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Biden +18 among 18-28 year olds. Why is it so high?

Glittery blathering plaza therapy
ljl how can u go thru kike US education system and still won...
internet-worthy stain ratface

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Date: March 29th, 2024 3:17 PM
Author: Glittery blathering plaza therapy



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Date: March 29th, 2024 3:21 PM
Author: internet-worthy stain ratface

ljl how can u go thru kike US education system and still wonder why?

and now on top of it all these sluts are worried abt murdering their unborn babbies

dems have a literal 0-21yo propaganda channel, like cons dont even have 5% influence from the education system is literally all just jewish shitlib feminazi trannie BLM commie bullshit non stop year after year
