: November 23rd, 2015 11:52 AM

Author: Know-it-all associate sanctuary

real talk: your points are convoluted and senseless.

racial slurs hurt these minority bros a lot, and rock their foundation. think of it this way, they have a charmed life because of AA but also because they went to college, worked hard, got good enough grades, got a good jerb, and have been doing good work at their jerb, they work with whites probably live with whites. then this shit happens and they question all their relationships with whites. wonder if in fact, behind closed doors when they're not around, whites just think of them as niggas. that really fucks with them.

real talk

so maybe when some idiot rural poor white shouts out at this otherwise chill fratty black bro, you should worry that you're losing a good one. worry about the idiot white, not the response. how simple a fix to simply not have this shit thrown out at good bros. now this dude is going to think well fuck all, fuck whites, going to join #blacklivesmatter



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Date: September 12th, 2020 9:29 AM
Author: Coral domesticated immigrant house

In other words, white people should never be racist but if a black person experiences a single instance of racism they will... become racist? And this black person will invariably start making assumptions about all the white people who have been their friends and colleagues for years, based on the actions of a single, completely unrelated white person? And if this does happen, white people are the problem?

Here's a radical thought for you: black people shouldnt be racist either. Racism is wrong.


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Date: September 12th, 2020 4:23 AM
Author: galvanic address internal respiration

Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:05 AM

I know many professional, white collar blacks who have received the benefits of AA all their lives. They have never in their lives experienced a risk of physical violence (by whites) as a result of their race, and they have never encountered anything but special programs that financially help them

But when one of these persons experiences, at one time in their life, someone yelling something racist from a car window in a small town, say, or a cab driver pick up someone else rather than them (without in either instance having any foundation for a belief they are being discriminated against), they post it on FB, talk about it online and in public, "racism is alive and well," etc etc. These are not simple country folk. These are professionals. As I say to my five year old when he cries during a rough and tumble, "man up. It didn't hurt that much. Do you want to go home?" "No" --Stops crying--continues playing. Until we recognize that blacks can encounter an instance or two of some powerless bigot slighting them over the course of a charmed lifetime without the need for RED ALERTS over racial injustice, our public policy on race is going to continue to be completely absurd.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:12 AM
Author: Emerald market trust fund

women do this with catcalling too - right to facebook - but i don't think it has anything to do with them being black or women, in particular, and has everything to do with how much we prize someone being a member of a marginalized group, who has been victimized by some sort of "systemic" or "structural" force.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:14 AM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:44 AM
Author: Irate Stage

there is a lot of truth to OP, but I think that's it's a generational thing in large part. As the victimhood intersectional identity race continues to subdivide into more and more recognizable slices worthy so special recognition, the only way to stake a claim as a member of any such group is to advertise your membership by it's clearest marker--an overt act of oppression. The irony, of course, that overt oppression includes microaggressions which are, by their nature, subtle and institutional machinations.

I remember being a kid and going to work with my dad when I had a day off from school. I would sit in the cab of his tractor trailer and the CB was on all day as any trucker's CB radio would be. Whenever he got on it to give a driver directions or report traffic, the air would immediately crackle with "shut the fuck up, spic." "go back to mexico, you wetback (he aint mexican)" "fucking beaners" yadda yadda for a minute or so and then it would die down. It never bothered him.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:48 AM
Author: Slimy messiness milk

You're dad sounds 180. Make America great again.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:49 AM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:56 AM
Author: Irate Stage

I've poasted about him before. he's 180 as fuck true "blue collar hero" type.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:49 AM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:52 AM
Author: Irate Stage

[editted because I was being a cock]

the way CBs work, the company can't control how you use them. It's still a very wild west/free speech medium.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:49 AM
Author: Emerald market trust fund

reminds me of mcwhorter on the most recent one saying that he laughed at and looked down upon anyone who acted racist toward him. i'm white (or off-white), but that's the way i was brought up, too - the blazing saddles mindset. being the bigger person seems to have given way to being the bigger victim


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:54 AM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:57 AM
Author: Irate Stage

I really do think there is a lack of "man up" and just culture at large. so many people worry about what people think of them that the idea someone even THINKS of you in an ill sort of way is grounds for calamity.

people need to really learn "fuck what everyone thinks because they don't pay your bills, blow you or come to your wake"


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 9:59 AM
Author: Emerald market trust fund

there was a rather heated debate on another blog i read about whether the "coddled millennial" stuff really belongs in the same category as campus protests about microaggressions and so on. on the one hand, they seem similar, but on the other hand, it's hard to imagine minority parents engaging in such constant self-esteem boosting and helicopter parenting. do you think it's the same pattern?


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 10:05 AM
Author: Irate Stage

my gut reaction is yes for the fact that the type of guy who goes to say, a Yale, and is a minority is even less street aware than when I went. with the professionalization of college admissions (I went RIGHT BEFORE that went full steam), kids are on an ivy track by 6th grade for many students (think the Prep For Prep crowd). So they may not be helicoptered by their own moms, but be damn sure every adult they interact with goes full "en loco parentis" swarming around the kid to reassure and soothe and support until they finally get that college admission. So that is what populates these schools. It's not what AA was supposed to do which is give a guy who has the talent, but not the resources deal--these are kids who may be better prepared for these schools than their white counterparts.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 11:41 AM
Author: Stirring Peach School Selfie

libs hate the concept of BOOTSTRAPS. No one is responsible for their own fortune in life.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 10:01 AM
Author: pink hairraiser office

Look man, for the most part, blacks don't like whites and would prefer to have absolutely nothing to do with them if possible.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 10:02 AM
Author: Emerald market trust fund

don't most minorities surveyed answer that they'd want to live somewhere that's half white and half whatever they are?


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 10:04 AM
Author: pink hairraiser office

That's only because most black areas are lousy and dangerous, but if there were plenty of very nice, upper middle class black areas, they'd live there in a heartbeat. Trust me on this...blacks don't like whites at all. They will "play the game" just to get paid, but when no one is looking, have nothing but jokes and negative things to say.

You're clueless if you think otherwise.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 10:08 AM
Author: Irate Stage

I think this is where blacks and latinos differ a great deal.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 10:15 AM
Author: pink hairraiser office

In what regard?


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 10:19 AM
Author: Irate Stage

we don't hate whites. the kind of work latinos do puts them elbow to elbow with too much low class whites to make that livable.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 10:44 AM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: September 12th, 2020 9:17 AM
Author: mint gay wizard main people

This has been my experience too.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 10:56 AM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 1:35 PM
Author: Citrine rehab boistinker

it hurts bc it challenges their humanity. not surprised that it's not a big deal to conservatives bc they consider all sorts of people subhuman and even themselves, i'm sure.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 1:39 PM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 1:41 PM
Author: Citrine rehab boistinker

bc 1 generation ago enough ppl shared that sentiment to create laws that prevented blacks from doing normal things

why r u butt hurt about minorities? lmao thought u were sane


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 1:46 PM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 1:48 PM
Author: Citrine rehab boistinker

people are calling them subhuman on the street

that cool with you? what would you do?


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 2:04 PM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 2:17 PM
Author: Citrine rehab boistinker

i doubt that if you were a 53 year old doctor returning from emergency surgery and walking down a peaceful street to collect your thoughts ud be so magnanimous to a group of spoiled white punks in a broken down civic


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 2:49 PM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 1:44 PM
Author: Wine insecure principal's office

Victimhood has become a virtue.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 2:10 PM
Author: bearded razzle-dazzle liquid oxygen corn cake

i'm not gonna defend racial slurs thrown at blacks or anyone else. that's unacceptable. but if you think those acts justify AA, you're a dumb shitlib.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 2:11 PM
Author: aromatic masturbator

We are on the same page.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 2:23 PM
Author: bearded razzle-dazzle liquid oxygen corn cake

oh ok, i must have misread that post then.

i'm asian-american and have endured more shit than well-off blacks since they got the benefits of AA, shitlib whites kissing their ass, and a media that loves them. i do feel bad for poor blacks since they have it pretty rough but zero sympathy for UMC and rich blacks.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 2:57 PM
Author: aromatic masturbator

What shit have you endured? Not trying to fight, just genuinely curious for friends who are Asian.


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Date: September 12th, 2020 8:59 AM
Author: Orange kitty

Bamboo ceiling. Harder to get into Harvard.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 5:38 PM
Author: Garnet whorehouse degenerate



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Date: November 23rd, 2015 2:33 PM
Author: Chestnut theater place of business

cr op

LOL at "microaggressions" relative to the violent MACROaggressions performed by the sizeable nigger-share of US negroes.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 4:41 PM
Author: Irate Stage

The hardest part about being poor and black/latino is living in a poor black/latino neighborhood by leaps and bounds.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 4:50 PM
Author: aromatic masturbator


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 5:23 PM
Author: dull alpha turdskin

lol op is secretly racist as fuck. how about people not yell slurs and be dicks to each other? why blame the victim you asshole? oh you do it because you're a racist faggot.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 5:33 PM
Author: Irate Stage

tbf, I don't think he's hidden it. his night threading definitely is racist and he's owned it. With that said, that's a messenger/message issue and not about the content of any individual communique.


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Date: November 23rd, 2015 5:39 PM
Author: Garnet whorehouse degenerate



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Date: September 12th, 2020 4:17 AM
Author: marvelous step-uncle's house marketing idea


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Date: September 12th, 2020 9:52 AM
Author: internet-worthy sanctuary gunner



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Date: October 5th, 2020 8:45 PM
Author: Pearl Glittery Factory Reset Button

spaceporn, i NEVER forget!
