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The guitar riff from "Run" by Collective Soul kicks in

your HS gf's eyes rise to meet yours. she is on her knees, ...
Bespoke cuckoldry
and youhave Collective Soul stuck in your head for the rest ...
Amethyst Supple Box Office Headpube

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Date: May 21st, 2018 5:52 PM
Author: Bespoke cuckoldry

your HS gf's eyes rise to meet yours. she is on her knees, wearing only your wide-open tux shirt from prom earlier that night. she is quite enthralled with what she is doing.


you turn over and hit your alarm clock. 5:36. your wife, who you met through mutual friends of your mother, snores away loudly, unaffected. her snoring problem has worsened in the last year.

also unmoved by your alarm clock is your 5-year old son in the next room. he still isn't talking much, but he's really active and some kids just prioritize physical development first. at least that's what your mother says.

the train to Penn Station leaves in 45 minutes. up and at em, sport!


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Date: May 21st, 2018 6:26 PM
Author: Amethyst Supple Box Office Headpube

and youhave Collective Soul stuck in your head for the rest of the day
