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"White Men explaining why Kamala isn't Black enough" The XOXO Story

electric mediation
She’s literally a turdskin
Odious Round Eye
As the daughter of a Jamaican immigrant Stanford professor a...
apoplectic know-it-all theater
, said the racist internet troll. Please, share more of y...
electric mediation
link to me being "racist," pumo?
apoplectic know-it-all theater
she also grew up in Canada
floppy fiercely-loyal coldplay fan
Québécois daughter of professors and career pr...
Costumed doctorate
apoplectic know-it-all theater
Salmon Cruel-hearted Space Gaping
stirring masturbator
Sickened crystalline psychic boltzmann
white people are simultaneously claiming she is asian... ...
Irradiated Forum
"lol@ cumskins literally having zero sense of racial id...
Sickened crystalline psychic boltzmann
whites love to pretend having a nigger father means NIGGER S...
Irradiated Forum
it's simple. one drop of non-white blood = non-white. lol...
apoplectic know-it-all theater
lollercausting HARD@ this cucky cumskins mental gymnastics
Irradiated Forum
the issue with pocahontas was really that injuns (like korea...
apoplectic know-it-all theater
lollercausting HARD@ this literal dumb cumskin fuck saying i...
Irradiated Forum
too bad your philosophy degree didn't teach you how to use a...
apoplectic know-it-all theater
Holy shit. I didn’t realize you can write more than a ...
Rusted passionate wrinkle reading party
CR OP! I mean really, the only question is whether Sleepy Jo...
Sickened crystalline psychic boltzmann
Yeah "White Men" discussing that as all of the men...
concupiscible old irish cottage
Nyuug is here too
Beady-eyed wine coffee pot
yeah but nyuug is a woke alpha chad who gets shitmodded for ...
concupiscible old irish cottage
Nyuug is very mentally ill as well in at least a lay sense. ...
Beady-eyed wine coffee pot
electric mediation
i highly doubt indians define "indian-ness" patril...
Irradiated Forum
I don't think that's the issue. I think when "people&q...
concupiscible old irish cottage
100% alpha marathi GODs. u mad bro?
Irradiated Forum
pencil, is there any race or nationality that is known for o...
Sickened crystalline psychic boltzmann
(psychotic Indian criminal thug)
concupiscible old irish cottage
sup wlmas
yellow bearded idea he suggested
Obeezy, actually
electric mediation
electric mediation

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Date: August 11th, 2020 9:47 PM
Author: electric mediation


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Date: August 11th, 2020 9:48 PM
Author: Odious Round Eye

She’s literally a turdskin


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Date: August 11th, 2020 9:55 PM
Author: apoplectic know-it-all theater

As the daughter of a Jamaican immigrant Stanford professor and an Indian immigrant mother, she's only coincidentally "black" and has nothing in common with African-Americans as a historical group identity.


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Date: August 11th, 2020 10:19 PM
Author: electric mediation

, said the racist internet troll.

Please, share more of your knowledge of the African diaspora.


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Date: August 12th, 2020 1:45 AM
Author: apoplectic know-it-all theater

link to me being "racist," pumo?


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:27 AM
Author: floppy fiercely-loyal coldplay fan

she also grew up in Canada


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Date: August 11th, 2020 11:04 PM
Author: Costumed doctorate

Québécois daughter of professors and career prosecutor telling poor inner city blacks that she is a fellow victim of systemic racism in the justice system


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Date: August 12th, 2020 1:46 AM
Author: apoplectic know-it-all theater


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:17 AM
Author: Salmon Cruel-hearted Space Gaping


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:17 AM
Author: stirring masturbator


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:26 AM
Author: Sickened crystalline psychic boltzmann


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:18 AM
Author: Irradiated Forum

white people are simultaneously claiming she is asian...

but she is also black.

but she is also not asian, but black.

but she is not black but asian.

but she is half-asian, half black.

and Obama is black.

but Elizabeth Warren isn't injun.

but AGWWG spawn is not white, but asian.

lol@ cumskins literally having zero sense of racial identity.


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:25 AM
Author: Sickened crystalline psychic boltzmann

"lol@ cumskins literally having zero sense of racial identity."

sure, you're not wrong in that statement.

but can you honestly say that Kamala Sexy presents a strong coherent sense of racial identity, esp one that will appeal to the woketards the dems absolutely need to turnout strong in order to win? I'll just leave this here:



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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:27 AM
Author: Irradiated Forum

whites love to pretend having a nigger father means NIGGER SPAWN despite saying CUMSKIN FATHER doesnt mean CUMSKIN SPAWN. it's some weird beta as fuck anti-race mental gymnastics and they will play that game for easy nigger votes. and it will work. 100% kamala will drive up the black vote. indian vote too.


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Date: August 12th, 2020 3:13 AM
Author: apoplectic know-it-all theater

it's simple. one drop of non-white blood = non-white.

lol at your bizarre belief that it matters whether one's father is ethnicity A and mother is ethnicity B, or vice versa. it's the same ancestry/genetics either way.

"koreans" = social club, not ethnic group (korean father/white mother offspring have the same ancestry as white father/korean mother offspring, but only one of those belongs to the social club!)


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Date: August 12th, 2020 3:15 AM
Author: Irradiated Forum

lollercausting HARD@ this cucky cumskins mental gymnastics


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Date: August 12th, 2020 3:20 AM
Author: apoplectic know-it-all theater

the issue with pocahontas was really that injuns (like koreans) are a social club. they define injunness in terms of whether you belong to a registered injun tribe, not in terms of blood.


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Date: August 12th, 2020 3:28 AM
Author: Irradiated Forum

lollercausting HARD@ this literal dumb cumskin fuck saying it's a priori evident that racial classifications are easier to define than ontologically more precise ethnic classifications

bro. your dumb ass literally follows me around in every thread where i point out how sad it is that white people literally do not even claim their own children which is literally the most fundamental part of a race's identity

french people exist. german people exist. etc. "white people" do not exist. similarly, chinese (at least in the han sense) people exist. japanese people exist. korean people exist. "asian" people, do not exist

lets face it bro, you can make up all these hilarious gerrymandered rules about what "white" is and isn't but you don't even exist as a separate "white" ontological unit bro. you are just whatever weird mutt mix your parents ended up being after generations in america, separated from your european past. in fact, id bet you don't even really know what you really are because you are so far removed from your true english, french, or whatever identity. this is obviously true only of european-descedended peoples who live outside of europe as a matter of convenience: europeans lost all their national identities after leaving europe and came up with "white" in its absence. its no different from "asians" in america saying they are "asian" instead of CJK, although to a much lesser degree, as most "asians" in america are only 1 or 2 generations removed from CJK

but then again, thats because "white" ethnicities don't define themselves patrilinearly like we do, which is just plain sad

come on bro we've had this discussion a thousand times already. i can just make a separate thread and bump it for you whenever you want to talk about this instead of creating more subthread wastelands with you


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Date: August 12th, 2020 3:46 AM
Author: apoplectic know-it-all theater

too bad your philosophy degree didn't teach you how to use a priori correctly. nothing about this conversation implies that anything should be understood "a priori."

equally hilarious is your weird belief that even though "races" are a muddled folk classification without precise biological underpinning... ETHNICITIES, on the other hand, are "ontologically" (lol) precise! they definitely aren't a confused muddled classification in themselves!

do you think "french" people and "german" people were created by god or something? and now they've mixed and lost their purity? those groups had their own long historical processes of mixing and changing and formation over the millennia, same as "whites" now.

most people would be very surprised to find out that the only thing that makes them french, or german, or japanese, or whatever, is not their ancestry or culture or anything like that, but rather, whether or not their dad "claimed" them, whatever the fuck that means. are jews less of an ethnic group because they define themselves matrineally then?

you're trying to make some kind of confused point about whites not "claiming their own children," which i take it is some sort of reference to white/asian hapas being labeled as asian rather than white, but so what? the offspring of white/white couples are certainly "claimed" as white (again, whatever the fuck that means), so whites should fit your criterion for ethnicity-hood.


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Date: August 12th, 2020 9:15 AM
Author: Rusted passionate wrinkle reading party

Holy shit. I didn’t realize you can write more than a sentence or two at a time.


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:22 AM
Author: Sickened crystalline psychic boltzmann

CR OP! I mean really, the only question is whether Sleepy Joe and Kamala Sexy will eclipse 2008 and set a NEW record for black turnout



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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:28 AM
Author: concupiscible old irish cottage

Yeah "White Men" discussing that as all of the mentally ill board Indians flock to this thread in agreement...


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:29 AM
Author: Beady-eyed wine coffee pot

Nyuug is here too


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:31 AM
Author: concupiscible old irish cottage

yeah but nyuug is a woke alpha chad who gets shitmodded for his woke thoughts. whereas PN's only accomplishment is having a mugshot that's scarier to children than the clown in IT.


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:35 AM
Author: Beady-eyed wine coffee pot

Nyuug is very mentally ill as well in at least a lay sense. But no he’s not a demented sociopathic bully with possible shizo/psychotic features


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:54 PM
Author: electric mediation



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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:29 AM
Author: Irradiated Forum

i highly doubt indians define "indian-ness" patrilineally, bro


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:30 AM
Author: concupiscible old irish cottage

I don't think that's the issue. I think when "people" like PeterNorth and USPO look in the mirror they don't see the actual piece of poop in front of them. They think they're nordic bucks.


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:32 AM
Author: Irradiated Forum

100% alpha marathi GODs. u mad bro?


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:37 AM
Author: Sickened crystalline psychic boltzmann

pencil, is there any race or nationality that is known for overwhelmingly producing ✏️ 🍆 male offspring, or did you just end up grabbing the ... thin end of the genetic stick?


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Date: August 12th, 2020 3:29 AM
Author: concupiscible old irish cottage

(psychotic Indian criminal thug)


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:43 AM
Author: yellow bearded idea he suggested

sup wlmas


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Date: August 12th, 2020 2:54 PM
Author: electric mediation

Obeezy, actually


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Date: August 21st, 2020 4:32 PM
Author: electric mediation
