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Chinese technocrats making five year plans on generational strategies, with

Full societal compliance and resources at disposal Americ...
naked half-breed plaza
"Full societal compliance" lol, gonna stop you ...
amethyst boyish piazza skinny woman
Lol @ you ignoring the amount of corruption and nepotism in ...
racy olive crackhouse milk
china's gdp/capita is fucked and they have way too many fore...
odious citrine mad-dog skullcap
lolwut. korea's industry (electronics and automobiles) is ab...
cream stubborn dilemma
your population is too high for gdp capita to move up in any...
odious citrine mad-dog skullcap
lmao. i like how you just ignored the question of how badly ...
cream stubborn dilemma
well end up like japan which is doing perfectly fine for its...
odious citrine mad-dog skullcap
except the video i just linked is promoting your women to ge...
cream stubborn dilemma
well be fine :)
odious citrine mad-dog skullcap
i don't know if it's going to be a chinese century, but asia...
Blue Big-titted Shrine
guy posting from a first world country here, sup
odious citrine mad-dog skullcap
How are those protests going?
racy olive crackhouse milk
zero relevance to my day-to-day affairs
odious citrine mad-dog skullcap
retarded argument. the soviet union had a greater level o...
Diverse international law enforcement agency gas station
counterpoint: heterogeneity which makes countries third worl...
odious citrine mad-dog skullcap
china is very heterogeneous, bro.
Diverse international law enforcement agency gas station
(two mentally ill Asian American cucks sucking each other of...
cream stubborn dilemma
you are such a tool
Twisted hateful rehab faggot firefighter
(third mentally ill Asian American cuck)
cream stubborn dilemma
lol no i believe you are verifiably the asian american ...
Twisted hateful rehab faggot firefighter
is this the mentally ill faggot twist?
cream stubborn dilemma
i feel bad for you, dude. hope you get better.
Diverse international law enforcement agency gas station
(weird AA cuck)
cream stubborn dilemma
which is why i consider china third world
odious citrine mad-dog skullcap
By what definition?
naked half-breed plaza
china is 8% non-chinese, thats 8% too much
odious citrine mad-dog skullcap
Ahhh. Heterogenous confirmed
naked half-breed plaza
counterpoint, soviet union ran a command economy whereas chi...
Cobalt Provocative Chapel Organic Girlfriend
well, yes, but op's argument was the china's greater central...
Diverse international law enforcement agency gas station
the USSR was a frankenstein's monster of a "nation.&quo...
ebony dashing associate telephone
china is the biggest strategic threat to our leading super p...
White Filthpig Whorehouse
china has 1.4 billion people and 12 million with genius leve...
Cobalt Provocative Chapel Organic Girlfriend
all the stuff you mentioned has nothing to do with cultural ...
White Filthpig Whorehouse
didn't see the cultural part. I was thinking more of the bas...
Cobalt Provocative Chapel Organic Girlfriend
it attracts high IQ ppl like musk etc to move to US. cultura...
White Filthpig Whorehouse
so in other words you are short america starting in 2020?
amethyst boyish piazza skinny woman
To be fair, Chinese Companies are currently buying up huge c...
racy olive crackhouse milk
How dare you you ANTI-SEMITE!
Cobalt Provocative Chapel Organic Girlfriend

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: November 15th, 2016 1:52 AM
Author: naked half-breed plaza

Full societal compliance and resources at disposal

America running elections on two year cycles that monied elite buy but also seek consent of nation of 100 (and dropping) iq.

Even with TRUMP, all the indicators are of a Chinese century

Explain why this is not the case

(Points docked for posting link of Leslie Stahl talking about "ghost cities")


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Date: November 15th, 2016 9:18 PM
Author: amethyst boyish piazza skinny woman

"Full societal compliance"

lol, gonna stop you right there hoss.

I still believe in a Chinese century though


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Date: November 15th, 2016 9:21 PM
Author: racy olive crackhouse milk

Lol @ you ignoring the amount of corruption and nepotism in the CCP.

You don't maintain single party control for this long by promoting people base solely on merit and ability.


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Date: November 15th, 2016 1:54 AM
Author: odious citrine mad-dog skullcap

china's gdp/capita is fucked and they have way too many foreigners


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:01 AM
Author: cream stubborn dilemma

lolwut. korea's industry (electronics and automobiles) is about to be completely gaped by China.


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:11 AM
Author: odious citrine mad-dog skullcap

your population is too high for gdp capita to move up in any significant way.

and in terms of demographics china has never been homogeneous. never will be either


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:20 AM
Author: cream stubborn dilemma

lmao. i like how you just ignored the question of how badly korea's industry is about to get decimated.


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:24 AM
Author: odious citrine mad-dog skullcap

well end up like japan which is doing perfectly fine for itself. we will maintain our homogeneity which is why korea and japan are first world while china is not imo


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:32 AM
Author: cream stubborn dilemma

except the video i just linked is promoting your women to get raped by white men.


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:32 AM
Author: odious citrine mad-dog skullcap

well be fine :)


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Date: November 15th, 2016 1:57 AM
Author: Blue Big-titted Shrine

i don't know if it's going to be a chinese century, but asia looks pretty good right now, all things considered.


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Date: November 15th, 2016 1:57 AM
Author: odious citrine mad-dog skullcap

guy posting from a first world country here, sup


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Date: November 15th, 2016 9:21 PM
Author: racy olive crackhouse milk

How are those protests going?


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Date: November 15th, 2016 9:25 PM
Author: odious citrine mad-dog skullcap

zero relevance to my day-to-day affairs


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Date: November 15th, 2016 1:57 AM
Author: Diverse international law enforcement agency gas station

retarded argument.

the soviet union had a greater level of centralization and ultimately got pwned by the u.s. its political system was a lot more brittle, too, and did not allow for significant change without the risk of revolution or dissolution.

the beauty of american capitalism is that it allows human flourishing by channeling self interest in productive ways. our system of government, cultural norms, and civic society restrain power and work against rent-seeking behavior by elites, albeit imperfectly. the well-established democratic process allows conflicts to be resolved in peaceful ways, making the political system more robust in the long run.


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Date: November 15th, 2016 1:58 AM
Author: odious citrine mad-dog skullcap

counterpoint: heterogeneity which makes countries third world by definition


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Date: November 15th, 2016 1:59 AM
Author: Diverse international law enforcement agency gas station

china is very heterogeneous, bro.


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:02 AM
Author: cream stubborn dilemma

(two mentally ill Asian American cucks sucking each other off)


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:03 AM
Author: Twisted hateful rehab faggot firefighter

you are such a tool


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:05 AM
Author: cream stubborn dilemma

(third mentally ill Asian American cuck)


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:08 AM
Author: Twisted hateful rehab faggot firefighter

lol no

i believe you are verifiably the asian american

and cognitive dissonance has verifiably made you extremely mentally ill, all of xo knows this

what a major fucking tool

why not leave xo


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:10 AM
Author: cream stubborn dilemma

is this the mentally ill faggot twist?


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:14 AM
Author: Diverse international law enforcement agency gas station

i feel bad for you, dude. hope you get better.


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:19 AM
Author: cream stubborn dilemma

(weird AA cuck)


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:12 AM
Author: odious citrine mad-dog skullcap

which is why i consider china third world


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Date: November 15th, 2016 9:50 AM
Author: naked half-breed plaza

By what definition?


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Date: November 15th, 2016 9:20 PM
Author: odious citrine mad-dog skullcap

china is 8% non-chinese, thats 8% too much


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Date: November 16th, 2016 6:34 PM
Author: naked half-breed plaza

Ahhh. Heterogenous confirmed


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:24 AM
Author: Cobalt Provocative Chapel Organic Girlfriend

counterpoint, soviet union ran a command economy whereas china has adopted capitalism (with socialist characteristics). it's a bubble that will inevitably crash as well but still very different than the soviet model.


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:27 AM
Author: Diverse international law enforcement agency gas station

well, yes, but op's argument was the china's greater centralization and mobilization of national resources were an advantage over the u.s.

i pointed out an even more centralized country that challenged the u.s. for a while before collapsing.

to the extent china adopts a more decentralized, free market economy, the better it will be able to sustain economic growth in the long run.


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Date: November 15th, 2016 5:42 PM
Author: ebony dashing associate telephone

the USSR was a frankenstein's monster of a "nation." it was constantly plagued by would-be separatist movements and troublesome backwards tribes/groups. it had to knit together a giant spectrum of linguistic, ethnic, and religious groups. it was never 90% of anything like china is 90% han.

it's actually a miracle the USSR lasted as long as it did, but LOL @ a non-centralized system accomplishing nearly as much on that particular landmass. how does the lack of strong centralization work out for the congo or something?


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:18 AM
Author: White Filthpig Whorehouse

china is the biggest strategic threat to our leading super power status since WWII and is an actual real threat unlike the Soviets who were doomed to fail from the start

but china has serious inefficiencies in its economic system due to the state picking winners and losers not to mention its lack of any cultural soft power. finally china doesn't attract the smartest of the world like US so we will have the technological edge for the foreseeable future


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:27 AM
Author: Cobalt Provocative Chapel Organic Girlfriend

china has 1.4 billion people and 12 million with genius level IQs. they have no shortage of bright people. they are expanding their soft power through the one belt one road initiative and relations with central asia and africa. they've established various asian organizations like ASEAN, SCO, Asian Infrastructure Bank, etc to counteract western institutions. they're no dummies.


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:37 AM
Author: White Filthpig Whorehouse

all the stuff you mentioned has nothing to do with cultural soft power. american cultural soft power is not due to world bank or IMF but due to hollywood, fashion, music, way of life etc

yes i know their human potential which is why i said they are a real and serious threat. they have almost everything - size, national vigor/cohesion, IQ. though their aging population will be a huge drag along with their highly inefficient banking/economic system

but still i will bet on US as long as US is at least 50% white


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Date: November 15th, 2016 2:54 AM
Author: Cobalt Provocative Chapel Organic Girlfriend

didn't see the cultural part. I was thinking more of the basic definition of soft power as "the ability to attract and co-opt rather than by coercion (hard power), using force or giving money as a means of persuasion." those orgs i mentioned get no play in western media bc they're inconvenient facts that diminish the western ego.

i also don't really see the benefits of cultural soft power unless it achieves some end for america, whether diplomatically or economically.


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Date: November 15th, 2016 5:37 PM
Author: White Filthpig Whorehouse

it attracts high IQ ppl like musk etc to move to US. cultural soft power is pretty important

nobody dreams of shanghai lifestyle like they do of CA/LA.


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Date: November 15th, 2016 9:20 PM
Author: amethyst boyish piazza skinny woman

so in other words you are short america starting in 2020?


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Date: November 15th, 2016 9:23 PM
Author: racy olive crackhouse milk

To be fair, Chinese Companies are currently buying up huge chunks of Hollywood.

Our ((overlords)) don't care about American culture, they just want to make their next shekel.


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Date: November 16th, 2016 6:42 PM
Author: Cobalt Provocative Chapel Organic Girlfriend

How dare you you ANTI-SEMITE!
