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If you throw out FL (where DeSantis ran competent election), Biden won 6/7 close

elections... Now in sports the ability to win 1-score gam...
Fiercely-loyal trip gaping
In modern elections the re-election campaign is mostly a rep...
Coral step-uncle's house

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Date: April 30th, 2024 6:51 PM
Author: Fiercely-loyal trip gaping


Now in sports the ability to win 1-score games is usually seen as random, but something tells me Biden will repeat thsi performance in 2024....


States where the margin of victory was under 1% (37 electoral votes; all won by Biden):

Georgia, 0.23% (11,779 votes) – 16 electoral votes

Arizona, 0.31% (10,457 votes) – 11 electoral votes

Wisconsin, 0.63% (20,682 votes) – 10 electoral votes (tipping-point state for Biden victory)[328]

States where the margin of victory was between 1% and 5% (86 electoral votes; 42 won by Biden, 44 by Trump):

Pennsylvania, 1.16% (80,555 votes) – 20 electoral votes (tipping-point state for Trump victory)[329]

North Carolina, 1.35% (74,483 votes) – 15 electoral votes

Nevada, 2.39% (33,596 votes) – 6 electoral votes

Michigan, 2.78% (154,188 votes) – 16 electoral votes

Florida, 3.36% (371,686 votes) – 29 electoral votes


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Date: April 30th, 2024 7:09 PM
Author: Coral step-uncle's house

In modern elections the re-election campaign is mostly a repeat of the past one, like in 2004, 2012, and 2020. Each time the incumbent lost a state or two that he won previously. I expect the same result here. Biden probably loses Georgia and maybe Wisconsin and Arizona. The question is does he lose all three of those or just two.
