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lol XO is going to love this woman

Insane jew gaping
now there's a woman who deserves to be forever alone. jfc.
Bateful Senate
Comical turdskin degenerate
uh, no. she's terrible. " I have NEVER been in a re...
Bateful Senate
Comical turdskin degenerate
so you did catch herpes from that guy, then?
Dashing Becky Really Tough Guy
(insane, promiscious cawg) r u fucking kidding me it's...
emerald supple masturbator plaza
Comical turdskin degenerate
i like my penis without sores popping up every month
emerald supple masturbator plaza
Comical turdskin degenerate
that's not a roulette that most people would be intersted in...
emerald supple masturbator plaza
so 10% of the population has symptomatic herpes? that doesn...
gay low-t marketing idea
yeah thats why you can't tell the dude. but you still have o...
Insane jew gaping
lmao. maybe tmf was right after all.
emerald supple masturbator plaza
Insane jew gaping
c'mon this was better than my revenge on roommate post. i ge...
Insane jew gaping
Comical turdskin degenerate
Comical turdskin degenerate
Bateful Senate
Comical turdskin degenerate
i read it as her sly bat shit crazy way of saying have a guy...
maniacal erotic mad cow disease
Pale stimulating school weed whacker
(actual retard)
Histrionic Lake Set
no way
haunting menage
Bateful Senate
Razzle Zombie-like Crackhouse
this basically describes all 30+ single women
provocative locus
Diseased slut wants it all. Story at 11.
Buck-toothed Cruise Ship Ceo

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: January 2nd, 2013 6:34 AM
Author: Insane jew gaping



This is kind of a last resort that I am writing to you. I am a 32 year old woman that contacted herpes 2 on my 30th bday, exactly, from a guy I was dating who cheated on me. I have NEVER been in a relationship because every guy I have ever dated has told me "I can't commit," or "I'm not sleeping with anyone else now, but I might"...and other various degrading comments. I have NEVER had a guy care about me, not one time.

Just so you know, I am extremely attractive with amazing genes and I work out every single day to maintain my 18 year old body at 32. I am not saying this to brag but to let you know this is not the reason I can't get a guy. I like bad boys, and men that are powerful or get a lot of respect. I know this is bad but I can't change it. I wish I liked the computer nerd, I really do. I have tried dozens of times, dating "normal guys" and they bore me to tears! Please don't tell me to try dating them again, because I have and I know what I like. I am not into hurting their feelings. My mom is married to my dad because she thinks he's a good guy. They NEVER have sex because there is no chemistry and have almost been divorced over this and I had to hear it every day growing up. I want sparks. I don't want to repeat the dull, sexless relationship I saw growing up. But now I feel I can't because I have an STD.

I have pretty much written myself off in the dating world. There is no way I could ever tell a guy this. (I have never even been in love so I don't know what it's like to really share secrets and have someone accept them). I know that condoms can help but I hate them and I would rather not have sex than use them. That's why I have been abstinent for 2 years. Please don't tell me to use them, I HATE them. I would rather not, and that's it. If that's your answer, I will marry my vibrator. I know what good sex is and you can't have that with a condom and I am sure you know that as well.

How can I cope with this, and don't say use condoms and be honest. Don't tell me to use a herpes dating sight. That is what everyone says. I'm being honest and I am sure I represent a lot of people. Condoms are not really that practical and neither is telling someone you have herpes. In fact, most people I know don't tell! That is the truth. What can I do to not be alone forever???? I LOVE your site and I think you can provide a real answer.


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 6:42 AM
Author: Bateful Senate

now there's a woman who deserves to be forever alone. jfc.


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 6:47 AM
Author: Comical turdskin degenerate


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 6:52 AM
Author: Bateful Senate

uh, no. she's terrible.

" I have NEVER been in a relationship because every guy I have ever dated has told me "I can't commit," or "I'm not sleeping with anyone else now, but I might"...and other various degrading comments. I have NEVER had a guy care about me, not one time."

this is completely retarded given her preferences in men. she needs to stfu if that's what she wants.


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 6:57 AM
Author: Comical turdskin degenerate


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Date: January 3rd, 2013 2:23 PM
Author: Dashing Becky Really Tough Guy

so you did catch herpes from that guy, then?


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 7:22 AM
Author: emerald supple masturbator plaza

(insane, promiscious cawg)

r u fucking kidding me

it's fucking disgusting, and i would lose all desire to have sex with the person.


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 7:30 AM
Author: Comical turdskin degenerate


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 7:52 AM
Author: emerald supple masturbator plaza

i like my penis without sores popping up every month


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 7:55 AM
Author: Comical turdskin degenerate


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 8:08 AM
Author: emerald supple masturbator plaza

that's not a roulette that most people would be intersted in playing.

any kind of disease has implications about the person, and STD's obviously even more so. there is this phrase in chinese - "jie shen zi ai", which means "love yourself and have a clean body".

when i pass through places like thailand or whatever, why do i not get whores? its because i love myself and my current and future partners enough to keep myself clean.


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Date: January 3rd, 2013 2:36 PM
Author: gay low-t marketing idea

so 10% of the population has symptomatic herpes? that doesn't seem right.


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 7:33 AM
Author: Insane jew gaping

yeah thats why you can't tell the dude. but you still have options.

1. you fuck him until he gets tested/gets an outbreak and tests positive. when he tells/confronts you, you run the gambit of emotions depending on what you think you can get away with e.g. fear ("oh god, *I* might have it!"), anger ("how did you not KNOW? there are two of us in this relationship but obviously you don't think about ME"), confusion (offer sympathy for his condition as though you don't realize it even might have anything to do with you - "I still love you, it doesn't matter to me"), shock, whatever.

2. fuck him for a good while and then pretend that YOU just got tested, and got positive test results. the moral person that you are, of course the first you did was disclose this to your sexual partner. definitely insinuate that you believe you got it from him ("I just don't understand, I ALWAYS used condoms before I was with you"), which will help you in case he tests positive. if he tests negative, it looks like you never knowingly exposed him to it. he will also learn that it is possible and in fact, perfectly okay, to continue fucking you without fear of contracting it. then you can go read up on the literature together and sidestep the whole betrayal conversation.

most people are lazy and only think as far as 1 but the smart girl knows that 2 is the better route.


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 7:54 AM
Author: emerald supple masturbator plaza


maybe tmf was right after all.


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 9:32 PM
Author: Insane jew gaping



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Date: January 3rd, 2013 1:03 PM
Author: Insane jew gaping

c'mon this was better than my revenge on roommate post. i get nothing???


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Date: January 3rd, 2013 2:10 PM
Author: Comical turdskin degenerate


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 6:43 AM
Author: Comical turdskin degenerate


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 6:52 AM
Author: Bateful Senate



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Date: January 2nd, 2013 6:57 AM
Author: Comical turdskin degenerate


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 8:52 AM
Author: maniacal erotic mad cow disease

i read it as her sly bat shit crazy way of saying have a guy on the side to keep fucking and use condoms during this period, then if you still like your man dump the lover


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 6:54 AM
Author: Pale stimulating school weed whacker



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Date: January 2nd, 2013 6:57 AM
Author: Histrionic Lake Set

(actual retard)


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Date: January 3rd, 2013 2:52 PM
Author: haunting menage

no way


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 5:59 PM
Author: Bateful Senate


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Date: January 2nd, 2013 7:30 PM
Author: Razzle Zombie-like Crackhouse


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Date: January 3rd, 2013 2:26 PM
Author: provocative locus

this basically describes all 30+ single women


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Date: January 3rd, 2013 2:32 PM
Author: Buck-toothed Cruise Ship Ceo

Diseased slut wants it all. Story at 11.
