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the Smithereens almost sound proto-grunge

they were popular in the mid-80s, but their sound is very mi...
Brilliant Chad Theater
Brilliant Chad Theater
they were a damned good power-pop band. behind the wall of ...
bearded market party of the first part
lmfao, yikes. they always remind me of the 90s sound, with ...
Brilliant Chad Theater

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Date: September 25th, 2015 10:51 PM
Author: Brilliant Chad Theater

they were popular in the mid-80s, but their sound is very mid-90s



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Date: September 24th, 2017 5:09 PM
Author: Brilliant Chad Theater


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Date: September 24th, 2017 5:13 PM
Author: bearded market party of the first part

they were a damned good power-pop band. behind the wall of sleep, drown in my own tears, only a memory, a girl like you, etc. i think they weren't as successful as they might have been because their lead singer was not very telegenic:



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Date: September 24th, 2017 5:19 PM
Author: Brilliant Chad Theater

lmfao, yikes.

they always remind me of the 90s sound, with the bass line up-front in the mix like Nirvana did it, the pop power chords -- and the way he sings, especially. his voice has a real resemblance to 90s singers, with that swallowed baritone style, like Evan Dando.

they sound like they could have been contemporary with the Gin Blossoms in the mid 90s, rather than a band from the mid 80s.
