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Supporters of Trump and the Repub Congress: explain your $1T deficit support

I just don’t get it
Racy base
the point of cutting spending is not to save money, it's to ...
crystalline pistol set
? I don't get this statement - do you mean in practice this ...
Black office
this is wonky policy shit. IRL every effective political ...
crystalline pistol set
Oh yes outside of ideology how it's practically used I compl...
Black office

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Date: April 23rd, 2018 2:01 AM
Author: Racy base

I just don’t get it


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 2:03 AM
Author: crystalline pistol set

the point of cutting spending is not to save money, it's to inflict pain on your political / class enemies


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 2:41 AM
Author: Black office

? I don't get this statement - do you mean in practice this is how it's usually used?

Because obviously there's a point in cuts - like unsustainable entitlement programs that cannot continue in their current form for decades from now.

Also there's lots of economics to get into - e.g. all the rent-seeking behavior a bureaucracy supports, and it's much more economically efficient and beneficial to shift this rent-seeking labor force into more productive industries.


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 3:12 AM
Author: crystalline pistol set

this is wonky policy shit.

IRL every effective political action accomplishes one or both of the following goals: help your political allies, hurt your political enemies.

no one actually cares about 'entitlement reform' or 'rent-seeking behavior' except a few nerds. the ruthless psychos in the GOP trot them out to justify policies that are designed primarily to help people who give money to the GOP and hurt people who vote for the Democrats. that's all there is to it.


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 3:23 AM
Author: Black office

Oh yes outside of ideology how it's practically used I completely agree unfortunately. It's literally buying votes and shifting money towards various interests. I'm fiscally conservative in ideology but the GOP leaders are nutjobs - it's barely been a few years since their petulant kicking and screaming about the deficit under Obama, and now they seem to be doing everything within their power to increase the deficit and look like hypocrites in the process.
