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CuntSlut Alyssa R. Leader 15 SUES Harvard for BS "harassment" (Crimson)

A recent Harvard College graduate filed a lawsuit against Ha...
Puce vigorous hominid
Puce vigorous hominid
Lmao, she posted this herself
Rusted slap-happy stage
Jet-lagged Juggernaut
100% this. Never seen a thread title formatted like that.
violet rebellious national security agency
nope, not vindictive at all... http://i.imgur.com/pD0qgqW...
Puce vigorous hominid
Colleges should just go back to separate male and female dor...
beady-eyed well-lubricated voyeur
Honestly, this is 100% correct and all opposite sex visitors...
Learning Disabled Gaming Laptop Institution
Fuck dorms, colleges should go back to being totally single ...
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Bateful Arrogant State Jew
this is, of course, the logic conclusion to their rabble and...
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Dashing mustard cuckoldry home
What a joke of a lawsuit. Since then does the state of mass ...
Appetizing really tough guy ticket booth
It's male's right brother NOT mails write.
Learning Disabled Gaming Laptop Institution
Stupid autocorrect. Sorry bro.
Appetizing really tough guy ticket booth
You shouldn't post from your phone brother. It's dangerous.
Learning Disabled Gaming Laptop Institution
What does she do for a living? I saw that she was a congress...
stimulating misunderstood whorehouse roast beef
She has a pretty shitty job for a Harvard grad. Maybe the lo...
Puce vigorous hominid
At this rate, she'll be at YLS next year.
Obsidian telephone lodge
Puce vigorous hominid
http://www.universalhub.com/files/leader-complaint.pdf 62. ...
Puce vigorous hominid
Bateful Arrogant State Jew
ALPHA: 69. In addition to John Doe 1’s aggressive behavi...
Puce vigorous hominid
Mewling hairless theater candlestick maker

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: February 17th, 2016 8:34 PM
Author: Puce vigorous hominid

A recent Harvard College graduate filed a lawsuit against Harvard University alleging that College administrators inappropriately responded to her sexual harassment case and allowed her alleged perpetrator to remain in her dorm.

The suit—which was filed in the Massachusetts District Court on Tuesday—claims that Alyssa R. Leader ’15 requested for her alleged perpetrator to change residence from Cabot House, where she also lived, after several threatening and abusive sexual encounters. However, the suit alleges, administrators did not immediately relocate the male student from the House and failed to protect the plaintiff against retaliation during the course of an investigation.

Massachusetts Hall

Massachussetts Hall. The Crimson Staff

Requesting unspecified punitive damages, Leader alleges in the lawsuit that Harvard administrators failed to follow federal guidance on university sexual harassment investigations. Leader claims in the lawsuit that College administrators did not remove her alleged perpetrator from Cabot House until the plaintiff had secured a restraining order and Harvard administrators provided inadequate training on sexual assault.

In July 2015, the Office of Sexual and Gender-Based Dispute Resolution, which leads investigations into cases of alleged sexual harassment, ruled that the male student was not responsible for sexual assault, according to the suit. In August, the suit states, the College’s Administrative Board then ruled that there were no grounds for disciplinary action.

“The acts and failures to act perpetrated against Plaintiff amounted to unlawful sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of gender,” the suit charges against the University. “Defendants acted with deliberate indifference in deviating significantly from the standard of care outlined by the [Department of Education].”

The suit takes fault with several specific Harvard administrators and employees that Leader talked to about her alleged sexual harassment, including Emily J. Miller, the College’s Title IX coordinator.

In an emailed statement, Harvard spokesperson Tania deLuzuriaga wrote that Harvard does not comment on pending litigation.

A federal investigation into Harvard College’s compliance with anti-sex discrimination law Title IX remains ongoing. In July 2014, Harvard unveiled a new approach for handling cases of alleged sexual harassment, creating a new, centralized office in ODR. And in December 2014, the federal government found Harvard Law School in violation of Title IX.

—Check thecrimson.com for more updates.

—Staff writer Andrew M. Duehren can be reached at andy.duehren@thecrimson.com. Follow him on Twitter @aduehren.



Reply Favorite

Date: February 17th, 2016 8:49 PM
Author: Puce vigorous hominid


looks like a cheerful big-tittd slut to me

well, maybe not so cheerful:


Alyssa Leader ‏@alittleleader Jan 22

newly invigorated twitter activity brought to you by #rage just rage.


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Date: November 18th, 2020 4:05 PM
Author: Rusted slap-happy stage

Lmao, she posted this herself


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Date: November 18th, 2020 4:56 PM
Author: Jet-lagged Juggernaut


Reply Favorite

Date: November 18th, 2020 5:43 PM
Author: violet rebellious national security agency

100% this. Never seen a thread title formatted like that.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 18th, 2016 10:43 AM
Author: Puce vigorous hominid

nope, not vindictive at all...



Reply Favorite

Date: February 18th, 2016 10:45 AM
Author: beady-eyed well-lubricated voyeur

Colleges should just go back to separate male and female dorms.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 18th, 2016 12:47 PM
Author: Learning Disabled Gaming Laptop Institution

Honestly, this is 100% correct and all opposite sex visitors need to be out by 9 PM.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 18th, 2016 1:05 PM
Author: titillating topaz range patrolman

Fuck dorms, colleges should go back to being totally single - gender. Alyssa Leader can have one big safe space at RADCLIFFE


Reply Favorite

Date: February 23rd, 2016 6:06 PM
Author: Bateful Arrogant State Jew


Reply Favorite

Date: February 23rd, 2016 6:10 PM
Author: aromatic red casino haunted graveyard

this is, of course, the logic conclusion to their rabble and that is LOL


Reply Favorite

Date: November 18th, 2020 4:57 PM
Author: Dashing mustard cuckoldry home


Reply Favorite

Date: February 18th, 2016 12:41 PM
Author: Appetizing really tough guy ticket booth

What a joke of a lawsuit. Since then does the state of mass tort system recognize a duty if care imposed by the federal department of education? What about the mails write to be free from gender-based harassment by this chick? Should men be forced to relocate whenever a woman makes an unsubstantiated claim of harassment?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 18th, 2016 12:47 PM
Author: Learning Disabled Gaming Laptop Institution

It's male's right brother NOT mails write.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 18th, 2016 12:51 PM
Author: Appetizing really tough guy ticket booth

Stupid autocorrect. Sorry bro.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 18th, 2016 12:51 PM
Author: Learning Disabled Gaming Laptop Institution

You shouldn't post from your phone brother. It's dangerous.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 18th, 2016 1:00 PM
Author: stimulating misunderstood whorehouse roast beef

What does she do for a living? I saw that she was a congressional intern for a Louisiana GOP Congressman.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2016 7:34 PM
Author: Puce vigorous hominid

She has a pretty shitty job for a Harvard grad. Maybe the lolsuit is her attempt to justify her lifefail by blaming Harvard.

Brookline Community Mental Health Center

Case Manager/Health Outreach Worker · 2015 to present · Brookline, Massachusetts



Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2016 8:00 PM
Author: Obsidian telephone lodge

At this rate, she'll be at YLS next year.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 22nd, 2016 7:31 PM
Author: Puce vigorous hominid



Reply Favorite

Date: February 23rd, 2016 6:05 PM
Author: Puce vigorous hominid


62. Between March 2013 and March 2014, while a student at Harvard, Leader engaged in

sexual contact and, ultimately, a dating relationship with John Doe 1, a fellow Harvard


68. Leader reported to Defendants multiple incidents of sexual abuse perpetrated by John

Doe 1. John Doe 1 would become irate and threatening when Leader declined sexual

contact, often resulting in Leader relenting. In response to Leader either declining or

Case 1:16-cv-10254-DJC Document 1 Filed 02/16/16 Page 14 of 29


stopping sexual contact, John Doe 1 would slam doors and violently strike or push

furniture including a metal bureau, a fan and a porcelain sink. John Doe 1 would also

make hostile comments that were very threatening to Leader such as, "It's almost as if

you like when people treat you like shit. People treat you poorly and then you give them

what they want. Maybe I should start treating you like shit to get what I want." John

Doe 1 would often angrily raise his voice and accuse Leader of being a "tease" and tell

her they would fight less if she gave into him sexually. When Leader eventually relented

out of fear and consented to sexual intercourse, John Doe 1 would continue having sexual

intercourse with Leader despite her crying and expressing emotional distress such as

being under too much pressure.

LOL, This Alyssa Leader slut really thinks she can sue for this bullshit?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 23rd, 2016 6:07 PM
Author: Bateful Arrogant State Jew



Reply Favorite

Date: February 23rd, 2016 6:08 PM
Author: Puce vigorous hominid


69. In addition to John Doe 1’s aggressive behaviors directed at Leader, Leader also

witnessed and reported his capacity for violence towards others in public. On one

occasion, John Doe 1 accidentally lifted up Leader’s dress in front of a gathering of

friends, exposing her body to another male friend. After the male friend made a joke

about it, John Doe 1 became enraged and physically went after the male friend.

Similarly, John Doe 1 repeatedly started arguments with Leader at their mutual place of

work in Cabot House. He would repeatedly raise his voice at Leader while she stood

behind the counter and then walk away, leaving her upset, embarrassed and unable to

leave in front of customers.

70. Leader attempted to end her relationship with John Doe 1 multiple times but was

repeatedly convinced to begin seeing him again. Leader informed Defendants that the

relationship ultimately ended in earnest in mid-March 2014.

71. In September of 2014, Leader approached John Doe 1 to discuss his behavior during their

relationship. Leader informed investigators that she approached John Doe 1 with regards

to his new girlfriend. Leader asked John Doe 1 not to treat his new girlfriend the way he

had treated Leader. John Doe 1 indicated he would “never do that to her” as she had not

“set an expectation” like Leader by having a sexual encounter with him before they began

dating. Leader indicated that even if he did not care how his behavior affected others, his

conduct could still be against university policy. John Doe 1 then shouted at Leader that it

made no sense that he could be punished for sexual coercion when he could not take

action against someone “for being a bitch or teasing me.” After this conversation, Leader

Case 1:16-cv-10254-DJC Document 1 Filed 02/16/16 Page 15 of 29


ceased communication with John Doe 1 beyond what was necessary as they shared a

dormitory and workplace.

72. After this conversation, John Doe 1 proceeded to harass Leader regularly. John Doe 1

would move aggressively towards Leader and make noises such as “huffing and puffing”

whenever he passed Leader in the hallway, despite her efforts to avoid and ignore him.

73. John Doe 1 would regularly show up at Leader’s shifts at work, at the dormitory café,

even after she scheduled shifts to avoid times she knew he would be in the café. John

Doe 1 would stand by the counter at the café, look at Leader and make comments such as

“You know, if you have to coerce someone, you’re doing it wrong.”

74. On one occasion, while Leader was in a nearly empty dining hall, John Doe 1 sat at a

table close to her and commented loudly, “Well, with the new Title IX policy, you can’t

do anything. It’s all rape!”


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Date: November 18th, 2020 4:58 PM
Author: Mewling hairless theater candlestick maker
