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So what motivated Comey?

Internal pressure from career Bureau employees? Pressure fro...
Beady-eyed brindle dopamine
The Truth.
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Dafuq does an overrated Celtics forward have to do with anyt...
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Exhilarant Kitchen Skinny Woman
Must have been something bad in those emails
Vengeful business firm
congress put him on notice. if he hadn't done this, and it ...
geriatric slate corner doctorate
twinkling provocative lay love of her life
Mint french hominid
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Have trouble believing an Obama appointee would do this to h...
Greedy gay cruise ship
this doesn't make him look good, so there has to be somethin...
concupiscible orange famous landscape painting tanning salon
kim dotcom thinks FBI recovered all hillary emails from NSA ...
Curious ticket booth
Huh? Explain
out-of-control odious brethren theater stage
Curious ticket booth
NSA stores all emails from every single person, kim dotcom a...
Curious ticket booth
Wut how is this tech even possible
out-of-control odious brethren theater stage
Curious ticket booth
He's right. NSA is basically a border patrol for US cyberspa...
Chestnut Nofapping Meetinghouse Lettuce
calling BS on that. that fatass just trying to stay relevant...
Aphrodisiac corn cake
The Guardian opined in 2013, that most of these things canno...
Curious ticket booth
Lol, you haters were saying the same thing when Kim Dotcom t...
Learning Disabled Rose Locus
I want to believe that there's something to this angle - but...
Rusted Field Marketing Idea
The NSA angle is flame. Of course the NSA has her emails and...
fishy thirsty blood rage
This is what I'm thinking - I mean he's about to face a shit...
Rusted Field Marketing Idea
fishy thirsty blood rage
because it would have been leaked and cause a shitstorm. pre...
maize rehab double fault
he's supposed to take the hit and not FUBAR the election. H...
buck-toothed cobalt abode
No, re-read the Holder memo. He is not supposed to take acti...
Appetizing burgundy heaven headpube
$$$heldon Adel$$$on
Shaky sweet tailpipe
protecting his "legacy" which is more important th...
buck-toothed cobalt abode
How does this protect his legacy? Because in my mind it basi...
Rusted Field Marketing Idea
Worst case Huma may have emailed herself some unmarked CI to...
buck-toothed cobalt abode
Citations needed
tan antidepressant drug
I can imagine much worse cases.
Appetizing burgundy heaven headpube
Been on 4chan lots lately got red piled 180
Sticky Pit
Soul-stirring Stag Film Liquid Oxygen
A desire to MAGA
vibrant market
Beady-eyed brindle dopamine
Beady-eyed brindle dopamine

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: October 29th, 2016 7:19 PM
Author: Beady-eyed brindle dopamine

Internal pressure from career Bureau employees? Pressure from the GOP congress? A simple desire to dickslap Loretta lynch for making him look bad?


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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:32 PM
Author: unholy abusive office

The Truth.


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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:32 PM
Author: blathering scarlet theater philosopher-king


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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:33 PM
Author: effete indian lodge


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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:50 PM
Author: arousing buff community account theatre


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Date: October 29th, 2016 11:44 PM
Author: passionate abnormal school cafeteria

Dafuq does an overrated Celtics forward have to do with anything?


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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:32 PM
Author: Exhilarant Kitchen Skinny Woman

us constitution


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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:33 PM
Author: Vengeful business firm

Must have been something bad in those emails


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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:34 PM
Author: geriatric slate corner doctorate

congress put him on notice.

if he hadn't done this, and it came out after the election, he'd have been done. det.


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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:35 PM
Author: twinkling provocative lay love of her life



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Date: October 29th, 2016 11:30 PM
Author: Mint french hominid


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Date: October 30th, 2016 2:00 AM
Author: Appetizing burgundy heaven headpube



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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:35 PM
Author: Greedy gay cruise ship

Have trouble believing an Obama appointee would do this to help Trump. I bet there's something bad there.


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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:48 PM
Author: concupiscible orange famous landscape painting tanning salon

this doesn't make him look good, so there has to be something in it that would look worse if he ignored it. I think it has to be worse than sending docs to a yahoo account by her assistant


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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:49 PM
Author: Curious ticket booth

kim dotcom thinks FBI recovered all hillary emails from NSA spycloud


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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:51 PM
Author: out-of-control odious brethren theater stage

Huh? Explain


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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:51 PM
Author: Curious ticket booth



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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:53 PM
Author: Curious ticket booth

NSA stores all emails from every single person, kim dotcom announced how FBI can legally acquire them:





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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:54 PM
Author: out-of-control odious brethren theater stage

Wut how is this tech even possible


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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:55 PM
Author: Curious ticket booth



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Date: October 29th, 2016 11:57 PM
Author: Chestnut Nofapping Meetinghouse Lettuce

He's right. NSA is basically a border patrol for US cyberspace. They can inspect anything and everything that travels through US ISPs ( and perhaps Europe too). Think of all those conspiracy type movies about the NSA - they can do all that and probably more , I assure you


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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:55 PM
Author: Aphrodisiac corn cake

calling BS on that. that fatass just trying to stay relevant talking out his ass.


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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:56 PM
Author: Curious ticket booth

The Guardian opined in 2013, that most of these things cannot be detected by other NSA tools, because they operate with strong selectors (like e-mail and IP addresses and phone numbers) and the raw data volumes are too high to be forwarded to other NSA databases.



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Date: October 29th, 2016 8:57 PM
Author: Learning Disabled Rose Locus

Lol, you haters were saying the same thing when Kim Dotcom told everyone months ago that Wikileaks had a ton of dirt on Hillary.

He and they backed up the talk. They have credibility. Bitter rantings do not, sorry to say.


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Date: October 29th, 2016 11:06 PM
Author: Rusted Field Marketing Idea

I want to believe that there's something to this angle - but how would this work? Comey read kim dotcom's twitter then contacted the NSA?

I think Comey would already be aware of the NSA capabilities.....

I'm having trouble piecing this whole angle together from beginning to end. How would this have all played out? (It is interesting that months ago kim dotcom promised bombs to drop on 10/26)


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Date: October 30th, 2016 12:11 AM
Author: fishy thirsty blood rage

The NSA angle is flame. Of course the NSA has her emails and the FBI already knew that.


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Date: October 29th, 2016 10:58 PM
Author: Rusted Field Marketing Idea

This is what I'm thinking - I mean he's about to face a shitstorm from the MSM / lib machine next week the likes of which we've never seen before - he had to know this was coming. So defying the DoJ and writing the letter with more fear about the post-election shitstorm than what's about to come next week makes sense only if they have something big or if he's facing an internal FBI revolt.

I'm not sure if it makes sense that he's willing to face this crucifixion next week only to be "thorough" b/c he told Congress the investigation was settled but there's actually a few more emails out there.


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Date: October 29th, 2016 11:58 PM
Author: fishy thirsty blood rage


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Date: October 29th, 2016 11:01 PM
Author: maize rehab double fault

because it would have been leaked and cause a shitstorm. pretty obvious that he had no winning move. also there is nothing interesting in these emails


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Date: October 29th, 2016 11:06 PM
Author: buck-toothed cobalt abode

he's supposed to take the hit and not FUBAR the election. He can always prosecute after if he wanted.


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Date: October 30th, 2016 2:03 AM
Author: Appetizing burgundy heaven headpube

No, re-read the Holder memo. He is not supposed to take action with the PURPOSE of influencing the election.


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Date: October 29th, 2016 10:59 PM
Author: Shaky sweet tailpipe

$$$heldon Adel$$$on


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Date: October 29th, 2016 11:04 PM
Author: buck-toothed cobalt abode

protecting his "legacy" which is more important the POTUS election it seems.

I dont know but it seems much worse to cause someone to lose an election and then find nothing than to wait and that person wins and then you find something ....it not like you can prosecute them after a win but you certainly can't do the election over.


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Date: October 29th, 2016 11:16 PM
Author: Rusted Field Marketing Idea

How does this protect his legacy? Because in my mind it basically destroys it if there's nothing substantial in the new emails - he'll be seen as having interfered with a presidential election for no good reason - and the right will turn on him again after nothing comes out of the new emails - so he'll be hated by both sides.

I get that he's screwed either way - b/c if it leaks he'll look like he was covering it up (then again he had agents sign unprecedented NDAs about this investigation and nothing leaked previously). He's about to face an unprecedented shitstorm next week - he likely has some sense of the kind of info they found in the new emails.


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Date: October 29th, 2016 11:23 PM
Author: buck-toothed cobalt abode

Worst case Huma may have emailed herself some unmarked CI to print as she admitted in interviews but the FBI already knew this.

Remember also (and I say this about a million times), CI shouldn't be on state.gov either, so it makes the server thing somewhat moot. What was going on at State with some CI information spilling over and being discussed via the unsecured email (state.gov) probably has been going on since email started being used and was probably continuing up through last year.


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Date: October 29th, 2016 11:27 PM
Author: tan antidepressant drug

Citations needed


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Date: October 30th, 2016 2:08 AM
Author: Appetizing burgundy heaven headpube

I can imagine much worse cases.


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Date: October 29th, 2016 11:25 PM
Author: Sticky Pit

Been on 4chan lots lately got red piled 180


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Date: October 29th, 2016 11:44 PM
Author: Soul-stirring Stag Film Liquid Oxygen



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Date: October 30th, 2016 2:02 AM
Author: vibrant market

A desire to MAGA


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Date: March 5th, 2018 3:09 AM
Author: Beady-eyed brindle dopamine


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 2:11 AM
Author: Beady-eyed brindle dopamine
