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Real Talk: Trump's speech at Langley was totally fine

Other than the pretending that he has always been behind US ...
Blue forum foreskin
the families of the fallen agents represented by the stars o...
french obsidian lay
yeah, but that was less than 2-3 minutes of a 15 minute spee...
Blue forum foreskin
There were a few other aspects of it that were weird. Trump ...
Iridescent point generalized bond
What did he say in the speech that made you think that?
Blue forum foreskin
Federal employees are really sensitive about any sort of nak...
Iridescent point generalized bond
yeah, agree on the second point, he should just be a straigh...
Blue forum foreskin
The hatch act prohibits campaigning of any sort in the feral...
Iridescent point generalized bond
Of course they are. They are going to attack Trump relentle...
Adulterous contagious space

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Date: January 22nd, 2017 2:39 PM
Author: Blue forum foreskin

Other than the pretending that he has always been behind US intelligence unequivocally and a little bizarre tangent about the rain and crowd sizes at the inauguration and the MLK bust at the end, it seemed ok. MSM is hyping his tangents up...


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Date: January 22nd, 2017 2:47 PM
Author: french obsidian lay

the families of the fallen agents represented by the stars on the wall don't care about Trump's "war" with the media or how many times he's been on the cover of Time Magazine. It was the wrong venue to complain about press coverage.


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Date: January 22nd, 2017 2:48 PM
Author: Blue forum foreskin

yeah, but that was less than 2-3 minutes of a 15 minute speech. MSM acted like that was his whole speech.


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Date: January 22nd, 2017 2:53 PM
Author: Iridescent point generalized bond

There were a few other aspects of it that were weird. Trump clearly has no sense of how to manage the federal bureaucracy. He's showing us all what an amateur he is at the actual job of being POTUS. He seems to literally believe the job involves just signing shit and gladhandling.


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Date: January 22nd, 2017 2:53 PM
Author: Blue forum foreskin

What did he say in the speech that made you think that?


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Date: January 22nd, 2017 2:59 PM
Author: Iridescent point generalized bond

Federal employees are really sensitive about any sort of naked canpaign activity in the workplace. They're almost paranoid about it, especially in this election. This would have been a really awkward thing to experience for actual CIA employees. Not to mention everyone knew trumps platitudes about how much he supports the IC are utter horseshit. CIA is a ttt in steep decline, full of faggots and sjws. Trump should and will be chopping off heads three. Everyone knows this. But he is not having a frank discussion with the agency about this. He's flat out bullshitting them. He should have talked about how there will be policy changes because president and sec state get to dictate foreign policy, end of story. Then he should tell them as long as they conduct themselves like professionals he'll have their back.


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Date: January 22nd, 2017 3:01 PM
Author: Blue forum foreskin

yeah, agree on the second point, he should just be a straight shooter there, and say that a few folks in the CIA are SPS, but most are good.

On the first point, I can't imagine it is that shocking, given the messenger....everyone is so used to it by now, even them.


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Date: January 22nd, 2017 3:06 PM
Author: Iridescent point generalized bond

The hatch act prohibits campaigning of any sort in the feral workplace, even jokes in the break room. Everyone gets extensive training on it. The training all emphasizes that it's illegal and you can go to jail for it.

Granted, hatch act is not in effect once the election ends, but the practice of keeping politics out of the workplace has ingrained everyone with a kind of religious belief that it's just a ttt thing to do, even when it's technically permissible.


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Date: January 22nd, 2017 4:19 PM
Author: Adulterous contagious space

Of course they are. They are going to attack Trump relentlessly. What he actually says or does won't matter. Zeke Miller tried to claim they took the MLK bust out of the Oval Office - even though he was actually in the room with it - like five hours into the Trump administration. And then after he got owned, the rest of the MSM praised his willingness to admit a mistake.
