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UC Hastings evacuation open thread

Lilac field
1) did you delete the original thread. 2) where is that d...
khaki useless temple
I agree with 2). XOXO has a history of inflammatory posts, ...
Wild lodge
But this exactly the kind of thing though that people look b...
orchid dopamine
"Knowing the full truth that unites the human race &...
Spectacular Gay Step-uncle's House
It's sad, but I don't think you can blame the school here. B...
pearl personal credit line station
I don't blame the school. It's necessary for institutions t...
Hot business firm
metal indigo parlor
Though, there's a pretty famous example of what happened whe...
Embarrassed To The Bone Dysfunction Bbw
What are you positive someone even had to alert the authorit...
flickering really tough guy scourge upon the earth
because there was no threat. there was an ambiguous silly t...
khaki useless temple
Most messages boards are moderated. I highly doubt millions ...
flickering really tough guy scourge upon the earth
But you're ignoring the fact that there are large numbers of...
autistic mexican
i dont think theres 1 xo regular who would actually threaten...
Mustard mediation
Regular poster, maybe not. Regular lurker? A definite poss...
Motley Zippy Corn Cake Mad-dog Skullcap
Trustafarian has been posting completely benign comments sin...
snowy bespoke tanning salon
Why does that even matter? Because someone posts benign com...
orchid dopamine
Well, kinda--especially if the "murder threat" see...
snowy bespoke tanning salon
Yeah, I mean I see where you're coming from -- and I wouldn'...
orchid dopamine
Well, the Hastings poster claims to be new to XOXO and says ...
snowy bespoke tanning salon
JFC the poster's moniker has WGWAG in it
Learning Disabled Old Irish Cottage
I don't recognize Trustafarian. But because the stupid fuck...
sable mood turdskin
Depends on your definition of "regular". There's ...
autistic mexican
J.'s "I cut myself again" threads come to mind
Beady-eyed National
The dean said that somebody called and reported the threat t...
autistic mexican
metal indigo parlor
Is this why Paulie Walnuts retired?
Primrose Frozen Idea He Suggested Hell
someone is claiming its someone else - a 1L at Berkeley
Mustard mediation
What's the point of this thread?
irradiated church building
please: 1. tell the FBI about azn's terroristic threats ...
Rough-skinned Locale Rigpig
I thought the missing sticky meant that GTO had gotten his j...
sable mood turdskin
Given the potentially disastrous consequences for XOXO, I th...
garnet set double fault
Hi, MTG!
razzle-dazzle magical range stock car
I posted that in the other thread. It is about the worst pun...
filthy selfie
this won't happen, as the poster is obviously on good terms ...
Mustard mediation
why don't you just OUT him, mtg?
Exciting state
it'd be hell: http://www.xoxohth.com/thread.php?thread_id=6...
Embarrassed To The Bone Dysfunction Bbw
Things are sliding downhill pretty fast here, even by the ad...
sticky cuckoldry school cafeteria
Well, obviously, I agree with him on that. But I troll fo...
garnet set double fault
I agree as well. It will be interesting to see what happens ...
razzle-dazzle magical range stock car
On an unrelated note, this forum is also rapidly losing its ...
sticky cuckoldry school cafeteria
cho is school-related
supple smoky sweet tailpipe institution
should threats be protected by the first amendment?
Histrionic school
Come to think of it, if those T14 girls had notified authori...
flickering really tough guy scourge upon the earth
youre assuming that random internet posts with gross languag...
Mustard mediation
Well at the ensuing threats of raping her and stalking her a...
flickering really tough guy scourge upon the earth
the people posting those were probably in NYC or VA or CA, e...
Mustard mediation
*flashes graying, sagging, discolored dick at everyone in th...
Sickened Wonderful Affirmative Action
yuck :(
pungent patrolman
Erotic obsidian boiling water
dance never forget http://www.xoxohth.com/thread....
translucent pit legend
I made that fire analogy first. :P http://www.autoadmit.c...
razzle-dazzle magical range stock car
good for you
Marvelous ruddy senate mad cow disease
ty BTW, like someone said, what's this thread for? To mak...
razzle-dazzle magical range stock car
Where are the other stickies?
irradiated church building
The TEMPORARY January mailcall had seen better days.
flickering really tough guy scourge upon the earth
This board is flirting with death. As if it wasn't bad en...
flickering really tough guy scourge upon the earth
Xoxo lives for danger.
Motley Zippy Corn Cake Mad-dog Skullcap
some would argue this type of thing brings power and prestig...
Mustard mediation
& they envy us for that http://www.xoxohth.com/thread...
Embarrassed To The Bone Dysfunction Bbw
Date: April 19th, 2007 4:54 AM Author: searstpt 2400/800...
Buck-toothed Windowlicker Casino
yeah i really enjoyed that. i wonder if there are internatio...
supple smoky sweet tailpipe institution
it is our will to power to think to do to achieve ...
Mentally impaired elastic band gaping
Seriously, the guy who posted the non threat thread title ed...
khaki useless temple
how the hell do we we now WG guy called the authorities?? ...
Dun vibrant trump supporter sound barrier
fuck that the dean said someone emailed and alerted him, 10 ...
khaki useless temple
If some XOXO poster at Hastings did stumble across that thre...
Stimulating Pistol
not to mention the thread was not threatening and it was obv...
khaki useless temple
It actually was threatening (implied he might do it tomorrow...
Beady-eyed National
except that the original post was deleted 10 seconds later. ...
khaki useless temple
I think the guy who alerted the school was worried it was ac...
Beady-eyed National
Earl, now is not the best time to be a cantankerous, maladju...
flickering really tough guy scourge upon the earth
Beady-eyed National
That was a fast and fair response. Kudos
fantasy-prone crystalline goal in life crackhouse
except that half of us dont condemn trustafarian. Its t...
khaki useless temple
I never said that people are condemning trustafarian. He ma...
fantasy-prone crystalline goal in life crackhouse
I thought you meant rach's response that we all condemned it...
khaki useless temple
Bisexual Area Masturbator
Kudos to "Trustafarian" for having the balls to co...
autistic mexican
Agreed. He really took it like a man.
fantasy-prone crystalline goal in life crackhouse
whatever, he's a sick fuck for making the joke in the first ...
Beady-eyed National
it was obviously an innocent joke. maybe you dont like it bu...
Mustard mediation
There's no defending the "joke", but it's far from...
autistic mexican
Mustard mediation
i really don't think so - he wasn't doing it to "spare&...
Beady-eyed National
apparently you've come to the wrong place then.
khaki useless temple
irregardless sux as a word. Practice not using it tyia.
fishy native sandwich
I thought about changing it before hitting "Post" ...
autistic mexican
I know a lawyer who got chewed out by a judge for using it.
Pea-brained azn
Agreed, coming forward was the right thing to do and took a ...
pearl personal credit line station
seconded right now paulie or :D or whoever is probably ge...
Mustard mediation
I can't believe you all are commending him for owning up, li...
racy impressive chapel therapy
It wasn't PW or :D. This guy was a pretty "normal"...
autistic mexican
link? supporting evidence?
Mustard mediation
autistic mexican
that's even creepier
Beady-eyed National
you forget that someone who fits xoxo's definition of "...
racy impressive chapel therapy
you're a stupid fucking retard who should stay retired. t...
Rough-skinned Locale Rigpig
I guess the FBI didn't think he was very normal.
racy impressive chapel therapy
Law enforcement is known to lack a sense of humor.
Duck-like amethyst trailer park useless brakes
In which case, we're screwed.
Embarrassed To The Bone Dysfunction Bbw
Maybe. I don't read that post as being particularly assholi...
autistic mexican
I completely agree that worse things have been said and comp...
racy impressive chapel therapy
I'm not excusing his stupid joke. It was absolutely a moron...
autistic mexican
making completely tasteless jokes is so fucking out of bound...
Rough-skinned Locale Rigpig
you are such a fucking annoying nigger. he made a mistake an...
brilliant milk
odious at-the-ready principal's office friendly grandma
I think some posters get carried away because they seem to t...
Chestnut narrow-minded pervert trust fund
Mustard mediation
This is probably your most insightful post ever. Go out on ...
autistic mexican
i dont know how the fuck you people keep track of different ...
Rough-skinned Locale Rigpig
That's Ruskie.
autistic mexican
some ugly russian ho
Mustard mediation
wtf is wrong with boalttt? first they admit 157 scoring reta...
Exciting state
Every time you think xoxo has reached the bottom, posters on...
Tan weed whacker
We so crazy!
fantasy-prone crystalline goal in life crackhouse
When did trustafarian confess/own up? Link?
excitant incel
plum knife
Thanks * throws chainsaw at self for missing the big evac...
excitant incel
vigorous shrine
Can someone please summarize the threat thread? Was it ...
Spruce adventurous point police squad
Summary: GTO multiply notes how "horrible" and &q...
Swashbuckling mint digit ratio nibblets
and some wgwag
aphrodisiac bright theater
late to the party question, but, what did the original threa...
Chocolate brunch
autistic mexican
Why is this not on wikipedia yet?
Spruce adventurous point police squad
Apparently I just needed to refresh my browser.
Spruce adventurous point police squad
Wow, I saw the original thread hours ago and someone suggest...
lavender sanctuary electric furnace
Guys, the FBI does not monitor this board. Don't be ridicul...
honey-headed exhilarant newt
insane indirect expression
maybe the name of the board should be changed to reflect its...
Disgusting Thriller Nursing Home
*throws chainsaw*
shivering degenerate gas station
Yes, it seems like it takes special events for XOXOHTH to ch...
sinister cream stag film pocket flask
Leiter on Hastings. I remain puzzled (but not at all surpri...
painfully honest offensive partner rehab
damn I knew it was too soon to take down the sticky.
Disgusting Thriller Nursing Home
He also finished by mentioning autoadmit! "A Boalt p...
ruby site
he's just bitter about being uninvited from chicago. PWN3D P...
supple smoky sweet tailpipe institution
soul-stirring pozpig
rach: how did you turn over Trustafarian's information to th...
supple smoky sweet tailpipe institution
An individual has come forward to claim responsibility for t...
Learning Disabled Old Irish Cottage
my bad. ty.
supple smoky sweet tailpipe institution
Exciting state
Perhaps all posts should automatically include disclaimers a...
bearded hateful jew spot
Can we please out the douchebag?
judgmental fragrant library
topaz black woman ticket booth
Laughsome tripping hospital cuckold
Iridescent cuck corner
vivacious canary national security agency wagecucks
Never forgive, never forget.
Titillating sienna dilemma new version
so what happened to him?
claret plaza
Iridescent cuck corner
Assume horrible things.
Silver Theatre Roommate
territorial psychic

Poast new message in this thread

Date: April 18th, 2007 10:14 PM
Author: Lilac field



Date: April 18th, 2007 10:16 PM
Author: khaki useless temple

1) did you delete the original thread.

2) where is that douchebag who alerted the authorities. what a toolbag.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:19 PM
Author: Wild lodge

I agree with 2). XOXO has a history of inflammatory posts, and it was obvious that from the poster's history (harmless on-topic discussion from a smart man) and the post itself that it was just a joke gone horribly wrong. It's sad that a promising young man's future might be ruined because of some overreacting soccer mom-wannabe.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:26 PM
Author: orchid dopamine

But this exactly the kind of thing though that people look back on as a "warning sign" when something really does happen. While I agree it seemed like it was just flame, I think in this case the promising young man bears the responsibility for ruining his own future.


Date: April 30th, 2007 10:45 AM
Author: Spectacular Gay Step-uncle's House

"Knowing the full truth that unites the human race & not teaching all is deathly guilt!", learned Jesus from Hillel! But Marx, innocent grandson of 2 Rabbis, learned only half-truth! Ashamed, Marx wrote 1844: "One World Without Jews", to kill all Jews, 1848: "The Communist Manifesto", to kill the Rich, causing Nazi-Psycho-Communism, 66 million murders! What an apology we Rabbis owe Israel, Marx, Mao, all mankind, for not teaching Astronomer Israels' Great All-One-God-Faith, that with just 6 words eternally unites the human race! as teaches African-Astronomer Israel for 6000 years, "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" For on God's Spaceship Earth, with Bomb & Gun, we're All-One or none! All-One!

Einstein's book on "Hillel" proves that, without the Moral ABC, the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus, none can help unite the whole Human race, in Astronomy's eternally tremendous All-One-God-Faith! "All-One!" "All-One!" "All-One!"

What an apology we Rabbis owe Israel, Marx all mankind for not teaching the Moral ABC's All-One-God-Faith that unites the human race: All-One! So, help teach 76 constructive projects such as: Essene birth controls, Silvio Gesells full-employment free economy money, Austrian Strauss music, Swiss 6000 year universal military trained UMT, Israel system 1 trillion trees, Dutch airport dikes, Milorganites, 8 great books by Thomas Paine suppressed since 1799, Firekill, "Town Without A Toothache" nutrition, Balanced Mineral Bouillon, Balanced Mineral Seasoning, Barley Malt Sweetener, Mineralized Corn Sesame Chips, Supermild Peppermint Oil Soap, Sal Suds, Ethanol, Esperanto, Stammtisch, "Age of Reason", Palomar Planetemples teach the human race Astronomy's Eternally Great All-One-God-Faith that Eternally unites the Human race!, Amish horses, Amway, AT&T, Avocados; (Bacon-Fuerte-Haas-Pinkerton-Reed-Zutano), Babylon gardens, Bermuda Roofs, Biodegradable-Cornstarch-Plastics, Brazil rain forests, Cartha-Aqueducts, Catspaw sandals, China bikes, Compost-trees. C02 instant fire bombers, Easter Isle, UMT, Essenes, Finn jails, free-speech embassy, Greek solars, Green Peace, Hannibal wind-powered-ships, health-meat-salt-soap-tape, IT&T, Jojoba, oilfree-granular Lecithin, Metric system, Nature friends, Olympic unity, Ozone patents, Potassium-soda, Steiner-Marva schools, Swiss Alp caves, Tree houses, 6000 Planetemples, Battery banks powering every car-factory-farm-home-monorail & 150 year great healthy Hunza life, by God's Law, timing-teamwork-wisdom-power-mercy-love, uniting the human race in All-One-God-Faith, inspired above, Above, ABOVE!!! For with Bomb & Gun we're All-One or None!!!

Einstein in 1939, after Hitler & Stalin united, proposed bombs that wipe out the whole human race, unless we teach lightning-like the Moral ABC's "All-One-Gad-Faith!", the Essene mason, tent & sandal-maker, the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus, for we're All-One or all none! As teach all astronomer's: Abraham-Israel-Moses-Bahaullah-Buddha-Hillel-Jesus-Spinoza-Paine-Sagan & Mohammed! Inspired every 76 years; for 6000 years, by the Messenger of God's Law, God's timing, Halley's Comet: "For there is no God but God!", Mohammed: "Listen Children Eternal Father Etenally One!" Israel; "I am the living temple of God!", Buddha; "Only hard work will save us!", Hillel; "Teach friend & enemy!" "Uniting one, ALL-ONE!!! Exceptions eternally? Absolute none!!!" Jesus

"THE SECOND COMING OF GOD'S LAW", Mohammed's Arabs, '48, Israel found "Essene Dead Sea Scolls" and Einstein's "Hillel", prove that as certain as no 6 year old can grow up free without the ABC, so certain can no 12 year old teach free without the Moral ABC, the mason, tent and sandalmaker, Essene teacher of Righteousness of Light, the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus to unite the whole human race in Astronomy's Eternally great All-One-God-Faith! For with Nuclear Bombs, we're All-One or all none! "Listen Children Eternal Father Eternally One!" "Listen Children Eternal Father Eternally One!" All-One! All-One!! ALL-One!!! Exceptions Eternally? Absolute None!!!!

1st thru 4th

Mark Spitz, age 2-22, swam I hour each day to win 7 Olympic Gold medals by 1972, as taught by the Moral ABC, the real Rabbi HilleI taught Jesus to unite all mankind free! ! ! 1st: If I'm not for me, who am I? Nobody! 2nd: Yet, if I'm only for me, what am I? Nothing! 3rd; If not now, When???!!! Once more, unless constructive I work hard, like Mark Spitz, perfecting first me, absolute nothing can help perfect me! Exceptions none!! 4th: Only hardwork-God's Law can save us, but if we teach only our clan, we're all hated then! So, Hillel taught Jesus, we must teach friend & enemy the whole human race, the hard work, full-truth-press, speech & profit-sharing Moral ABC's All-One-God-Faith, uniting the whole Human Race! For we're AlI-One or none! As teach for 6000 years the astronomers Abraham & Israel, since the year one! "LISTEN CHILREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!!!"Exceptions Eternally? Absolute None!!!

"LISTEN CHILREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE" WITH JUST THESE 6- WORDS. We children of the hardworking African, shepherd-astronomer Israel, we Israelites, were forced to work our own way up & out of slavery 60 X's in 6000 years. Worse: The first 2000 years, 'till Moses, almost every male child was murdered upon birth to suppress astronomer Israel's 6000 year great All-One-Gad-Faith, that with just 6-words unites the human race in Astronomy's eternally tremendous All-One-God-Faith! For we're All-One or none!

"LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" Exceptions eternally? Absolute none!!!

In '46, after father-mother-wife, 66 million Marxist murders, we came to, tied hand & foot, unable to remember our name, "Bronner or Heilbronner", due to barbaric electric tortures that caused our total blindness today! Yet then, this 76 word deathbed message repeated 4 X's at midnight, saved our life! For we're All-One or none! ALL-ONE!!!


The 4th time this 76 word deathbed message was interrupted: "Where can we prove that Halley's Comet almost exploded in 1910? In a planetarium? There is one 60 miles from here, you keep silent and we'll get you out of here! We know exactly what you need, but you must not utter a word! Is it agreed?" "it is agreed!" And so, the messenger of God's law, Halley's Comet & "there is no God but God'" Mohammed, saves-inspires-evolves-unites God's Spaceship Earth, all life, lightning-like by a new birth! All-One!!


5th: Whatever unites us is greater than whatever divides us! Yet if absolute unselfish I am not for me, I'm nothing but classless, raceless, Marxist masses, a slave, never free nor brave! Only if constructive-selfish I work, perfecting first me, like every arctic owl-penguin-pilot-cat-swallow-beaverbee, can I teach the Moral ABC, the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus to unite all mankind free.

6th: Absolute cleanliness is Godliness! Balanced food for body-mind-soulspirit is our medicine! Full-truth our God, half-truth our enemy, hard work our salvation, unity our goal, free speech our weapon, All-One our soul, self discipline the key to freedom, unity, love unites All-One above! For we're All-One! As teach for 6000 years astronomers Abraham & Israel: "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" Exceptions Eternally? Absolute None!!!

So, when your fellow man you measure, take him at his best, with that lever, lift him higher, overlook the rest!

7th: Each swallow works hard to be a perfect pilot-provider-builder-trainerteacher-lover-mate, no half-true hate! Have courage & smile my friend. Think & act 10 years ahead! Find the man without fault? he's dead! Do one thing at a time, work hard! Get done! Then teach friend & enemy how to work-love-unite all mankind free! Uniting One! All-One! Face the world with a smile, life is always worthwhile! To the fearless are given jewels, keep out of the past, disappointments won't last! Help unite mankind, or we're wandering fools! Repetition is the key to knowledge! So, help unite AIl-One!!!

8th: More good is caused by evil than by good, do what's right! Enlarge the POsitive! Replace the negative with the moral ABC's eternally tremendous AII-One-God-Faith, that unites the human race! For we're All-One or none! As teach all astronomers, for 6000 years since the year One. "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" Exceptions Eternally? Absolute None!

For Example: Khrushchev found: "Without profits, farmers won't deliver food, we starve!" So, we wired Gorbachev in 85 as we wired Khrushchev 10 times in '63 from our hometown Heilbronn, West Germany; "All love your courage replacing Stalin's hate with one-work-speech-press-&-profitsharing AII-One-God-Faith! Remember: 6000 years from today, all will thank God for whoever united the human race in AII-One-God-Faith. East, West, Jew or Gentile, one team. Thank only God for that!" (Soapmaker, Dr. Bronner)

Khrushchev after our 10 wires in '63 gave each farmer I acre land free & had poet Yevtushenko print: "3% unite, that's their strength, 97% divide, that's our failure!" Our 6000 year failure to teach the 6 words with which the African shepherd-astronomers Abraham & Israel lightning-like unite the human race in our Eternal Fathers great AII-One-God-Faith! For we're AIIOne or none! In fact, with Nuclear Bombs, we must unite AIl-One or we're all none! All-One!!! "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNAUY ONE!" Exceptions Eternally? Absolute None!!!

9th: Free speech is man's only weapon against half-truth, that denies free speech to smear-slay-slander-tax-enslave, FuIl-truth, our only God, unites All-One-God-Faith, and by absolute nothing else!" America's founding father Thomas Paine, 8-books suppressed since 1799: "Common Sense, The Realist, The Rights of Man, The Agrarian Justice, The American Crisis, The Age of Reason, The Army of Principles & AII-One-God-Faith, that 6-biJlion strong unite the human race in our Eternal Fathers tremendous AIl-One-GodFaith!" All-One! All-One!!! All-One!!!! 6-million years of kill or be killed half-true hate, must be replaced by love & teach love, fuIl-truth, uniting AIl-One-God-Faith!!!

10th: Thank God we don't descend down from perfect Adam & Eve to sinful sinner, brother's keeper, divided slave! Thank God! United armed, loving hard-working trained brave, from dust we ascend up! Thank God for that! Our brother's teacher of the Moral ABC, mason-tent-& sandalmaker HilIeI, taught carpenter Jesus to unite all mankind free! With it, every human being created on God's Spaceship Earth, can evolve united, inspired-raised trained-skilled-disciplined, guided lighting-like by a new birth! Without it, we destroy God's Spaceship Earth! .Aknathan- BahauIlah- B uddha-Confucius- Moses-Hillel-Jesus-Mohammed, inspired every 76 years, by the messenger of God's law, HaIley's Comet, teach: A fire, a mist, a planet, a crystal, a cell, a jeIlyfish, a dinosaur, caves where cave men dweIl! Then a sense for work-love-song-art-play-law beauty, a face turned up from the sod! Sure, it is constructive evolution, guided by one all-embracing, ever-present, eternally-tremendous, ever loving God! One Almighty Creator of the Universe, guiding the whole human race up, into "ALL-ONE-GOD-FAlTH!" For we're All-One or none! "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNAUY ONE!" "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" Exceptions? Eternally? Absolute None!!!

Young men & women, memorize the Moral ABC & great poetry: Kipling's "If', & Bronner's "How to Love", unite "All-One" above! Above!! ABOVE!! !

Kiplings "IF" (with a slight assist from Dr. Bronner)

If you can keep your head, when all around you are losing theirs & blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, & make allowance for their doubting too: If you can wait and not be tired by waiting: or being lied about, don't deal in lies: Or being hated, don't give way to hating! And yet don't look too good nor talk too wise: If you can dream and not make dreams your master: If you can think and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with triumph or disaster and treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the full-truth that you have spoken, twisted by crooks to make a trap for fools; or watch the things you have given your life to, broken and yet stoop to build them up again with worn out tools; If you can make one heap of all your winnings, and risk it at one turn of pitch or toss; and lose and start again at your beginnings and never breathe a Word about your loss! If you can force your heart, your nerve, your sinew, to serve you long after they are gone and so hold on although there is nothing left within you, except that voice that says to them: "Hold on! Hold on!" If you can talk to crowds & keep your virtue; or walk with Kings and not lose that common touch; If neither loving friend nor enemy can hurt you; If all men count with you but none too much! Then, if you can work hard to teach each unforgiving minute the Moral ABC that unites all mankind free, come hell, hate, ban, you'll enjoy God's Spaceship Earth & do great work within it! And which is more you'll help unite the human race in Astronomy's great AII-One-God-Faith! For we're All-One or none! Sure, they say: "East is East & West is West & never the twain shall meet!" But there is neither East nor West, nor border, breed nor birth, once the Moral ABC unites all mankind free on God's Spaceship Earth! then, and only then, no matter how rough the trip, how charged with punishment the scroll, you are the captain of thy ship! The master of thy soul! then, these are the days my friend, we know they'll never end! We'll work-sing-dance-love-marching on! Marching on! We Live God's Law Today, We Win Free Speech OK! With full-truth our only God, we rally-raise-unite, All-One! All-One!! All-One!!! Exceptions? None!!!

Recessional (with a slight assist from Dr. Bronner)

God our Eternal Father, known of old, Lord over our far flung human race, beneath whose Eternal law we hold dominion over land and space-Lord God of nations, unite us yet, by teaching Thy law, the Essene Moral ABC of the free, lest we forget! Lest we forget! Lest we forget! Far flung our navies melt away; on dune & headland sinks the fire; gone is our pomp of yesterday, gone with Nineveh & Tyre. Lord God of nations, unite us yet, by teaching Thy law, the Essene moral ABC of the free, lest we forget! lest we forget! The tumult and the shouting dies; the Captains & the Kings depart: still stands your ancient sacrifice, a humble and courageous heart. Lord God of nations, unite us yet, by teaching Thy law, the Essene Moral ABC of the free, lest we forget! Lest we forget! If drunk with power, we should lose wild tongues that have not You in awe, such boastings as small children use, or godless-beasts outside Thy law!!! Lord God of nations, unite us yet, by teaching Thy law, the Essene Moral ABC of the free, lest we forget! Lest we forget! For foolish heart that puts its trust in manmade, tube & iron sharp, all passing dust that builds on dust and guarding it, calls not You to guard, for frantic boast & foolish word - have mercy on Thy people, Lord! (A man and not a monkey! A man! A man!)

To Dream The Impossible Dream

To dream that impossible dream! To reach that unreachable star, 'till united, All-One, we are! To fight that unbeatable foe! To go where the brave dare not go! To right that unrightable wrong! To love pure-chaste from afar! To try when your arms are too weary to reach that unreachable star, 'till united AII One we are! For this is my goal: To reach that unreachable star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far! To fight for the Right without question or pause, to be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause. For I know if I follow this glorious quest, that my heart will lay peaceful & calm when I'm laid to my rest. For I know that all will be better for this: That one man, 'tortured, blinded, covered with scars, still strove with his last ounce of courage, to reach that unreachable star, "till united All-One we are, the whole human race in Astronomy's eternally tremendous All-One-God-Faith!

11th: God's law prevents all conceptions below pH2. Therefore, the Essenes contracepted for 400 years with rosehips, pH2! Today, absolute clean, apply Vaseline; oil, butter or cream. Insert teaspoonful juicy lemon pulp, pH2! OK! Next day, douche with plain or slightly soapy water, pH8, restoring pHS balance God made! Essene & other birth controls reduce 6, to 3 billion people or overpopulation destroys God's Spaceship Earth! I Orgasm=about I ounce=30 grams I gram=1 million micrograms=1 million human sperms, each completely invisible, smaller than dust!!! God's law raises spirit to dust! Without birth control, the last generation of Easter Island people were driven to supplement their meager vegetarian diet with Cannibalism, by eating each other!!! Therefore, ESSENE BIRTH CONTROL will control overpopulation of the human race in Astronomy's eternally tremendous ALL-ONE-GOD-FAlTH!!! ALL-ONE! All-ONE!! ALL-ONE!!!


Who else but God gave man this sensuous passion, love that can spark mere dust to life?! Revealing beauty in our Eternal Father's fashion. Ecstasy -. far above earthly greediness and strife! Poetry, uniting All-One, all brave, all-life! Who else but God? Who else but God? Who Else?!!! Love is like a willful bird! Do you want it? It flies away! Yet, when you least expect it's bliss!, it turns around and it's here to stay! For centuries, man struggles, half-asleep, half-living, small, jealous, bickering with mountains of red tape, to be awakened, the night God chose giving; His great reward for hard work; Poetry-Unity-Love, evolving man above the ape! Poetry-Unity-Ecstasy-Love, evolving man above, above, above the ape! For any ape can have 5 minutes of sex within; Only man, absolute clean, reciting poetry, enjoys hours and hours of loving self-discipline! We are not true while calculated calm controls us, blood flows near spirit in cold divided flame! Only love's stormy passion, striking deep within us can turn blood to spirit and spirit to blood, untame! Spirit to blood untame! Spirit to blood untame! Co-in-ci-dent-ally and yet oh-so-slow, sweet kisses whisper softly into waiting ears, arousing heavenly flames, that enlighten, renew, brilliant fires, blazing through dark lonesome years! For who else but God gave man this sensuous passion, love that can spark mere dust to life?! Beauty, in our Eternal father's fashion, ecstasy--far above earthly greediness & strife! Poetry, uniting All-One, All-Brave, AIlLife! Who else but God? Who else but God? Who Else?!

Like a beacon breaking through dark clouds that pass, your deep embrace, your sensuous kiss! Who else but God can make love last, one trillion years of sweet eternities?!

Passions that quicken your senses, fulfill, quench the thirst of lonesome years! Yet, the sun has shadows: learn to control your will, to enjoy life-long happiness, not tears! Wait, rise to the stars above and thrill! Arouse the very flames of life! Sweetheart, kiss me! Hold Still! Hold still! Listen to God's reward for strife! Rosebuds, slowly woken, break budding open, delicate, sweet, so on soft fingertips, shivering up your spine, red pulsing blood, in lightning speed through your pure body's lips! Caressing deep, searching way out of sight! Oh, beautiful spirit of God's Eternal Spring, heat of passion in a warm moonlit night, ecstasy to be buried in heaven, within! Relax, then, through long, dreamless sleep, body & soul join close in life's most brilliant bliss; revealing clarity-beauty-harmony-peace, sailing on far-away sun laden ships! Yet-what-cunning-feminine-touch, can draw new desire to pulsing lips?! When-soft-hands-wander-casually-such, deftly down near lingering tips?! , For God alone knows man's far distant future, towards which love's unfailing light shows clear the upward path to brotherhood-progress-Unity! Great tasks to nurture! With strength and knowledge, happiness can last! To keep my health, to do my work, to love, to live; to see to it I gain and . grow and give and give; never to look behind me for an hour, never to wait in weakness, nor to brag in power, always working, searching for more truth, more light, always writing, teaching what I found good and right! Robbed, starved, beaten, blinded, fallen, wide astray, back with the fulltruth I've learned, back to the way! Smile! Help teach the Moral ABC's AIIOne-God-Faith, that eternally unites the human race! For we're All-One or none! All-One! All-One! As teaches for 6000 years the great Astronomer Israel since the year One!!! "LISTEN CHIWREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNAUY ONE!" Exceptions Eternally? Absolute none!!! For when brick & steel & stone are gone and flesh & blood are dust, the full-truth, we print, protect & teach, Unites All-One; Full-truth is God, it must! Full-truth is God, it MUST!!! Act the way you want to feel and soon, you feel the constructive way you act! Who else but God gave man love that can spark mere dust to life?! Poetry uniting All-One! All-Brave! All-Life! Who else but God? Who else but God? Who Else?! Love, when conquered after years of toil-sweat-blood, love can strike like greased lightning sent by God to spark mere dust to intense blazing fire and create new love, faith-hope-guts-strength as only God inspire, create the unity of the human race in Astronomy's Eternally Tremendous, AII-OneGod-Faith, as all mankind desire!!! As teaches for 6000 years, Astronomer Israel, "LISTEN CHIWREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" Exceptions Eternally? Absolute None!!!

(Speech made in Watts after 1965 riots)

Why? Why? Why did only Martin Buber, I of 10,000 Rabbis, teach the Moral ABC, the Mason, the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus to unite all mankind Free? The answer came at midnight, after the Black "Core" audience exploded with applause, their leader shouted; "You stole that brilIiant speech! You stole it from Rabbi Hillels 2000 year old Torah! You stole it! Substantially, we spoke as follows; After our father-mother-wife perished in concentration camps, we were tortured, blinded, forced to sleep on the roof of the YMCA, penniless with the pigeons! Yet God blessed the persecuted, they are his chosen people! So, we children of the hard working, God-loving African shepherd-astronomers Abraham & Israel! We Israelites, we were forced to work our own way out of slavery 60 X's in 6000 years!!! Worse: The first 2000 years 'till Moses, almost every male child was murdered to suppress African astronomer Israel's tremendous All-One-God Faith, that with just 6 words unites the human race! For we're All-One or none!! All-One! All-One!! All-One!!! "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" Exceptions eternally? Absolute none!!!

Worse: "For 2000 years, almost every male child was murdered, to suppress shepherd-astronomer Israel's All-One-God-Faith!" 'Till one desperate slave girl hid her baby on a block of driftwood in the water, from where Pharaoh's own daughter pulled it out of the water, which in African language means: "Moses! Moses! Moses!" So, today, we Israelites, surviving 6000-years of persecution, we must teach all mankind that the car we ride in, the plane overhead, the food in our belly, the shirt on our back, every improvement that man enjoys on the surface of God's planet, was found-built-worked-taught, only by men that first learned to work constructive with their hands!!!

Men like, the African-shepherd-astronomers Abraham & Israel, African-city builder Moses, African teacher-of-love Cleopatra, African inventor of Windpower Hannibal, Asian planters of trees Buddha, Confucius, LaoTse, Zoraster, mason Socrates, physician Hipprocrates, map-maker Cicero, mason sandal-maker Hillel, carpenter Jesus, camel-driver Mohammed, ship builder Geoffrey Chaucer, lens-grinder Spinoza & American founding father, the world's first steel-bridge-builder Thomas Paine, 1799! These are the type of hard-working, brave men that built all civilization & everything good that's in it! Carnegie built 50,000 free Libraries! But the Intellectuals that spoke here the past 3 hours, unfortunately, learned only how to bluff-bully-betray-brainwash & bury us! Yet, if we hard workers unite to teach the Moral ABC's All-One-God-Faith, we will unite the human race and we will be welcomed any place on God's Spaceship Earth, regardless if our skin is black-brown-pale-pink-red-tan or yellow! No man is white! Paper is white! No man ever was white! No man ever wilI be white! That's the Godless Parasite aiming to divide-exploit-enslave by half-true hate! NO MAN IS WHITE! On the contrary; only our hard-working African shepherd-astronomers Israel 6000 year great All-One-God-Faith, with just 6 words unites the human race! For we're All-One or none! "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" Exceptions eternally? None! Absolute none! We're All-One! I thank you. (Soapmaker, Rabbi Bronner) Again: The Black "Core" audience exploded with applause, but their leader shouted: "You stole that brilliant speech! You stole it from Rabbi Hillel's 2000 year old Torah! You stole it!" Then added he from Hillel's' Moral ABC, without which none unite free:

12th): A great teacher must first self-supporting be, like Aleson MD, Berlin Rabbi Baeck, Martin Buber, Carnagie, Marva Collins, Cousteau, Edison, Rabbi Liebman, Paine, Pike, Margaret Sanger, Spinoza, Spitz, Strauss, Dr. Thomas Szasz, Wendal Wilkie, Yadin & Zamenhof or he will turn our greatest teachings into spades with which to bury our people! "All people", added carpenter Jesus entering manhood! Manhood! But for 2000 years, we Rabbis never teach the Moral ABC, the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus, to unite the human race in astronomy's eternally tremendous All-OneGod-Faith! For we're All-One or none! All-One! Exceptions eternally? Absolute none!!!

"God bless the food & bless the loving hands that prepared it! Bless it to give us strength & bless that strength, so we use it to help unite the whole human race in Thy Kingdom, All-One-God-Faith! For we're All-One or none!" As teach, for 6000 years, since the year one, inspired every 76 years by God's messenger, Halley's Comet, the astronomer's; Abraham-Israel-MosesBahullah-Buddha-Jesus & Mohammed! "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" Exceptions eternally? Absolute none! We're One! All-One! All-One!! All-One!!!

TV's "60 Minutes" found 10 nations making Nuclear Bombs, mainly because we don't teach since 1799, 8 great works by Thomas Paine nor Essene Birth-Control, Swiss 6000 year UMT, Austrian music, Israel trillion trees, Silvio Gesells full-employment money, Dutch-dikes, Milorganites, Amish horses, Solar power, Planetemples, Garbage-disposal-trees, Bikes, Esperanto, Stammtisch, IT&T, Ethanol, Instant Fire-bombers, that 6 billion strong unite all mankind free in Astronomy's eternally tremendous All-OneGod-Faith, that eternally unites the human race! For we're All-One! As Hillel warns; "Knowing the full-truth that unites all & not teaching all is deathly guilt!"

13th: "Knowing the full truth that unites the human race & not teaching all is deathly guilt!", learned carpenter Jesus from Mason Rabbi Hillel! But Marx, innocent grandson of 2 Rabbis, learned only half-truth! Ashamed, Marx wrote 1844: "One World without Jews", to kill all Jews, 1848: "The Communist Manifesto", to kill the rich, causing Nazi-Psycho-Communism, 66 million murders! As Mao wrote in Redbook '51: "Marxist-Communism, once in power, is utterly unworkable, has less value than cowdung. It's power is the gun!" What an apology we Rabbis owe Israel, Marx, Mao all mankind, for not teaching Astronomy's great All-One-God-Faith, that with just 6 words eternally unites the human race! as teaches African-shepherd Astronomer Israel for 6000 years, since the year one "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" For on God's Spaceship Earth, with Bomb & Gun, we're All-One or none! All-One! All-One! All-One! Exceptions eternally? Absolute none!

These are the day's my friend, we know they'll never end! We'll work-singdance-love, marching on! Marching On! We live God's law each day, we win free speech OK! With full-truth our only God, we rally-raise-unite-All-One! All-One!! All-One!!! Again & again, we're All-One or none! Therefore 6 million "Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps", teach the Moral ABC that 6 billion strong unites all mankind free, in Astronomy's Eternally great All-One-GodFaith! After 1946, after father-mother-wife, 66 million Marxist murders, Soapmaker Bronner became an Essene Rabbi to teach astronomer Israel's great All-One-God-Faith, before we destroy the human race! For we're AllOne or none, as teach astronomers Abraham & Israel for 6000-years since the year One; "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" For there is no God but God, Mohammed; inspiring Buddha-Jesus & Mohammed by the sign of the Messiah, Halley's Comet! For we're All-One or none! AllOne! All-One!! All-One!!!

Replace half-truth with Astronomy's full-truth that instantly unites mankind in God's Eternally tremendous AII-One-God-Faith!!! Astronomers; Abraham- Israel- Moses- Bahaullah- Buddha- Hillel-JesuS-Spinoza-Paine-Sagan & Mohammed; inspired for 6000 years, each & every 76 years, by the Messenger of God's law, the sign of the Messiah, Halleys' Comet! Prevent a Supernova, by teaching the whole human race lightning-like the Moral ABC's All-One-God-Faith, as teach for 6000 years, the African shepherd-astronomers Abraham & Israel since the year One! We're All-One or none! "LISTEN CHIWREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" Exceptions Eternally None!! !Gorbachev found; "Surely God on high gave us enough wisdom to rally-raise-train-evolve-unite!" Unite the whole human race with the Moral ABC, Hillel taught Jesus, in Astronomy's eternally tremendous All-One-God-Faith! For we're All-One or none! All-One! AllOne!! All-One!!! Exceptions eternally? Absolute None!

The brilliant Astronomer Sagan found: That those studying stars for millions of years became Astronomers with 3 inch brains while those that did not, remained Gorillas with I inch brains! Next, Astronomer Dionysius Christian calendar lost the 10 years that unite the sign of the Messiah, Halley's Comet, with astronomers Abraham-Israel-Moses-Bahaullah-Buddha-Jesus & Mohammed in All-One-God-Faith to save the human race with Essene birth control. Swiss UMT, Dutch Dikes, Milorganites, Ethanol, Moral ABC, Israel trillion trees, Amazon-the lungs of God's Spaceship Earth, without them, there is no more oxygen, no more life, no more birth! For we're All-One or None!

More correct 50 X 76 = 3800 years from the 12 year old Israel to the star of Bethlehem, later called: The Christian calendar year One! Then, 26 X 76 = 1976 not 1986, since Dionysus made a mistake of 10 years! Moses saw it, 20 X 76 = 1520 B.C. the sign of the Messiah, Halley's Comet; and 8 X 76 = 608 A.D., inspired. "THERE IS NO GOD BUT GOD!!!" Astronomer Mohammed!! !

Sagan & Bronner further found, that any message from space, from God is in numbers! So, the Messenger of God's law, the sign of the Messiah, Halleys's Comet, inspired astronomer Abraham, 79 x 76 = 6004 years ago in '86 (actually '76) as in 1910 (actually 1900), when it almost collided again. Astronomer Israel saw it 76 X 76 = 5776 Israel calendar years ago in '86 (actually '76), at age 42, he taught his 12 sons: "LISTEN CHILREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!", and with these 6-words, All-One God-Faith, begun, confirmed by the fact, that in 1986 (actually (76) it was exactly 5746 Israel calendar One!!!

Again:The sign of the Messiah, Halley's Comet, the Blazing Star of Abraham-Israel-David-Buddaha & Mohammed, inspired Moses, 20 X 76 = 1520 B.C. with 10 commands to unite all mankind free, in our Eternal Fathers great All-One-God-Faith! For we're All-One or none! AIl- One!!! By 1944, USA & USSR, united, were winning the war! So, to win the peace, Wendel Wilkie's 1944 cocktail party for the free-world press, was a smashing success. Wilkie's great, "One World or Ruin!" peace plan, was to be printed 6-bil1ion strong, to unite the whole human race, in Astronomy's eternally tremendous All-One-God-Faith! For we're All-One or none! AllOne! All-One!! All-One!!!

But, quoting the Press: "Wendel Wilkie, at a NY cocktail party late last night, suffered a sudden heat attack & died!" Yes, his heart was attacked by Paraldehyde and delicious Creme de Mint, an innocent drink that turns the strongest man into a stuttering idiot within just 6 seconds, for just 60 minutes. Just long enough to convince his most loving wife, his desperate sister, his loyal brother, his wealthy cousin, his own doctor, lawyer-judge & jury, bartenders, bystanders, reporters, witnesses & friends to exclaim: "Oh doctor, how terrible! The disgrace! He is so much better off dead!" Yes, from 1917, to this day, more than 1.000 Patriots were suddenly "Better off dead!" Including our father-mother-wife, almost ourself, Patriots like: AlesonArmitage- Forestal- Freidman- Henry - Hyman-Leon-Liebman- Paula-PikeSpinoza-SteinerPrag- Valentine-Weaver & Zamenhof!

IN DETAIL: 9cc. Paraldehyde deny free speech for 60 minutes; 39cc... for all eternity! As almost fully exposed in "The Tragedy of the Sane People Who Get Put Away!", to be murdered in oblivion, as stated in the Feb. '62 "Readers Digest!" See also; July '46, Oct. '49, Nov. '49 Mar. '53, Apr. '53, Jan. '63, May '64, Mar. '65 & Nov. '71 "Readers Digests" The world's largest "Digests!" So, don't be bashful fellow man, send for reprints, digest them, then help teach the Moral ABC's All-One-God-Faith, 6-bil1ion strong to unite the human race in Astronomy's Eternally Tremendous All-One-GodFaith! For we're All-One or none! Exceptions? Absolute None!

The trouble with the world is, that the wrong people are always the most united, while the hard-workers remain divided. That fact brings Hitlers & Stalins to power; and that fact will only change once we realize that nuclear bombs instantly exterminate the human race, unless we teach the Moral ABC's All-One-God-Faith! For we're All-One or none! As teach for 6000 years, the African shepherd-astronomers Abraham & Israel!

"LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" Exceptions eternally? Absolute none! All-One! All-One!! All-One!!! 3-9-45, Fred Walcher crucifixion divided the human race instead of uniting, uniting, uniting, All-One-God-Faith! For we're All-One or none! All-One!!!

Again, what an apology we Rabbis owe Marx, Israel, all mankind, for our 2000 year failure to teach what Hillel taught Jesus, The Moral ABC, without which none survive free! Hardworking-trained-brave, just-loving-strong, uniting one! All-One! For example: The "Manual of Discipline" by Jesus, found 1948 by Mohammed's Arabs in Israel Essene Scrolls & now on "Dr. Bronner's Eucalyptus Soap Quarts"!!!

1st: A human being works hard to teach love his enemy, to help unite all mankind free, or that being is not yet human; so, go the second mile, turn the other cheek, brave, not meek! For we're All-One or none! All-One! Exceptions eternally? None! Absolute none!

2nd: Teach friend & enemy the Moral ABC that unites all mankind free, in All-One-God-Faith, or half-truth does destroy the human race! Yet today, we're All-One or All-None! "liSTEN CH/WREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" Exception eternally? Absolute None!!!

22nd) Small minds decay! Average minds delay! Great minds teach All-One today! Win victory, & all stand by you; give up?, all deny you! Remember, the only difference between the brave and the coward, the brave has an ideal to fight for, such as teaching the Moral ABC, that unites the human race, in All-One-God-Faith! As teach astronomers Abraham & Israel, inspired by the Messenger of God's law, Halley's Comet, the Blazing Star of Moses-JesusBuddha-Bethlehem-Mohammed! liSTEN CH/WREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!"

FOR EXAMPLE: Mark Spitz won 7 Olympic Gold Medals in the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, West Germany; the first man in 2000 years! Therefore, we wired that same day, to: Mark Spitz, American Olympic Team, Munich, West Germany as follows: "All mankind admire your great Olympic victories, therefore, we'll pay you $1,000 for each hour you teach on world's first steel bridge builder, Thomas Paine, 1799, to unite the human race with the Moral ABC's All-One-God-Faith! For we're All-One or none! As teaches for 6000 years astronomer Israel: 'LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONEf'...ALL-ONE! Exceptions eternally? Absolute none! When we learned thru the PLO's brutal murders ofIsrael's Olympic athletes, that Mark Spitz too, was an Israelite, a Jew, we wired three more times to his father's home as follows: "ALL MANKIND ADMIRE YOUR GREAT OLYMPIC VICTORIES, THEREFORE, WE'LL PAY YOU $1,000 FOR EACH HOUR YOU TEACH ON WORWWIDE TV, THE MORAL ABC'S THE ESSENE TEACHER OF RIGHTEOUSNESS OF LIGHT, THE REAL RABBI HILLEL TAUGHT JESUS, TO UNITE THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE IN OUR ETERNAL FATHER'S GREAT, ALL-ONE-GOD-FAlTH! FOR WE'RE ALL-ONE OR NONE!!!" "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNAL ONE!" SOAPMAKER BRONNER, RABBI OF ALL-ONE-GODFAITH, BOX 28 ESCONDIDO, CA 92033.

When no reply was received to our many constructive wires, we knew that Mark Spitz too, like every other fellow Jew, never learned the Moral ABC, without which we cannot possibly survive, united-brave-strong-just-Iovingfree! Sure enough, the "Jewish Heritage Press" reported that, Mark Spitz left the Rabbinical school of Rabbi Emil Wohl at age 11, therefore, we phoned his Rabbi in Sacramento, California. The conversation substantially went as follows: "Rabbi, we learned from the "Jewish Heritage Press', that you taught Mark Spitz from age 6 to II. Therefore Rabbi, if you are kind enough to mail us on one page, in plain English, whatever you taught Mark Spitz about the great teaching of Rabbi Hillel, we will ship you free of charge $1000 of our 'Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Oil18-in-One- Pure Castile Soap', OK Rabbi?" Point blank the Rabbi replied-Tm sorry, I cannot do that; I am ashamed of Mark Spitz!" - "You are ashamed of Mark Spitz? The first man to win seven Olympic Gold Medals in 3000 long years? Why Rabbi?" - "I am very sorry, but it is so bad I cannot possibly tell you on the Phone!" "WeIl now Rabbi, I lost father-mother-wife, almost my own life in concentration camps; and only after my third escape, I was able to flee 2000 miles back to American civilization, but here I was forced to sleep on the roof of the YMCA...penniless... with the pigeons. For I was smeared and slandered across the land, so I could not teach the Moral ABC Hillel taught Jesus, to unite all mankind brave, free, free! Yet I am certain, Rabbi, that no matter what Mark Spitz did or said...it was not as bad as that???!!!" "Oh I'm sorry, but didn't you read in "Time Magazine" what mark Spitz told the American reporters when they asked him: "Don't you feel proud returning to Germany as the Conquering Jew?" And Mark Spitz replied, "Gentleman, I have to disappoint you; I love the German Atmosphere, and I love the German people!"--"Is that not a terrible thing for a Jew to say after what happened to our people in Germany??!!" "Well now, Rabbi...In Germany, in 18 I 8 an absolute innocent Jewish boy was born, named Karl Marx; both his grandfathers were Rabbis, but because they did not teach him the great principles of Hillel, Marx, ashamed, wrote in 1844: 'One World Without Jews'...to kill all Jews!! and in 1848, "The Communist Manifesto' to kill the rich!! -- Thus, causing 66-million Marxist murders, from 1917 to this day!! Rabbi, is that not a bit worse than what Mark Spitz said to the American reporters in Germany??" "Oh that's terrible! That's outrageous!!" -- "Well then Rabbi, would you please write us on one page whatever you taught Mark Spitz about the great teachings of Hillel??" "I will do so at once! I promise I will!"-And the Rabbi did.

Here is what he wrote:

Temple B'Nai Israel, Rabbi Emile Wohl 3600 Riverside Blvd., Sacramento, CA 958 I 8 "Dear Dr. Bronner: Here are the quotes about Hillel that will be of help to you:" "Hillel saw a skuIl float on the face of the water and spoke to it; You have been drowned because you have drowned others, but they will at last, also be drowned, because they have drowned you. The more flesh, the more worms. The more possessions, the more worry. The more women, the more witchcraft. The more servants, the more thievery. The more maid servants, the more immorality. But the more Torah, the more life!"...etc..

(Signed: Rabbi Emile Wohl - Dated September 23, 1972)

Holy Man! Rabbi, you're not kidding?! Instead of teaching the Moral ABC the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus, to unite the whole human race, in our Eternal Father's great AII-One-God-Faith, you teach such bunk to untold generations of old! Karl Marx wrote: "One World Without Jews", causing 66 million murders and why, why, for 6000-years the African shepherd- Israel's Godloving children, continue to flee?! Flee from such half-true "Judaism", into unrealistic but less persecuted religions, like Godless Atheism, Bolshevism, Communism, Marxism, Nazism, Psycho-Socialism, State Terrorism; 57 divided religions that never, never re-unite God's legions! Yet, with nuclear bombs, we're All-One or none! All-one! All-One!!!

Again & again: What an apology we Rabbis owe Marx, Israel, 50,000 American University Professors, Moscow, all mankind, for not teaching them, the Moral ABC's All-One-God-Faith, that lightning-like unites the human race! Without it, the Marxist University Chicago Chancellor Hutchins, had us arrested, tortured-blinded, as almost fully exposed in "The Tragedy of the Sane People Who Get Put Away, to be murdered in oblivion", in the February '62 Readers Digest!!!!!! Yet, in his 1948 "University Chicago Ethics", America's leading Marxist Professor Hutchins found that: "The Social Philosophy of Karl Marx is not based on facts! Marx overlooked the basis fact that, those who control industry under Socialism & Communism, form a new ruling class, more independent of good will & therefore, more dominant & intolerant than those under competitive free enterprise!"

When President Kennedy was slain in '63, media told the depressing fact to all mankind within just 24 hours. Now, within just 24 hours, media could inspire-rally-raise-unite the whole human race, by teaching 6-billion strong, the Moral ABC's AII-One-God-Faith!!!

America's "People's World" front-paged in 1960: "The American Association of University Professors gave its annual Alex Meikeljon Award to University of Oregon President Arthur Fleming, for President Flemings great courage, in the face of nationwide opposition in granting academic freedom to America's Communist leader, Gus Hall! 15,000 students gave Gus Hall standing ovations! TheAAUP, 50,000 strong, controls every aspect of higher education at 1.400 American college & university campuses today!" Yet, for 2000 years only we Rabbis know the Moral ABC of AII-One God-Faith, without which, we demoralize-divide-decay the whole human race TODAY!!!

What an apology we owe Israel, IRS, all mankind, for not teaching since 1799, the 8 great books by America's founding father, the World's first steel bridge builder, Thomas Paine: "The Age of Reason's One-God-Faith", that would unite the human race!!! Instead, since 1871, after France evicted their last Communist professors, we pay them millions to teach that unworkable Marist half-truth over here, 'tiII even Teddy Roosevelt was brainwashed to repeat: "Thomas Paine was a dirty, filthy little Atheist!" Yet, anyone who has read Thomas Paine's "Age of Reason'" knows that he was the most constructive, God-loving scientist who ever lived!!!

Yet, instead of teaching Paine's 8 great books, from 1917 to this day, we ship our healthiest sons 6-&-12,000 miles away to kill some of our Marxist cancer over there! ONLY OVER THERE!! While Wasting Trillions Of $ Teaching It Over Here! ONLY OVER HERE!! Compared to this high treason, Hitler & Stalin were amateurs. Yet, today, we're All-One or None! All-One! All-One!! All-One!! !

Lenin 1921, complained to Dr. Hammer: "Marxism does not work, we starve!" So, since 1922, we keep Marxism from starving, and N.Y. Rabbi Brownstein's son, Trotzky, 1917 to '24, as Lenin's Minister of War, started 66-million Marxist Murders!! !...Terrorism!! !

As Mao wrote in '51: "Marxist-Communism once in power, is utterly unworkable, has less value than cow dung, its power is the gun!" - Kruchev added: "Without profits, farmers won't deliver food, we starve!"


Therefore, we wired Gorbachev in '85, as we wired Kruchev to times in '63 from our hometown Heilbronn, West Germany: "All Love your courage replacing Stalin's hate, with one - full - truth - work - speech - press _ & _ profitsharing-State! Remember 6000 years from today, all will thank God for whoever united the human race, in AII-One-God-Faith! East or west Jew or Gentile! Better yet, East & West Jew & Gentile! One team! Thank only God for that! Signed, Soapmaker Bronner" -Today, Gorbachev as in '63 Kruchev, gave each farmer one acre land free, & printed: "3% wicked hang together even when they hate each other, that's the secret of their strength! 97% hardworkers divide, that's our failure to teach the 6 words with which astronomers Abraham -Israel - Moses - Bahullah - Buddha Jesus & Mohammed, inspired by God's sign of the Messiah, Halley's Comet, unite the whole human race in Astronomy's eternally tremendous AII-One-GodFaith!" For we're All-One or none! "LISTEN CHIWREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" Exceptions eternally? ABSOLUTE NONE! WHAT AN APOLOGY WE Rabbis OWE Karl Marx, for our 2000 year failure TO teach the Moral ABC's AII-One-God-Faith, the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus to unite the human race. For we're All-One or none! All-One! All-One!! All-One!!!! Yet, in '29. American Columbia University Professor Max Eastman returned from 7 years as Lenin's & Stalin's honored guest, with the courage to confess: "absolute unselfish, free & equal socialisms, one-world-state, in reality kills incentive causing half-true, i oleran~ate!" Now, for 40 years, j4be tried to teach all mankind in vain, the unwo .. of Marxism, 'till he final1y wrote in '69: "Mankind's worst enemy of human hope is not socialisms, 66-million murders, and I-billion slaves, but intel1ectuals who do not know the Moral ABC's All-One-God-Faith, the real Rabbi Hillel taught Jesus, to unite the human race!! For we're All-One...or none!! For on God's Spaceship Earth, with Bomb & Gun, We're All-one or none! All-one! All one! 24 The Moral ABC Part I Wilson- Weaver-Paine-Baeck on the Moral ABC American President Woodrow Wilson in 1917, replied to Marxist Lenin: "We are not a nation of classes, races, minority or pressure groups! Anybody trading on our race, color, nationality or religion divides God's legions! He does not yet know that America's founding father, steel bridge builder, Thomas Paine's "Age of Reason". "Army of Principles" & "One-GodFaith'" lightning-like unite the human race, once we teach them 6 billion strong." We're All-One! All-One! All-One! Exceptions eternally? None! Absolute None!!! SHIP-BUILDER, GEOFFREY CHAUCER IN 1390 A.D. WROTE: Flee from the crowd to dwell with truthfulness. Be satisfied with what you have, it may be small! To hoard brings hate, to climb brings dizziness, the crowd has envy & success blinds all! Be happy with what to your lot may fal1! Work well yourself to council others clear, & full-truth, hard-work, God's law shall make you free! There is no fear! Torment yourself not all the crooked to redress nor put your trust in fortunes turning bal1! Great peace is found in little lbusY!less, and war, but kicks against an age old wall! Strive not you earthen pot, to break that wall! Subdue yourself and others you shall hear, & full-truth, hard-work, God's law shall make you free! There is no fear! "THE MAINSPRING OF HUMAN PROGRESS", by GM's Executive Henry Weaver 1949, quotes on page 204, "The Army of Principles", by America's founding father, steel bridge builder, Thomas Paine, suppressed 1799-1999: "Fellow Americans, spread the revolution! Fellow citizens of all nations, remember: An army of principles can penetrate where an army of soldiers cannot! It will succeed and unite the human race, where every other weapon divides ALL-ONE-GOD-FAITH! Its onslaught cannot be stopped by the Rhine, the Channel, or the Ocean! It will march on the horizon of the world & it will conquer every tyranny, every human heart by teaching each & every man the Moral ABC of the free! Free to communicate, cooperate, construct! Free to build, protect & share! Free to grow, develop & expand! Free to unite in love, cherish & enjoy the Kingdom of God's law, the Moral ABC's AllOne-God-Faith that eternally unites the human race, for we're All-One or none! For when brick & steel & stone are gone, & flesh & blood are dust, the ful1-truth we print-protect-&-teach, full-truth grows up & on! Ful1-truth IS GOD, it must" (Paine, Weaver, Bronner). What God does send, receive in glad-some-ness. To strive for greater wealth foretells thy fall! Here is no home, here is but wilderness forth, pilgrim forth, up Beast & leave thy stall. Know your country, look up, thank God for a\1! Hold to the higher way, your soul (that God within you) be pioneer! And fu\1 truth, hard-work, God's law, sha\1 make you free! There is no fear!!! Therefore, poor Beast, Forsake thy wretchedness! No longer let this vain world be thy stall. His mercy seek, who in his mightiness, made you of dust, but not to be a ball! Work well yourself & work with all, who seek for larger life & deeper cheer, and full-truth, hard-work, God's law, shall make yOU free! There is no fear!!! "THE REALIST DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE", by Thomas Paine, 1799: "We fight for more perfect unity-security-liberty-justice, with equal opportunity to basic-training, hard-work, full employment, freespeech, free-press, free-choice, free-jury, for each & every human being on God's Spaceship Earth, barring none! Absolute none!" For we're All-One or none~ Exceptions eternally? Absolute none! Berlin Rabbi Baeck teaches, 1945, how united only we survive: "The mark of the mature man is his ability to love and be loved, joyful, brave, without feeling of guilt. We have learned to teach that or teach nothing! All else is unimportant! I thank you!" "We must teach friend & ENEMY how to unite all mankind free or perish! Beasts teach only friends!" Rabbi Liebman almost added in 1948. 25 The Moral ABC Part I 26 The Moral ABC Part I THE ABC OF MAMA CAT Arctic White Owl has babies only when there is 9 weeks food supplies to survive! Beavers, by teamwork, family life! Bees drop 3% lazy drones from hive! Cleopatra's love, the ABC of Mama Cat teaches: 1st: Absolute cleanliness is Godliness! 2nd: Constructive selfish hard work saves homefood-young! 3rd: Absolute teamwork fertilizes God's earth! 4th: Absolute harmony with God's timing easy birth! 5th: Mother's love-discipline, save! 6th: Father's stern-discipline, off titties when raised! 7th: Hard work, self discipline! 8th: God's Eternal discipline, save! 9th: Nine lives, self-reliant, brave! 10th: Dignity, beauty, relaxation, fun! 11th: Tenacity gets it done! 12th: Perfect sense of direction, ESP! 13th: The ABC of Mama Cat & the Swallow's song above, teach the human race with the Moral ABC, taught 6billion strong in AII-One-God-Faith! ALL-ONE!!! Atom bombs can be controlled because Uranium is rare! But Hydrogen bombs cannot always be controlled because Hydrogen is everywhere. So God's Spaceship Earth may explode, unless we teach the whole human race, the Moral Abc's AII-One-God-Faith! Yes, as teach astronomers Abraham Israel-Moses-Bahaullah-Buddha-Jesus_Mohammed, inspired by the messenger of God's Law, Halley's Comet, since the year One! "liSTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" Exceptions, eternally? Absolute none!!! Soap-Master Chemist, Essene Rabbi Bronner, Einstein's kin, inventor of Essene Birth-control patents like #4, 108, 309 that teach shepherd astronomer's Abraham & Israel's 6000 year great AII-One-God-Faith with Almond Oil Soap, Baby Supermild Soap, Balanced Mineral Bouillon, Balanced Mineral Seasoning, Barley Malt Sweetener, Calcium Food Malt, Corn Sesame Chips, Sal-Suds and 6-million "Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps'" that teach the Moral ABC that 6-billion strong unites all mankind free in our Eternal Father's great AII-One-God-Faith, Astronomy's Eternally great AII One-God-Faith! All-One! "Esquire", Dec. "73, printed 10 pages on "Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps", but omitted its appeal to uniteAII-One-God-Faith! Worse: "Wall Street Journal", April 13, 1983, front-paged an appeal by American Marxists to the IRS to use Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap" to mop up his anti-Marxist Religion. But, by November 26, 1993 the Wall Street Journal had a front page article praising Dr. Bronners work! ASTRONOMERS ABRAHAM-ISRAEL-MOSES TEACH: "WE'RE ALL-ONE OR NONE! liSTEN CH/WREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" EXCEPTIONS? NONE! INSPIRED BY THE MESSENGER OF GOD'S LA~ THE SIGN OF THE MESSIAH, HAUEY'S COMET, THE BLAZING STAR OF ABRAHAM-BUDDHA-BETHLEHEM & MOHAMMED. "Corporation Sole", secured for us in 1963 to legally establish the fact that the millions of dollars from soap produced by Soapmaker Master-Chemist, Dr. Bronner, are used by Rabbi Bronner to help teach the whole human race 6-billion strong, the Moral ABC's Al1-0ne-God-Faith, for we're All-One or none! All-One! "LISTEN CHILDREN ETERNAL FATHER ETERNALLY ONE!" Exceptions eternally? Absolute None!!! Replace all bombs with the Moral ABC that unites all mankind free! Remember: Hearst printed in 1910: "The end of th~ earth may come tonight! Halley's Comet, only 15 million miles away may collide!" By 1986 it was 66 million miles away. But by 2062 it may really collide unless we now rallyraise-train-evolve-unite by replacing half-true hate with full-truth uniting All-One-God-Faith! Remember Jupiter, July 1994! J - 28 The Moral ABC Part 2 JESUS CHRIST'S GREAT "MANUAL OF DISCIPLINE" The oral ABC Part II Jesus' "Manual of Discipline" replaces our age-old fear-driven kill or-be-killed half-true selflove, that jealous power & glory seeking Beast within each one of us, with our new courageous 6000 year young love-& teach-love Brotherlove, that fully true constructive good, that God within each & every human being! Remember: Nothing is impossible to 10 men united & organized for positive action! Jesus asked his disciples, "Why are we persecuted? Because we believe in only one God, one all-embracing Eternal Father. "So", replied Jesus, "If we really believe in one Eternal Father, then the Roman soldier is our Brother & we must teach both friend and Enemy the Moral ABC that instantly unites all mankind free, in Astronomy's eternally great AII-OneGod-Faith, or we're still godless Beasts, not yet human!" A Human being must teach friend & Enemy the Moral ABC uniting all mankind free or that being is not yet human! Rabbi Jesus' full truth No. 1. Exceptions eternally? Absolute none! So each child will be a slave of Marxist Social-Ism's half-true hate, unless we teach brave Hillel's full truth Social Action uniting One-God-State! J 29 The Moral ABC Part 2 JESUS "MANUAL OF DISCIPLINE" 1.) Under one Eternal Father, I must teach friend & Enemy the full truth Moral ABC to unite all mankind free in One-God-Faith, 2.) To get it done: A Beast can only listen to its friend! A Human Being must teach love his Enemy or that being is not yet human! 3.) A shark can only love its friend. Lacking frontal lobes, it must avoidfear-smear-hate-slander- dominate-dictate-distort-destroy anything it does not know, understand or disagrees with. That's a shark. But a Human Being possessing the Kingdom of God's Law, the Essene Moral ABC of the FREE within his frontal lobes, works hard to teach friend & enemy the Moral ABC, otherwise that being is not yet human. 4.) A Human Being is a constructive working scientist who knows, loves, follows, teaches Full Truth, God's Law, to all of God's Children, friend & Enemy, otherwise that being is not yet Human! Exceptions? None! 5.) The moment any being follows, tolerates or teaches earthen half-gods or half-true Isms, that moment he becomes a godless, intolerant, Beast, potentially 10 times more dangerous & destructive than any ordinary SharkSnake-Rat or Panther! 6.) If we really want Brotherhood-Progress-Peace, not war, we must not only listen to the neighbor whom we choose, but also to the one whom God sends! Otherwise we're still Beasts, not yet Human! Exceptions eternally? Absolute none! Jesus' Manual of Discipline, out of the mouth of subwaybuilder Nikita Kruschev, April '56, London, England. 7.) "WE MUST TEACH LOVE OUR ENEMY OR PERISH! BEASTS TEACH ONLY THEIR FRIENDS!" But after 2000 years it never got done! The godless beasts still disapproved! Result? These tremendous 13 words never got printed! Because the brilliant 48-year-young Rabbi Joshua Loth Liebman's book "Peace of Mind" was distorted after he dropped dead! Diagnosis? "Sudden heart attack!" Exactly as suffered by Rabbi JesuS, Spinoza, Thomas Paine, Samuel Friedman, Steiner-Prag and Rabbi Leo Baeck: 6 & 66 million "sudden heart attacks'" murders caused by us godless intolerant Beasts. 8.) Always we're our Brother's Teacher of hardworking full truth uniting One-God-State or we decay being his Keeper by unworkable half-true intolerant hate! 30 The Moral ABC Part 2 9.) He who risks his life teaching friend & Enemy the Moral ABC uniting all mankind free wins Eternal Life! He who does less than that perishes by half-true strife. 10.) I am the Son of God and so are you! I am the manifestation of God's Eternal law & so are you! I have learned great wonders; you shall learn greater wonders! I have done good work! You shall do better work! I have not come to change God's Law, but we each came to find-follow-fulfill, print-protect-practice-preach-teach & enjoy it! Therefore, build you 1st the Kingdom of God's Eternal Law within you, that is, memorize the Essene Moral ABC of the Free, All-One-Faith-in-One-God State! To never yield to half-true hate! And everything you need shall be added unto you! Search & you shall find! Knock & it shall be opened! Sow & you shall reap! Work hard & you shall create! Speak up - don't be afraid! Ask & you shall receive! But remember, only those enjoy Eternal Life in our all-embracing Father's Kingdom that had the courage to teach friend & Enemy the Moral ABC to unite all free! Eternally one, All-One! Exceptions? None! These are the great Peace-winning teachings of the Manual of Discipline by the carpenter, the great Rabbi Jesus! Thanks to Mohammed's Arab 1948-found Essene Scrolls, thank only God for that! But now came unto Jesus, the Disciple; his own Sisters & Brothers to say, "It is insane what he does say! Let's put him away!" And answered he to survive free: 11.) "Who are my Sisters & my Brothers? Only those that seek with me to teach full truth, the Moral ABC uniting all mankind free ip One-God State! Free of half-true hate! Those are my Sisters & Brothers! Others I know not!" But now his Disciples asked, "Then why, why are we God-loving Children of the great African shepherd Israel persecuted more than any other people! Why? Why? Why?" And answered he: 12.) "God bless the persecuted! They alone are His chosen people! For those apes that did not suffer from persecution remained apes! Only those that worked hard to overcome untold centuries of Barbaric ice-aged persecution, reluctantly became Human Beings! Much, much too reluctantly! Exceptions? Absolute none!" 13.) To stay free: Only that full truth we have the courage to teach & give & give, can we enjoy to keep-evolve & live & live! Whatever we try to give at our death bed or take along, it absolute certain soon is gone! Exceptions eternally? Absolute none! 31 The Moral ABC Part 2 32 The Moral ABC Part 2 14.) Let him who is without fault throw the first stone, for only God is always perfect! Judge no man unless you have walked in his shoes! So when your fellow man you measure, take him at his best! With that lever lift him higher, overlook the rest! But remember, unless a man knows the Moral ABC of the Free, none can help him to survive brave-free! 23.) Remember, the only difference between the brave man & the coward is the brave man has an ideal to fight for; teaching friend & Enemy the Moral ABC, that 6 billion strong instantly unites all mankind free with Barbarism gone! Free by teaching only full truth, God's Law, eternally one, All-One! By God's Blazing Comet, the Star of Israel-David-Bethlehem & Mohammed, Halley's Comet, 10 brave men get it done! Help teach All-One! 15.) Let him who does not want to work with his hands, not eat with his hands either! [ I 24.) Near the end of World War II, the great professor of the University of Berlin, Rabbi Leo Baeck was liberated from a concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. In answer to the barbaric Morgenthau Plan, which would have eliminated Gennany from the face of the earth, Rabbi Baeck answered the question, "What must we do with Gennany?" as follows: WHAT MUST WE DO WITH GERMANY? WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED? A HUMAN BEING, IN FACT THE MARK OF THE MATURE MAN IS HIS ABILIT


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:37 PM
Author: pearl personal credit line station

It's sad, but I don't think you can blame the school here. Better safe than sorry, especially since copycat shootings do happen.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:43 PM
Author: Hot business firm

I don't blame the school. It's necessary for institutions to overreact to every perceived threat after a tragedy this large. I blame the idiot (a TTT Hastings student) who reported the post. The poster edited soon after he wrote the post, evidently realizing he made a stupid, stupid mistake, and tried to take it back. That should have been the end of it.


Date: April 27th, 2007 4:14 AM
Author: metal indigo parlor



Date: April 19th, 2007 10:35 AM
Author: Embarrassed To The Bone Dysfunction Bbw

Though, there's a pretty famous example of what happened when posters *didn't* take a schtick seriously:



Date: April 18th, 2007 10:29 PM
Author: flickering really tough guy scourge upon the earth

What are you positive someone even had to alert the authorities? Obviously the FBI monitors the internet closely for all sorts of shit. Why wouldn't they notice something like this on one of the most popular college or graduate school message boards?


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:32 PM
Author: khaki useless temple

because there was no threat. there was an ambiguous silly thread title and a possibly fake reposting. there are a million of these all over the internets.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:35 PM
Author: flickering really tough guy scourge upon the earth

Most messages boards are moderated. I highly doubt millions of copycat threats where posted.

And the fact that a typical AA poster would see that the poster meant it in jest is all the more reason to believe that it was an outsider (Leiter or the FBI) who took it literally


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:39 PM
Author: autistic mexican

But you're ignoring the fact that there are large numbers of xoxo regulars who are actual psychopaths that would call this "threat" in to Hastings knowing full well that it wasn't really a threat. Such trolls live for this sort of shit.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:40 PM
Author: Mustard mediation

i dont think theres 1 xo regular who would actually threaten this


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:42 PM
Author: Motley Zippy Corn Cake Mad-dog Skullcap

Regular poster, maybe not. Regular lurker? A definite possibility.


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:14 PM
Author: snowy bespoke tanning salon

Trustafarian has been posting completely benign comments since last summer, at least. I think the copy&paster knew that.


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:16 PM
Author: orchid dopamine

Why does that even matter? Because someone posts benign comments on the internet it means that their murder threats aren't credible?


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:24 PM
Author: snowy bespoke tanning salon

Well, kinda--especially if the "murder threat" seems to be a joke in poor taste. Over the past year, Trustafarian shown himself to be a reasonable, normal (if narcissistic) person.

Compare: the psychopath at VT stalked several women, wrote extremely disturbing and violent stories, was suicidal, and didn't speak to people or seem to have any friends.

On the other hand: the guy who uses XOXO mostly to find good places for a beer or a haircut in Berkeley.


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:30 PM
Author: orchid dopamine

Yeah, I mean I see where you're coming from -- and I wouldn't see that headline here and immediately think "credible threat" -- but it seems misguided to me to blame the person who reported it. There are some topics that you just know you can't make jokes about without bringing down a shitstorm and this was pretty clearly in that category.


Date: April 19th, 2007 1:03 AM
Author: snowy bespoke tanning salon

Well, the Hastings poster claims to be new to XOXO and says he didn't recognize Trustafarian. So I guess it's possible that he was acting sincerely and not like a tool.

The shitstorm angle--well, maybe. Of course, the OP took it down when he realized that it could be misinterpreted--it was the Hastings guy who kept it preserved.

I'm all for prevention, but it can go a little far. It's like the airport rule that you can't jokingly say the word "hijack" while you're waiting to go through security. As if real hijackers would make a joke like that.


Date: April 19th, 2007 1:08 AM
Author: Learning Disabled Old Irish Cottage

JFC the poster's moniker has WGWAG in it


Date: April 19th, 2007 1:46 AM
Author: sable mood turdskin

I don't recognize Trustafarian.

But because the stupid fuck lives in San Francisco and made a threat about a San Francisco school, this hurts the 'good ol' Trustafarian' argument a lot more than it helps.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:45 PM
Author: autistic mexican

Depends on your definition of "regular". There's no doubt in my mind that whoever is responsible for aznaznazn and other similar schticks are truly mentally unstable and should be, at the very least, heavily medicated if not incarcerated.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:48 PM
Author: Beady-eyed National

J.'s "I cut myself again" threads come to mind


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:32 PM
Author: autistic mexican

The dean said that somebody called and reported the threat to them.


Date: April 27th, 2007 4:13 AM
Author: metal indigo parlor



Date: April 18th, 2007 10:17 PM
Author: Primrose Frozen Idea He Suggested Hell

Is this why Paulie Walnuts retired?


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:58 PM
Author: Mustard mediation

someone is claiming its someone else - a 1L at Berkeley


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:17 PM
Author: irradiated church building

What's the point of this thread?


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:18 PM
Author: Rough-skinned Locale Rigpig


1. tell the FBI about azn's terroristic threats

2. put the GTO sticky back up top. we feel naked without it.


Date: April 19th, 2007 1:36 AM
Author: sable mood turdskin

I thought the missing sticky meant that GTO had gotten his job back.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:20 PM
Author: garnet set double fault

Given the potentially disastrous consequences for XOXO, I think the perpetrator should have to make a non-anonymous apology.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:21 PM
Author: razzle-dazzle magical range stock car

Hi, MTG!


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:27 PM
Author: filthy selfie

I posted that in the other thread. It is about the worst punishment they could give him.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:34 PM
Author: Mustard mediation

this won't happen, as the poster is obviously on good terms with rachmiel (jarrett)


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:13 PM
Author: Exciting state

why don't you just OUT him, mtg?


Date: April 19th, 2007 12:16 PM
Author: Embarrassed To The Bone Dysfunction Bbw

it'd be hell:



Date: April 18th, 2007 10:24 PM
Author: sticky cuckoldry school cafeteria

Things are sliding downhill pretty fast here, even by the admittingly low standards of this board.

I recommend shutting it down for a day to let everything cool down.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:24 PM
Author: garnet set double fault

Well, obviously, I agree with him on that.

But I troll for UVA, not Chi.

EDIT: yay broken XOXO! Supposed to go below EEtoJD.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:28 PM
Author: razzle-dazzle magical range stock car

I agree as well. It will be interesting to see what happens to him (if we find out at all) in the next few days.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:45 PM
Author: sticky cuckoldry school cafeteria

On an unrelated note, this forum is also rapidly losing its connection to law. I clicked on the SCHOOL-RELATED ONLY option, and half of the threads are exclusively related to Hizzla and Cho.


Date: April 21st, 2007 4:24 PM
Author: supple smoky sweet tailpipe institution

cho is school-related


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:25 PM
Author: Histrionic school

should threats be protected by the first amendment?


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:32 PM
Author: flickering really tough guy scourge upon the earth

Come to think of it, if those T14 girls had notified authorities about the physical threats against them instead of going to ABCNews or Reputation Defender, that shit would have been erased in the blink of an eye.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:37 PM
Author: Mustard mediation

youre assuming that random internet posts with gross language = credible threats. and t14 itself wasnt threatening, so that wouldnt have changed


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:45 PM
Author: flickering really tough guy scourge upon the earth

Well at the ensuing threats of raping her and stalking her at the gym would have probably been enough for law enforcement to step in.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:47 PM
Author: Mustard mediation

the people posting those were probably in NYC or VA or CA, etc. it wouldve become obvious it was an empty joke on a message board. indeed, no law enforcement stepped in and no one actually got harassed IRL. how fucking stupid are you? people were posting about UVA and GULC girls from NYC, Boston, SF, etc. risk? LOL


Date: April 22nd, 2007 3:15 AM
Author: Sickened Wonderful Affirmative Action

*flashes graying, sagging, discolored dick at everyone in thread*


Date: May 4th, 2007 6:54 PM
Author: pungent patrolman

yuck :(


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:20 PM
Author: Erotic obsidian boiling water



Date: May 5th, 2007 2:14 PM
Author: translucent pit legend


never forget

























Date: April 18th, 2007 10:20 PM
Author: razzle-dazzle magical range stock car

I made that fire analogy first. :P



Date: April 18th, 2007 10:21 PM
Author: Marvelous ruddy senate mad cow disease

good for you


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:25 PM
Author: razzle-dazzle magical range stock car


BTW, like someone said, what's this thread for? To make suggestions about how to handle situations like this (whatever "like this" means) in the future?


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:21 PM
Author: irradiated church building

Where are the other stickies?


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:26 PM
Author: flickering really tough guy scourge upon the earth

The TEMPORARY January mailcall had seen better days.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:24 PM
Author: flickering really tough guy scourge upon the earth

This board is flirting with death.

As if it wasn't bad enough to catch the spite of every Law School dean and national paper. Now we're on the FBI watch list.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:32 PM
Author: Motley Zippy Corn Cake Mad-dog Skullcap

Xoxo lives for danger.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:38 PM
Author: Mustard mediation

some would argue this type of thing brings power and prestige to the board. the college side is much more tame and its dying. the law board has hit higher and higher volume of page views and reached the upper echelons of public consciousness (major media coverage, all law students aware of it, etc)


Date: April 19th, 2007 12:19 PM
Author: Embarrassed To The Bone Dysfunction Bbw

& they envy us for that



Date: April 19th, 2007 12:49 PM
Author: Buck-toothed Windowlicker Casino

Date: April 19th, 2007 4:54 AM

Author: searstpt

2400/800/800/800/180/1600/A+/45/maximum gmat,toefl scores etc.




Date: April 21st, 2007 4:40 PM
Author: supple smoky sweet tailpipe institution

yeah i really enjoyed that. i wonder if there are international student boards out there, the most prestigious of which evaluates each others' posts with TOEFL scores


Date: April 19th, 2007 12:48 AM
Author: Mentally impaired elastic band gaping

it is our will to power

to think

to do

to achieve

is but one thing


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:26 PM
Author: khaki useless temple

Seriously, the guy who posted the non threat thread title edited his comment within 2 minutes.

its was the idiot who reposted it and then called the police that cause all the trouble. obviously the guy was just fucking around, and it wasn't even a direct threat. its the kinda shit you expect around here. The fucking WGWAG had to be a cool guy and start trouble.

great job loser-twat.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:34 PM
Author: Dun vibrant trump supporter sound barrier

how the hell do we we now WG guy called the authorities??

I think its pretty obvious that some UC Hastings guy, sitting in the back row of his class surfing,( or in the library, or on his laptop on the wireless connection anywhere on campus) came across the thread title and freaked the everlasting fuck out.

that is COMPLETELY understandable.

th blame here lies SQUARELY AND COMPLETELY on the turd that starte that thread. Being a humongous idiot is no excuse.



Date: April 18th, 2007 10:37 PM
Author: khaki useless temple

fuck that the dean said someone emailed and alerted him, 10 minutes after the WG guy said he was emailing people and started like 5 threads attracting attention to it.

Also the thread title itself is not a threat, no more threatening than some others here. If the post itself wasn't reposted, it would be meaningless.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:42 PM
Author: Stimulating Pistol

If some XOXO poster at Hastings did stumble across that thread, then he should've known this site well enough to put the thread in context and realize that it was typical, albeit poorly timed, XOXO fare.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:46 PM
Author: khaki useless temple

not to mention the thread was not threatening and it was obviously a joke.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:56 PM
Author: Beady-eyed National

It actually was threatening (implied he might do it tomorrow) and it was not obviously a joke (nothing in it alone to signify he was kidding - maybe in context an xoxo regular could ASSUME it was a joke). I could see how why, in light of events, a school would evacuate. There are sick fucks on here - this Trustafarian was not a regular, who's to say he wasn't serious?


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:01 PM
Author: khaki useless temple

except that the original post was deleted 10 seconds later.

there was nothing to go on till it was reposted by PW.


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:07 PM
Author: Beady-eyed National

I think the guy who alerted the school was worried it was actual truth, not flame, so it doesn't matter it was taken down 10 seconds later.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:38 PM
Author: flickering really tough guy scourge upon the earth

Earl, now is not the best time to be a cantankerous, maladjusted Asian male.

Go throw a ball outside until this thing blows over.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:41 PM
Author: Beady-eyed National



Date: April 18th, 2007 10:28 PM
Author: fantasy-prone crystalline goal in life crackhouse

That was a fast and fair response.



Date: April 18th, 2007 10:34 PM
Author: khaki useless temple

except that half of us dont condemn trustafarian.

Its the douche who reposted and called the cops.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:36 PM
Author: fantasy-prone crystalline goal in life crackhouse

I never said that people are condemning trustafarian. He made a bad joke and owned up to it like a man.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:39 PM
Author: khaki useless temple

I thought you meant rach's response that we all condemned it was fair. my bad.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:30 PM
Author: Bisexual Area Masturbator



Date: April 18th, 2007 10:31 PM
Author: autistic mexican

Kudos to "Trustafarian" for having the balls to come forward on this. There's no use in having increased security at Hastings tomorrow because of a stupid joke gone wrong.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:33 PM
Author: fantasy-prone crystalline goal in life crackhouse

Agreed. He really took it like a man.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:33 PM
Author: Beady-eyed National

whatever, he's a sick fuck for making the joke in the first place


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:35 PM
Author: Mustard mediation

it was obviously an innocent joke. maybe you dont like it but it wasnt serious


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:36 PM
Author: autistic mexican

There's no defending the "joke", but it's far from the worse thing that's been posted on xoxo.

Irregardless, it took balls to give himself up to the FBI.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:37 PM
Author: Mustard mediation



Date: April 18th, 2007 10:38 PM
Author: Beady-eyed National

i really don't think so - he wasn't doing it to "spare" hastings but to curry favor with the feds if they caught him.

anyone who post shitty, offensive jokes like that on an anonymous board clearly lacks balls.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:40 PM
Author: khaki useless temple

apparently you've come to the wrong place then.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:46 PM
Author: fishy native sandwich

irregardless sux as a word. Practice not using it tyia.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:51 PM
Author: autistic mexican

I thought about changing it before hitting "Post" because it looked terrible, but I was too lazy.


Date: April 19th, 2007 5:27 PM
Author: Pea-brained azn

I know a lawyer who got chewed out by a judge for using it.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:39 PM
Author: pearl personal credit line station

Agreed, coming forward was the right thing to do and took a lot of balls.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:44 PM
Author: Mustard mediation


right now paulie or :D or whoever is probably getting assraped in an FBI holding cell


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:47 PM
Author: racy impressive chapel therapy

I can't believe you all are commending him for owning up, like he is some kind of a respectable figure. He made a completely tasteless joke and owned up to it ONLY to make his future punishment/ultimate apprehension less severe.

He was an idiot to post the threat in the first place.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:47 PM
Author: autistic mexican

It wasn't PW or :D. This guy was a pretty "normal" xoxo poster - apparently a 1L at Boalt. Looking through his past posts, it's pretty clear that he wasn't a troll nor an asshole.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:49 PM
Author: Mustard mediation

link? supporting evidence?


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:01 PM
Author: autistic mexican



Date: April 18th, 2007 10:50 PM
Author: Beady-eyed National

that's even creepier


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:53 PM
Author: racy impressive chapel therapy

you forget that someone who fits xoxo's definition of "not a troll or asshole" would still be considered absolutely reprehensible to any normal person.

The Hastings thread alone shows he's a pretty big asshole.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:55 PM
Author: Rough-skinned Locale Rigpig

you're a stupid fucking retard who should stay retired.

the guy is very normal and not a troll/asshole. go look through the google record of threads/posts he made. he made a stupid joke but he immediately owned up to it.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:58 PM
Author: racy impressive chapel therapy

I guess the FBI didn't think he was very normal.


Date: April 19th, 2007 12:09 AM
Author: Duck-like amethyst trailer park useless brakes

Law enforcement is known to lack a sense of humor.


Date: April 19th, 2007 12:24 PM
Author: Embarrassed To The Bone Dysfunction Bbw

In which case, we're screwed.


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:00 PM
Author: autistic mexican

Maybe. I don't read that post as being particularly assholish - just moronic. I just hate to see one 30 second mental slip possibly ruin an otherwise normal law student's entire life/career, and cause needless hysteria at Hastings.


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:03 PM
Author: racy impressive chapel therapy

I completely agree that worse things have been said and completely shrugged off, but cmon...you have to know that context matters...screaming "Fire!" in a theatre, threatening to kill the President, and all that jazz.


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:05 PM
Author: autistic mexican

I'm not excusing his stupid joke. It was absolutely a moronic thing to post in light of the current situation. The Hastings administration also did the right thing in shutting the school down - they didn't have anyway of knowing whether there was a true threat made.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:53 PM
Author: Rough-skinned Locale Rigpig

making completely tasteless jokes is so fucking out of bounds on xoxo!


Date: April 19th, 2007 12:12 AM
Author: brilliant milk

you are such a fucking annoying nigger. he made a mistake and he stood up for it. FUCKING NIGGER WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THIS?


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:33 PM
Author: odious at-the-ready principal's office friendly grandma



Date: April 18th, 2007 10:37 PM
Author: Chestnut narrow-minded pervert trust fund

I think some posters get carried away because they seem to think that autoadmit exists in some universe outside the real world. The WaPo article and other recent media attention should remind everyone here that this is no longer true. The joke gone bad was in poor taste and even worse timing. On that note, I re-retire.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:42 PM
Author: Mustard mediation


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:54 PM
Author: autistic mexican

This is probably your most insightful post ever. Go out on top, Costanza!


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:58 PM
Author: Rough-skinned Locale Rigpig

i dont know how the fuck you people keep track of different monikers


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:00 PM
Author: autistic mexican

That's Ruskie.


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:03 PM
Author: Mustard mediation

some ugly russian ho


Date: April 19th, 2007 1:40 AM
Author: Exciting state

wtf is wrong with boalttt? first they admit 157 scoring retards like you, then they admit threat making terrorists like trustifarian. no standards at all!


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:38 PM
Author: Tan weed whacker

Every time you think xoxo has reached the bottom, posters on this board discover a way to hit a new low.


Date: April 18th, 2007 10:39 PM
Author: fantasy-prone crystalline goal in life crackhouse

We so crazy!


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:06 PM
Author: excitant incel

When did trustafarian confess/own up? Link?


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:10 PM
Author: plum knife



Date: April 18th, 2007 11:16 PM
Author: excitant incel


* throws chainsaw at self for missing the big evacuation headline right at the top


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:38 PM
Author: vigorous shrine


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:48 PM
Author: Spruce adventurous point police squad

Can someone please summarize the threat thread?

Was it basically just, "There is a bomb in the building" or some such?


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:53 PM
Author: Swashbuckling mint digit ratio nibblets

Summary: GTO multiply notes how "horrible" and "bad" and "wrong" it is to post an apparent threat to shoot up a school the day after someone shot up a school. Lots of talk about "responsibility" and invocation of fire/crowded theatre metaphor.


Date: April 19th, 2007 11:24 AM
Author: aphrodisiac bright theater

and some wgwag


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:50 PM
Author: Chocolate brunch

late to the party question, but, what did the original thread say (is it unrepostable?)?


Date: April 18th, 2007 11:52 PM
Author: autistic mexican



Date: April 19th, 2007 12:27 AM
Author: Spruce adventurous point police squad

Why is this not on wikipedia yet?


Date: April 19th, 2007 12:40 AM
Author: Spruce adventurous point police squad

Apparently I just needed to refresh my browser.


Date: April 19th, 2007 12:27 AM
Author: lavender sanctuary electric furnace

Wow, I saw the original thread hours ago and someone suggesting that it might bring about a subpoena, but I never imagined it might end up like this. Whoa.

Anyone fucked up enough to make a threat like this dude did deserves everything he is about to get. HTFH.


Date: April 19th, 2007 12:44 AM
Author: honey-headed exhilarant newt

Guys, the FBI does not monitor this board. Don't be ridiculous. Just go about your business as you usually would.


Date: April 19th, 2007 1:07 AM
Author: insane indirect expression



Date: April 19th, 2007 1:09 AM
Author: Disgusting Thriller Nursing Home

maybe the name of the board should be changed to reflect its true nature better; I suggest "the dipshit trolls", as a guide to those who may stumble across a reference to it on the intarwebs.


Date: April 19th, 2007 1:34 AM
Author: shivering degenerate gas station

*throws chainsaw*


Date: April 19th, 2007 5:38 AM
Author: sinister cream stag film pocket flask

Yes, it seems like it takes special events for XOXOHTH to challenge its lows, it's just impossible to best something like this with a post in a regular day.


Date: April 19th, 2007 12:32 PM
Author: painfully honest offensive partner rehab

Leiter on Hastings. I remain puzzled (but not at all surprised) by his infantile insistence that GTO is still an administrator.


Autoadmit (aka the Ciolli/Cohen Discussion Board) "Strikes Again"

So wrote Dean Nell Newton of Hastings to me last night, noting that the "discussion" board notorious for its misogynistic, racist, anti-semitic, and homophobic abuse--as well as for the general unwillingness of its administrators Anthony Ciolli (a Penn law student) and Jarret Cohen (an insurance agent) to do anything about it, even when asked directly by victims--has now also become a forum for making jokes about the horrors at Virginia Tech and copycat threats, in this case against Hastings!


Date: April 19th, 2007 4:53 PM
Author: Disgusting Thriller Nursing Home


I knew it was too soon to take down the sticky.


Date: April 21st, 2007 1:51 PM
Author: ruby site

He also finished by mentioning autoadmit!

"A Boalt professor sent me Dean Edley's e-mail to the law school there, which correctly noted, that, "Coming on the heels of the tragedy at Virginia Tech, the posting was an astounding instance of immaturity, terrible judgment, and reckless disregard for the welfare of others." That, of course, sums up the Autoadmit website."

Is he calling Autoadmit immature and with terrible judgment? Geez.


Date: April 21st, 2007 4:39 PM
Author: supple smoky sweet tailpipe institution

he's just bitter about being uninvited from chicago. PWN3D PWN3D PWN3D


Date: April 20th, 2007 12:24 PM
Author: soul-stirring pozpig



Date: April 21st, 2007 5:11 PM
Author: supple smoky sweet tailpipe institution

rach: how did you turn over Trustafarian's information to the authorities if you don't keep logs of IP addresses?


Date: April 21st, 2007 5:22 PM
Author: Learning Disabled Old Irish Cottage

An individual has come forward to claim responsibility for that message, and when the FBI special agent in charge of this matter contacted me I put him in touch with this person.


Date: April 21st, 2007 5:32 PM
Author: supple smoky sweet tailpipe institution

my bad. ty.


Date: April 21st, 2007 6:30 PM
Author: Exciting state
Subject: breaking!!!!

berkeley: full of murderers and rapists:

>No one thinks that anyone at UCB is "tainted" by the guy who killed Tarasoff or any of the other horrific crimes performed by UCB students. (Or God forbid we have (former) Dean accused of raping one of his students! How does that reflect on the Boalt community???)



Date: April 23rd, 2007 4:54 PM
Author: bearded hateful jew spot

Perhaps all posts should automatically include disclaimers at the end disclaiming all content in the post. People are really taking things on this board too seriously lately (not necessarily including the Hastings threat).

DISCLAIMER: I mean nothing of what I wrote in this post.


Date: April 27th, 2007 8:30 PM
Author: judgmental fragrant library

Can we please out the douchebag?


Date: May 4th, 2007 1:44 PM
Author: topaz black woman ticket booth



Date: May 6th, 2007 2:47 PM
Author: Laughsome tripping hospital cuckold



Date: November 4th, 2007 6:33 PM
Author: Iridescent cuck corner



Date: January 2nd, 2008 4:45 PM
Author: vivacious canary national security agency wagecucks



Date: January 2nd, 2008 8:27 PM
Author: Titillating sienna dilemma new version

Never forgive, never forget.


Date: January 2nd, 2008 8:32 PM
Author: claret plaza

so what happened to him?


Date: January 21st, 2008 11:24 PM
Author: Iridescent cuck corner



Date: January 21st, 2008 11:49 PM
Author: Silver Theatre Roommate

Assume horrible things.


Date: May 31st, 2008 1:06 PM
Author: territorial psychic
