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It’s shocking there isn’t a bigger market for an uncensored navigable board

Razzle Aqua Kitty Cat
rambunctious supple national
out-of-control property
The market is 15 people
Lemon therapy ratface
most people dont care that much about being able to say nigg...
curious misanthropic meetinghouse
places like reddit, twitter, etc. eventually seek monetizati...
Laughsome Rebellious Plaza
(Gay retard)
Lemon therapy ratface
People can choose to flock to 4chan if they want. If they&rs...
Razzle Aqua Kitty Cat
twitter and reddit were skin suited slowly and became comple...
Laughsome Rebellious Plaza
Every single tech company is a taxpayer funded creation of t...
Lemon therapy ratface
20 years ago when most of these places were created? lolno. ...
Laughsome Rebellious Plaza
You are a fucking retard Go back to reddit mudkike
Lemon therapy ratface
I just checked and was surprised Digg is still alive http...
Razzle Aqua Kitty Cat
JSTOR and PACER shit. which are public documents that are pa...
Laughsome Rebellious Plaza
curious misanthropic meetinghouse
This is correct. In the 2000s the internet was wide open for...
onyx tank senate
the iphone and it's consequences. it goes even further b...
Laughsome Rebellious Plaza
Agreed. I saw this phenomenon in everything. Before Peter Ja...
onyx tank senate
good point, consoles becoming online capable is very similar...
Laughsome Rebellious Plaza
WarCraft 2 Battle.net edition of gtfo. Kids these days will ...
onyx tank senate
crystalline rehab wagecucks
reddit was originally created by libertarian silicon valley ...
curious misanthropic meetinghouse
You’re a fucking moron and not worth engaging
Lemon therapy ratface
(farts cum)
Marvelous twinkling uncleanness lodge
Razzle Aqua Kitty Cat
lol whoa there bud chill out it's friday!
curious misanthropic meetinghouse
Laughsome Rebellious Plaza
Lemon therapy ratface
the problem is that the subreddit system is too good for peo...
Laughsome Rebellious Plaza
huh? MPC types always keep to themselves. they stick to boar...
curious misanthropic meetinghouse
just look at places like voat. other reddit clones have been...
Laughsome Rebellious Plaza
no, normies don't like radical free speech places. like wtf....
curious misanthropic meetinghouse
i think we are saying and believe the same thing but getting...
Laughsome Rebellious Plaza
No the problem is Reddit is for people like you ie completel...
Lemon therapy ratface
"[Node Theory societal structuring] produces a disconne...
Cordovan Sweet Tailpipe
i for one am happy I was here when the internet was born, an...
Overrated mahogany really tough guy
4chan is as unmoderated as XO but /Pol/ is full of Qtards. X...
onyx tank senate
crystalline rehab wagecucks
Laughsome Rebellious Plaza
I want this to be my obit
180 massive house
Piggybacking on the concepts ITT, the same question could be...
onyx tank senate
"Libs ruin everything is part of it, but the better ans...
Laughsome Rebellious Plaza
You're talking about government capture by the elites which ...
onyx tank senate
calm down brother, I was assured by MULTIPLE Venture Capital...
Marvelous twinkling uncleanness lodge
bro, it's the internet -- it can't be regulated! it'll be a ...
Laughsome Rebellious Plaza
In fairness, though, XO is still on search Results, even th...
Mind-boggling queen of the night

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2024 9:59 AM
Author: Razzle Aqua Kitty Cat


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Date: April 19th, 2024 10:01 AM
Author: rambunctious supple national


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Date: April 19th, 2024 11:10 AM
Author: out-of-control property


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Date: April 19th, 2024 11:11 AM
Author: Lemon therapy ratface

The market is 15 people


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Date: April 19th, 2024 11:15 AM
Author: curious misanthropic meetinghouse

most people dont care that much about being able to say nigger and kike


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Date: April 19th, 2024 11:30 AM
Author: Laughsome Rebellious Plaza

places like reddit, twitter, etc. eventually seek monetization and become more and more moderated. this results in the culture eventually becoming whatever the ruling class view is (i.e. center-left shitlib bullshit)

completely unmoderated spaces wind up just being spam.

then lightly moderated places like xo are where are the people kicked off of the major platforms go. and you see how that turns out -- charles gets fired for mere association. the culture inevitably shifts to stormfront shit, because it's the only place it's tolerated, where MPC types eventually force all the quality people away.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 11:33 AM
Author: Lemon therapy ratface

(Gay retard)


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Date: April 19th, 2024 11:42 AM
Author: Razzle Aqua Kitty Cat

People can choose to flock to 4chan if they want. If they’re flocking to Reddit instead because it’s moderated thats just market preference. What’s wrong with that?


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Date: April 19th, 2024 11:47 AM
Author: Laughsome Rebellious Plaza

twitter and reddit were skin suited slowly and became completely different from how they started. i think jack dorsey has spoke about it, and that's why elon wound up buying it.

it's not market preference. tendrils slither in over time and change it from thing the founders and users never wanted.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 11:50 AM
Author: Lemon therapy ratface

Every single tech company is a taxpayer funded creation of the intelligence state that is then offloaded to a bunch of scheming inbred jewish retards for their self enrichment

There was no “skinsuiting” of these companies—this is what they have always been the goals/purpose just had to shift as public discourse changed and the incompetence of jews and their various mud slaves increased


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Date: April 19th, 2024 11:56 AM
Author: Laughsome Rebellious Plaza

20 years ago when most of these places were created? lolno. techbros back then were libertarian as fuck. look how aaron swartz died.

the rub is that these people think the market is infallible and that the internet would always be open. so might as well let some private equity in, because you can always just create a new reddit or twitter. than BAM! either their creations were stolen from them (jack dorsey), they were evil autists all along (zuckerberg), or they join the club (huffman).


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Date: April 19th, 2024 11:57 AM
Author: Lemon therapy ratface

You are a fucking retard

Go back to reddit mudkike


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2024 11:59 AM
Author: Razzle Aqua Kitty Cat

I just checked and was surprised Digg is still alive


Anyway, didn’t Schwartz steal a bunch of scholarly work that wasn’t his and try to publish it?


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Date: April 19th, 2024 12:06 PM
Author: Laughsome Rebellious Plaza

JSTOR and PACER shit. which are public documents that are paywalled for no reason. i support it. the stuff is public and you can go to the library and read it right now. those places are archaic remnants from the days when uploading and hosting media cost money. there's no need for it now.

he wasn't trying to publish them for profit. the authors don't get JSTOR fees. he was trying to make public documents behind a paywall available to the public.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 12:03 PM
Author: curious misanthropic meetinghouse



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Date: April 19th, 2024 12:41 PM
Author: onyx tank senate

This is correct. In the 2000s the internet was wide open for Gen Xers and Elder Millennials to innovate. A lot of the huge companies we see now were just random ideas coders had while they were playing Quake. It was totally organic and though few emerged as real winners, there were countless failed platforms that were once popular.

Monetization and growth ruined everything. People forget: the internet used to be nerdy. It was for nerds. Computers were cumbersome to deal with and stuff didn't always work exactly if you didn't know what you were doing.

The internet was a lot like XO. Not everyone was on it and it was mostly white and Asian men who were nerds IRL and the whole culture was fratty and chill.

As platforms expanded their user base they got more normie. The truth is that normies ruin everything because they're proles. They're fundamentally boring and unimaginative. Before Facebook in the 2010s Boomers weren't on social media at all. And Zuck didn't rope them in just so they could hang out together on a defunct Web 1.0 message board. He did it so he could sell them ads and get them to buy things. And the way he got boomers was he turned the site extremely political and boosted subthread wastelands which boomers got incredibly emotionally invested in arguing with their childhood friend from 50 years ago about Qanon. Imagine if Rach was boosting terrible nyuug threads because they made him a ton of money. This is the influence of monetization, and of stupid people having power because there are a lot of them.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 12:51 PM
Author: Laughsome Rebellious Plaza

the iphone and it's consequences.

it goes even further back than that. look at usenet and eternal september. before AOL forums were only populated by super fucking nerds, either in tech or on college campuses. then when AOL opened up the internet to the masses the influx of new users shitted everything up. that's most of us here -- nerds who got on the internet in the 90s.

the iphone was just a much more massive version of that. before that to use a forum you'd have to be hunched over a pc at home. it was much more intentional. then the iphone came in and *EVERYONE* was on. so now every forum and social media platform is chasing these normies. and it also results in content being whittled more and more down into bite size chunks. we went from text boards to tiktok. zoomers wouldn't have the attention span for a text only forum like xoxo.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 12:56 PM
Author: onyx tank senate

Agreed. I saw this phenomenon in everything. Before Peter Jackson made LOTR movies only nerds were into it. You had to read the books and it was an elite club of big brain fantasy nerds. Once you condense one of the greatest works in human literature into a digestible 9 hour movie suddenly mouth breathing proles are walking around with Ring of Power necklaces claiming they speak Elvish.

Another big shift I remember was Xbox 360. The same jocks who would never have played video games in high school in the 90s were now playing Halo around the clock. That was the first console I can remember girls owning. Before that it was just nerdy guys who were into video games and they were all heady and cool. Since then mass consumer nonsense.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 1:05 PM
Author: Laughsome Rebellious Plaza

good point, consoles becoming online capable is very similar to the iphone phenomenon. to play quake online back in the day took a pretty good amount of PC and networking knowledge. i remember spending hours trying to get a game of warcraft 2 or quake to work, muddling with TCP/IP settings and shit. and then you're playing it on a PC at a desk. jocks don't have time for that.

accessibility lowers the barrier to entry by definition, which means dumber people are allowed in.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 1:40 PM
Author: onyx tank senate

WarCraft 2 Battle.net edition of gtfo. Kids these days will never know.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 2:09 PM
Author: crystalline rehab wagecucks


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Date: April 19th, 2024 12:03 PM
Author: curious misanthropic meetinghouse

reddit was originally created by libertarian silicon valley tech dorks. they were not shitlibs. the reason why it out competed its competitors is because it allowed for such open-ended discussion and expression

the organization has since been taken over by rabid ideological shitlibs. it's now running on fumes and only maintains its "market share" due to a sort of first mover advantage that hasn't yet withered away, sort of like myspace and facebook did for a long time


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Date: April 19th, 2024 12:04 PM
Author: Lemon therapy ratface

You’re a fucking moron and not worth engaging


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Date: April 19th, 2024 12:06 PM
Author: Marvelous twinkling uncleanness lodge

(farts cum)


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2024 12:13 PM
Author: Razzle Aqua Kitty Cat


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2024 12:23 PM
Author: curious misanthropic meetinghouse

lol whoa there bud chill out it's friday!


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2024 12:31 PM
Author: Laughsome Rebellious Plaza


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Date: April 19th, 2024 2:10 PM
Author: Lemon therapy ratface



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Date: April 19th, 2024 12:21 PM
Author: Laughsome Rebellious Plaza

the problem is that the subreddit system is too good for people to create a competing forum. and you can create xo type communities and so long as you keep people from using naughty words that will alert the admins they persist forever.

anytime someone tries to create a competing, radically free speech platform it is immediately taken over by MPC stormfront types, which discourage regular people from participating. look at the unhinged quotemo in this thread. most people won't tolerate that shit forever. it's just no fun. hence why even xo has lost most of its quality contributors.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 12:33 PM
Author: curious misanthropic meetinghouse

huh? MPC types always keep to themselves. they stick to boards like this one and avoid normie boards like the plague. there's no overlap at all between those groups

the reason why radically free speech platforms aren't popular is because not very many people want to use them. most people want moderated normie spaces and don't have any interest in discussing weird contrarian stuff or saying naughty no no words that theyve been programmed to find revolting


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Date: April 19th, 2024 12:43 PM
Author: Laughsome Rebellious Plaza

just look at places like voat. other reddit clones have been attempted too. they all go down the same path. the people that are aggrieved that they can't participate on the normie spaces flock there, which makes the places toxic shitholes and keep normies away.

i think the early internet and what twitter, reddit, facebook, etc. used to be like is a good example of how normies *would* like radically free speech places with light touch moderation such as banning harassment, spam, gore, cp, etc. back in the day i would post nigger and faggot to my friend's facebook walls publicly. i remember getting a notification a few years ago that all those posts were deleted lol.

the rub is two-fold. one, if you get large enough, you are eventually tempted by money, even if it's just to pay the costs of the service. this camel's nose eventually leads to something like twitter -- slowly, over time, it's become content moderated center-left only shit. second, especially when using volunteer moderators, the type that do this job become petty tyrants. what constitutes "harassment" or whatever varies and is subjective, and eventually the road to viewpoint based moderation starts.

we had our shot and missed it. i think this is what musk is trying to do with twitter, but he's too autistic and erratic, so it doesn't seem to be going well.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 12:51 PM
Author: curious misanthropic meetinghouse

no, normies don't like radical free speech places. like wtf. no normal person is into that sort of thing

the reason why normal people used to say nigger and faggot is because that was what normal people said and did at that point in time. normal people no longer say nigger and faggot, so nobody wants to hang out on an internet forum where people say nigger and faggot

normal people DO still want to be free to express a range of ideas (this is what "freedom of speech" actually is). it's why younger, hipper people have moved to private group chats for all their online socializing. places like reddit are running on fumes and will eventually die out


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Date: April 19th, 2024 1:01 PM
Author: Laughsome Rebellious Plaza

i think we are saying and believe the same thing but getting tangled in having different definitions. i agree with you conclusion.

"radical free speech" would mean gore, cp, etc. too. which even "free speech" platforms moderated. perhaps nigger and faggot have just moved over into the unacceptable content range. however, it seems like slurs are making a big resurgence amongst gen z, there is a big pushback against wokescold shit. i seems we are trending back to the days where as long as you aren't using them as sincere hate it's ok.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 2:10 PM
Author: Lemon therapy ratface

No the problem is Reddit is for people like you ie completely dysgenic retards


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Date: April 19th, 2024 12:34 PM
Author: Cordovan Sweet Tailpipe

"[Node Theory societal structuring] produces a disconnection between actual personalities and outer social functioning. Or it might even do both [the split plus authoritarian tendencies] at once. Online for example, platform affordances and protocols make it difficult for moderators and site owners not to act tyrannically. If they refuse to do so, they may well be breaking the law by "facilitating" illegal content (a weird kind of doublethink in which the failure to network disrupt or censor is a kind of proactive guilt, as if the population is entirely composed of conscript cops)."


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Date: April 19th, 2024 1:08 PM
Author: Overrated mahogany really tough guy

i for one am happy I was here when the internet was born, and Rach stole this platform and gave us somewhere to not drink alone. xo is a last vestige of free on-line speech. the rest of the internet is owned by Satan and his ilk, and has become nothing more than a one-dimensional shopping mall in a sketchy part of town.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 1:43 PM
Author: onyx tank senate

4chan is as unmoderated as XO but /Pol/ is full of Qtards. XO is not the last unmoderated forum on the internet. It's just the only one that has a balance of ideas and opinions from SCHOLARS.


Reply Favorite

Date: April 19th, 2024 2:12 PM
Author: crystalline rehab wagecucks


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Date: April 19th, 2024 2:27 PM
Author: Laughsome Rebellious Plaza


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Date: April 20th, 2024 8:59 AM
Author: 180 massive house

I want this to be my obit


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Date: April 19th, 2024 1:58 PM
Author: onyx tank senate

Piggybacking on the concepts ITT, the same question could be asked why aren't there any paid subscription news organizations that hire independent journalists. Why are the Greenwald/Taibbi/Weiss types on Substack? Shouldn't there be a single large newspaper that represents these ideas and a fair and balanced editorial board that allows opinions from different sides of the spectrum? Why is independent media so fractured when they could be an institution?

Libs ruin everything is part of it, but the better answer is that money does. NPR going from a small content creator for public radio stations in the 70s that mostly played classical music to a big news company post 9/11 to the epicenter of woke ideology is not only about shitlibs. It's about revenue. Every company begins to cater to their fans. If the Washington Post began saying nice things about Trump people would cancel their subscriptions and go somewhere else. Once you monetize you begin to follow the mores of the subscribers or the advertisers. If Johnson and Johnson doesn't want their ad next to Pepe doing a Roman salute it will get censored.

In summation money is a bigger problem than woke mind virus. I think this is perhaps something Elon couldn't foresee with great clarity. You can't both optimize for revenue and optimize for free speech. By definition free speech will offend certain parties, and of that party is a source of revenue, be it advertiser or subscriber, there's now a conflict of interest.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 2:27 PM
Author: Laughsome Rebellious Plaza

"Libs ruin everything is part of it, but the better answer is that money does"

a better answer is that these two are one in the same, and a better answer than that is that it's the ruling class, represented by the establishment left and right, who hold all the money.

we're mostly aggrieved about the left wing nonsense. but just tune into fox news and see that the right has plenty of dumb boomers too. the establishment plays both these sides against it each other to keep people fighting over culture war nonsense. we play into their hands when we squabble about it too.

do you think the pelosi types *care* about wokeness? obama and biden were against gay marriage when first elected. now there's "at least three genders." they don't care about the ideas being pushed, they don't believe in it themselves. they just want people fighting about wokeness and shit to keep the masses fighting amongst each other rather than looking at them. they're both controlled opposition against the other because they're really the same thing.

what is the difference between bush, biden, obama, and romney really? they'll squabble about exactly what the income threshold for a 37% marginal rate should be so it looks like there are two sides, but both are fine keeping the swiss cheese tax code as it is that benefits the ruling class. they'll fight endlessly about funding dem programs but neither side actually wants to do what it would take to solve the underlying problem. the fights are all distractions. let's argue about the holocaust center, if you're against it your antisemitic, if you're for it you want more government waste. rage about an couple million dollar appropriation endlessly while the vast majority of the budget is quietly funneled into labyrinth of graft and foreign wars.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 2:57 PM
Author: onyx tank senate

You're talking about government capture by the elites which you know I think is 100% true. And yes them throwing money into politics and media is a big part of it. Bezos gifting Van Jones 100 million dollars lmao what? And signing the Obamas to podcast deals that have no viewers and lose money. Yes it's all true.

If you look at the microcosm of Texas politics (really, a macrocosm as there is nothing micro about Texas at all), there is an entrenched political oligarchy of old money oil families who are still neocons and love George P Bush et al. But if you look at state wide elections and state senate races which are larger than Congressional districts, populism gets a lot more votes than neocon RINOs.

My point is that there is an appetite for grassroots. There is an appetite for people who want to watch Breaking Points and read Taibbi on Substack. The demand for independent journalism and XO style content is out there. Human beings didn't all give up on life as we know it. There are more dissidents out there. Some of them found themselves on X fka Twitter. Some on Rumble. Some on The Blaze. What's kooky is that this all hasn't become an institution in itself. Daily Wire and Tim Pool tried and largely failed to become dominant in the space.

I think the issue is that the Overton window of dissidents from black pillers and neonazis to walk-away leftists like Tulsi is too broad. There is no particular center. Maybe one day we will see a realignment. What's funny is Trump seems to be the only thing keeping the movement together. He is the head of the snake. The only thing everyone in this band of deplorables can agree on. Otherwise there is little to no consensus.


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Date: April 19th, 2024 2:33 PM
Author: Marvelous twinkling uncleanness lodge

calm down brother, I was assured by MULTIPLE Venture Capitalists that the Invisible Hand (aided of course by extensive government infrastructure and regulations which makes their own freewheeling possible, as long as they themselves aren't Regulated of course) will guide society to an optimal outcome. Have you considered re-reading Atlas Shrugged to help you in this time of Personal Crisis?


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Date: April 19th, 2024 2:39 PM
Author: Laughsome Rebellious Plaza

bro, it's the internet -- it can't be regulated! it'll be a libertarian dream world forever! if the current shit sucks someone can easily just create a new one, people will vote with their dollars and clicks.





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Date: April 20th, 2024 9:25 AM
Author: Mind-boggling queen of the night

In fairness, though, XO is still on search

Results, even those from GOOG itself. XO

Neglects discussing platforms zoomers use

Like Discord, where small servers *can* say "nigger."
