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Would accurate reporting of black violence matter?

How much would it matter if videos like these were on CNN 24...
underhanded striped hyena
Portland has to be the worst city to be a cop, currently, ri...
Brilliant Halford
underhanded striped hyena
lol not even CLOSE its violent crime rate is 61st in the co...
naked private investor
read the tweet in the OP. I don't see that happening to cops...
Brilliant Halford
yeah man better to get decapitated during a routine traffic ...
garnet parlour macaca
Geez Anchorage is rapey as hell. It's great that Dirte beat...
grizzly alcoholic chad
Looks like one of the best actually.
snowy mad-dog skullcap
How much would you have to be paid to be a cop in Portland? ...
underhanded striped hyena
yeah its probably not that bad normally. But "every...
Brilliant Halford
Pudgy fed rent-a-cops don't seem fazed by that sort of thing...
snowy mad-dog skullcap
it would make a huge difference if you ever have a seriou...
Supple cowardly home
Agreed. Most libs would just plain not believe you if you ci...
underhanded striped hyena
i've never had a single lib do anything but deny crime stati...
Supple cowardly home
cr. libs always just go off about unequal policing, raci...
carmine hyperactive brethren useless brakes
I knew a public defender once who said "yeah, african a...
Brilliant Halford
Number one answer when I cite black criminality stats &qu...
odious jap toilet seat
Don't understand how people can seriously think this. Like t...
underhanded striped hyena
People have been conditioned to think blacks have mainly bee...
odious jap toilet seat
nobody but actually smart people can think quantitatively ...
Supple cowardly home
odious jap toilet seat
this is basically every single human being out there who isn...
Supple cowardly home
I don't know why everyone believes this, but they do
naked private investor
I can’t believe this is real.
180 stead queen of the night
It’s almost entirely due to smoking weed and how most ...
Coiffed Reading Party
odious jap toilet seat
concupiscible infuriating knife
Police records consistently show that black people are arres...
nudist motley dog poop
There is a reason why the NYT tried to dox this guy
odious jap toilet seat
it would be interesting to see how this plays out across dif...
Sexy market
Ben Shapiro debated Sally Kohn about this, and got her to ad...
sienna impressive trump supporter death wish
Filthy water buffalo love of her life
There are so many videos like this that no one sees https...
underhanded striped hyena
why is that woman not wearing any clothes?
Mint lodge indirect expression
were victims Azn?
Sexy market
Obviously, because it would undermine the black victim narra...
180 stead queen of the night
It would matter in the sense that NPCs would suffer a crazy ...
Coiffed Reading Party
180 stead queen of the night
odious jap toilet seat
The most racist people I know are huge shitlibs. They get it...
snowy mad-dog skullcap
There should be a channel just devoted to highlighting the d...
underhanded striped hyena
isn't that what chimpout is?
Mint lodge indirect expression
underhanded striped hyena
in a normal healthy society, this vid would cause war
Sexy market
underhanded striped hyena
that guy did a flying jump kick to a 4yo girl
Brilliant Halford
what kind of society do we live in where this does not spark...
Sexy market
underhanded striped hyena
Justice for Tray
maize nursing home rigor
underhanded striped hyena
when will judges give head stomps and soccer kicks a mandato...
Sexy market
How does Beattie make money these days? Is he still working ...
180 stead queen of the night
No idea. I think he is writing a book. He is living in Aspe...
underhanded striped hyena
doesn't it get reported? you're posting a bunch of shit from...
carmine hyperactive brethren useless brakes
when was the last time black on white (or any other race) vi...
Fragrant drunken area
it gets reported. people just don't care.
carmine hyperactive brethren useless brakes
it doesn't get blasted by every media outlet nonstop for day...
Fragrant drunken area
underhanded striped hyena
it gets blasted because that's what shitlibs want to read. m...
carmine hyperactive brethren useless brakes
Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc. ban people for posting crime...
Insanely creepy sanctuary
this is the line. country needs a full reset
Sexy market
odious jap toilet seat
It would change everything. At least 75 percent of people ar...
Boyish mischievous house therapy
underhanded striped hyena
Razzle nubile coldplay fan step-uncle's house
it wouldn't matter. If black crime stats were accurately ...
brindle persian
Irate Spot Keepsake Machete
underhanded striped hyena
Not one white person involved
Appetizing sepia principal's office
Justice for George Floyd! https://twitter.com/heckyessica...
underhanded striped hyena
Yes, it would make a difference. But it would also inflame ...
dun galvanic station

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:05 PM
Author: underhanded striped hyena

How much would it matter if videos like these were on CNN 24/7 and the national media accurately reported black violence? Would it slow down the BLM movement or nah?



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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:10 PM
Author: Brilliant Halford

Portland has to be the worst city to be a cop, currently, right?


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:10 PM
Author: underhanded striped hyena



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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:17 PM
Author: naked private investor

lol not even CLOSE

its violent crime rate is 61st in the country. the courthouse shit is the feds' problem, local cops are sitting back & chilling.



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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:19 PM
Author: Brilliant Halford

read the tweet in the OP. I don't see that happening to cops in many other cities in the US, even right now


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:17 PM
Author: garnet parlour macaca

yeah man better to get decapitated during a routine traffic stop in Atlanta than called a meanie face by some idiot portland kids


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Date: July 28th, 2020 7:28 PM
Author: grizzly alcoholic chad

Geez Anchorage is rapey as hell. It's great that Dirte beat cancer but he's taking his "new lease on life" too far in my book.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:20 PM
Author: snowy mad-dog skullcap

Looks like one of the best actually.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:12 PM
Author: underhanded striped hyena

How much would you have to be paid to be a cop in Portland? They are all obviously insane libs, but this has to die down eventually and you are left patrolling a 90% white city.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:13 PM
Author: Brilliant Halford

yeah its probably not that bad normally.

But "everyday Portlanders" taunting cops as they try to arrest a violent lunatic who just attacked multiple people with a fucking SAW is pretty beyond the pale


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:21 PM
Author: snowy mad-dog skullcap

Pudgy fed rent-a-cops don't seem fazed by that sort of thing.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:12 PM
Author: Supple cowardly home

it would make a huge difference

if you ever have a serious talk with a lib irl about blacks and black crime in america, it becomes pretty readily apparent that they genuinely do not understand just how much more violent and criminal blacks are

the only reason why this is the case is because of brainwashing and only consuming selected misleading information


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:13 PM
Author: underhanded striped hyena

Agreed. Most libs would just plain not believe you if you cited actual crime statistics.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:24 PM
Author: Supple cowardly home

i've never had a single lib do anything but deny crime statistics when i've brought them up. i haven't done that kind of thing for years, but out of dozens of times where i attempted to have honest "political" conversations with libs irl, every single time they would just get upset and deny crime statistics

there's a common sentiment among "the right" that libs are "secretly redpilled" on blacks, but just pretend to go along with the Party Line in order to maintain a socially acceptable front. this is totally false. these people really do think that blacks are totally innocent and persecuted by "the law" and "white racism." they're insanely brainwashed and it is not at all an act by them


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:47 PM
Author: carmine hyperactive brethren useless brakes


libs always just go off about unequal policing, racism in the criminal justice system, etc.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:15 PM
Author: Brilliant Halford

I knew a public defender once who said "yeah, african americans get arrested more, because some of their communities have more crime, and cops go to where there is crime."

It's like the simplest explanation for the entire BLM movement, but no one would ever say it out loud.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:18 PM
Author: odious jap toilet seat

Number one answer when I cite black criminality stats

"Well that's just because the cops only patrol black areas and arrest blacks. White people are just as criminal they just don't get caught"


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:22 PM
Author: underhanded striped hyena

Don't understand how people can seriously think this. Like there is an unreported epidemic of white kids in the suburbs doing drive by shootings and getting away with it.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:23 PM
Author: odious jap toilet seat

People have been conditioned to think blacks have mainly been put away for petty offenses and buying/selling drugs

People legit think the vast majority of blacks are in prison for drug crimes


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:25 PM
Author: Supple cowardly home

nobody but actually smart people can think quantitatively

regular people's brains are just a vague, hazy cloud of mishmashed emotions and instincts


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:25 PM
Author: odious jap toilet seat


This is the GOVERNOR of Wisconsin, for instance

Evers claims drug crimes account for 75 percent or more of state prison population. Not even close.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:29 PM
Author: Supple cowardly home

this is basically every single human being out there who isn't 140+ IQ or an autist/overly masculine personality type who thinks excessively logically

it's crazy to think that the world runs as well as it does when like half the population is genuine dead weight and contributes literally net nothing (or less), and 90%+ of the other productive half of the population are basically morons who cannot independently or critically think about anything and subsist on specific domain knowledge that allows them to be useful cogs in an extraordinarily complex system that they do not understand at all


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:34 PM
Author: naked private investor

I don't know why everyone believes this, but they do


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Date: July 24th, 2020 5:43 PM
Author: 180 stead queen of the night

I can’t believe this is real.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:28 PM
Author: Coiffed Reading Party

It’s almost entirely due to smoking weed and how most white people dont get arrested for this. Liberals say see, rich white kids in the suburbs always get away with it and it’s only inner city blacks who get caught because the cops are racist and like to arrest us. That’s the core behind this insane delusion


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:28 PM
Author: odious jap toilet seat


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:10 PM
Author: concupiscible infuriating knife


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:58 PM
Author: nudist motley dog poop

Police records consistently show that black people are arrested at disproportionally high rates (compared to their presence in the population) for violent crimes. For example, blacks are arrested eight times more often for homicide and fourteen times more often for robbery. Even less flashy crimes show the same pattern: forgery, fraud, and embezzlement all hover around a relative risk of four.

(White people are arrested at disproportionally high rates for things like driving drunk, and Asians are arrested at disproportionally high rates for things like illegal gambling, but these carry lower sentences and are less likely to lead to incarceration.)

Once again, there are two possible hypotheses here: either police are biased, or black people actually commit these crimes at higher rates than other groups.

The second hypothesis has been strongly supported by crime victimization surveys, which show that the percent of arrestees who are black very closely matches the percent of victims who say their assailant was black. This has been constant throughout across thirty years of crime victimization surveys.



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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:58 PM
Author: odious jap toilet seat

There is a reason why the NYT tried to dox this guy


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Date: July 24th, 2020 7:02 PM
Author: Sexy market

it would be interesting to see how this plays out across different countries as well


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Date: July 27th, 2020 10:48 AM
Author: sienna impressive trump supporter death wish

Ben Shapiro debated Sally Kohn about this, and got her to admit regarding the first hypothesis that there are far more men in prison than women b/c men may be more predisposed to crime than women lol.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 4:16 PM
Author: Filthy water buffalo love of her life



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Date: July 24th, 2020 5:34 PM
Author: underhanded striped hyena

There are so many videos like this that no one sees



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Date: July 24th, 2020 5:39 PM
Author: Mint lodge indirect expression

why is that woman not wearing any clothes?


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:17 PM
Author: Sexy market

were victims Azn?


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Date: July 24th, 2020 5:42 PM
Author: 180 stead queen of the night

Obviously, because it would undermine the black victim narrative


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:17 PM
Author: Coiffed Reading Party

It would matter in the sense that NPCs would suffer a crazy amount of cognitive dissonance to keep believing in the Religion of Shitliberalism, which would lead to an earlier demise of this demonic ideology


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:17 PM
Author: 180 stead queen of the night


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:18 PM
Author: odious jap toilet seat


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:23 PM
Author: snowy mad-dog skullcap

The most racist people I know are huge shitlibs. They get it, believe me. They just have an inhuman ability to suppress their true feelings.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:30 PM
Author: underhanded striped hyena

There should be a channel just devoted to highlighting the degeneracy and violence of black culture.



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Date: July 24th, 2020 11:54 PM
Author: Mint lodge indirect expression

isn't that what chimpout is?


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:32 PM
Author: underhanded striped hyena



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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:34 PM
Author: Sexy market

in a normal healthy society, this vid would cause war


Reply Favorite

Date: July 24th, 2020 6:36 PM
Author: underhanded striped hyena


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:42 PM
Author: Brilliant Halford

that guy did a flying jump kick to a 4yo girl


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:52 PM
Author: Sexy market

what kind of society do we live in where this does not spark brutal outrage?


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:55 PM
Author: underhanded striped hyena


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Date: July 24th, 2020 7:26 PM
Author: maize nursing home rigor

Justice for Tray


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:36 PM
Author: underhanded striped hyena



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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:40 PM
Author: Sexy market

when will judges give head stomps and soccer kicks a mandatory 25 years?


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:48 PM
Author: 180 stead queen of the night

How does Beattie make money these days? Is he still working for Matt Gaetz?


Reply Favorite

Date: July 24th, 2020 6:51 PM
Author: underhanded striped hyena

No idea. I think he is writing a book. He is living in Aspen now.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:51 PM
Author: carmine hyperactive brethren useless brakes

doesn't it get reported? you're posting a bunch of shit from twitter, which is where tons of people get their news now. local crimes are still reported in local papers. the information is out there.

lib npcs are just willfully blind.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 6:53 PM
Author: Fragrant drunken area

when was the last time black on white (or any other race) violence got national attention and how long did it last


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Date: July 24th, 2020 9:03 PM
Author: carmine hyperactive brethren useless brakes

it gets reported. people just don't care.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 9:03 PM
Author: Fragrant drunken area

it doesn't get blasted by every media outlet nonstop for days like the reverse does not even close


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Date: July 24th, 2020 10:00 PM
Author: underhanded striped hyena


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Date: July 25th, 2020 11:32 AM
Author: carmine hyperactive brethren useless brakes

it gets blasted because that's what shitlibs want to read. maybe it's a chicken and the egg thing, but i think it's more that shitlibs want to read about race baiting nonsense so that's what gets blasted.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 7:33 PM
Author: Insanely creepy sanctuary

Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc. ban people for posting crime statistics. Accurate reporting of black violence is considered a hate crime.


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Date: July 24th, 2020 7:36 PM
Author: Sexy market

this is the line. country needs a full reset


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Date: July 24th, 2020 8:48 PM
Author: odious jap toilet seat


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Date: July 24th, 2020 10:14 PM
Author: Boyish mischievous house therapy

It would change everything. At least 75 percent of people are NPCs.


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Date: July 25th, 2020 10:50 AM
Author: underhanded striped hyena



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Date: July 27th, 2020 1:50 AM
Author: Razzle nubile coldplay fan step-uncle's house


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Date: July 25th, 2020 11:20 AM
Author: brindle persian

it wouldn't matter.

If black crime stats were accurately reported the argument would just go back to systemic racism causing higher crime among blacks.

Its always a circular argument back to "systemic racism"


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Date: July 27th, 2020 10:43 AM
Author: Irate Spot Keepsake Machete


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Date: July 27th, 2020 1:25 AM
Author: underhanded striped hyena



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Date: July 27th, 2020 10:43 AM
Author: Appetizing sepia principal's office

Not one white person involved


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Date: July 27th, 2020 10:38 AM
Author: underhanded striped hyena

Justice for George Floyd!



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Date: July 27th, 2020 10:50 AM
Author: dun galvanic station

Yes, it would make a difference. But it would also inflame racists, which would lead to more violence against blacks.
