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NY court to determine if Maddox is legally a cuck

To fans of The Dick Show and Mr. Kokkinos, a more appropriat...
purple bespoke halford
this seems like a bunch of retard non-whites scuffling
Twinkling Stirring Kitty Mad-dog Skullcap
Ouzounian is Armenian and therefore white. Armenians invent...
purple bespoke halford
Yup, he's a cuck https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDickShow/com...
Free-loading Primrose Plaza

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Date: April 23rd, 2018 9:41 PM
Author: purple bespoke halford

To fans of The Dick Show and Mr. Kokkinos, a more appropriate definition of the term “cuck” is the one that Mr. Kokkinos’ employer, Weber Shandwick, offered: “an insult frequently used on the internet, where it has become shorthand for any perceived weakness, or rather, perceived reluctance to exploit strength.” NYSCEF DOC. NO. 40, p. 15 of 29 at fn. 7. Using this definition, how could Ouzounian possibly prove that Mr. Kokkinos’ opinion of him is false?

If the Court does adopt the dictionary definition, it nonetheless still is “critical” to understand “the temper of the times and the current of contemporary public opinion.” Nolan v. State, 2018 N.Y. Slip Op 00269, 2018 WL 411628 at *6 (1st Dept. Jan. 16, 2018)(internal cit. and quot. om.). Infidelity is prevalent in today’s society such that the term “cuckold” does not have the same impact as it once may have.To that end, Ouzounian himself has stated that “there’s nothing really inherently wrong with being a cuckold…” See “You don’t know what a CUCK is”, published by Ouzounian on YouTube on May 6, 2016 (at 2:29) (https://youtu.be/SE6jy78tV78). Ouzounian has manufactured an argument that the term “cuckold” is defamatory for purposes of this lawsuit.

Lastly, if this case proceeds beyond the pleadings Mr. Kokkinos intends to prove that Ouzounian is, by his own dictionary definition, a “cuckold.” The genesis of Herrera and Ouzounian’s falling-out (Compl., ¶ 17) was that Ouzounian’s ex-girlfriend cheated on him with Herrera. It is axiomatic that truth is a defense to defamation.

There are numerous other examples of truth as a defense. For example, the lyrics of Mr. Kokkinos’ “Little Cuckold Boy” song are based upon things Ouzounian actually stated (Mr. Kokkinos has transcripts), and other provable facts like Ouzounian being bald and “a writer”. Plaintiffs’ allegations that the statements are false borders on frivolous. See Almeciga v. Ctr. for Inv. Rep., Inc., 185 F. Supp. 3d 401, 436 (S.D.N.Y. 2016) (Plaintiffs’ counsel in this action represented a plaintiff who was sanctioned for perpetrating a fraud on the court by pressing allegations that she knew to be false).


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 9:51 PM
Author: Twinkling Stirring Kitty Mad-dog Skullcap

this seems like a bunch of retard non-whites scuffling


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Date: April 23rd, 2018 9:54 PM
Author: purple bespoke halford

Ouzounian is Armenian and therefore white. Armenians invented the wheels, writing, transistors and whiteness.


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Date: May 16th, 2018 4:59 PM
Author: Free-loading Primrose Plaza

Yup, he's a cuck

