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the core problem of Trump is an inability to pick proper personnel

it's his core problem. if he had picked nationalists for hi...
laughsome confused kitty regret
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im watching hitler's circle of evil on netflix now. not as ...
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half the country voted from trump. its true that the vast m...
laughsome confused kitty regret
Could be.
Bonkers Up-to-no-good Keepsake Machete
Actually like 19% of the country voted for Trump
bull headed sound barrier state
Wonderful Shivering Voyeur Foreskin
He's used to a business environment, where you can hire peop...
Bonkers Up-to-no-good Keepsake Machete
Aggressive philosopher-king
Demanding Beta Internal Respiration Coffee Pot
Orchid Codepig Parlour
Don't disagree that some of his picks have turned out poorly...
Electric forum
bannon was a flamethrower who couldn't build bridges and cou...
laughsome confused kitty regret
there is no shortage of competent nationalists, but no leade...
Well-lubricated marvelous office
Like how a 32 year old autist Miller with no policy experien...
bull headed sound barrier state
Fucking Wikipedia! Yeah, Bannon never spoke in hyperbole ...
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the revolution went unstaffed
overrated excitant nowag
he seems not to have understood that the GOP elite/leadershi...
Costumed henna shrine main people
laughsome confused kitty regret
Bonkers Up-to-no-good Keepsake Machete
What are you talking about? One of Trump's top goals was to ...
beady-eyed fishy international law enforcement agency messiness
What makes these comments look so absurd to me is that you ...
Wonderful Shivering Voyeur Foreskin
pink lay hominid
Trumpmo here, qualified for a range of positions that are st...
Jet Newt
this is disgraceful
laughsome confused kitty regret
He still won't be impeached. The time frame for his potentia...
Bat shit crazy telephone
I hope trump is reading this analysis instead of listening t...
Bonkers Up-to-no-good Keepsake Machete
Pro-Tip, Trump received the endorsement of the GOP through e...
Bat shit crazy telephone
you should post more
Aggressive philosopher-king
i think trump's core problem is that he's an idiot and now h...
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it's lazy and dishonest to claim that he's an "idiot.&q...
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Trump is many things, but he is not dumb. He also does not h...
Electric forum
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pink lay hominid
Wonderful Shivering Voyeur Foreskin
i literally said this in Nov 16, after it became immediately...
effete set sandwich
yes, i chronicled this phenomenon here http://www.xoxohth...
laughsome confused kitty regret
good timeline
effete set sandwich
cr he is definitely a shill for kike antics Putin and ...
charismatic useless box office trust fund
effete set sandwich
I’m in awe that no one sees or talks about this We should...
charismatic useless box office trust fund
The people still on the Trump train are blinded by his perso...
beady-eyed fishy international law enforcement agency messiness
Why the fuck did it take you that long to realize that?
Irradiated kitchen organic girlfriend
it was always a possibility/probability that Trump was a hug...
effete set sandwich
boyish indecent hospital
have you ever considered that America is simply done here? ...
charismatic useless box office trust fund
it certainly seems to be . Rome lasted a lot longer than 25...
laughsome confused kitty regret
as a whole but the dynasties from The Legitimacy on were rou...
charismatic useless box office trust fund
his core problem is that he has no spine. it's like he says...
Blue Personal Credit Line Locus
and yet he's infinitely preferable to Hillary Clinton or any...
Aggressive philosopher-king
Nofapping Brunch
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boyish indecent hospital
*make S shape with your arms*
boyish indecent hospital
The truth is these are not very bright guys and things got o...
Exciting Casino
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Wonderful Shivering Voyeur Foreskin
pink lay hominid
Lmao at these deeply insightful comments. The main problem w...
Wonderful Shivering Voyeur Foreskin
Prime sign of Trump incompetence and weakness is Kushner/Iva...
Razzmatazz Ivory Masturbator Abode
He's not an ideologue -- in some ways that's a positive for ...
Scarlet resort
Agree that he should do a weekly blab/streamcast like Martin...
ultramarine very tactful piazza ratface
laughsome confused kitty regret
Would be 180
Jet Newt
Jet Newt

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 8:38 PM
Author: laughsome confused kitty regret

it's his core problem. if he had picked nationalists for his cabinet positions and his personnel decisions early on, fired comey early on, he would not have these problems. instead he's filled his cabinet full of cucks and globalists, his head of personnel is johnny de stefano (an ultra cuck who discriminated against actual trump supporters). he's all alone surrounded by enemies, and its his own fault.

another huge, huge problem is that he doesn't have weekly addresses to the american people. stream it, have people ask him questions, etc. that would be a huge help. twitter is helpful but its not enough. his head of comms should be fired, total disgrace.

he should also give interview to breitbart, fox, and totally cut out the rest of the despicable MSM.

trump should have also continued with rallies across the country, never stopping them, and organized them into a force that can be called upon at will to descend upon their local cities or D.C. that he didn't do this was a huge mistake.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 8:40 PM
Author: talented swollen athletic conference

The best people.


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Date: March 24th, 2018 9:15 PM
Author: adventurous vengeful black woman headpube


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Date: March 26th, 2018 2:51 PM
Author: pink lay hominid


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Date: March 24th, 2018 8:40 PM
Author: violet theater travel guidebook


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Date: March 24th, 2018 8:43 PM
Author: laughsome confused kitty regret

im watching hitler's circle of evil on netflix now. not as a comparison, of course, but it was interesting to watch how deeply the inner circle believed in the nationalist message - goebbels, gorring, himmler - and how they competed with each other to deliver nationalist victories. hitler mostly gave speeches to educate the public while his underlings organized the country and brought him choices to make that benefited the nationalist cause. trump has no underlings who believe in the nationalist message and no organizational skills whatsoever.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 8:49 PM
Author: Bonkers Up-to-no-good Keepsake Machete

Hitler was also surrounded by a coterie of extremely conscientious German dudes with 140+ IQ's. Good luck finding people like that who are willing to go into rinky-dink politics to be assblasted for life on account of supporting Trump.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 8:49 PM
Author: violet theater travel guidebook


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Date: March 24th, 2018 8:50 PM
Author: copper mischievous gaming laptop wagecucks


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Date: March 24th, 2018 8:52 PM
Author: laughsome confused kitty regret

half the country voted from trump. its true that the vast majority of DC and the elite did not, but he could've done far better than he did. i keep railing on johnny de stefano but that guy, the head of personnel, was dinging trump supporters left and right. mcmaster would've been auto-dinged based upon his history and statements on islam which only took a cursory google search to drudge up. tillerson could've been grilled on his views (which are quite globalist).


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 8:54 PM
Author: Bonkers Up-to-no-good Keepsake Machete

Could be.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 8:55 PM
Author: bull headed sound barrier state

Actually like 19% of the country voted for Trump


Reply Favorite

Date: March 27th, 2018 10:54 AM
Author: Wonderful Shivering Voyeur Foreskin


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 8:42 PM
Author: Bonkers Up-to-no-good Keepsake Machete

He's used to a business environment, where you can hire people who seem okay then fire them if they don't work out based on objective criteria. He's in a den of filthy snakes. This to the extent he ever intended to follow through on delivering on nationalism.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 8:44 PM
Author: Aggressive philosopher-king


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 9:56 AM
Author: Demanding Beta Internal Respiration Coffee Pot


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 8:42 PM
Author: Orchid Codepig Parlour



Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 8:43 PM
Author: Electric forum

Don't disagree that some of his picks have turned out poorly, but there are only so many "nationalists" that have experience in Washington. He does need some people that understand politics.

Also, people like Bannon might have good ideas, but he was toxic to the White House with constant leaks and infighting. All these faggots need to stop leaking. The only agenda should be TRUMP.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 8:46 PM
Author: laughsome confused kitty regret

bannon was a flamethrower who couldn't build bridges and couldn't focus on any one issue for enough time to be effective. he belonged at breitbart helping from the outside, not the inside, but it might've been impossible to know that early on

there's definitely a lack of depth to the nationalist camp but there were enough of them for his cabinet, or at least he didn't have to hire globalists like mcmaster or tillerson or cohn or johnny de stefano as his head of personnel. his screening process was highly deficient.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 26th, 2018 3:01 PM
Author: Well-lubricated marvelous office

there is no shortage of competent nationalists, but no leadership on bringing them in

of the ones that got in, half were driven out in the first year

the other half that remains - many of them are still fighting over security clearances, stalled confirmations, or other efforts to drive them out


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 8:52 PM
Author: bull headed sound barrier state

Like how a 32 year old autist Miller with no policy experience authored a Muslim ban without consulting DoS or DoJ or even WH counsel about it's legality/practical application. End result that it was shot down after 3 separate attempts.

Bannon even said in an interview that he has to send Miller to Wikipedia in the first week to learn about how government works. Fucking Wikipedia!


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 10:10 PM
Author: Diverse maroon gaping

Fucking Wikipedia!

Yeah, Bannon never spoke in hyperbole or put others down to make himself look better.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 26th, 2018 2:52 PM
Author: pink lay hominid


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Date: March 24th, 2018 8:53 PM
Author: overrated excitant nowag

the revolution went unstaffed


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 8:59 PM
Author: Costumed henna shrine main people

he seems not to have understood that the GOP elite/leadership was out to destroy him from the beginning. his approach after the election was downright conciliatory toward the old establishment, hiring GOP insiders like preibus to exercise power over personnel acquisitions.

instead of taking his momentum and using it to hammer his agenda into place, he outsourced things to ryan and mcconnell, who wasted almost all of 2017 on a series of ridiculous obamacare repeal proposals. you only have a limited number of days in office - it's inexcusable to burn so many of them on such a shambles.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 9:00 PM
Author: laughsome confused kitty regret


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 9:02 PM
Author: Bonkers Up-to-no-good Keepsake Machete


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 10:32 PM
Author: beady-eyed fishy international law enforcement agency messiness

What are you talking about? One of Trump's top goals was to dismantle Obamacare. He campaigned on it for two years.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 26th, 2018 2:32 PM
Author: Wonderful Shivering Voyeur Foreskin

What makes these comments look so absurd to me is that you are analyzing Trump as if he is a normal human being and politician who has been motivated by the same things that other presidents have and is concerned about the same things other presidents have been concerned about.

He is a grotesque TV charlatan who is having problems in his new role as president because (1) he doesn't have the temperament, training or aptitude for the job; he grew up in such a weird bubble that it seems crazy to think he could have been prepared for the rigors of the job; (2) he is an unethical and amoral man who probably engaged in criminal and fraudulent behavior his entire life but is only now in a position where he can't use money to insulate himself from responsibility.

Those things seem to be more responsible for Trump's predicaments than his failure to give enough thought to how to manage his legislative agenda and relationships with McConnell or Ryan.

When I see a comment like this -- analyzing Trump as if you were Teddy White writing about Eisenhower, refusing to even acknowledge what makes him weird, talking about his legislative affairs strategy but not the criminal probes swirling around him -- it just looks hilariously discordant.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 26th, 2018 2:57 PM
Author: pink lay hominid


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 9:01 PM
Author: Jet Newt

Trumpmo here, qualified for a range of positions that are still unfilled, trying since before the inauguration to get the administration’s attention. A cursory email reply or two but for the most part there was and still is no real urgency to staff up at all. Much less with true believers.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 9:02 PM
Author: laughsome confused kitty regret

this is disgraceful


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 9:12 PM
Author: Bat shit crazy telephone

He still won't be impeached. The time frame for his potential impeachment was 2017. 2019 is going to be too late, that's when the 2020 primary season starts. So say after the Democrats take Congress in this hypothetical, they would still need 67 votes in the senate to impeach.

All Trump has to say is that he will run again for 2020 no matter what, and it will put all the republicans in a politically difficult position, because impeaching him won't get rid of him, since he'll just run again, and Pence will state clearly that if he is made president, he will never drop out, likely making for a 3-way race between Trump, Pence and Romney or Sasse in which case Trump wins the 2020 GOP primary anyway.

A president can't legally obstruct per Article II, so if that's the only 'criminal' charge brought up it's meaningless post-presidency. A set of civil charges for failing to conduct due diligence also doesn't have criminal liability, which means Trump will just run again, and he will make that threat loud and clear.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 9:14 PM
Author: Bonkers Up-to-no-good Keepsake Machete

I hope trump is reading this analysis instead of listening to his lawyers.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 9:16 PM
Author: Bat shit crazy telephone

Pro-Tip, Trump received the endorsement of the GOP through extortion back in the summer of 2015, he threatened to run 3rd party unless the GOP signed a pledge to support him. The GOP will be in the same position in 2019, except Trump will have a stronger hand, since he'll have a majority of the GOP behind him rather than a simple plurality like in 2015.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 12:15 AM
Author: Aggressive philosopher-king

you should post more


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 9:17 PM
Author: dull center

i think trump's core problem is that he's an idiot and now he has dementia too. the personnel issue is a symptom, not a cause


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 10:09 PM
Author: Charcoal cruise ship tattoo


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Date: March 24th, 2018 10:15 PM
Author: Costumed henna shrine main people

it's lazy and dishonest to claim that he's an "idiot." he deftly disposed of the entire GOP field during the primaries. he's no idiot. but he is being outplayed right now.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 11:56 PM
Author: Electric forum

Trump is many things, but he is not dumb. He also does not have dementia.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 9:39 AM
Author: aquamarine toilet seat tanning salon

sprinted here


Reply Favorite

Date: March 26th, 2018 2:52 PM
Author: pink lay hominid


Reply Favorite

Date: March 26th, 2018 6:23 PM
Author: Wonderful Shivering Voyeur Foreskin


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 9:20 PM
Author: effete set sandwich

i literally said this in Nov 16, after it became immediately clear that he intended to name an entirely (((cucked))) WH staff/cabinet, including potentially MITT ROMNEY at SOS.

i knew, after observing Trump's body language in that 60 Minutes interview days after the election, that he was a charlatan. he had the shifty look of someone who had 'gotten away with something.' and sure enough, he began walking back 'lock her up,' walking back deportations, within HOURS after winning.

it's taken some people 18 months to see what was obvious 48 hours after he was elected. he's a fraud.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 9:21 PM
Author: laughsome confused kitty regret

yes, i chronicled this phenomenon here



Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 10:23 PM
Author: effete set sandwich

good timeline


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 10:15 PM
Author: charismatic useless box office trust fund


he is definitely a shill for kike antics

Putin and Netanyahu are really cooking something up nice for us and their Bank of England buds


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 10:23 PM
Author: effete set sandwich



Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 11:53 PM
Author: charismatic useless box office trust fund

I’m in awe that no one sees or talks about this

We should be dropping leaflets about Operation Talpiot all over USA like the opening scene from Dunkirk


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 10:34 PM
Author: beady-eyed fishy international law enforcement agency messiness

The people still on the Trump train are blinded by his personality and their utter contempt for liberals.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 12:00 AM
Author: Irradiated kitchen organic girlfriend

Why the fuck did it take you that long to realize that?


Reply Favorite

Date: March 26th, 2018 2:51 PM
Author: effete set sandwich

it was always a possibility/probability that Trump was a huge con; but it was worth a shot. no other alternative.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 10:04 PM
Author: boyish indecent hospital



Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2018 10:13 PM
Author: charismatic useless box office trust fund

have you ever considered that America is simply done here?

About to hit that 250-300 yr mark where things go terminal - we're not special


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 1:40 AM
Author: laughsome confused kitty regret

it certainly seems to be . Rome lasted a lot longer than 250-300 years.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 2:01 AM
Author: charismatic useless box office trust fund

as a whole but the dynasties from The Legitimacy on were roughly sectioned off in 200-300 year periods

Han, Norwegian, you could argue Mayans had 2 that made up the 650 or so, etc

Maybe we can get a new dysnaty period liek a hard reset button but too many barabarians at the gates - ASia has this one locked up, therres to lose


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 12:02 AM
Author: Blue Personal Credit Line Locus

his core problem is that he has no spine. it's like he says something he really believes then takes it back when someone reminds him he's a Republican.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 12:17 AM
Author: Aggressive philosopher-king

and yet he's infinitely preferable to Hillary Clinton or any democrat being floated for 2020. I'd vote for him again without the slightest hesitation.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 2:24 AM
Author: Nofapping Brunch


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 12:44 AM
Author: boyish indecent hospital






Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 2:04 AM
Author: boyish indecent hospital



Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 2:22 AM
Author: boyish indecent hospital

*make S shape with your arms*


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 9:02 AM
Author: Exciting Casino

The truth is these are not very bright guys and things got out of hand


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 9:39 AM
Author: aquamarine toilet seat tanning salon


Reply Favorite

Date: March 26th, 2018 2:49 PM
Author: Wonderful Shivering Voyeur Foreskin


Reply Favorite

Date: March 26th, 2018 2:57 PM
Author: pink lay hominid


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 9:39 AM
Author: Wonderful Shivering Voyeur Foreskin

Lmao at these deeply insightful comments. The main problem with Trump is that he is being investigated for his compromising financial entanglements with Russian oligarchs and criminals and his efforts to do their bidding by killing sanctions that they hate.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 9:44 AM
Author: Razzmatazz Ivory Masturbator Abode

Prime sign of Trump incompetence and weakness is Kushner/Ivanka in the Whit House.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 9:45 AM
Author: Scarlet resort

He's not an ideologue -- in some ways that's a positive for him, but in other ways that's a handicap.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 9:58 AM
Author: ultramarine very tactful piazza ratface

Agree that he should do a weekly blab/streamcast like Martin Shkreli


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2018 1:38 PM
Author: laughsome confused kitty regret


Reply Favorite

Date: March 27th, 2018 11:31 PM
Author: Jet Newt

Would be 180


Reply Favorite

Date: March 31st, 2018 12:07 PM
Author: Jet Newt


An obscure White House office responsible for recruiting and vetting thousands of political appointees has suffered from inexperience and a shortage of staff, hobbling the Trump administration’s efforts to place qualified people in key posts across government, documents and interviews show.

At the same time, two office leaders have spotty records themselves: a college dropout with arrests for drunken driving and bad checks and a Marine Corps reservist with arrests for assault, disorderly conduct, fleeing an officer and underage drinking.

The Presidential Personnel Office (PPO) is little known outside political circles. But it has far-reaching influence as a gateway for the appointed officials who carry out the president’s policies and run federal agencies.

Under President Trump, the office was launched with far fewer people than in prior administrations. It has served as a refuge for young campaign workers, a stopover for senior officials on their way to other posts and a source of jobs for friends and family, a Washington Post investigation found. One senior staffer has had four relatives receive appointments through the office.

On the campaign trail, Trump pledged to surround himself “only with the best and most serious people,” but his administration has been buffeted by failed appointments and vacancies in key posts.

From the start, the office struggled to keep pace with its enormous responsibilities, with only about 30 employees on hand, less than a third of the staffing in prior administrations, The Post found. Six senior officials over age 35 went elsewhere in government just months after their arrival, documents and interviews show. Since the inauguration, most of the staffers in the PPO have been in their 20s, some with little professional experience apart from their work on Trump’s campaign, The Post found.

Even as the demands to fill government mounted, the PPO offices on the first floor of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building became something of a social hub, where young staffers from throughout the administration stopped by to hang out on couches and smoke electronic cigarettes, known as vaping, current and former White House officials said.

PPO leaders hosted happy hours last year in their offices that included beer, wine and snacks for dozens of PPO employees and White House liaisons who work in federal agencies, White House officials confirmed. In January, they played a drinking game in the office called “Icing” to celebrate the deputy director’s 30th birthday. Icing involves hiding a bottle of Smirnoff Ice, a flavored malt liquor, and demanding that the person who discovers it, in this case the deputy director, guzzle it.

The White House confirmed that PPO officials played the Icing game but said it and the happy hours are not unique to the PPO and are a way to network and let off steam.

Little is publicly known or disclosed about the office’s inner workings under Trump. The White House declined requests from The Post for details about composition of the staff.

The Post compiled the names of 40 current or former PPO officials under Trump and then examined their qualifications, drawing on résumés, the White House salary disclosures for 2017, ethics filings, police reports and other public records. Reporters interviewed presidential scholars and current and former officials in the Trump, Bush and Obama administrations.

The PPO is ultimately responsible for recruiting and vetting candidates for more than 4,000 jobs, more than 1,200 requiring Senate approval.

Every White House faces personnel challenges and includes young and politically connected employees who get jobs through friends or family and senior officials who move on to other assignments. But the shortcomings of this office, and Trump’s appointment process in general, are among the most pronounced in memory, according to presidential scholars.

“No administration has done it as poorly as the current one,” said Max Stier, president and chief executive of the Partnership for Public Service, a nonpartisan group that teamed up with The Post to track appointments.

White House officials said the PPO is performing well, even though they acknowledged the office “is a much smaller PPO than at any time in recent history.”

The officials asserted the office is working hard and starting to make progress on nominees for positions that require Senate confirmation. They provided statistics showing that the PPO and the president had sent forward 309 candidates for 343 Senate-approved positions in Cabinet agencies as of March 1.

They blamed delays on slower background and ethics checks by the FBI and ethics officials, which they said now take an average of 111 days, much longer than in prior administrations. They also said Democrats have used procedural maneuvers to stall nominations. According to White House calculations, Senate Democrats have called for record numbers of cloture votes that delayed nominations by extending debates -- 79 in all compared with 10 under Obama and zero under George W. Bush.

They also said they had filled 1,651 lower-level political appointments, a number that they said lagged only moderately behind President Barack Obama’s 1,920 at a similar point.

“Despite historic obstruction from Democrats in Congress, the Presidential Personnel Office is filling the administration with the best and brightest appointees who share the president’s vision for the country,” said Raj Shah, White House principal deputy press secretary. “Staff work tirelessly and have experience consistent with the practice of previous administrations.”

The Trump administration’s number of appointments gaining Senate approval is way behind that of previous administrations since detailed record-keeping began in 1989, according to data maintained by the Partnership for Public Service. At the same point in their presidencies — March 29 of their second year — Obama had 548 approvals and George W. Bush had 615, compared with 387 for Trump.

The Trump administration has received Senate approval for just 292 of 652 posts identified as key to the functioning of government by the Partnership for Public Service. The administration has offered no nominations for another 217 key Senate-confirmed posts, including director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the ambassador to South Korea.

A number of Trump appointees have been embroiled in controversy and resigned their posts over questions about their qualifications, backgrounds and comments.

They include 24-year-old Taylor Weyeneth, who lost his job as deputy chief of staff at the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) after a Post account detailed his lack of experience and inaccurate claims on résumés submitted to the government. An internal memo shows that the PPO deputy director ordered that a senior civil servant in ONDCP be moved into another job to make way for Weyeneth’s appointment. Weyeneth declined to comment for this article.

Another appointee, Carl Higbie, stepped down in January from the federal agency that runs AmeriCorps after the media drew attention to remarks he made on Internet radio that disparaged blacks, Muslims, gays and women. He later said he regretted the remarks.

James Pfiffner, a scholar of the presidency at George Mason University who has tracked appointments and presidential transitions since the mid-1970s, said prior PPOs were led and staffed by senior officials who understood the importance of personnel and had extensive experience, political connections and knowledge of the executive branch.

“They were well-connected and wanted the government to work well,” Pfiffner told The Post. “They understood how to make the government work well.”

Months of wasted work

Two weeks after the election, Donald Trump greets then-New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in Bedminster Township, N.J. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)

The challenges in the Presidential Personnel Office began with decisions Trump made months before he moved into the Oval Office.

In 2016, Trump named New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie the leader of transition planning. Christie assembled a team of more than 100 researchers and lawyers, who generated names of candidates for critical posts for a potential administration. Just after the election, they delivered hundreds of pages that outlined a framework for the new administration.

The reports underscored the importance of the Presidential Personnel Office, saying it was essential to “provide the President with outstanding candidates,” according to documents reviewed by The Post. The Christie team estimated the job would require more than 100 people before and after the inauguration, documents show.

“Building a strong team to lead U.S. government agencies is not only critical to the effectiveness of the President, but also for the welfare of the nation,” the documents said.

On Nov. 11, 2016, Trump fired Christie and his team and relaunched the transition. All the planning — including at least 100 candidates proposed for top jobs and 200 other prospective appointees — was in limbo. “The idea that you can take six months of work . . . and throw all that out, turned out to be a big mistake,” Christie said later at a news conference.

One official who stayed with the transition and continued working on personnel matters was Sean Doocey, a 28-year-old aide who had joined the campaign in July as a director of research. Doocey had been a low-level staffer in the PPO under Bush and had worked for more than three years as a human resources and security executive at a small government contractor, according to a financial disclosure filed with the Office of Government Ethics, or OGE. A White House spokesman said Doocey declined to comment for this article.

Doocey and the few others working on personnel issues struggled to find volunteers to screen potential nominees, transition and White House officials said.

The Obama administration drew on legions of lawyers willing to donate their time to review candidates for the most important Senate-approved nominees, according to former Obama officials and one official involved in the Trump transition. Trump did not have that luxury, partly because he was so critical of the Washington establishment, including traditional Republicans, the officials said.

There was also a much smaller pool of candidates to draw on compared with prior administrations. In 2009, the Obama personnel office had access to a database containing more than 300,000 applicants, while Trump’s office had just 87,000, according to Pfiffner, the GMU scholar.

On Jan. 4, 2017, just two weeks before inauguration, Trump named John DeStefano, a GOP political operative, to be director of presidential personnel. He had previously worked as political director for Rep. John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), then speaker of the House. He also served for three years as chief executive of Data Trust, a voter aggregation and analysis firm that catered to Republicans. A White House spokesman said DeStefano declined to comment.

DeStefano’s appointment was a departure from prior administrations, which placed a premium on management and personnel experience, according to presidential scholars. In 2001 and 2002, for instance, Clay Johnson III served as director of the office under Bush. Johnson, a graduate of Yale and MIT’s Sloan School of Management, was then in his middle-50s. He had been Bush’s roommate at Yale. He had also served for a decade as president and chief executive at a mail order company, as chief operating officer of the Dallas Museum of Art and five years as the director of appointments for Bush, when he was governor of Texas.

At the start of Obama’s first term, the office was led by Donald Gips, a graduate of Yale’s School of Management who had previously worked as a chief domestic policy adviser to Vice President Al Gore and spent a decade as a senior executive at a global telecommunications company as well as chief of the Federal Communications Commission’s International Bureau.

'It's a disaster'

Taylor Weyeneth (at right with red tie and pointing) celebrates with other Trump supporters as election returns come in Trump's election night rally in Manhattan. Weyeneth, 24, was deputy chief of staff at the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the White House office responsible for coordinating the federal government’s anti-drug initiatives. (Mike Segar/Reuters)

DeStefano had to stand up his shop almost from scratch. The Bush and Obama administrations relied on scores of staffers to hasten the screening of nominees and appointees in the first few months. But Trump’s presidential personnel team peaked after the inauguration at about 30, White House officials told The Post.

Some PPO staff got their jobs in part as thanks for working on the Trump campaign, White House officials acknowledged. And DeStefano brought at least two former Data Trust employees into the office. One is a 2016 college graduate who worked as an intern at Data Trust for four months and made $62,000 last year as a deputy associate director at the PPO, her LinkedIn page and the White House salary disclosures show. The other is a 24-year-old who worked at Data Trust for a year and earned $94,000 last year as a special assistant at the PPO, documents show.

From the start, Trump’s appointments lagged far behind those of prior administrations. By June 20, 2017, the Senate had confirmed only 44 appointees, compared with 170 for Obama and 130 for Bush in the same time period, according to Pfiffner.

“It is a disaster,” Walter Shaub, former director of the Office of Government Ethics, told The Post.

DeStefano and Doocey, who became his deputy, turned to some experienced people from federal agencies for help. When they moved into other jobs, less-experienced employees took senior posts in the office, records show.

One of the newcomers was a former Trump campaign worker named Caroline Wiles. Wiles, then 30, is the daughter of Susan Wiles, a prominent lobbyist and political operative in Florida. Caroline Wiles joined the Trump administration as a deputy assistant to the president and director of scheduling in the White House. News accounts said she was one of six White House staffers dismissed for failing FBI backgrounds checks, but the White House official would not confirm that. She was eventually moved to the PPO, where she was made a special assistant to the president, a post that typically pays $115,000.

The younger Wiles has an unusual background for a senior White House official. On a résumé she submitted to the state of Florida, she said she had completed course work at Flagler College in Florida. On her LinkedIn page, she simply lists Flagler under education. A Flagler spokesman said she never finished her degree.

“She did not continue her enrollment or graduate from here,” said spokesman Brian Thompson.

Wiles has had a string of political jobs, including work at her mother’s lobbying firm and as a campaign aide for candidates her mother advised, including Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) and Donald Trump. She also worked for an education organization that helped provide health care to needy students.

Over the years, she has had multiple encounters with police. In 2005, she had her driver’s license suspended for driving while intoxicated, police records show. In 2007, she was arrested for driving while intoxicated and arrested for passing a “worthless check.” She was found guilty of a misdemeanor for driving under the influence. The charge related to the bad check was dropped in a plea agreement.

Wiles did not respond to requests for interviews.

Another special assistant to the president is Max Miller, 29, a Marine reservist and former Trump campaign worker. He works on the selection and placement of appointees to the Defense Department, the Department of Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs.

Miller was introduced to Trump campaign officials by his cousin, Eli Miller, then a senior finance official in the campaign and now chief of staff at the Treasury Department, a Treasury spokeswoman said.

On his LinkedIn page, Miller said he attended Cleveland State University from 2007 to 2011. A Cleveland State spokesman confirmed that Miller, who previously attended other schools, graduated in 2013.

Miller described himself on his LinkedIn page as a Marine recruiter and said he worked for the presidential campaigns of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Trump. But after The Post raised questions about his biography, Miller removed the dates of his education and the claim that he was a Marine recruiter.

In an interview, he called them mistakes and blamed them on a relative who he said made the LinkedIn page for him.

Miller has been charged by police in his home state of Ohio with multiple offenses. In 2007, he was charged with assault, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest after punching another male in the back of the head and running away from police, police records show. He pleaded no contest to two misdemeanor charges, and the case was later dismissed as part of a program for first offenders, court records show.

In 2009, he was charged with underage drinking, a case that also was later dismissed under a first offenders’ program. The following year, he pleaded guilty to a disorderly conduct charge related to another altercation in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. That episode was related to a fight involving Miller shortly after leaving a hookah bar at about 2 a.m. one morning. During the fight, Miller punched through a glass door, cut his wrist and left a trail of blood as he wandered off, a police report said.

In an interview with The Post, Miller acknowledged that his cousin helped him find work with the Trump campaign but said it was his “work ethic” that won him the White House job. He said the arrests several years ago were mistakes that he would not repeat.

“Growing up, everyone makes mistakes,” he said. “Who I was in the past is not who I am now.”

The most senior and experienced leader in the office is Katja Bullock, the 75-year-old special assistant to the president who worked in the office under Reagan and both Bush administrations. She joined the Trump transition in December, according to a financial disclosure, and now serves as an administrator, according to people familiar with the office operations.

The president recently appointed her to the Federal Salary Council, an advisory board that suggests changes to the government’s pay scales.

Since Bullock joined the Trump transition, four of her family members received political appointments to federal agencies. Her son became deputy assistant administrator at the United States Agency for International Development. His wife is a White House liaison at the Office of Personnel Management.

One of their sons serves as a “confidential assistant” at the Social Security Administration, agency records show. And another son received an appointment in February as a “staff assistant” at the Millennium Challenge Corporation, a U.S. foreign aid agency that works to end global poverty, agency records show. According to voter registration records, all four live in the same Kensington home.

In a brief telephone interview, Bullock said she had no involvement in the appointments of her family members. “None,” she said, adding: “I am really not authorized to talk to the press.” Her relatives did not respond to requests for interviews.

She is not the only PPO official with family ties in the administration. Jimmy Carroll III, recently named an entry-level staff assistant in the office, is the son of James Carroll II, a former deputy chief of staff in the Trump White House who was recently appointed acting director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Carroll III graduated in August 2017 from Marymount University in Arlington, Va., where he was the sports editor of the school newspaper and created a group for Christian men called Men of Virtue, according to his LinkedIn profile.

The Carrolls did not respond to requests for interviews.

In an interview, speaking on the condition of anonymity, a White House official praised Caroline Wiles, the special assistant to the president, saying she had demonstrated her competence as a scheduler and organizer during the Trump campaign.

“We do feel confident in her ability,” the official said. The same official said Miller’s experience in the Marine Corps Reserve “speaks volumes to his willingness to serve his country” and praised his work for the PPO.

The official said that nothing in the police records described by The Post would preclude them from working at the PPO. “For the positions they’re in, I’m not aware of any restrictions that the FBI or anyone else would have placed on their appointments,” the official said.

The official also said that PPO officials made sure Bullock was not involved in the decisions relating to her family members. He said each of them was qualified by prior experience, participation in the Trump campaign and their ideological alignment with the president. “We want people who are committed and passionate about supporting the president’s agenda,” the official said.

On Feb. 9, President Trump promoted DeStefano to assistant and counselor to the president, with responsibility for overseeing the offices of Presidential Personnel, Political Affairs and Public Liaison, an unusual portfolio for one person. At the same time, Doocey was made day-to-day leader of the PPO and named deputy assistant to the president for presidential personnel.

This article has been updated with additional statistics provided by the White House.

Alice Crites contributed to this report.
