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Pennsylvania Primary Results are kooky

Nikki Haley is still getting 20% of the vote, in some suburb...
primrose boltzmann therapy
There are no constructed wooden signs or flags mounted in pi...
Mind-boggling Learning Disabled Sandwich Bbw
a minority who hates minorities. lol good luck with that
Coiffed gas station alpha
results are absolute shit for Trump. record primary turnout...
primrose boltzmann therapy
Trump will (1) lose Pennsylvania, and (2) still won the pres...
abnormal galvanic black woman toaster
If he loses PA he probably loses MI and WI too, and is then ...
Spectacular Faggotry Double Fault
He’ll win MI.
abnormal galvanic black woman toaster
Your weird overconfidence with Michigan makes no sense. Bid...
Emerald windowlicker theater stage
Muslims and college students could easily sink Biden in MI.
Spectacular Faggotry Double Fault
PA made election fraud legal so that's out. MI is filled wi...
bonkers red legal warrant hunting ground
They’re 2.75% of the population of the state. https...
Emerald windowlicker theater stage
the Haley votes are meaningless
bonkers red legal warrant hunting ground
It’s fair to say that any Haley vote in any primary th...
Emerald windowlicker theater stage
stfu jewbag
bonkers red legal warrant hunting ground
lascivious apoplectic location
Biden has pissed off lots of Jews, too. Also, lots of Christ...
Beady-eyed chad sanctuary
>>Biden has pissed off lots of Jews, too. Also, lots o...
Emerald windowlicker theater stage
To be fair, What is the Max IQ to believe the narrative b...
Exciting Doctorate Pozpig
Hahaha awesome that this triggered you so intensely. TBF, T...
Emerald windowlicker theater stage
No, and Trump has a very good chance of winning if he wins j...
Beady-eyed chad sanctuary

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Date: April 23rd, 2024 10:01 PM
Author: primrose boltzmann therapy

Nikki Haley is still getting 20% of the vote, in some suburban counties around Philadelphia she's getting over 40% of the vote.


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Date: April 23rd, 2024 10:30 PM
Author: Mind-boggling Learning Disabled Sandwich Bbw

There are no constructed wooden signs or flags mounted in pickups here for Nikki Haley. No one is coming out for the primary.


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Date: April 23rd, 2024 10:58 PM
Author: Coiffed gas station alpha

a minority who hates minorities. lol good luck with that


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Date: April 23rd, 2024 11:10 PM
Author: primrose boltzmann therapy

results are absolute shit for Trump. record primary turnout. 90% of vote in.

Biden: 870k votes

Trump: 730k votes

Haley: 150k votes

Jewish Guy: 60k votes

more Dems voted than Reps and Biden held his base much better.

Independents couldn't vote, closed primary, so its unclear how they are leaning, but Trump clearly needs to win them by a large margin to win Pennsylvania in the fall.


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Date: April 23rd, 2024 11:31 PM
Author: abnormal galvanic black woman toaster

Trump will (1) lose Pennsylvania, and (2) still won the presidency. HTFH.


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Date: April 24th, 2024 12:25 AM
Author: Spectacular Faggotry Double Fault

If he loses PA he probably loses MI and WI too, and is then proper fucked


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Date: April 25th, 2024 9:55 AM
Author: abnormal galvanic black woman toaster

He’ll win MI.


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Date: April 25th, 2024 10:18 AM
Author: Emerald windowlicker theater stage

Your weird overconfidence with Michigan makes no sense. Biden, for all his faults, has worked the unions perfectly and literally has the most conservative union pledging tens of millions in GOTV support and telling any reporter who will listen that Trump fucked his union out of pension help in the Covid bill.


Not to mention that Michigan has been a disaster electorally for the GOP in every cycle since 2018. Wisconsin is easily the best chance of the midwestern swing states to flip back. But he can still win if he loses all three and gets NV and the Nebraska electoral vote, which seems like his best path.


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Date: April 25th, 2024 5:52 PM
Author: Spectacular Faggotry Double Fault

Muslims and college students could easily sink Biden in MI.


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Date: April 25th, 2024 10:15 AM
Author: bonkers red legal warrant hunting ground

PA made election fraud legal so that's out. MI is filled with muslims and Biden is doing everything he possibly can to piss them off


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Date: April 25th, 2024 10:27 AM
Author: Emerald windowlicker theater stage

They’re 2.75% of the population of the state.


Biden won the state in 2020 by 2.5% and Haley got almost 30% in a barely contested primary last month. You’ve internalized a bunch of bullshit from the media about the purported political implications of Gaza, which they say to justify stories about Gaza to their News Directors that mostly hate all foreign policy stories and require that reporters pitch them with plausible hooks for US viewers. In reality Mich is 60/40 white v nonwhite demographic split while Wisc and PA are both 80% white, and it’s by far the worst midwestern state for the GOP.


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Date: April 25th, 2024 10:28 AM
Author: bonkers red legal warrant hunting ground

the Haley votes are meaningless


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Date: April 25th, 2024 1:56 PM
Author: Emerald windowlicker theater stage

It’s fair to say that any Haley vote in any primary that happened after Trump had clearly sewn up the race (so really after NH, but definitely after SC) is either a never Trumper/Biden 2020 voter or a vote that at best stayed home in 2020. So in that sense I agree that the Haley votes themselves aren’t measuring much that will translate into any results in November. My point is that it’s preposterous to pretend there’s some massive Gaza-driven protest vote that will cause Biden to lose when we have much clearer evidence of weakness in Trump’s coalition at a much larger scale, and protest votes in uncontested primaries are much less solid evidence than the months and months of polling that show over a third of the GOP primary electorate consistently wanting a Trump alternative for over a year. That will show up in votes and already is showing up in fundraising and organizing. Trump got to pretend he was a non-incumbent candidate in the primaries this year, but the reality is that he’s the GOP incumbent and his numbers for an incumbent are fucking terrible, and that’s happening in an era of extreme partisanship where independents are an even bigger problem. Now he gets to spend most of the next six months appearing on TV primarily as a defendant in a court room. Older boomer independents in rust belt states are not supporting him for the lulz and they don’t think the chaos is great because they want to burn it all down. They just want him to point out that immigration is fucked and trannies are gross. But we are now perfectly set up to have him complain constantly about his trials and the 2020 election and lose yet another election that is insanely winnable because he’s a retarded boomer who can’t help himself.


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Date: April 25th, 2024 1:59 PM
Author: bonkers red legal warrant hunting ground

stfu jewbag


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Date: April 25th, 2024 2:00 PM
Author: lascivious apoplectic location


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Date: April 25th, 2024 10:34 AM
Author: Beady-eyed chad sanctuary

Biden has pissed off lots of Jews, too. Also, lots of Christians.

Many comparisons to 2020 are irrelevant:

- Many moderate voters didn't know Biden. They didn't mind that he was hidden from public view because we were in the pandemic. He was just regarded as a safe and agreeable alternative to the chaos of Trump. People know Biden better now, and see him deteriorating before their eyes.

- The DNC had a complete lockdown on social media. That's gone.

- We see more and more famous people either publicly bashing Biden or even embracing Trump outright. This was absolutely unthinkable four years ago.


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Date: April 25th, 2024 2:13 PM
Author: Emerald windowlicker theater stage

>>Biden has pissed off lots of Jews, too. Also, lots of Christians.

Agree but how many of those Christians and Jews were Biden voters to begin with? The Bibi-loving far right Zionist Jews have been GOP since the 90s, and any Christians who support Zionism have been the most reliable GOP constituency for 45 years.

>> Many comparisons to 2020 are irrelevant:

- Many moderate voters didn't know Biden. They didn't mind that he was hidden from public view because we were in the pandemic. He was just regarded as a safe and agreeable alternative to the chaos of Trump. People know Biden better now, and see him deteriorating before their eyes.

It’s true that Biden’s deterioration is a massive weakness, but his age and his limitations were a massive theme of 2020. You can argue that the pandemic was the only real issue and Trump lost primarily because he was the incumbent while the pandemic was still shitty. It obviously didn’t help that Trump was literally hospitalized for Covid three weeks before the election. But January 6th was after the election and it’s a big of a problem for Trump with all non-GOP-partisan voters, and there’s still a very good chance he ends up on trial in a courtroom for January 6th in the fall. And in reality January 6th is nothing compared to Dobbs, which has been an electoral godsend for the Dems and wildly skews the independents away from Trump because he loses so many women and some other dorks like the libertarians who are genuinely committee to their socially liberal schtick.

>>- The DNC had a complete lockdown on social media. That's gone.

You have to be pretty insanely online to think that the last year of Twitter is some huge win and game changer for the right. In reality it’s much more important that Facebook et al changed their algorithm to stop promoting political content, which has caused a massive traffic collapse for virtually all online right wing media.


- We see more and more famous people either publicly bashing Biden or even embracing Trump outright. This was absolutely unthinkable four years ago.

This is a contest to win mostly working class, mostly white people in the rust belt, plus some college educated moderate conservatives in Georgia and Arizona. The fact that a lib in Hollywood is criticizing Biden over Gaza or worse a rapper or edgelord standup is making Biden jokes is at best irrelevant. A much more important determinant of the results in those places is the degree of no excuse mail in voting and the number of Dem state wide office holders who have power over elections.


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Date: April 25th, 2024 7:38 PM
Author: Exciting Doctorate Pozpig

To be fair,

What is the Max IQ to believe the narrative being pushed by “The Atlantic” that ackkkkkkkshually, when you REALLY think about it, it’s RIGHT WING MEDIA* that is FUKT because, uh, Facebook changed an algorithm and conturds are too dumb to know how to find conservative new sources without Facebook?

*Defined as (((Fox News, Drudge Report, and Daily Wire)))… Gee, I can’t imagine ANY other reasons why a growing number of younger white conservatives are increasingly tuning out Sean Hannity, whoever the fuck Jewish Homosexual Matt Drudge sold his website to, and Ben Shapiro I’m the last year or two… nope, the ONLY explanation for falling viewership of those bastions of based conservative thought is a changed social media algorithm and general declines in conservatism, yep that just has to be it… Well anyone glad we talked and decided that liberal Jews have permanent victory all wrapped up now… lmao


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Date: April 29th, 2024 12:28 AM
Author: Emerald windowlicker theater stage

Hahaha awesome that this triggered you so intensely. TBF, TBF, I don’t mean to suggest that Kayne’s redneck revolution is anything other than our inevitable and glorious, triumphant future as a nation. Great job reading the article and avoiding the quotes from Tucker’s co-founder of the The Daily Caller claiming it’s a Big Tech conspiracy against conservatives, stupidly of course, because left leaning sites are seeing a similar drop ie it’s obviously something to do with how users make their way to news sites, and there’s one obvious source of causation. But good to know your schizophrenic world view includes steadfast denial that social media has massively changed how all media is consumed. I’ll add another piece of tin foil to my giant ball of tin foil hats that I use to mark every stupid thing you say on XO. The ball rolled over my cat and killed it the other day, but it still fits inside my two car garage for now.


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Date: April 25th, 2024 10:23 AM
Author: Beady-eyed chad sanctuary

No, and Trump has a very good chance of winning if he wins just one of these three states.
