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Star Wars Tomatometer Score: 93% Audience Score: 57%

https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_wars_the_last_jedi/ ...
grizzly pozpig
kike critics sweating, having a meeting about what to do abo...
vivacious yarmulke
Ebony Stirring Crackhouse Ladyboy
The audience score is RACIST WHITE MEN
Ebony Stirring Crackhouse Ladyboy
Rough-skinned marvelous sandwich sanctuary
((( https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FPFNIXgF32Q/maxresdefault.jpg )))
Violent Bat-shit-crazy Kitchen Mexican
Spectacular Tanning Salon Internal Respiration
grizzly pozpig
Azure abode
vivacious yarmulke
Vox has a lengthy article about this anomaly: https://www...
grizzly pozpig
odd how many of these "critics" have expressed the...
lemon market
LOL @ this geek https://www.vox.com/authors/todd-vanderwe...
translucent provocative school cafeteria goyim
vivacious yarmulke
update: Polygon thinks it's a 4chan troll https://www.pol...
grizzly pozpig
Of course they do
frisky lascivious corner
i cant even...
vivacious yarmulke
Exhilarant keepsake machete
vivacious yarmulke
AUTHENTIC, you fucking kikes.
vivacious yarmulke
frisky lascivious corner
disrespectful stimulating psychic spot
fuckin Lol
disturbing salmon personal credit line field
52% now!
grizzly pozpig
translucent provocative school cafeteria goyim
Lol, I thought it might recover over time since fanboys were...
light son of senegal stage
((They)) are blaming angry racist white males coordinating ...
maniacal indecent idea he suggested
Just saw this. The sjw diversity thing wasn't a big deal if ...
judgmental poppy home brethren
vivacious yarmulke
Reminder: RT is shit; use Metacritic.
Purple talented point
Wtf is meta critic ratings system numeric scale? Currently ...
galvanic cuckoldry senate
stfu, kike critics are counted everywhere. its not the algor...
vivacious yarmulke
Saw this yesterday. It was by far the worst of the entire s...
boyish bearded mood stead
grizzly pozpig
It's down to 91-51 I just saw this TTT movie and I will s...
Aromatic rigpig gay wizard
boyish bearded mood stead
down to 51. kike overlords scrambling for a way to wash this...
vivacious yarmulke
rotten tomatoes app banned from iphone and android until the...
Alcoholic Locus
lol u must be joking...
vivacious yarmulke
down to 90 and 50
grizzly pozpig
offensive laughsome meetinghouse antidepressant drug
sienna swashbuckling school
Down to 46% now
galvanic cuckoldry senate
Still too high tbh
Spectacular Tanning Salon Internal Respiration

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 3:03 AM
Author: grizzly pozpig


edit: down to 56%


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 3:07 AM
Author: vivacious yarmulke

kike critics sweating, having a meeting about what to do about this glaring inconsistency. be assured you wont find this kind of glitch in the jew matrix next time.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 3:08 AM
Author: Ebony Stirring Crackhouse Ladyboy


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 3:09 AM
Author: Ebony Stirring Crackhouse Ladyboy

The audience score is RACIST WHITE MEN


Reply Favorite

Date: December 27th, 2017 11:20 PM
Author: Rough-skinned marvelous sandwich sanctuary


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 3:09 AM
Author: Violent Bat-shit-crazy Kitchen Mexican

((( https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FPFNIXgF32Q/maxresdefault.jpg )))


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 3:10 AM
Author: Spectacular Tanning Salon Internal Respiration


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 3:08 PM
Author: grizzly pozpig


Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 3:19 PM
Author: Azure abode



Reply Favorite

Date: December 17th, 2017 6:44 PM
Author: vivacious yarmulke


Reply Favorite

Date: December 24th, 2017 10:50 AM
Author: grizzly pozpig

Vox has a lengthy article about this anomaly:



Reply Favorite

Date: December 24th, 2017 11:10 AM
Author: lemon market

odd how many of these "critics" have expressed the following sentiment

"I’ve never been a huge Star Wars fan, but it was the first movie in the franchise that made me feel something other than, “That was neat,” and made me realize what it was that fans had always loved about the franchise. After I saw it the Monday before its release, I looked forward to finally feeling like part of the club."


Reply Favorite

Date: December 24th, 2017 11:11 AM
Author: translucent provocative school cafeteria goyim

LOL @ this geek



Reply Favorite

Date: December 28th, 2017 12:16 AM
Author: vivacious yarmulke



Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 12:58 AM
Author: grizzly pozpig

update: Polygon thinks it's a 4chan troll


Star Wars: The Last Jedi is one of the top-rated movies on Rotten Tomatoes, according to critics, but scroll down the movie’s page a little further and audience testimonies tell a different story.

There’s a gaping disparage between what critics thought of the movie (certified fresh) and the feeling a majority of moviegoers walked away from the theater harnessing. How could a movie so universally applauded by critics not have the same resounding effect on general moviegoers?

It’s hard to discern whether reviews of the movie are genuine or, as some outlets have reported, generated by bots or organized attacks from 4chan. One Facebook group, “Down With Disney's Treatment of Franchises and its Fanboys,” which aligns itself as a pro-DCEU community, announced on Facebook that it had generated trolls to help review bomb The Last Jedi’s score on Rotten Tomatoes. (Review bombing is when a horde of negative reviews with low ratings are left on an entities page in protest.) The page defines itself by its anti-Marvel and anti-Disney stance as a pro-DCEU fan page.

“Thanks to friends of mine who taught me a thing or two about Bot Accounts, I used them to create this audience score through Facebook accounts created that subsequently logged into Rotten Tomatoes who rigged this score and still keep it dropping,” the post reads.

Questions about 4chan’s influence on the score have also been raised, but a thread on 4chan’s infamous politically incorrect forum, /pol/, has a number of site users claiming that 4chan wasn’t involved. Some 4chan users suggested it was a /pol/ attack because the audience rating is sitting at 56 percent, which could allude to a 2015 meme that /pol/ participants in Europe and the United States used. The term “56” has become notable among 4chan for a keyword used during organized attacks; when the score for The Last Jedi hovered at 56 percent, people thought it was a sign that 4chan was behind the review bomb.

One /pol/user noted that, “even if /pol/ could muster up 10,000 people, which would be like 2-3 times the amount for popular strawpolls posted more than once, it wouldn't be enough to change it to 56% and be able to keep it there.” This sentiment was echoed on the thread, with many /pol/ members claiming they wish it had been an organized attack, but downplaying any involvement in it.

Some of those comments have been screencapped and can be read below.

Grid View

Just because 4chan claims to not be behind the review bomb doesn’t mean everything is fine. Many of the reviews being left on The Last Jedi’s page call out the film for its inclusion of “SJW” concepts, criticizing the movie for its forced inclusion of race and powerful female figures. Among those reviews, a large portion are from accounts created that day and have only left comments for The Last Jedi.

One review, which was left earlier today from a new user named Johnny S., called out The Last Jedi for its political tendencies. A portion of his review can be read below.

If you like stunning visuals, superficial character development, a choppy, incoherent, illogical plot, plot holes, SJW concepts such as capitalism is bad, animal abuse is bad, "make love not war", every bad guy being a white male, and neutering every positive protagonist male in this movie, or you are only a casual fan of Star Wars, you'll probably like this movie.

There are countless other reviews like this one that go back to Dec. 14, when the first public screenings for The Last Jedi began. When asked by Polygon whether Rotten Tomatoes was worried about attacks on The Last Jedi, a representative for the company said the website is closely monitoring the situation.

“Fans can rate a movie several ways,” the representative said. “They can rate it ‘want to see’ or ‘not interested,’ add a score from .5 to 5 stars as well as post a written review with the score. Similar to other movie sites, we’re currently experiencing a high volume of fan activity around Star Wars: The Last Jedi. We’re closely monitoring all user review activity to make sure it’s valid.”

For Rotten Tomatoes — and for general audiences — it’s important to note the difference between illegitimate and legitimate criticism. The Last Jedi, just like any review, is subject to people’s opinions, and all legitimate opinions should be heard. In one opinion piece, we called out the movie for its lack of direction heading into Episode IX, saying “a middle act should not leave so much ambiguity,” adding that we couldn’t see “one clear purpose coming out of The Last Jedi.”

Frustrations over how nostalgia is used in the movie, the use of exaggerated comedic bits and the quick dismissal of Snoke as a character are all valid criticism points. Many people walked away from The Last Jedi feeling unsure about how it sits in the universe created by George Lucas 40 years ago. The issue, as many critics have pointed out, is the reactionary response online. When people are burning their Star Wars shirts and calling out for bots to raid review sites as a way of getting disappointment across, that’s when questionable attacks come into play.

The last Jedi was quite simply insulting to every Star Wars movie before it. pic.twitter.com/Z4nL2SYVVO

— Carson Juhl (@carson_juhl) December 15, 2017

With more than 100,000 reviews of the movie, most people are convinced that something is amiss — especially after predominant polling sites like CinemaScore gave the film an “A” after collecting survey data from the movie’s opening night. The backlash to the movie, which is unprecedented for a Disney film in recent years, led to Dave Hollis, Disney’s president of theatrical distribution, issuing a statement to Deadline about the situation.

“Rian Johnson, the cast, and the Lucasfilm team have delivered an experience that is totally ‘Star Wars’ yet at the same time fresh, unexpected and new,”Hollis told Deadline. “That makes this a ‘Star Wars’ film like audiences have never seen – it’s got people talking, puzzling over its mysteries, and it’s a lot to take in, and we see that as all positive, that should help set the film up for great word-of-mouth and repeat viewing as we enter the lucrative holiday period.”

Despite the negative reviews flooding Rotten Tomatoes — a number of which Polygon confirmed contain phrases like “SJW” or “diversity” in their description just from reading through 15 pages of reviews — Star Wars: The Last Jedi is still one of the year’s most successful movies. The film is projected to have surpassed $220 million during its opening weekend, joining Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Avengers and Jurassic World as one of four films to cross the $200 million line.

As critics have pointed out, this has nothing to do with whether people liked The Last Jedi, but when looking at reactionary comments on sites like Rotten Tomatoes, which allow users to post their reviews with little oversight, it’s important to read the language being used in those descriptions. As cultural critic Peter Coffin said on Twitter, “if you only looked on Reddit (or Rotten Tomatoes user reviews), you’d think the world hated Star Wars: The Last Jedi.”

Polygon has reached out to Rotten Tomatoes for more information on whether the audience score is expected to change in the coming days or if it’s expected to hover around 56 percent. If it stays the same, it will be one of the only movies “Certified Fresh” by critics and “Certified Rotten” by audiences.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 1:03 AM
Author: frisky lascivious corner

Of course they do


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 1:05 AM
Author: vivacious yarmulke

i cant even...


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 1:05 AM
Author: Exhilarant keepsake machete



Reply Favorite

Date: December 20th, 2017 10:48 PM
Author: vivacious yarmulke


Rotten Tomatoes Says Its 55% 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Audience Score Is Authentic


Reply Favorite

Date: December 27th, 2017 11:38 PM
Author: vivacious yarmulke

AUTHENTIC, you fucking kikes.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 1:02 AM
Author: frisky lascivious corner



Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 1:03 AM
Author: disrespectful stimulating psychic spot


Reply Favorite

Date: December 19th, 2017 1:38 AM
Author: disturbing salmon personal credit line field

fuckin Lol


Reply Favorite

Date: December 24th, 2017 10:38 AM
Author: grizzly pozpig

52% now!


Reply Favorite

Date: December 24th, 2017 10:42 AM
Author: translucent provocative school cafeteria goyim



Reply Favorite

Date: December 24th, 2017 10:44 AM
Author: light son of senegal stage

Lol, I thought it might recover over time since fanboys were the most MAF. Nope!


Reply Favorite

Date: December 24th, 2017 10:49 AM
Author: maniacal indecent idea he suggested

((They)) are blaming angry racist white males coordinating on the internet to tank the score


Reply Favorite

Date: December 24th, 2017 12:25 PM
Author: judgmental poppy home brethren

Just saw this. The sjw diversity thing wasn't a big deal if they cast cool and believable characters but they didn't. Watching a semi coordinated chick who can't really fight pretend to be a badass with a light saber was bs. Also the chubby Asian chick couldn't even run, yet is supposed to be an action hero. Two old grandmas are fleet commanders and rebel leaders, Adam driver doesn't fit the villain role he's just a whiny emo kid with temper tantrums, mark hamills Luke was a bitch which seems odd given his background. Pretty much the only character I liked was Yoda.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 27th, 2017 11:39 PM
Author: vivacious yarmulke


Reply Favorite

Date: December 24th, 2017 12:55 PM
Author: Purple talented point

Reminder: RT is shit; use Metacritic.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 24th, 2017 12:56 PM
Author: galvanic cuckoldry senate

Wtf is meta critic ratings system numeric scale? Currently this is TLJ



User Score



Reply Favorite

Date: December 27th, 2017 11:40 PM
Author: vivacious yarmulke

stfu, kike critics are counted everywhere. its not the algorithm, its the critics behind the curtain with their kike paws.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 24th, 2017 12:56 PM
Author: boyish bearded mood stead

Saw this yesterday. It was by far the worst of the entire series, and I liked Rogue One a lot. Felt like a gay millennial Marvel movie doused in leftist propaganda


Reply Favorite

Date: December 25th, 2017 11:37 AM
Author: grizzly pozpig


'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Had Largest First to Second Weekend Box Office Dollar Drop in History

Like its predecessor Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: The Last Jedi is setting new box office records, but probably not the kind it would like.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is set to have the biggest week-to-week drop at the box office, based on total dollar amount, in box office history.

The film earned $220 million in its first weekend and dropped to $68 million in week two. That’s a $152 million drop. There are certain films that do so well on their first weekend that they fall off precipitously in week two to the tune of $100 million or more. Star Wars: The Force Awakens even dropped off by $149 million following its record-breaking opening weekend in 2015. But Star Wars: The Last Jedi is the first film to drop off by more than $150 million.

There are several factors that may contribute to this huge week-to-week decline. The Last Jedi did have the second largest opening weekend in history. Christmas Eve falling on a Sunday has traditionally contributed to a sluggish box office weekend all-around since many families often stay home to wrap presents and partake in other family traditions. Add that to the number of disgruntled fans who won’t be seeing The Last Jedi multiple times the same way that they did with The Force Awakens and it's not hard to do the math.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi also has the dubious honor of being the Star Wars movie with the largest Friday-to-Friday drop in franchise history.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi's box office total currently stands at $365 million. The movie was previously projected to hit the $400 million mark domestically by the time by the four-day Christmas weekend is over

Star Wars: The Last Jedi currently has an 83.28 ComicBook.com Composite Score. Star Wars: The Last Jedi also has a 4.06 out of 5 ComicBook.com User Rating. Let us know what you thought of Star Wars: The Last Jedi by giving the film your own personal ComicBook.com User Rating below.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is now playing in theaters. Its sequel and the final installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy, Star Wars: Episode IX, will release in theaters on December 20, 2017. The next standalone Star Wars movie, Solo: A Star Wars Story, opens in theaters on May 25, 2018.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 27th, 2017 10:08 PM
Author: Aromatic rigpig gay wizard

It's down to 91-51

I just saw this TTT movie and I will save you the price of a ticket:

A bunch of spunky minorities (blacks, asians, purple-hairs) and women (the good guys) fight an evil all-white-male entity (the bad guys). It's one big long boring SJW storyline for 150 minutes.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 27th, 2017 11:35 PM
Author: boyish bearded mood stead


Reply Favorite

Date: December 27th, 2017 11:35 PM
Author: vivacious yarmulke

down to 51. kike overlords scrambling for a way to wash this glaring inconsistency away.


Reply Favorite

Date: December 27th, 2017 11:37 PM
Author: Alcoholic Locus

rotten tomatoes app banned from iphone and android until they removed bigoted user ratings system


Reply Favorite

Date: December 27th, 2017 11:40 PM
Author: vivacious yarmulke

lol u must be joking...


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2018 7:28 PM
Author: grizzly pozpig

down to 90 and 50


Reply Favorite

Date: January 8th, 2018 8:25 PM
Author: offensive laughsome meetinghouse antidepressant drug



Reply Favorite

Date: August 28th, 2018 9:16 PM
Author: sienna swashbuckling school


Reply Favorite

Date: August 28th, 2018 9:18 PM
Author: galvanic cuckoldry senate

Down to 46% now


Reply Favorite

Date: August 28th, 2018 9:26 PM
Author: Spectacular Tanning Salon Internal Respiration

Still too high tbh
