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“EXPONENTIAL GROWTH!” shrieked the idiot

It seems really really really strange that new daily infecti...
Spruce ungodly faggot firefighter
Montagnier also predicted the imminent disappearance of the ...
swollen toilet seat location
Maybe there’s something to this but I’d rather n...
Spruce ungodly faggot firefighter
Nobel laureate. Maybe he knows what he's talking about. h...
swollen toilet seat location
Boyish onyx national

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Date: July 18th, 2020 12:30 PM
Author: Spruce ungodly faggot firefighter

It seems really really really strange that new daily infections seem to briefly spike before suddenly crashing into a wall. Regardless of governmental policy or google/Apple mobility data trends. Sweden deaths/cases have gone to 0 and even Brazil has completely plateaued. Both countries have been openly hostile to hysterical lockdowns. Don’t look now but there are green shoots in the Texas/Florida/Arizona data.

Hmmmm. Call me crazy but maybe serological testing has probably grossly undercounted the % of people with immunity to covid-19 (either from past exposure to this or a similar coronavirus)? Even when those tests have found antibodies in a high % of the population (eg NYC). I’m obv referring here to t-cells

Don’t other characteristics (eg blood type) prob confer some measure of protection as well? Holy shit what if this suggests....NYC might’ve already reached herd immunity and should reopen the gyms this millisecond?

Also Sweden has been the only sane person surrounded by a group of shrieking lunatics


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Date: July 18th, 2020 12:34 PM
Author: swollen toilet seat location

Montagnier also predicted the imminent disappearance of the virus, because its supposedly artificial origin would be weakening it.

“One can do anything with nature, but if you make an artificial construction, it is unlikely to survive. Nature loves harmonious things; what is alien, like a virus coming from another virus, for example, is not well tolerated,” he said. For the scientist, the parts of the virus into which HIV was inserted are rapidly mutating, causing it to self-destruct.

“So what we’re seeing is that in the western United States, in Seattle, the sequences are destroyed, virtually non-existent. So if the pathogenic power of the coronavirus is linked to the insertion of these sequences, we can think that it’s going to disappear,” he said.


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Date: July 18th, 2020 12:39 PM
Author: Spruce ungodly faggot firefighter

Maybe there’s something to this but I’d rather not lump my argument in with the infowars crowd. I’m basically just drawing on covid research papers


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Date: July 18th, 2020 12:41 PM
Author: swollen toilet seat location

Nobel laureate. Maybe he knows what he's talking about.



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Date: July 18th, 2020 12:44 PM
Author: Boyish onyx national
