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CharlesXII here, narrating your road trip from Waterloo, Iowa to Washington DC

'Sup bros. I know a bunch of people want to learn about Buda...
Cordovan appetizing parlor
180! Please keep this going and let us know if you need gas ...
Spectacular theater newt
180 green church
sienna arousing tattoo
smoky boyish brunch
Charles what do you think of spaceporn teasing me with that ...
Mentally impaired lake gaming laptop
Woah those knees DO look like Hoover!
stirring blue indian lodge
read the handwritten note: "how do you like our boyf...
gaped bawdyhouse pisswyrm
Bossy Offensive Tank Forum
Bipolar volcanic crater
Charles does God’s work. When I go back to DC one of t...
flatulent charismatic shrine halford
We should have a themed feast for him. Is Old Europe at the ...
sienna arousing tattoo
i rarely hung out in g'town bc of the metro situation, so be...
flatulent charismatic shrine halford
try to replicate the coronation feast of a Holy Roman Empero...
180 green church
180 green church
Dems are still reading this same newspaper 80 yrs later h...
hyperactive sapphire set pistol
Sorry about shitty photo quality; lighting in the museum was...
Cordovan appetizing parlor
We can see ur bald head in the shadow
Henna sadistic site coffee pot
Bald head? I look like a damn alien.
Cordovan appetizing parlor
razzle trump supporter
Hoover did nothing wrong
Bisexual Legal Warrant Pozpig
Beady-eyed Striped Hyena Spot
180 green church
i feel like i've been to this museum now, good work
razzmatazz maize athletic conference
regarding teleprompter: https://hoover.blogs.archives.gov...
razzmatazz maize athletic conference
The replica houses outside are more interesting than the mus...
Mahogany low-t preventive strike
Shit, did not have time to see the houses or have lunch. Des...
Cordovan appetizing parlor
The house where he grew up is tiny. It’s amazing to t...
Mahogany low-t preventive strike
carmine swashbuckling shitlib
White drunken personal credit line
As presidential museums go, that one isn't terrible
opaque deep hospital
Describe the worst presidential SHITMUSEUM you've been to.
Cordovan appetizing parlor
All right, Hoover's museum was great, and they have his enti...
Cordovan appetizing parlor
I see Peterman in the truck stop photo
Odious Misanthropic Black Woman
180 green church
This, poasters and fempoasters, is content. And that piz...
excitant sooty public bath round eye
It’s mostly the usage of ground beef (I think) as a to...
Cordovan appetizing parlor
some people find it too salty. your thoughts?
180 green church
Not a problem I noticed, but there was a pizza place in my c...
Cordovan appetizing parlor
180, fuck GC elites and their fear of salty foods
180 green church
fragrant factory reset button ticket booth
lmao at that engineer statue
razzmatazz maize athletic conference
this is the statue's sculptor posing with it, only to be pho...
180 green church
razzmatazz maize athletic conference
hyperactive sapphire set pistol
Internet-worthy keepsake machete range
that pizza does NOT look even as good as Digiorno's
smoky boyish brunch
Red Baron exec fuming, hurling frozen pizzas at employees.
Cordovan appetizing parlor
smoky boyish brunch
180. Thank you for your service, Charles.
Ivory Territorial Dingle Berry Genital Piercing
Bboom in the red T-shirt. MODS! https://imgur.com/a/Mdgm...
Chocolate Abode
That can't be Bboom because Bboom = bald
180 green church
Can't believe you skipped over U of Iowa but are stopping at...
titillating patrolman library
Does U-Iowa also have a cyberwoman statue.
Cordovan appetizing parlor
No. Decent Iowans prefer to honor true American heroes, such...
titillating patrolman library
is there a Kirk Ferentz statue yet
180 green church
Bossy Offensive Tank Forum
180 green church
*googles 'celerity'*
opaque deep hospital
Overrated iridescent ratface telephone
The Lincoln statue in Peoria (https://imgur.com/a/MpV8VIG) u...
stimulating field
lmao at what Lincoln is pointing at
180 green church
Cordovan appetizing parlor
razzmatazz maize athletic conference
All right, today we get to see the chief attraction on our r...
Cordovan appetizing parlor
Amazing work.
crawly principal's office
180 green church
yellow circlehead
Cordovan appetizing parlor
lmao @ Tuscon
hyperactive sapphire set pistol
There’s a reason the Wayne State Club is in Phoenix.
Beady-eyed Striped Hyena Spot
Cordovan appetizing parlor
180 green church
There was a movie in the 90s about the Memphis Belle, I reme...
ruddy floppy stage love of her life
I remember they went to a cathouse and I was SHOCKED that ou...
hyperactive sapphire set pistol
You know what's funnier than "Bong Street"? The na...
Bossy Offensive Tank Forum
Gold blathering lodge useless brakes
The World War 2 hangar was awesome, but there’s still ...
Cordovan appetizing parlor
Cordovan appetizing parlor
Beady-eyed Striped Hyena Spot
Effortpoasting threads routinely flame out, sad!
Cordovan appetizing parlor
The format is a bit onerous. To follow it, I gotta click on ...
Bossy Offensive Tank Forum
Brother, if I am simply linking an imgur album how am I even...
Cordovan appetizing parlor
smoky boyish brunch
Gold blathering lodge useless brakes
Chuck is burying the lede. Why in the FUCK was he in Waterlo...
excitant sooty public bath round eye
his boss is running for POTUS
180 green church
excitant sooty public bath round eye
Chuck what kind of camera do you use?
Gold blathering lodge useless brakes
iPhone 6s
Cordovan appetizing parlor
gotta get ARE xoxo historian on dat XS tip
razzmatazz maize athletic conference
6s will be my last iPhone because I am thoroughly pissed abo...
Cordovan appetizing parlor
wireless is the future. Galaxy A8s dropped jack too. no high...
razzmatazz maize athletic conference
(Tim Apple)
Plum mind-boggling chapel party of the first part
Guess I’m not using a high-end phone then.
Cordovan appetizing parlor
Bipolar volcanic crater
burgundy digit ratio native
Beady-eyed Striped Hyena Spot
burgundy digit ratio native
The final post of this trip is tragically delayed due to my ...
Cordovan appetizing parlor
Sorry for the prolonged delay. Computer caught fire. But bef...
Cordovan appetizing parlor
AZN megashrew wondering where your ring is in ice cream shot...
Passionate Silver Hominid Organic Girlfriend
180 green church
slippery cerebral plaza regret
Cordovan appetizing parlor
Lime judgmental trust fund goyim
180 green church

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 1:37 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

'Sup bros. I know a bunch of people want to learn about Budapest and Prague, but that's gonna have to wait for a few days. In the meantime, we need to drive a 2008 Honda Accord from Waterloo, Iowa all the way back to Washington D.C. Sure, we could do that in one day as a straight shot, but why do that when we can make a kooky weekend-long Bobby Digital roadtrip out of it?

Our first stop along the trip is the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library. Hoover is the earliest president to have an official presidential library, and while most of these libraries are in at least medium-sized cities, Hoover's is right next to his birthplace in the tiny town of West Branch, Iowa.


Hoover is one of America's lowest-rated president, but his library will do its best to make him seem like the most 180 American to ever live.

The first part of the museum quickly summarizes Hoover's early life. It's low on artifacts, but it does have a recreation of the shitty shack Hoover had to live in while leading mining operations in Australia.


Hoover graduated from Stanford at 20 with no job prospects. Rather than applying to law school, he took a more enterprising approach: A London firm wanted an experienced mining engineer, at least 35 years old. So Hoover just grew a beard, bought a tweed suit, and faked being an oldmo. This completely worked.


After maeking it in Australia, Hoover and his wife moved to China, where they learned Chinese, lived like mandarins, and survived the Boxer Rebellion at an age where you were using Purell at a cubicle desk. The museum has some of their China swag.



At the age of 28, Hoover was one of the most elite mining engineers in the world, and was salaried at $33,000 a year, close a million in today's dollars. That's just a standard biglaw PPP these days, but back then it made Hoover supposed the richest salaryman of his age in the world.


After a decade, Hoover was tremendously wealthy. But then, he did something incredible: He walked away from striving after wealth to become the world's most famous humanitarian. When World War I broke out, he quit his mining job to focus first on helping Americans flee Europe, and then masterminding food relief for the continent. Hoover made huge loans to help people flee Europe, and pledged his entire personal fortune multiple times in order to get his relief operation off the ground. The museum has a bunch of items sent to Hoover by grateful Europeans from across the continent.





One weird album from Germany has shitty kid art of brown natives in a far-off country harvesting food for Hoover's relief effort:


For some reason, the museum also has a jigsaw puzzle of Latvia:


After WW1 ended, Hoover was one of the most popular people in the entire world. The museum can't resist noting that FDR wanted Hoover to be president at this time:


In the 1920s, Hoover served as Warren Harding's and Calvin Coolidge's Secretary of Commerce. Under every other president Commerce has been a borderline irrelevant department, but Hoover made it one of the most visible and active departments in the country. He spearheaded the standardization of radio and the implementation of safety standards for car and airline travel. He turned the Census Bureau into a huge data operation for American businesses. He promoted home ownership and created the Colorado River Compact. Hoover's enthusiasm for work was so intense he routinely invaded other departments and took control of projects he thought other secretaries were mismanaging.


Now, of course, things start to go badly for Hoover. He wins the presidency in a landslide, but the economy tanks and Hoover takes all the blame. The museum tries very hard to make Hoover sound like a prophet who anticipated the stock market crash, but had his warnings ignore by greedy business interests.


The museum also highlights a surprisingly R-rated joke by Hoover.


A small exhibit highlights the extremely brave effort of Republican operatives who had to push for Hoover's reelection in 1932. It did not end well:



Media was really retarded a century ago, too. Some woman thought her knee creases looked like Hoover and it was a big story:


Hoover's wife (who had the badass hobby of collecting weapons) pissed off a lot of people by inviting a black woman to dine at the White House. The Museum preserves a deranged letter the First Family was sent by an irate Southern woman.


Teleprompters are apparently a lot older than I thought:


Lots of presidential libraries have a replica of that president's Oval Office. Fittingly for a man whose life was 180 except for his time as president, Hoover's library instead has a replica of his post-presidency office in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. From here, Hoover wrote a mountain of books and articles that set the standard for an American post-presidency. Some of his ideas were good (he suggested banning ghost-writers in politics), and some were terrible (he wanted four strikes in baseball).


Outside the museum is Hoover's tomb, which lies within sight of his preserved childhood home.


That was a sedate but pleasant start to a very long drive. Our next stop will be a lot more energetic: We're going to Doobs' #1 truck stop.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 1:39 AM
Author: Spectacular theater newt

180! Please keep this going and let us know if you need gas money or anything.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 5:28 AM
Author: 180 green church


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 5:38 AM
Author: sienna arousing tattoo


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 9:55 AM
Author: smoky boyish brunch


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 1:56 AM
Author: Mentally impaired lake gaming laptop

Charles what do you think of spaceporn teasing me with that TIGHT TIGHT ricehoal??


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 2:09 AM
Author: stirring blue indian lodge

Woah those knees DO look like Hoover!


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 12:51 PM
Author: gaped bawdyhouse pisswyrm

read the handwritten note:

"how do you like our boyfriend [?] on his knees?"

i think its a lewd joke.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 2:19 AM
Author: Bossy Offensive Tank Forum


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 5:29 AM
Author: Bipolar volcanic crater


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 5:46 AM
Author: flatulent charismatic shrine halford

Charles does God’s work. When I go back to DC one of these days I’ll buy him lunch.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 6:13 AM
Author: sienna arousing tattoo

We should have a themed feast for him. Is Old Europe at the top of Georgetown still open?


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 6:19 AM
Author: flatulent charismatic shrine halford

i rarely hung out in g'town bc of the metro situation, so beats me. i was an arlingtonmo. but i'm in.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 7:02 AM
Author: 180 green church

try to replicate the coronation feast of a Holy Roman Emperor



Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 8:44 PM
Author: 180 green church


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 6:58 AM
Author: hyperactive sapphire set pistol

Dems are still reading this same newspaper 80 yrs later



Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 9:33 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

Sorry about shitty photo quality; lighting in the museum was really bad for photos.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 9:40 AM
Author: Henna sadistic site coffee pot

We can see ur bald head in the shadow


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 9:41 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

Bald head? I look like a damn alien.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 9:40 AM
Author: razzle trump supporter


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 9:36 AM
Author: Bisexual Legal Warrant Pozpig

Hoover did nothing wrong


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 3:17 PM
Author: Beady-eyed Striped Hyena Spot


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 12:53 PM
Author: 180 green church


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 8:54 PM
Author: razzmatazz maize athletic conference

i feel like i've been to this museum now, good work


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 8:57 PM
Author: razzmatazz maize athletic conference

regarding teleprompter:


"Hoover used a Schlafly teleprompter at the 1952 Chicago Republican National Convention"


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 9:01 PM
Author: Mahogany low-t preventive strike

The replica houses outside are more interesting than the museum.

Hoover was one of our most accomplished presidents but also objectively shitty at the job.

Did you have lunch in West Branch?


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 9:03 PM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

Shit, did not have time to see the houses or have lunch. Describe.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 9:14 PM
Author: Mahogany low-t preventive strike

The house where he grew up is tiny. It’s amazing to think of a whole family fitting in there. They also have the church and schoolroom and a blacksmith shop etc. An interesting look at a Midwest small town before Walmart and meth ruined everything.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 12:12 PM
Author: carmine swashbuckling shitlib



Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 9:25 PM
Author: White drunken personal credit line



Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 9:26 PM
Author: opaque deep hospital

As presidential museums go, that one isn't terrible


Reply Favorite

Date: March 21st, 2019 11:08 PM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

Describe the worst presidential SHITMUSEUM you've been to.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 12:18 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

All right, Hoover's museum was great, and they have his entire childhood neighborhood preserved, but we only have a couple days to get back to D.C. for work, and a long way to drive, so we need to keep moving down the highway.

Our next stop is a very historically important location: The Iowa 80 truck stop, just outside Davenport. It claims to be the largest truck stop in the entire world.


Any longtime XO poster, of course, will know just why Iowa 80 is so important: As the largest truck stop in the world, it's also a critical location in Doobs' truck stop prostitution empire. Peterman may win out in sheer depravity, but Doobs is a man of volume. He exists to provide a service, and that service is ensuring every trucker in the Midwest has the release he needs to keep running the rigs between Pennsylvania and the Great Plains. In a publicity stunt during the 2014 Christmas trucking season, Doobs managed to service a record-setting 617 truckers in an unbroken 24-hour stretch at this location.

Outside the truck stop, dozens if not hundreds of trucks are amassed.


Inside the stop, very large signs point to the restrooms. They know what the typical trucker is here for:


The actual restrooms are going through a costly renovation right now; intended to give them a rougher edge that will allow for greater competition in Peterman's depravity niche.


There's plenty more to see in the truck stop though. It's as large as a small shopping mall, with a big food court filled with Middle American fats. There's even an Orange Julius if that's your thing.



The second floor has some amenities for truck drivers. Not just showers, but also a theater, dentist, and even a chiropractor.


The tourist trap kitsch fittingly includes tons of Red State America stuff, like military pins, flag t-shirts, and of course a model tank made out of expended rifle rounds.


Besides the restrooms, the real heart of the truck stop is the trucker store, a massive floor space filled with everything a trucker could want, from audio books and custom steering wheels to seat pads and exhaust pipes.




At the far end is a small "show floor" for nifty trucks.


Next door, a giant building houses a free museum of trucking, but sadly we don't have time to visit it. If you want the all-inclusive trip, go check out the nearest Bobby Digital thread. The Charles Digital experience requires greater celerity.

It's about 1 pm, and we need to make it all the way to Dayton, Ohio tonight. That means we don't have time for any big tourist attractions, and fortunately there really aren't many. Instead, we'll be making a few short stops to check out novelty statues.

The first stop is right in nearby Davenport. In the 1850s, railroad companies wanted to build rail bridges across the Mississippi, but were opposed by ferry companies that feared going out of business. This resulted in a major legal battle, and one railroad brought in the top BIGRAILROAD attorney in the United States, a certain Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln won his case, and to this day railroads run across the Mississippi with impunity. A statue right by the old rail bridge shows Lincoln looking at the under-construction bridge, thinking of cutting legal arguments.


The next stop is in Galesburg, Illinois, which has one of Ronald Reagan's numerous boyhood homes (he moved a lot). The house is still privately owned, so you can't go in, but it does have a plaque outside. Reagan learned to read while in this house.


A church a couple blocks away has a hard-hitting message for the faithful.


Our next stop is in the city of Peoria. It was once of great concern that ideas, products, and shows be able to "play" here. Today, it's another over-the-hill Midwestern city, and just last year it endured the loss of Caterpillar Inc's HQ to the Chicago suburb of Deerfield. The company still has 12,000 employees here, though, and a sexy museum on the riverfront.


That's not what we're here to see, though. We're here to see this goofy 30-foot-tall statue of Abraham Lincoln giving the Gettysburg Address to a 20th century "common man." Said common man strongly resembles popular 50s singer Perry Como, who has no connection to Peoria or central Illinois.


Richard Pryor actually is from Peoria, but his statue is comparatively less impressive, and has a kinda-obnoxious plug for the sculptor on the base.


Let's keep trucking down I-74. In Bloomington, there's a statue of Lincoln that is supposed to represent him plotting a future with two of his friends, Bloomington residents Jesse Fell and David Davis. At a glance, though, it looks more like Lincoln is breaking up a fight.


The statue has a handful of quotes from speeches Lincoln gave in Bloomington. Since the statue is pretty recent, naturally some lib added a Lincoln quote that seems to troll for wind power.


The final pit stop in Illinois is in Urbana, home of the University of Illinois's flagship campus. Like pretty much every major college, UIUC is obsessed with getting more women in STEM, and their idea for accomplishing that was to put up a goofy statue of a Woman Scientist Superhero.


Names "The Quintessential Engineer," this statue shows a woman running, wearing adventuresome trousers, using some sci-fi touchscreen thing, and standing atop proud Engineering Virtues like "Confident" and "Successful."


The statue was paid for by the world's least-innovative tech company, Texas Instruments.


And with that, we're done with the state of Illinois. Fun times!

There is nothing to see in Indiana.

After a four-hour drive, then, we arrive in Dayton, Ohio. We'll have more to do tomorrow, but for tonight, our goal is to try Dayton's chief culinary artifact, Dayton-style pizza. It's sold at basically only one place, the local chain Marion's Piazza. Lots of locals will say to skip it, but what's the point of traveling if we're just going to do the same shit we can do anywhere?

The restaurant itself is painted to look like you are in some scenic Italian villa rather than Ohio.


When you order the pizza at Marion's, be sure to ask to use the "old oven." It takes slightly longer, but it comes out a lot better. Dayton-style pizza is basically a pizza with tiny square slices and a thin, cracker-like crust. It's basically like a really high-quality frozen pizza.


A server plays air guitar with a pizza peel.


All right, time to crash. Tomorrow we visit Dayton's chief claim to fame: The mammoth Museum of the United States Air Force.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 12:21 AM
Author: Odious Misanthropic Black Woman

I see Peterman in the truck stop photo


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 6:54 AM
Author: 180 green church



Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 7:17 AM
Author: excitant sooty public bath round eye

This, poasters and fempoasters, is content.

And that pizza looks disgusting.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 9:54 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

It’s mostly the usage of ground beef (I think) as a topping. It tastes fine but gives it an odd look.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 9:55 AM
Author: 180 green church

some people find it too salty. your thoughts?


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 9:59 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

Not a problem I noticed, but there was a pizza place in my college town far worse in that regard so I may have a high tolerance.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 10:59 AM
Author: 180 green church

180, fuck GC elites and their fear of salty foods


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 7:29 AM
Author: fragrant factory reset button ticket booth


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 8:18 AM
Author: razzmatazz maize athletic conference

lmao at that engineer statue


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 8:23 AM
Author: 180 green church

this is the statue's sculptor posing with it, only to be photobombed by an extremely autistic looking white man



Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 8:28 AM
Author: razzmatazz maize athletic conference



Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 11:03 AM
Author: hyperactive sapphire set pistol



Reply Favorite

Date: April 20th, 2019 12:33 AM
Author: Internet-worthy keepsake machete range


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 10:00 AM
Author: smoky boyish brunch

that pizza does NOT look even as good as Digiorno's


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 10:18 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

Red Baron exec fuming, hurling frozen pizzas at employees.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 11:04 AM
Author: smoky boyish brunch


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 11:23 AM
Author: Ivory Territorial Dingle Berry Genital Piercing

180. Thank you for your service, Charles.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 11:59 AM
Author: Chocolate Abode

Bboom in the red T-shirt. MODS!



Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 12:15 PM
Author: 180 green church

That can't be Bboom because Bboom = bald


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 12:23 PM
Author: titillating patrolman library

Can't believe you skipped over U of Iowa but are stopping at U of Illinois.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 12:41 PM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

Does U-Iowa also have a cyberwoman statue.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 12:58 PM
Author: titillating patrolman library

No. Decent Iowans prefer to honor true American heroes, such as Nile Kinnick:



Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 2:35 PM
Author: 180 green church

is there a Kirk Ferentz statue yet


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 4:39 PM
Author: Bossy Offensive Tank Forum



Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 9:59 AM
Author: 180 green church


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 8:19 PM
Author: opaque deep hospital

*googles 'celerity'*


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 7:32 AM
Author: Overrated iridescent ratface telephone


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 8:30 AM
Author: stimulating field

The Lincoln statue in Peoria (https://imgur.com/a/MpV8VIG) used to be in a different location: https://imgur.com/a/hmTKObE

Wonder why they moved it.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 8:32 AM
Author: 180 green church

lmao at what Lincoln is pointing at


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 11:21 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor


Reply Favorite

Date: March 22nd, 2019 8:34 AM
Author: razzmatazz maize athletic conference


The Peoria Riverfront Museum is preparing for the installation next week of “Return Visit,” a 31-foot-tall, 19-ton painted bronze sculpture of Lincoln standing with a modern-day man who is holding the Gettysburg Address.

The sculpture has been on display in Chicago for the past year next to Tribune Tower, and through some serendipitous timing, museum officials were able to secure its next stop here just as bicentennial celebrations are beginning.

A local resident had mentioned the sculptor, Seward Johnson, to PRM President and CEO John Morris, and the museum chief asked one of the curators to reach out to Johnson’s foundation.

Johnson’s other work includes sculptures of Marilyn Monroe and of a couple standing with a pitchfork in homage to the famous Grant Wood painting. Both were displayed in Chicago during the last decade.

During the course of the curator’s conversation with the foundation, it came up that the Lincoln piece was wrapping up its run in Chicago and needed a new home.

“We took advantage of an opportunity,” Morris says, marveling at how the timing worked out.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 12:45 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

All right, today we get to see the chief attraction on our road trip: The National Museum of the United States Air Force, located on the grounds of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

Dayton houses this museum because it’s the sadly-forgotten birthplace of modern aviation. Kitty Hawk, North Carolina is instantly famous as the location of the first powered flight, and North Carolina ever puts “First in Flight” on its license plate and state quarter. But Daytonians will inform you that this is RANCID FLAME. The Wright Brothers hated North Carolina, were only there because of the favorable winds, and got the fuck out of there as soon as they could. The ACTUAL birthplace of aviation is right here in Dayton, where the Wright Brothers operated their bike shop and experimented with heavier-than-air craft as an autistic hobby.

The actual museum is accessed from, not flame, a road named Bong Street. It’s gigantic, spanning five immense hangers.


The hangers are arranged by topic, with wings covering different topics in generally chronological order. The coolest wing, of course, is the World War 2 one, so let’s start there.

Right when you walk in, you encounter perhaps the single most famous plane in the museum: Bock’s Car, the bomber that ended World War 2 by dropping Fat Man on Nagasaki.



A case next to the plane has some items from the Nagasaki mission.


This model Fat Man isn’t simply a mock-up, it’s an actual decommissioned nuclear shell painted in imitation of the Nagasaki bomb.


These scraps of a wrecked plane are from The Flying Dutchman, a troop transport that crashed in New Guinea. A handful of uninjured troops were able to make it back to civilization, but the wounded men left behind died before rescue parties found them. Their daily diary was preserved on a piece of the airframe.



Another case holds the fragments from the final kamikaze attack of World War 2.


Fortunately, not EVERY Japanese plane was used in a suicide attack. This Kawanishi N1K-J, nicknamed “George,” was one of the best Japanese fighters of the war, substantially outclassing the more famous Zero.


An exhibit honors the achievements of the Brazilian air force in World War 2, and their “Fab” aircrews.


The display for Luftwaffe officers has a humorously severe-looking Nazi stereotype.


China was a crucial front in the Pacific War, and the allies made heavy use of its airfields. But China at the time had no heavy equipment, so instead runways were paved by having hundreds of manual laborers drag these 10,000 pounds stones around.


This primitive air-to-air rocket was developed by the Germans. Even in flight, it was attached to the firing plane by thin wires, and controlled with a joystick. It had an acoustic proximity fused, designed to detonate as it approached the sound of a B-17’s engines. The missile didn’t see active service, but I’d guess it’s shown up in at least one WW2 video game regardless.


There are several other German wunderwaffe’s on display. The Me 262A was the first jet-powered fighter aircraft to see action. It dominated allied planes in the final stages of the war, but was too little, too late to turn the tide.


The museum also has an Me 163 Komet, which looks like some kind of toy airplane enlarged to life-size:


The Komet is the only rocket-powered fighter jet ever used in combat. It was incredibly fast (breaking 700 mph on one test flight), but had a short range and was extremely dangerous to operate. The descriptive plaque touches on the difficulties it faced.


Lastly, there’s an authentic V-2 rocket, the world’s first long-range ballistic missile.


This next German plane wasn’t a wonder weapon, but it was the most iconic German fighter of the war. The Me 109 scored more aerial victories in WW2 than any other fighter, and served for the entirety of the war in every front of the European theater.


And let us not forget the contribution of the ITALIAN air force. This plane…was an Italian fighter. Not much more to be said.


This wax scene of Allied troops conquering Germany interestingly includes several authentic trashed Nazi objects in the rubble.



The museum displays an honor roll created by an Allied air unit to commemorate its aces, but prudes at the museum have censored it to cover up the naked women. Sad!


The museum may not tolerate nudity, but it is perfectly tolerant of PG-13 language on allied bombers.


This display on America’s main air-dropped torpedo can’t avoid the fact that it was a monumental piece of shit.


Today, Hollywood actors shun national service, but World War 2 was a different time and many stars were eager to serve despite the dangers. Jimmy Stewart wore this jacket during many dangerous bombing runs over Europe.


Ronald Reagan’s poor eyesight kept him out of combat service, but he did wear this jacket while helping to make training films.


Walt Disney was deeply invested in the war effort too. Besides producing educational and propaganda films, Disney animators also produced tons of patches and designs for air units to use.



One set of seven bombers even had themselves decorated on a Seven Dwarves theme!


Along with Bock’s Car, the other famous bomber in the museum is the Memphis Belle.



Bombing raids over Europe were extremely dangerous in the early stages of the war. Until the introduction of long-range fighters like the P-51 Mustang, raids were made without fighter escorts, and losses could exceed 25% on a single raid. To boost morale, crews were told that if they completed 25 missions, they’d be rotated out of combat service. The Memphis Belle was one of the first bombers to complete a 25-mission rotation, so it was brought back to America for a high-profile war bonds tour that made both the craft and crew famous.

The Memphis Belle was named after the pilot’s fiancée, Margaret Polk, but she dumped him after it turned out that he was using his fame to smash tons of pussy (he eventually married six times!).


The Museum’s exhibits on famous bombers continues with its shrine to the Doolittle Raiders who bombed Tokyo in early 1942. As the first force to strike at the Japanese home islands, the Doolittle men were national heroes. In 1959, the city of Tucson honored them by creating a silver goblet for every member of the raid. Those goblets are on display here.


At reunions, the survivors of the raid would do toasts with these goblets. When on display, a goblet was turned up for every living member of the raid, and placed upside down for those who had died. Today, only one goblet remains standing: Richard Cole, still going at 103 years old.

A plaque notes the many, many fuck-ups made by Tucson in making the goblets.


The Doolittle raiders were heroes to the Chinese (who helped many of them escape capture by the Japanese after ditching over the Chinese mainland). Pieces of Chinese artwork celebrate them.



This headband was recovered from a Japanese pilot shot down attacking Pearl Harbor.


Holy shit! That was only ONE hangar of this museum. Damn, this place is massive.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 1:22 AM
Author: crawly principal's office

Amazing work.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 7:07 AM
Author: 180 green church


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 7:20 AM
Author: yellow circlehead


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 9:01 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 9:48 AM
Author: hyperactive sapphire set pistol

lmao @ Tuscon


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 2:35 PM
Author: Beady-eyed Striped Hyena Spot

There’s a reason the Wayne State Club is in Phoenix.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 3:06 PM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 3:06 PM
Author: 180 green church


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 10:21 AM
Author: ruddy floppy stage love of her life

There was a movie in the 90s about the Memphis Belle, I remember it being good, but I saw it as a fairly young teenager so my memory/judgement of it might be faulty, idk



Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 10:43 AM
Author: hyperactive sapphire set pistol

I remember they went to a cathouse and I was SHOCKED that our armed forces would act that way


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 11:01 AM
Author: Bossy Offensive Tank Forum

You know what's funnier than "Bong Street"? The name of the guy the street is named after: Dick Bong, ace of aces




Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 2:48 AM
Author: Gold blathering lodge useless brakes


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 2:29 PM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

The World War 2 hangar was awesome, but there’s still a ton of museum to see. Our next stop is the smallest hangar, dedicated to early aviation. Along the way, we pass a small Holocaust museum, which this place has for some reason.


There’s a shitty Dachau map sketched by a man held there.


Unsurprisingly, the chief assets of the early aviation wing are artifacts related to the Wright Brothers. The brothers were aviation pioneers because of their practical work testing airframes using a homemade wind tunnel. One of their wind tunnels is intact and on display.


There’s also an authentic 1895 Wright bicycle.


The big Model A military flyer on display, though, is only a replica.


A recreation of a WW1-era airfield has some preposterous English fellows sitting around sipping tea and shit.


The Wrights were big underdogs in the race to develop the first working airplane. They were nobodies from Are Country. The smart money was on a guy named Samuel Pierpont Langley, Boston Brahmin and recipient of $50,000 in Congressional funding. Langley burned through the money, though, and retired in frustration just days before the Wright’s successful flight. Despite this, he still had the first US aircraft carrier named after him.


Quentin Roosevelt, the son of President Theodore Roosevelt, was killed as a pilot in WW1. A cross erected over his grave by German soldiers is on display.


The U.S. squadron emblems of WW1 are really fucking not okay by today’s standards.


This carrier pigeon won a medal for delivering a medal despite having a leg shot off. Now, its stuffed corpse remains on display.


In the rafters above, an observation blimp is targeted by a German plane. That balloon is totally fucked.


An early autogyro is on display. The rotor above isn’t powered, but instead rotates from air flowing over it. This set-up can allow a plane to fly even at very low speeds.


Now, it’s time to move on to the post-WW2 hangars. One of the first sights is a gigantic B-52 Stratofortress. Its first flight was in 1952, but to this day it remains in service as a strategic and nuclear bomber.


There’s also an F-22 Raptor, America’s current air-superiority fighter.


The days of these manned aircraft are numbered, though, as more and more roles are taken by unmanned drones. They’ve gotten enormous lately:


As you walk in to the Cold War part of the museum, a large world map indicates which countries were part of the Western and Easter blocs.


Wait…something is a bit funny about that map.


Holy shit! Something IS funny. They’ve tinkered with the map in the vicinity of Israel.


They’ve added blue tape to represent Israel as an American ally. Funny! Btw, in 1960, Israel really wasn’t an American ally. The U.S. stayed neutral on Arab-Israeli matters in an attempt to win Nasser’s Egypt as an ally. Some googling indicates that the original map mistakenly showed Israel as a Soviet ally, though. Somebody must have been really MAF about that!

In the Korean War wing there is a MiG-15bis, obtained from a North Korean pilot who was paid $100,000 for defecting just days before the armistice. This advanced fighter was codenamed “Faggot” by NATO forces (not flame!).


In the Korean War, “Dream Girls” were housewife-looking women taking their clothes off for you. It was the 50s.


Nothing in the rules says a dog can’t be a paratrooper:


The B-2 stealth bomber is somewhat hard to photograph. It’s just a big flying wedge thing.


Slightly easier is the F-117 Nighthawk, in all its ugly, not-terribly-effective-at-combat glory.


Far more effective is the A-10 Thunderbolt, which despite 47 years and several attempts to replace it remains the military’s preferred close air support craft.


In case you haven’t been to the Smithsonian hangar out by Dulles, this museum ALSO has an SR-71 Blackbird, to this day the fastest manned jet ever flown.


The Blackbird was preceded by the U-2 spy plane, which hangs in the rafters above. This jet was linked to two major Cold War incidents, the first when it was shot down over the Soviet Union and the second when it discovered Soviet missile bases in Cuba.


This suit of armor was the mascot of an Air Force squadron, and for years was abducted by rival squadrons who took him to places as far-flung as Greenland and South Vietnam. Today, he is retired to the museum, and it would now be a court marshal offense to steal him.


This F-106 fighter on display is unexceptional but for one fact: It managed to successfully land on its own AFTER the pilot ejected.



This weird-looking craft is the fittingly-named F-104 Starfighter.


The Starfighter set numerous speed records, earning the nickname “missile with a man in it,” but its safety record was atrocious with more than a hundred pilots dying in accidents attempting to fly it. Lockheed bribed numerous officials to get it adopted anyway, causing a massive scandal.

The Starfighter was also involved in a famous air disaster, where Lockheed has all their advanced Air Force jets fly in close formation for a photo op. Wake turbulence caused the Starfighter to lurch into the experimental XB-70 supersonic bomber, destroying both. It was all caught on video, though only still images have surfaced for the public it seems.


The last surviving XB-70 bomber is also in the museum:


Along with the random Holocaust exhibit, the museum also has a random chunk of the Berlin Wall (the Hoover Museum had one too…does EVERY museum have a Berlin Wall piece?). The guy on top of the wall looks kinda silly.


This jet flew in Desert Storm and logged something (Kills? Missions?) in “camels.” NOT okay, Air Force plz censor or provide trigger warnings.



The AC-130 is famous for those Call of Duty Modern Warfare missions where you blast Russians to smithereens from the sky.


Amid all the planes is another odd interloper: A customized Dodge Challenger, dubbed the “Vapor Special Operations Supercar.” A friend of yours is more blunt: It’s a bullshit James Bond-style thing intended to boost Air Force recruiting.


As you move on to the final hangar, you pass through a room holding several decommissioned ballistic missiles.


An exhibit shows the soldiers tasked with firing off the missiles should the president order them. Since it’s now 2019, both soldiers are women.


The Starfighter may have been nickname “missile with a man in it,” but the X-15 is a literal manned missile.


Dropped in mid-air by a B-52, the X-15 was the first aircraft to exceed 5 times the speed of sound, and flew so high that pilots could be awarded astronaut wings. In the early days of the space race, it was used to test the stresses astronauts would have to endure; one early pilot was Neil Armstrong himself.

Speaking of actual astronauts, the Apollo 15 command module is here, on loan from the Smithsonian.


This cartoonish craft, the XF-85 Goblin, was another experiment in air-launched fighters. It was designed to attach to the underbelly of a large bomber, and detach if needed to engage enemy interceptors. Deprived even of landing gear, it would have to reattach to its bombers to successfully land. It was never used in combat.



This craft here is a literal flying saucer.


The final part of the museum is dedicated to numerous presidential planes. The first one is the Sacred Cow, which carried FDR to the Yalta Conference. It has an elevator to accommodate FDR’s wheelchair.



The Independence, naturally, carried President Truman, while the Columbine was used by Dwight Eisenhower.



In the mid-50’s, the “Air Force One” call sign was adopted for any plane carrying the president. During JFK’s administration, the current iconic design of presidential planes was adopted, supposedly the work of Jackie Kennedy. Several small presidential jets are on display:



The most famous presidential plane of all, though, is the SAM 26000, a modified 707 that was the president’s primary transport from 1962 to 1972. It carried JFK to Dallas in 1963, and LBJ’s famous oath of office photo took place aboard it.


The plane’s interior is kept as it was when in service.


A plaque marks the otherwise nondescript spot where the oath occurred.


And that’s everything! Whew, you ended up spending about 4 hours here, and you didn’t even get a close look at everything. But you really need to be hitting the road if you want to get back home by Monday morning, so let’s keep moving.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 5:54 PM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor


Reply Favorite

Date: March 23rd, 2019 11:32 PM
Author: Beady-eyed Striped Hyena Spot


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 12:19 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

Effortpoasting threads routinely flame out, sad!


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 12:29 AM
Author: Bossy Offensive Tank Forum

The format is a bit onerous. To follow it, I gotta click on dozens of links plus do a ton of tabbing back and forth between XO and Imgur to follow your commentary with the photos

Maybe instead of uploading individual photos, you could upload an entire album to Imgur, and put the majority of your captions and comments inline on Imgur instead of on XO?


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 1:01 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

Brother, if I am simply linking an imgur album how am I even poasting.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 7:57 AM
Author: smoky boyish brunch


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 2:47 AM
Author: Gold blathering lodge useless brakes


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 2:40 AM
Author: excitant sooty public bath round eye

Chuck is burying the lede. Why in the FUCK was he in Waterloo, Iowa, in the first place?1?


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 8:02 AM
Author: 180 green church

his boss is running for POTUS


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 2:08 PM
Author: excitant sooty public bath round eye


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 2:48 AM
Author: Gold blathering lodge useless brakes

Chuck what kind of camera do you use?


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 7:42 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

iPhone 6s


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 10:16 AM
Author: razzmatazz maize athletic conference

gotta get ARE xoxo historian on dat XS tip


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 10:20 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

6s will be my last iPhone because I am thoroughly pissed about them deleting the headphone jack.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 10:43 AM
Author: razzmatazz maize athletic conference

wireless is the future. Galaxy A8s dropped jack too. no high end phones will have jacks soon enough

also just get an adapter if u care that much?


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 10:50 AM
Author: Plum mind-boggling chapel party of the first part

(Tim Apple)


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 10:54 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

Guess I’m not using a high-end phone then.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 11:10 AM
Author: Bipolar volcanic crater



Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 11:14 AM
Author: burgundy digit ratio native


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 1:27 PM
Author: Beady-eyed Striped Hyena Spot


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 10:44 AM
Author: burgundy digit ratio native


Reply Favorite

Date: March 24th, 2019 4:02 PM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

The final post of this trip is tragically delayed due to my laptop setting itself on fire.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 20th, 2019 12:12 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor

Sorry for the prolonged delay. Computer caught fire. But before we can go off to Hungary, we'd better wrap up this trip! We still have a tiny handful of things to see before making it to DC.

At our last update we'd just finished going through Dayton's mammoth Air Force museum. As you leave, you see a park filled with small monuments to various air units.


Before hitting the highway, you detour back to downtown Dayton. There, you can see the Wright Brothers' bicycle shop where they built their first plane...or, you could, except Henry Ford picked up the whole damn building and moved it to Dearborn, Michigan. Too bad! Instead, you can see a restoration of a different shop. The Wright Bros. worked out of this building until the late 1890s, but they only made bikes here.


NOW you can hit the road. We could take a straight shot to DC, but instead we're going to detour to see some presidential birthplaces near Columbus.

In the small town of Delaware, you can see the birthplace of Rutherford Hayes. Sadly, Hayes' home has not survived! It's now a gas station with a plaque outside.


We have a far more impressive destination just a few miles further, though. Marion, Ohio is a dying post-industrial city, formerly the popcorn capital of America. Warren Harding ran a newspaper here before becoming a senator and, eventually, a forgettable president known for his deeply corrupt Cabinet. Marion didn't mind too much, though, and they built a very nice neoclassical tomb for him.


Harding requested a simple tomb beneath a tree and the open sky, and the design of the tomb accommodates this.


Nearby, a small display describes Harding's presidency, noting he achieved many of his goals. Albert Fall, listed on his Cabinet roster, is the Teapot Dome guy.


Another display makes a mild effort to improve Harding's relatively shitty reputation.


A couple miles away, Marion has preserved Harding's house. Harding ran the last "front-porch campaign" in US history here, staying home and delivering speeches to visitors but otherwise not traveling prior to his election.


Before leaving town, how about a snack? Let's stop at Fred's, Marion's top drive-through ice cream joint.



Fuck yeah! But now it's evening. You truck along the highway until Pittsburgh, and sleep at a rest stop. The following morning, you head into DC, but you make one last stop along the way...


That's right, it's Breezewood, Pennsylvania! It's one of the only places in the US where the Interstate Highway System turns into a normal stretch of road, without controlled access through on-ramps. The town of Breezewood is entirely kept alive by the snarl of travelers who pass through and end up stopping for gas or food.

But that's not why you're here. You're here because THIS is where the legendary Treaty of Breezewood was signed. For years, it was feared the competition between Doobs and Peterman would devastate the entire trucking economy. In an astute show of statesmanship, though, the two kings of truck stop prostitution were able to settle their differences and establish spheres of influence. Peterman controls the coastal highways east of Breezewood, while Doobs has the Midwestern ones out to Iowa, including the famous I-80 stop.

You stop at the specific Sunoco where the treaty was signed.


Peterman and Doobs each left their "mark" on the treaty document: The former farted cum onto it, while Doobs belched it instead. Sadly, the treaty itself is now held by a private collector.

And that's it! You drive the car into DC and go back to being your own brand of cumslave, for global capitalism.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 20th, 2019 12:18 AM
Author: Passionate Silver Hominid Organic Girlfriend

AZN megashrew wondering where your ring is in ice cream shot. 💍 👍🏻


Reply Favorite

Date: April 20th, 2019 9:21 AM
Author: 180 green church


Reply Favorite

Date: July 16th, 2022 4:34 PM
Author: slippery cerebral plaza regret


Reply Favorite

Date: April 20th, 2019 9:00 AM
Author: Cordovan appetizing parlor


Reply Favorite

Date: April 20th, 2019 9:20 AM
Author: Lime judgmental trust fund goyim


Reply Favorite

Date: April 20th, 2019 10:11 PM
Author: 180 green church
