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Jews, do you feel that you are superior?

Several studies have indicated that the highest-IQ race in t...
Histrionic Fantasy-prone School
It's hilarious when low IQ Jews like DBG feel superior becau...
Lake Flickering Business Firm Mental Disorder
have u ever actually met a truly low-IQ ashkenaz jew? There...
Rough-skinned state
>have u ever actually met a truly low-IQ ashkenaz jew? ...
Lake Flickering Business Firm Mental Disorder
disregard my post, your post, and think about only one thing...
Rough-skinned state
Can you formulate a coherent realistic platform and strategy...
Lake Flickering Business Firm Mental Disorder
Guess not here is a funny cartoon then https://www.you...
Lake Flickering Business Firm Mental Disorder
insanely creepy mind-boggling gay wizard
jews are like the Great Lakes. some are superior, some are e...
Aqua nursing home
feel? we are
Bateful lodge selfie
insanely creepy mind-boggling gay wizard
damn, that arrogance!
cerise tanning salon lettuce

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Date: October 6th, 2017 6:58 PM
Author: Histrionic Fantasy-prone School

Several studies have indicated that the highest-IQ race in the entire world = european jews (ashkenazi).


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Date: October 6th, 2017 7:10 PM
Author: Lake Flickering Business Firm Mental Disorder

It's hilarious when low IQ Jews like DBG feel superior because SOME Jews absorbed high IQ European genes.


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Date: October 7th, 2017 1:14 AM
Author: Rough-skinned state

have u ever actually met a truly low-IQ ashkenaz jew? There is no such thing. am i trying to hype up the jew thread? nah but this shit should be discussed and like i said earlier jewish traditions should be at least a small theme in christian schools - the only thing kids learn about is the holocaust - so, the only thing kids learn about is KILLING jews. I've said this for years and i'll say it again now -- whites need to PARTNER with jews and not push them aside. If the world came down to brass & knuckle, it would be Germans and Russians putting jews into garbage disposals. let's not have that again.


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Date: October 7th, 2017 3:36 AM
Author: Lake Flickering Business Firm Mental Disorder

>have u ever actually met a truly low-IQ ashkenaz jew?

No, I have not met any Jews, but the elders in my village warned me against them

>There is no such thing.

It is quite possible, after all, they are mostly white

>jewish traditions should be at least a small theme in christian schools - the only thing kids learn about is the holocaust - so, the only thing kids learn about is KILLING jews.

In my Christian school we also learned about the Holocaust of Sodom and Gomorrah. Those visiting angels were quite homicidal I understand, even more homicidal than Hitler, but for some reason they are the good guys, and Hitler is the bad guy. It confuses me greatly.

>I've said this for years and i'll say it again now -- whites need to PARTNER with Jews and not push them aside.

I could not agree more. The consideration here is that Jews are not monolithic, take activities of Soros, for instance, vs some observant Jew who tries to live moral life. I was told a hilarious story about Soros trying to start shit in Israel, and how the whole thing fell apart for him - a small win for mankind.

>If the world came down to brass & knuckle, it would be Germans and Russians putting Jews into garbage disposals. let's not have that again.

I absolutely disagree with this statement on Germans and Russians. It's a bizarre delusion, or some sort of misapplied preservation instinct misleading the Jews. Perhaps they are too far removed from the memory of some honest to goodness savages fighting them, so they remember Germans and Russians. It's going to be Islam next time, should Western civilization fail, with enthusiastic help of at least some of the Jews. And it's not going to be "maybe camps were to keep the Jews there for the duration of war, or maybe not", it is going to be knives and guts in the streets.

It is obvious to me that Jews insist on inviting major horrors upon themselves. In Jew mythology this tendency manifests through the repeating story of God warning Jews not to become arrogant and corrupt, Jews telling him to fuck off, the result being the next epic punishment. Today it manifests again through Jews trying their best to set themselves up for the Muslim knives, see above.


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Date: October 7th, 2017 4:26 AM
Author: Rough-skinned state

disregard my post, your post, and think about only one thing: jews and whites should unite.


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Date: October 7th, 2017 6:56 AM
Author: Lake Flickering Business Firm Mental Disorder

Can you formulate a coherent realistic platform and strategy?


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Date: October 9th, 2017 5:16 AM
Author: Lake Flickering Business Firm Mental Disorder

Guess not

here is a funny cartoon then



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Date: October 9th, 2017 8:53 AM
Author: insanely creepy mind-boggling gay wizard


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Date: October 10th, 2017 10:17 AM
Author: Aqua nursing home

jews are like the Great Lakes. some are superior, some are eerie, and some are downright michigana.


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Date: October 10th, 2017 10:33 AM
Author: Bateful lodge selfie

feel? we are


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Date: October 10th, 2017 7:48 PM
Author: insanely creepy mind-boggling gay wizard


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Date: October 10th, 2017 7:49 PM
Author: cerise tanning salon lettuce

damn, that arrogance!
