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Desk Job v. Sidebiz/Sidejobs/enjoying life

Most important existential question for you bros: Is putting...
bateful underhanded associate
I enjoy living indoors and eating regularly, and that is why...
Excitant base
define "enjoying your life"
Thirsty deranged personal credit line
having free time to pursue hobbies, traveling once every 2 m...
bateful underhanded associate
Thirsty deranged personal credit line
bateful underhanded associate
No, I just find when you make enjoyment the focus of your li...
Thirsty deranged personal credit line
way better than marriage and kids
Electric preventive strike casino
why does everybody see everything as a binary choice here? ...
Thirsty deranged personal credit line
if you want to fully run a business it's hard to sit a desk ...
bateful underhanded associate
tbf, he never said anything about rampant hedonism. he just ...
seedy parlor
"having free time to pursue hobbies, traveling once eve...
Godawful rigor laser beams
but you sit a desk doing shit you don't want to do for 40hrs...
bateful underhanded associate
Depends on whether you want a wife + kid. Have an inheratanc...
Rough-skinned razzmatazz whorehouse sneaky criminal
Pretty sure I will inherit close to $1 million but that will...
bateful underhanded associate
it's friday 5PM. Everyone ready to enjoy the 2 days of non-w...
bateful underhanded associate
How much do you make? Are you older than 27? U have prest...
Supple Elite Dopamine Lodge
sounds like an angsty millenial recent grad shithead to me.
Godawful rigor laser beams
Yup. Life will hit him with reality and he will be begging f...
Supple Elite Dopamine Lodge
Right now I have said desk job and lucrative side biz. I cou...
bateful underhanded associate
Give us a HINT on what your side business is? IT?
Histrionic tantric stead nibblets
airbnb rentals
bateful underhanded associate
Younger than 27, prestigious credentials yes
bateful underhanded associate
i make 55k, 26, and pay 1.5k on rent every month in HCL city...
bateful underhanded associate
Heady locus
the white collar guys will have saddled themselves with wive...
Motley national security agency
Starting your own biz/firm is better, imo. Of course, if you...
lascivious costumed sweet tailpipe hall
I left biglaw to be a solo for that exact reason. I make les...
Turquoise flirting pit hissy fit
lascivious costumed sweet tailpipe hall
bateful underhanded associate
bros i am almost free. 40k in savings with 5k/month in p...
Sable Area Rigpig
Honey-headed Step-uncle's House
Invested the income from my $60k/year shitjob into a side jo...
Sable Area Rigpig
and let me guess, you can't or won't give any useful details...
Honey-headed Step-uncle's House
bateful underhanded associate
i won't go into specific details but it involves the leasing...
Sable Area Rigpig
Like chain saw loan mowers and shit?
bateful underhanded associate
i started out with shit like that but quickly moved upstream...
Sable Area Rigpig
Like bobcats and shit? Where do you store them when they are...
bateful underhanded associate
storage isn't really an issue, it ends up backing out financ...
Sable Area Rigpig
my business is in a legal gray area... meaning there is like...
bateful underhanded associate
Sounds like Airbnb
Sable Area Rigpig
yup. i think i already told this bord.
bateful underhanded associate
use the cash to do something else real estate-related or get...
Sable Area Rigpig
This is good advice. I've definitely thought of doing proper...
bateful underhanded associate
OR you could do high volume conventional rentals in a cheape...
Sable Area Rigpig
sorry bro, I didn't see that throw away email. wanted to sen...
bateful underhanded associate
I'd hesitate to buy right now. I'd love to buy when the mark...
bateful underhanded associate
Bro the cr is to stash cash and work hard in your 20s. Then ...
big-titted stage
How did you stash 800k in your 20s?
bateful underhanded associate
no student loans (scholarship) + 5 years biglaw + bull marke...
big-titted stage
still doesnt get you to 800k, but nice fantasy. have you he...
plum volcanic crater boltzmann
my post-tax earnings by year: 110k 125k 140k 160k 190...
big-titted stage
numbers add up hypothetically, if you have the discipline an...
plum volcanic crater boltzmann
i agree it's not necessary if you plan on working till 65. ...
big-titted stage
Congrats bro, you did it like a rational person. I often thi...
bateful underhanded associate
just have your parents heavily subsidize you
plum volcanic crater boltzmann
lols. my parents are both teachers and had 4 kids. i wen...
big-titted stage
ok johnsmeyer. how much were you investing per year?
plum volcanic crater boltzmann
How old were you when you graduated law school? Isn't the av...
Supple Elite Dopamine Lodge
I've never had more free time as an adult than when working ...
Ultramarine newt

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: October 2nd, 2015 10:46 AM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

Most important existential question for you bros: Is putting in time at a lame office job worth it?

Is putting in time at a bullshit office job worth it vs. saying fuck you to society, starting a business no matter what it is to make $, working sidejobs, cafes, driving uber/working part time and enjoying your life?

I seem to side with the latter but the important issue of long term feasibility comes into play. Where will the non-office guys be in 15 years when office white collar dudes have finally worked their way up to good pay/thinking about retiring? You can't work at a cafe til you're 60.


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Date: October 4th, 2015 10:24 PM
Author: Excitant base

I enjoy living indoors and eating regularly, and that is why I keep my lame office job.


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 10:47 AM
Author: Thirsty deranged personal credit line

define "enjoying your life"


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 10:50 AM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

having free time to pursue hobbies, traveling once every 2 months to places you've never been. playing sports and going out 3 times a week.


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 10:50 AM
Author: Thirsty deranged personal credit line



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Date: October 2nd, 2015 10:52 AM
Author: bateful underhanded associate



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Date: October 2nd, 2015 10:54 AM
Author: Thirsty deranged personal credit line

No, I just find when you make enjoyment the focus of your life that it becomes elusive and meaningless


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 11:04 AM
Author: Electric preventive strike casino

way better than marriage and kids


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 11:06 AM
Author: Thirsty deranged personal credit line

why does everybody see everything as a binary choice here?

either rampant hedonism or marriage and kids, no in between...is this just an aspie thing?


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 11:53 AM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

if you want to fully run a business it's hard to sit a desk doing something else for 50 hrs a week


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 9:09 PM
Author: seedy parlor

tbf, he never said anything about rampant hedonism. he just said traveling and going out some and having hobbies.


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 12:06 PM
Author: Godawful rigor laser beams

"having free time to pursue hobbies, traveling once every 2 months to places you've never been. playing sports and going out 3 times a week."

i do all these things and make decent money. why don't you look for a 9-5?


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 1:46 PM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

but you sit a desk doing shit you don't want to do for 40hrs a week. you get a 3% raise every year if you're lucky.


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 1:54 PM
Author: Rough-skinned razzmatazz whorehouse sneaky criminal

Depends on whether you want a wife + kid. Have an inheratance coming eventually, etc.


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 2:09 PM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

Pretty sure I will inherit close to $1 million but that will be another ~20-30 yrs. Net savings is already around 70k. Why not live it up while in my 20's? Not sure if I ever want a wife or a kid. Life is too fleeting for that and I feel like I'd fuck it up. Not fair to them.


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 5:18 PM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

it's friday 5PM. Everyone ready to enjoy the 2 days of non-wage slave labor?


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 8:58 PM
Author: Supple Elite Dopamine Lodge

How much do you make? Are you older than 27?

U have prestigious credentials?


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 9:07 PM
Author: Godawful rigor laser beams

sounds like an angsty millenial recent grad shithead to me.


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 9:08 PM
Author: Supple Elite Dopamine Lodge

Yup. Life will hit him with reality and he will be begging for a boring deskjob


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 11:48 AM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

Right now I have said desk job and lucrative side biz. I could make more money in side biz full time, but I'd rather but a double threat so to speak. I'm young and I worked hard for credentials, don't wanna throw that all away. A senior level white collard job could be 180. But so is making an extra 6k a montb with side biz


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Date: November 9th, 2015 5:54 PM
Author: Histrionic tantric stead nibblets

Give us a HINT on what your side business is? IT?


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Date: November 9th, 2015 9:18 PM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

airbnb rentals


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 11:43 AM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

Younger than 27, prestigious credentials yes


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Date: October 27th, 2015 11:13 PM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

i make 55k, 26, and pay 1.5k on rent every month in HCL city.

Some would say so, but my city is very 'network and put your time in'


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 7:47 PM
Author: Heady locus


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 8:59 PM
Author: Motley national security agency

the white collar guys will have saddled themselves with wives and kids by the time they maek and as such, will have not made it in any way that meaningfully affects quality of life, other than perhaps marrying a truly horrid shrew


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 9:12 PM
Author: lascivious costumed sweet tailpipe hall

Starting your own biz/firm is better, imo. Of course, if you're locked in with a wife/kids/tons of debt, it's difficult to do.


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 10:40 PM
Author: Turquoise flirting pit hissy fit

I left biglaw to be a solo for that exact reason. I make less than biglaw but you can't put a price on freedom.


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 12:17 AM
Author: lascivious costumed sweet tailpipe hall


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Date: October 27th, 2015 11:14 PM
Author: bateful underhanded associate


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 10:57 PM
Author: Sable Area Rigpig

bros i am almost free.

40k in savings with 5k/month in passive income.


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Date: October 2nd, 2015 11:11 PM
Author: Honey-headed Step-uncle's House



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Date: October 2nd, 2015 11:29 PM
Author: Sable Area Rigpig

Invested the income from my $60k/year shitjob into a side job with a very high ROIC.

The side job is getting increasingly time-consuming and lucrative, so not sure how much longer the $3400 after taxes will make sense.


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 12:16 AM
Author: Honey-headed Step-uncle's House

and let me guess, you can't or won't give any useful details about what side job you 'invested' in?


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 11:44 AM
Author: bateful underhanded associate


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 1:12 PM
Author: Sable Area Rigpig

i won't go into specific details but it involves the leasing of hard assets.

i started out leasing machinery long-term and sub-leasing it for a shorter term.

now i am starting to buy it as it's easy to get debt for hard assets and interest rates are low.

if you're starting from nothing and don't have specific skills, hard assets is the way to go (and it probably shouldn't be real estate if you want to get rich quick--real estate is pretty saturated so the only way to make REAL money is through appreciation, which is hard to guess).


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 1:20 PM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

Like chain saw loan mowers and shit?


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 1:23 PM
Author: Sable Area Rigpig

i started out with shit like that but quickly moved upstream to heavier machinery.


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 1:45 PM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

Like bobcats and shit? Where do you store them when they aren't being used? Aren't there a ton of liability issues?


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 2:01 PM
Author: Sable Area Rigpig

storage isn't really an issue, it ends up backing out financially.

i have insurance, with an umbrella liability cap of $5MM. it's cheap--commercial insurance is a commodity, unless you are talking about stuff like patent insurance where there are unknown risks.

there are always issues with liability when you are doing a startup. you just kind of have to hope nothing terrible happens until you're at a scale where you are no longer vulnerable.

if you want to break free, you have to take risks. unless you break the law you aren't going to jail and the worst thing that can happen is bankruptcy, which isn't that much worse than being a corporate slave.


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 2:51 PM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

my business is in a legal gray area... meaning there is like a 10% chance i could get fined if caught (small fine, and no jail time). I think that's why I'm so apprehensive to do it full time.. I'm constantly teetering on the edge of quitting job and doing it full time and giving it all up to go wage slave full time. It's very frustrating to wallow in such indecisiveness.


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 7:46 PM
Author: Sable Area Rigpig

Sounds like Airbnb


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 9:01 PM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

yup. i think i already told this bord.


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Date: October 4th, 2015 5:23 PM
Author: Sable Area Rigpig

use the cash to do something else real estate-related or get properties in cities where it's legal.

as you move upstream, returns are not as good but the appreciation can still yield 60%/year while being cash-flow positive if you pick a place right. airbnb is something like 120%/year but that's the cost of being legal..

main reason i haven't quit shitjob is debt and not sure what my finances are--haven't had time to organize them.


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Date: October 4th, 2015 10:05 PM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

This is good advice. I've definitely thought of doing property management and trying to form a company based on me signing long term leases with house owners and then renting them out short term and keeping the difference. But I don't know if there's demand and I'd probably be violating code to do so.

I mean, my city has an agreement with airbnb and for every reservation is my city, city gets a percentage (guest is charged). So I don't think my city is going to come after anyone unless they are a straight slum lord, running a whole building as a hotel or something. Also, in the cities where it's legal, I imagine it's not profitable, and it's also not really legal - you have to get a license and approval and all this shit, and definitely couldn't get licensed if you're renting out an apartment that you're renting. But you're right, a property manager or company could potentially sue me... but for what? A few thousand dollars? It's not worth it for them.

My goal is to save up to buy a house and rent out short term. I'm like 6 months away from having 20% down. It would be awesome if I could find an investor, or even take out a loan (but I lack the business acumen to do so). That is essentially legal if I get the license to rent and I won't be breaking any building rules/having to deal with on site managers.

when you say "move upstream" i assume you mean buying properties and creating short term "corporate housing" or vacation rentals?


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Date: October 9th, 2015 5:27 PM
Author: Sable Area Rigpig

OR you could do high volume conventional rentals in a cheaper area. some of the once-ghettoes in cleveland are becoming hip, for example.


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Date: November 8th, 2015 8:10 PM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

sorry bro, I didn't see that throw away email. wanted to send you an email and chat.


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Date: October 27th, 2015 11:20 PM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

I'd hesitate to buy right now. I'd love to buy when the market crashes, which we are due for in the next 1-5 years...

Do you have a throwaway email to talk more? Cheers.


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 12:23 PM
Author: big-titted stage

Bro the cr is to stash cash and work hard in your 20s. Then you are set for life no matter what you want to do.

29 year old here with 800k NW. I plan to quit the office bullshit by 33-35.



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Date: October 3rd, 2015 1:21 PM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

How did you stash 800k in your 20s?


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 1:23 PM
Author: big-titted stage

no student loans (scholarship) + 5 years biglaw + bull market + living on 35-40k per year.


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 1:25 PM
Author: plum volcanic crater boltzmann

still doesnt get you to 800k, but nice fantasy. have you heard of taxes?


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 1:30 PM
Author: big-titted stage

my post-tax earnings by year:






savings by year:






total savings:


stock market plus real estate appreciation (bought home for 500k in 2011, up roughly 25% since then) gets me to 800K


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 1:34 PM
Author: plum volcanic crater boltzmann

numbers add up hypothetically, if you have the discipline and in a low COL area. however, given you're ideal no debt big-law situation, the discipline is unnecessary unless you want to retire at 35 or something.


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 1:39 PM
Author: big-titted stage

i agree it's not necessary if you plan on working till 65.

i haven't felt like i've made any sacrifices though. the sad truth is that i haven't had time to spend money as a biglaw associate.

i do get satisfaction that i'll have 1.5M saved by 33 and have plenty of flexibility post-biglaw.


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 1:50 PM
Author: bateful underhanded associate

Congrats bro, you did it like a rational person. I often think of going to a lower T14 with little debt but I don't think I could put up with biglaw for more than a few years, so its not really worth it.


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 1:24 PM
Author: plum volcanic crater boltzmann

just have your parents heavily subsidize you


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 1:26 PM
Author: big-titted stage

lols. my parents are both teachers and had 4 kids.

i went in-state for ugrad (5k per year) and went to a lower t14 on full scholarship instead of hys.


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 1:29 PM
Author: plum volcanic crater boltzmann

ok johnsmeyer. how much were you investing per year?


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Date: October 3rd, 2015 7:49 PM
Author: Supple Elite Dopamine Lodge

How old were you when you graduated law school? Isn't the average age of law graduates 28???


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Date: October 5th, 2015 12:34 AM
Author: Ultramarine newt

I've never had more free time as an adult than when working a 9-5. Trying to string together enough side jobs to pay the bills is far more stressful and time consuming.

Starting a business can be credited, but you'll almost always have even less free time.
