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Why did Jews get so shitty at propaganda all of a sudden

They used to be great at it. Since 10/7 it's just been const...
Avocado exciting public bath fanboi
They don't have absolute control of every mainstream media o...
French lascivious roast beef stead
sick masturbator
Eternal Mercury Retrograde for the Jews from here on out
vibrant autistic field weed whacker
domesticated dead sanctuary
social media, full stop. if 10/7 had happened 10 years ag...
wonderful cruise ship
what's 10/7?
Cream sadistic mexican
thriller very tactful legend
maybe that’s what they want you to think
Floppy elastic band senate
you have to wonder if the presence of a MSM work-around has ...
Curious reading party puppy
hehe time to ban tiktok dumb goys, it’s for your own g...
pearly trailer park jap
Until then here's a twitter channel that shows you the sicke...
thriller very tactful legend
French lascivious roast beef stead
embarrassed to the bone concupiscible sweet tailpipe
Outnumbered theatre pistol
David Zsutty is an attorney in California. He has a B.A. in ...
Curious reading party puppy
emerald multi-colored karate nibblets
not even rampant propaganda is enough to fool anyone at this...
glittery native mediation
Someone worth a lot of money once told me he thought America...
thriller very tactful legend
Jewish power is in a very strong position in America. The cu...
jet-lagged dopamine
revisit this in 10 years. young people think israel are shit...
wonderful cruise ship
i was stunned at the generational difference. caught complet...
Curious reading party puppy
this is completely wrong lmao jewish power and influence ...
Outnumbered theatre pistol
but where are the white babies?
jet-lagged dopamine
To be fair, Jews: "Whites are demographically fukt, ...
emerald multi-colored karate nibblets
I'd be much more worried about your own demographic problems...
Outnumbered theatre pistol
Jewish women love to race mix
Rose boyish cuckold
emerald multi-colored karate nibblets
nah they were always shitty, but christian whites were reluc...
flesh space
It was a strategic blunder of potentially epic proportions. ...
Heady Sable New Version Dragon
Too many nephews
opaque bearded legal warrant
Titillating startling goal in life
same reason why movies suck now
Rose boyish cuckold

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: March 25th, 2024 4:17 PM
Author: Avocado exciting public bath fanboi

They used to be great at it. Since 10/7 it's just been constant own-goals

in the past 48 hours multiple daily wire Jews tried to argue that it's anti-semitic to say "Christ is King" and the butt plug rabbi dressed up like a schizo money goblin for some reason

literally every semi unmoderated social media platform or chat room has the character of a munich beer hall in 1928


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Date: March 25th, 2024 4:18 PM
Author: French lascivious roast beef stead

They don't have absolute control of every mainstream media or social media outlet now.


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Date: March 26th, 2024 11:19 PM
Author: sick masturbator


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Date: March 25th, 2024 4:19 PM
Author: vibrant autistic field weed whacker

Eternal Mercury Retrograde for the Jews from here on out


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Date: March 28th, 2024 9:45 AM
Author: domesticated dead sanctuary



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Date: March 25th, 2024 4:21 PM
Author: wonderful cruise ship

social media, full stop.

if 10/7 had happened 10 years ago, they would have pulled off whatever the fuck they wanted without the public at large catching on to it.


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Date: March 26th, 2024 11:35 PM
Author: Cream sadistic mexican

what's 10/7?


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Date: March 25th, 2024 4:38 PM
Author: thriller very tactful legend



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Date: March 25th, 2024 4:38 PM
Author: Floppy elastic band senate

maybe that’s what they want you to think


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Date: March 25th, 2024 4:39 PM
Author: Curious reading party puppy

you have to wonder if the presence of a MSM work-around has made the difference.


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Date: March 25th, 2024 4:44 PM
Author: pearly trailer park jap

hehe time to ban tiktok dumb goys, it’s for your own good


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Date: March 25th, 2024 4:51 PM
Author: thriller very tactful legend

Until then here's a twitter channel that shows you the sickest shit anyone can find on TikTok in order to, uhh, counteract the effects of TikTok.


Reply Favorite

Date: March 25th, 2024 6:42 PM
Author: French lascivious roast beef stead


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Date: March 25th, 2024 7:05 PM
Author: embarrassed to the bone concupiscible sweet tailpipe


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Date: March 25th, 2024 6:43 PM
Author: Outnumbered theatre pistol


Why the Left Doesn’t Understand Optics

David M. Zsutty

Alejandro Mayorkas helps us by showing just how ridiculous the Left’s positions really are. (Photo from the Department of Homeland Security website.)

2,125 words

Missouri Senator Josh Hawley grilled US Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas about the crisis on the Mexican border on February 2, stating in part that Mayorkas’ performance was “despicable” and that his unwillingness to provide answers was “absolutely atrocious.” Mayorkas attempted to deflect blame by stating that he is the child of a holocaust survivor, thereby implying that he, and by extension most Jews, should be above criticism.

It was hard to tell if he was being devious or if this is what he actually believes. Mayorkas’ blunder was so egregious I wouldn’t be surprised if Jonathan Greenblatt gave him a call afterwards about feeding “problematic anti-Semitic tropes.”

This blunder illustrates a broader phenomenon of the Left not understanding optics. I define “optics” as the good presentation of policy positions. It is essentially rhetoric, except that rhetoric applies only to verbal communication, while optics also includes non-verbal communication and particularly aesthetics.

First and foremost, the Left’s skills have atrophied because they have been playing on easy mode since the 1960s against their domestic and foreign opponents. The Left was able to mesmerize and indoctrinate the masses through TV, which they had a monopoly on, because only they could afford to acquire the mass media. But while technology grants power over external things, it tends to leave its users’ interior qualities unchanged — or worse off. The Left was able to pull off Waco, allow September 11 to happen, and paint Martin Luther King as a saint in large part due to their media monopoly. But now that this monopoly has been broken by alt media, they don’t know what to do as their actions finally catch up with them and their legitimacy crumbles.

Aside from inculcating an arrogant sense of entitlement which also contributes to their optics blunders, decades of dominance have likewise led to decay on the Left. The Left’s “long march through the institutions” was no easy task, but the old guard who accomplished that feat are retiring or dying off and failing to train their replacements (with some notable exceptions such as George Soros and his son, Alexander). Regardless of whether this was due to greed for power on the old guard’s part, a lack of promising candidates, or both, the end result is undeniable: The contemporary Left is arrogantly entitled and unskilled, and they are now confronted by their predecessors’ chickens coming home to roost.

They don’t know what to do. Maybe they don’t have any good options at all. As such, they usually elect to clumsily follow their predecessors’ playbook.

For example, Saul Alinsky in his Rules for Radicals knew how to be devious and think long-term, and many were able and willing to follow his guidance. But now, Alexander Soros and Gavin Newsom seem to be the only two adults of the Left capable of real leadership, and they have precious few competent troops. Furthermore, we have learned the Left’s playbook and developed appropriate counter measures, while they have failed to adapt to our counter measures. Overusing cheap parlor tricks invariably leads to people figuring them out. The times they are a changing, but not in the way Bob Dylan sang about.

Second, the Left has used democracy as its prime method of subversion. But for all of its backroom deals, bribery, blackmail, and influence peddling (the Arizona GOP Chair’s failed attempt to bribe Kari Lake comes to mind, as does Epstein’s Mossad blackmail operation), democracy inherently lacks centralized command and control. It is therefore easy for sub-factions and individual players to make dumb moves — that Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Jonathan Greenblatt probably cringe at.

Soros might fund prosecutors, but can he tell them to hit the brakes when it comes to going too far too fast, thereby making propaganda for us? While the judges, journalists, and professors who have been marinated in and have wholly internalized the Leftist worldview might be loyal to a centralized vision, their execution of that vision is decentralized and thus liable to go off the rails, especially when they are true believers. Greenblatt can make his call to Mayorkas, but only after a blunder, and there is no guarantee that Mayorkas will even listen.

When we take power, we should not allow judges to remain unaccountable and thus prone to making stupid decisions that undermine our order’s legitimacy. In the meantime, we should viciously exploit this critical weakness of liberal democracy as much as the regime exploits us.

Third, the Left is inherently neurotic. Curtis Yarvin’s Cathedral theory of power holds that elite opinion is mostly molded by the media and academia. This is true, but there he overlooks one thing, which is that a substantial number of the elite, especially in media and academia, are Jewish.[1] Thus, because Leftist thought as expounded by the Cathedral is essentially Jewish thought, and Jews tend to be neurotic, those who internalize Leftist thought tend to pick up Jewish neuroticism. This reinforces the Left’s aforementioned sense of entitlement.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here.

This combination of entitlement and neuroticism means that any type of resistance to their will at home or abroad triggers an overreaction, because it is taken as a narcissistic slight. Machiavelli advised one to avoid being hated for being a bully and despised for being weak; the Left’s constant overreaction makes them both hated and despised. But every overreaction is a golden propaganda opportunity.

Neuroticism also leads to the Left putting pet theories such as global warming and racial equality ahead of hard facts. These hard facts then invariably slap them in the face, allowing us ample opportunities to humiliate and thus delegitimize them. This phenomenon has only intensified with the advent of “current things” such as Black Lives Matter and COVID.

Neuroticism also leads to a lack of introspection on how other people will interpret and react to their antics. In a rare example of introspection, however, on October 31, 2022 the Atlantic ran an article titled “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty.” This was despite the fact that as late as January 2022, 59% of Democrats were in favor of confining the unvaccinated to their homes at all times except for emergencies, while 29% were in favor of temporarily taking children away from unvaccinated parents and 45% were in favor of temporarily placing the unvaccinated in “designated facilities,” a euphemism for concentration camps. No, thanks. I’d rather play hardball in the era of absolute politics. Freedom to act out one’s hall-monitor fantasies doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.

Fourth, the search for the latest “hot take,” which often devolves into absurdity, is not a problem limited to dissident podcasters. In fact, the Left and the dissident Right mirror each other almost perfectly in this regard. For example, the author of Harry Potter, J. K. Rowling, has been relegated to being whatever the Left’s equivalent is for a “cuck” because she is a TERF (Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist). Rowling would have been a vanguardist trailblazer in the 1990s, but now her feminism has been eclipsed by the transgender agenda, and her views seem downright retrograde compared to drag queen story hour.

Furthermore, there are essentially two Overton windows now: one for the radical Right and one for the radical Left. In each, a small but highly passionate minority can drag those who are closer to the center along with them. Our vanguard was able to force Charlie Kirk, of all people, to mention the fact that liberal Jews had shot themselves in the foot by funding anti-Semitism in colleges and universities, which opened up the floodgates for tasteful discussion of the Jewish Question.

But while our vanguard pushes the Right’s Overton window toward factual truth, the Left’s vanguard pushes theirs into absurd theories and moral repugnancy, as epitomized by drag queen story hour and ever-more creative excuses for why black people perpetually fail. Their optics are now worse than the edgiest wignat podcasters of 2016.

This phenomenon is further exacerbated by the way in which the current winner-take-all, two-party system encourages radical polarization, as has been explained by Christopher Zurn in Splitsville USA. Because every vote is needed to defeat the other party, radicals are able to force centrists submit to their demands. The Republicans cannot afford to alienate their pro-life sub-faction any more than the Democrats can afford to alienate their pro-abortion sub-faction. In a multi-party parliamentary system, radicals can form their own parties, and then centrists can decide whether to support them or not. In a two-party system, to not ally with them is suicidal, even if they detract from other policy positions and galvanize the opposition.

After Charlottesville, the Left went on a campaign of character assassination by wielding guilt by association. We should do the same — and for us, the Left’s associations are a lot less tenuous than the ones for which they attacked people on the Right. Any politician or influencer who fails to decisively disavow drag queen story hour and critical race theory should be as viciously smeared as the Left smeared us after Charlottesville. Few of them will be able to disavow their radicals, because they need them. In the meantime, we can continue pressuring our centrists into normalizing our policies and beliefs. If Turning Point USA morphs into a multiracial version of Identity Evropa, that will be a win.

The fifth and final issue is that the Left has too many hedonists and bioleninists. Hedonists naturally only think in the here and now. No depraved child molester thinks of the broader interests of the so-called “minor attracted person” community for even five seconds into the future, let alone five years. Hence, they are constantly trying to normalize pedophilia and are caught committing horrific crimes, despite the fact that this undermines their own position as well as the broader Left’s. Individuals with gender dysphoria make excellent shock troops for the establishment, akin to the Ottoman Empire’s janissaries, as explained here. Pedophiles do, too, and for many of the same reasons; thus, the two categories frequently overlap. But they are also naturally repulsive to decent people, especially since they have almost no control over their depraved impulses. The FBI and antifa are therefore doomed to pedophile scandal after pedophile scandal. Exploiting this is easy, highly effective, and righteous.

The Left’s pedophile and transgender problem is part of the broader issue of bioleninism. Marxism’s ultimate goal was never to uplift the working classes, but rather to destroy European society via internal revolution as part of a Jewish vendetta. The Marxists initially targeted factory workers because they thought they had “revolutionary potential” due to the atrocious working conditions they underwent during the Industrial Revolution. Their underlying idea is that the more broken and miserable a person is, the more revolutionary potential he has to tear down his own country.

You can buy Tito Perdue’s novel Opportunities in Alabama Agriculture here.

It soon became apparent, however, that white workers did not have much revolutionary potential, because capitalism was able to provide them material comforts following the Industrial Revolution’s excesses, and also because they did not inherently hate their own countries. This is why Marxism came to adopt an anti-white, anti-colonial stance and began using blacks and the Third World as a wrecking ball against white nations.

This ultimately wasn’t enough, either, though. Too many non-white immigrants either adopted the West’s decadent culture and saw their own birth rates plummet. Others assimilated into their new countries and were thus loath to wreck it. Many of them are simple people who came here for economic reasons, and are thus indifferent to politics. The fact is that most people simply aren’t nasty enough to fulfill Marxism’s true goals. 1990s-style immigration could very well have replaced white people through a slow process of demographic decline, but it was not working fast enough for the Left, which has become ever more impatient.

Thus, the Left embraced the lowest, most disgusting dregs of society as their final option: pedophiles, transgender individuals, the homeless, drug addicts, ultra-violent criminals. The worse they are, the more fawning the Left is. Aside from a few sophomoric idiots who drank the Kool-Aid in their undergraduate days, this is not driven by any real sympathy, but rather by hatred for the European race and its civilization. Associating with, let alone embracing, such creatures as favored pets is terrible optics. We must ensure that the bioleninist strategy’s negatives come to far outweigh its positives as a matter of our survival. Thankfully, this is an easy task.


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Date: March 25th, 2024 6:57 PM
Author: Curious reading party puppy

David Zsutty is an attorney in California. He has a B.A. in Political Science from the University of California, San Diego and a J.D. from Chapman University’s Dale E. Fowler School of Law. Before studying law, he served six years in the US Air Force as an Airborne Linguist and achieved the rank of Staff Sergeant. He was also an activist and chapter leader in Identity Evropa.


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Date: March 25th, 2024 6:59 PM
Author: emerald multi-colored karate nibblets


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Date: March 25th, 2024 7:00 PM
Author: glittery native mediation

not even rampant propaganda is enough to fool anyone at this point.

you can't cry like a victim for that long as you literally commit genocide.


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Date: March 25th, 2024 7:05 PM
Author: thriller very tactful legend

Someone worth a lot of money once told me he thought America committed mortal sin when it invaded Iraq and it can never recover.

I think he was right in the sense that you can't ask anyone born after 9/11 to give two shits about WWII or the holocaust, INCLUDING many (most?) Jews themselves. Schindler's List would never get seen today.


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Date: March 26th, 2024 11:18 PM
Author: jet-lagged dopamine

Jewish power is in a very strong position in America. The cultural genocide of Christian culture is more than half complete. Jewish power no longer needs to persuade because they are in charge.


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Date: March 27th, 2024 5:56 PM
Author: wonderful cruise ship

revisit this in 10 years. young people think israel are shit, and when they eventually replace the boomers and older gen xers, israel is in trouble.


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Date: March 27th, 2024 5:58 PM
Author: Curious reading party puppy

i was stunned at the generational difference. caught completely off guard. meanwhile jewish libs are shitting on and trying to destroy the sector of the US that loves Israel. go figure.


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Date: March 27th, 2024 6:01 PM
Author: Outnumbered theatre pistol

this is completely wrong lmao

jewish power and influence in the west has already peaked and it's all downhill from here on out for kikes

cope more schlomo - you guys are fucked long-term


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Date: March 28th, 2024 7:44 AM
Author: jet-lagged dopamine

but where are the white babies?


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Date: March 28th, 2024 12:37 PM
Author: emerald multi-colored karate nibblets

To be fair,

Jews: "Whites are demographically fukt, it's over for them because there are no white babies anymore!"

Reality: Even in 2024, there are literally *exponentially* more white goy babies in the world than there are Jewish babies in the world.

Jews: "Oy veeeeeeeeey -- uh, no, see, that's totally different for reasons, you stupid doomed goys!!!!"


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Date: March 28th, 2024 1:52 PM
Author: Outnumbered theatre pistol

I'd be much more worried about your own demographic problems, Shylocke

Jewish birthrates and miscegenation rates are much, much worse than white ones, in addition to there being a vastly smaller absolute number of Jews compared to whites


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Date: March 28th, 2024 2:03 PM
Author: Rose boyish cuckold

Jewish women love to race mix


Reply Favorite

Date: March 28th, 2024 12:36 PM
Author: emerald multi-colored karate nibblets


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Date: March 26th, 2024 11:20 PM
Author: flesh space

nah they were always shitty, but christian whites were reluctant to call them out. browns have no such reservations.


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Date: March 28th, 2024 8:58 AM
Author: Heady Sable New Version Dragon

It was a strategic blunder of potentially epic proportions. They had it GREAT in the USA. Couldn't be better for a minority religion that, historically, has been reviled.

But they targeted an enemy. WASP culture. Nice, Christian, small town -- maybe "small-minded" some times-- but successful. Jews hated it. Hated the courthouse creches. Hated the straightlaced religious morals. Hated the lower class version of the culture, with its televangelists and "you have a blessed days." Hated One Nation Under God. So they undermined it every chance they got. Hey, a great way to do that is bash white Christians-- aren't these guys too powerful? Ridiculously puritanical?They sure are racist? Why are white men holding all the power?

So you edge the media (which you control) to more sexual "freedom", more crassness, open borders.

But this new culture you created? People either don't like it because it is soulless and empty and they blame you. Or the people you pretend to worship-- the unwashed non-white masses-- don't give a SHIT about you and your past troubles.

You know what the safest country for Jews in Europe was in 1910? Germany.


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Date: March 26th, 2024 11:33 PM
Author: opaque bearded legal warrant

Too many nephews


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Date: March 27th, 2024 6:07 PM
Author: Titillating startling goal in life


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Date: March 28th, 2024 8:34 AM
Author: Rose boyish cuckold

same reason why movies suck now
