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Why Trump's "Sleepy Eyes" Nickname For Chuck Todd Is Antisemitic (Haaretz)

Is ‘Sleepy Eyes’ anti-Semitic? Trump’s Nickname for ‘Meet th...
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Date: April 23rd, 2018 6:54 PM
Author: bisexual amber station turdskin

Is ‘Sleepy Eyes’ anti-Semitic? Trump’s Nickname for ‘Meet the Press’ Host Slammed on Twitter

Evidence backing up claim that Trump’s favorite nickname for Jewish TV journalist Chuck Todd has Nazi origins is hard to find – but that hasn’t ended the controversy

Allison Kaplan Sommer Apr 23, 2018 8:18 PM

Chuck Todd

Chuck ToddScreenshot / Meet the Press / Twitter

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When is a tweet by the U.S. president to a Jewish journalist just another insulting childish nickname and when is it an anti-Semitic slur?

It is a distressing sign of the times that this is a question even worth dwelling on. But on Sunday, shortly after Trump again denigrated the host of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Chuck Todd, with his designated nickname “Sleepy Eyes,” angry charges of hate speech began to fly across social media – even though it’s hard to find any evidence to back up that claim.

Many outraged tweeters argued that the president had chosen that particular schoolyard insult for Todd because he is Jewish.

skip - Sarah Chadwick tweet

Sarah Chadwick



“Sleepy eyes” is an anti Semitic term that was and is stilled used by neo- nazis groups relating to “how to spot a Jew.” Donald Trump just used anti semitic terminology against a Jewish reporter. Why are people not talking about this?! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/988037292932653056

6:39 PM - Apr 22, 2018


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In response came counterclaims – mainly from Trump supporters, but also from a large number of Jews who are no fans of the president – that linking the epithet to the Holocaust was, to use one of the president’s favorite terms, fake news.

If the president indeed chose his description of Todd based on racial characteristics, he made the call a long time ago. The first occurrence took place during the 2012 presidential election, back when Trump was just a reality TV star flirting with politics and magnifying his celebrity through Twitter.

Chuck Todd in the "Meet the Press" offices.

Chuck Todd in the "Meet the Press" offices.Screengrab from Chuck Todd/Meet the Press/Twitter

He continued to use the nickname over the next few years, hitting back whenever he felt Todd had criticized him, and then brought the term into the Oval Office.

Whether it has been “Lyin’” Ted Cruz, “Little” Marco Rubio or “Crooked” Hillary Clinton, Trump has consistently shown a penchant for choosing a nickname and sticking to it.

skip - Donald Trump tweet

Donald J. Trump



It's great that sleepy eyes @chucktodd gets no traction.

12:23 PM - Oct 8, 2012


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Donald J. Trump



Sleepy eyes @chucktodd—one of the dumbest voices in politics-- is angry that I’m doing @ThisWeekABC.

7:57 AM - Aug 9, 2013


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Donald J. Trump



I am convinced that sleepy eyes Chuck Todd was only a placeholder for someone else at Meet the Press. He bombed, franchise in ruins! @nbc

7:11 AM - Jan 27, 2015


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In April 2017, Todd offered a barbed rejoinder:

skip - Chuck Todd tweet

Chuck Todd



For those wondering, I slept well even tho I stayed up late watching the #msstate upset of UConn. #cowbell. Don't feel sleepy at all though

7:08 AM - Apr 1, 2017


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If Trump had a perfectly innocent reason for deciding that Todd’s eyes looked “sleepy,” he chose not to share it with him, the TV newsman told entertainment website The Wrap last November.

“I’ve asked him what the sleepy eyes means. He doesn’t know,” Todd told the website. “He said once, ‘I give someone a nickname I stay with it. Sometimes I give someone a nickname and I can’t remember how I came up with it, but I stick with it.’”

Todd added that Trump considers hurling schoolyard insults on Twitter, even as president, to be playful entertainment. “He loves it. It’s funny. That’s always what makes covering him so difficult. When you think he’s at his most vicious, he will say ‘No, no, we were joking. Aren’t we all part of the game?’”

The insult crossed into the real world recently when, speaking at a Pennsylvania rally, Trump called Todd not only “Sleepy Eyes” but also a “sleeping son of a bitch.”

skip - Donald Trump calls Chuck Todd a sleeping son of a bitch

Donald Trump calls Chuck Todd a sleeping son of a bitch - דלג

Over the past weekend, however, a Twitterstorm erupted over Trump’s most recent “Sleepy Eyes” slam. Trump was accused of dog-whistling, with tweets pointing out instances of white supremacists and anti-Semites describing Jews as having “sleepy eyes.”

The evidence to back this up is relatively thin, though.

The only direct “sleepy eyes” reference is on the racist website “Gentile Nation.” This offers instructions on “How to recognize and identify a Jew” through physical features, and bearing the creative byline “John Doe Goy.”

"Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd interviewing then-President Barack Obama in September 2014. Donald Trump had already started referring to the Jewish journalist as "Sleepy Eyes" two years earlier.

"Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd interviewing then-President Barack Obama in September 2014. Donald Trump had already started referring to the Jewish journalist as "Sleepy Eyes" two years earlier.\ REUTERS

Cataloging Jews feature by feature, the description of “Jewish Eyes” reads: “There are several types of Jewish eyes: The lizard-like Asiatic eyes, as seen in the photos directly below, the pop eyes and the sleepy and sometimes bulging eyes, the sad sack eyes.”

There is also a mention of “sleepy eyes” on an anti-Semitic forum called Stormfront, which claims to be for the “embattled white minority.”

But searches in both English and German fail to uncover hard proof that would back up the numerous assertions on Twitter that “sleepy eyes” was common in Nazi propaganda as one of the criteria included in Nazi instructions for the German secret police to identify Jews, and the accompanying partisan clamor.

skip - Stonekettle tweet



22 Apr

I did not know "sleepy eyes" was an anti-Semitic slur.

When I was told such here on Twitter, I went and looked it up.

It is. And it's much worse than that.

1/ https://twitter.com/Stonekettle/status/988070958337613825



The term's origin comes from a list of criteria used by Nazis to determine who might be a jew. This list includes traits such as a widow's peak, dark curly hair, attached earlobes, weak or pointed chins, thick lips, head shape, and thick eyelids with "sleepy, wary eyes."


8:38 AM - Apr 22, 2018


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The closest reference is a description of Jewish eyes by a Nazi-trained child contained in a story in an anti-Semitic children’s book published by Julius Streicher, the founder of Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer.

“The eyelids are mostly thicker and more fleshy than ours. The Jewish look is wary and piercing. One can tell from his eyes that he is a deceitful person,” it states.

One left-wing blog outlined three possible explanations for the “Sleepy Eyes” nickname:

“1. It’s a complete coincidence

2. Trump used it knowingly (because there are “good people on both sides”).

3. Trump unknowingly integrated it into his vocabulary from e.g., his father, his son, [Steve] Bannon, [Sebastian] Gorka or other anti-Semites he hung out with.”

skip - Sharpest tweet



Trump's grandfather 'kicked out of Germany' @CNNPolitics http://cnn.it/2gjnJJo

Trump's grandfather was a pimp as well as a draft dodger in Germany. His father was arrested at a Klan rally in the 20's. Sleepy Eyes was no accident by trump!

6:42 AM - Apr 23, 2018

Trump's grandfather 'kicked out of Germany'

Donald Trump's grandfather was kicked out of his native Germany for failing to do his mandatory military service there, a historian has claimed.


See Sharpest​'s other Tweets

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As in many recent partisan Twitter wars, some of the most impassioned arguments come from highly dubious accounts – leaving one to wonder who benefits from creating bots that argue over Trump and anti-Semitism.

Whoever is responsible, it adds another layer of confusion to the already perplexing online landscape in 2018. Not only do we not know whether information is real; it is also unclear how many of those arguing are as fake as the points they are making.


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 6:55 PM
Author: Spectacular rigpig headpube

Kars for Kids administrator here, it's time to nuke Tel Aviv


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 9:22 PM
Author: Bearded shrine


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 6:57 PM
Author: pearl orchestra pit

never once in my life have i heard that sleepy eyed is a anti-semitic slur and the articles i'm now seeing just have say-so rather than any proof.

i call bullshit.


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 6:58 PM
Author: coral dilemma

Are you new to the US?


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 6:59 PM
Author: tripping gay background story becky

Former NBA player Sam Perkins was known as Sleepy Sam


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 7:07 PM
Author: costumed geriatric dysfunction

can't a 6'9" black man shoot 3s in peace without being called anti-semitic slurs


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 7:00 PM
Author: mauve knife pocket flask

lol at all the ads for other articles also being about "anti-semitism"


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 7:04 PM
Author: Spectacular rigpig headpube


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 8:04 PM
Author: Insanely Creepy Nibblets Casino

Man I wonder what’s cause all of this (((anti-semitism)))


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 9:06 PM
Author: Angry Sandwich

"It is a distressing sign of the times that this is a question even worth dwelling on"

I'm pretty sure I took this statement in the exact opposite sense than the author intended


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 9:10 PM
Author: Emerald Pea-brained Coldplay Fan

evan this is your best work yet


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 9:11 PM
Author: bisexual amber station turdskin


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 9:17 PM
Author: adventurous private investor


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 9:18 PM
Author: deranged razzmatazz public bath

chuck todd is jewish?


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 9:19 PM
Author: bisexual amber station turdskin

the son of Lois Cheri (née Bernstein) and Stephen Randolph Todd.[2] He is Jewish on his mother's side, and was raised Jewish.


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 9:20 PM
Author: Pontificating senate

this is one of the stupidest pieces ever linked here and that's saying a lot


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Date: March 6th, 2019 11:08 AM
Author: Concupiscible filthy indian lodge
