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wtf is going on at github--are all SF companies like this psycho leftist?

Cracking blood rage jewess
not all companies are. github is kind of a tragic tale that...
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
Lime stirring principal's office
Isn't the founder an unhinged SJW too?
Talented Faggot Firefighter
Well technically there were 3 founders, but if I'm rememberi...
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
why do you put commas inside your close parentheses. wtf doo...
Angry Razzmatazz Locale
i will leave them there as a testament to my shame
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
Is this incorrect? I think the "T" in "The&qu...
Cheese-eating bawdyhouse fanboi
i fired off that message on the train and didn't pay attenti...
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
Angry Razzmatazz Locale
reddit actually avoided this fate by, once they recognized t...
snowy mad cow disease national security agency
Now that's an interesting one because they're still grapplin...
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
4chan actually did it, too, when moot became friends with so...
snowy mad cow disease national security agency
Japan's take on American SJWism is honestly one of the most ...
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
snowy mad cow disease national security agency
xo Hideo Kojima
impertinent senate
Honey-headed ladyboy new version
i'm reading this right, he basically said to appease 12yos h...
snowy mad cow disease national security agency
The irony is that they ended up with an even bigger SJW as C...
Talented Faggot Firefighter
Tripping field
Lime stirring principal's office
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
Lime stirring principal's office
Lime stirring principal's office
Lascivious sinister area
Lime stirring principal's office
fucking LOL i remember that too. there was some woman who p...
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
Lascivious sinister area
Lime stirring principal's office
I would be upset if she didn't earn as much as that neckbear...
Talented Faggot Firefighter
Angry Razzmatazz Locale
Lascivious sinister area
https://github.com/emilyrose Is she a transexual? I hones...
Talented Faggot Firefighter
Lascivious sinister area
the page actually says the average code length change submis...
snowy mad cow disease national security agency
Lascivious sinister area
i taught your mom what longer means
snowy mad cow disease national security agency
Lascivious sinister area
Holy shit nelson! you know we actually named you sue
snowy mad cow disease national security agency
seems like the most active users are predominantly men, and ...
Slippery Histrionic Degenerate Heaven
powercuck analysis here http://slatestarcodex.com/2016/02/12...
startling fragrant telephone chapel
ty and good turn of phrase
Slippery Histrionic Degenerate Heaven
That's actually kind of an interesting article/study. The d...
Vibrant Hyperactive Mediation
LJL at the article concluding "women succeed more than ...
snowy mad cow disease national security agency
i can haz small fortune?
Angry Razzmatazz Locale
sorry bro i'm not rich enough to make others rich; just rich...
snowy mad cow disease national security agency
Lascivious sinister area
Lime stirring principal's office
"But while Isaac is a Joyent employee, Ben is not—and i...
mauve tantric antidepressant drug pervert
"why are genderless pronouns plural " I'm not ent...
snowy mad cow disease national security agency
They/them is infinitely preferable to some new bullshit like...
Vibrant Hyperactive Mediation
snowy mad cow disease national security agency
god damn I fucking hate internet "journalists"
territorial doobsian round eye
It’s almost an inverse echo of Adria Richards and “DongleGat...
Violent Motley Factory Reset Button Giraffe
Lol holy shit. I read this thinking that it was sympathizing...
Lilac goal in life
Lascivious sinister area
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
Lime stirring principal's office
kill the world now
startling fragrant telephone chapel
*donates more money to trump*
Talented Faggot Firefighter
You guys are gonna like this: http://www.ghacks.net/2015/...
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
Lascivious sinister area
Lascivious sinister area
Lime stirring principal's office
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
Lime stirring principal's office
this must be a parody edit: ok yea it is
startling fragrant telephone chapel
Lascivious sinister area
Lascivious sinister area
Lascivious sinister area
LOL she has all this activity that's literally nothing but c...
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
Lascivious sinister area
Lascivious sinister area
chest-beating haunting famous landscape painting
Lime stirring principal's office
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
Lascivious sinister area
mauve tantric antidepressant drug pervert
Diversity will only STRENGTHEN tech!
Henna church building scourge upon the earth
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
I just picture Bernie cowering in a corner as these SJWs tak...
Talented Faggot Firefighter
that's some 4channer trolling, u idiots. it's actually heart...
territorial doobsian round eye
It's real. https://github.com/dangerrust Interesting r...
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
Someone please bait one of these unhinged SJWs to xoxo.
Talented Faggot Firefighter
we did. their names are j-j-j-ulia, blue smoke and paulie po...
Angry Razzmatazz Locale
red soggy legal warrant corner
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
paulie, for all his faults, is a real nigga at bottom. no di...
Cruel-hearted Sneaky Criminal
So is github like some website u go to to change code for fr...
mustard passionate rehab
Kind of. You can upload code and make changes and it shows ...
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
So wheres the whole sjw thing coming from? Employees?
mustard passionate rehab
Github made it very easy to reach out to their team (the peo...
Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend
So random bitches are messaging its employees about coc abbr...
mustard passionate rehab
Lascivious sinister area
startling fragrant telephone chapel
(une fagôt)
snowy mad cow disease national security agency
SJWs consider any large user-driven website where people con...
territorial doobsian round eye
You think there will be a point where people regain their ba...
mustard passionate rehab
I have 7 recruiters working for me. Have looked at a couple ...
Adventurous burgundy cruise ship electric furnace
How has this thread gone on for so long with NO ONE mentioni...
pontificating university
Lascivious sinister area
tbf this was not while she was employed by github, so it's n...
snowy mad cow disease national security agency
ljl, hope they get DISRUPTED
Violent Motley Factory Reset Button Giraffe
I think there's a misunderstanding in this thread. I know ma...
Aromatic deranged hall friendly grandma
when they do, the SJWs will be out on their ass. that's why ...
Slippery Histrionic Degenerate Heaven
for all of github's claims of "diversity" and havi...
Crusty Disgusting Bbw Reading Party
Lascivious sinister area
Angry Razzmatazz Locale
Lascivious sinister area
Comical property

Poast new message in this thread

Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:11 PM
Author: Cracking blood rage jewess


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Date: February 12th, 2016 6:22 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend

not all companies are. github is kind of a tragic tale that's all-too-common in the valley of a well-meaning but naive white dork founder who gets browbeaten by the social justice crowd and continually caves to their demands until they finally decide to devour him.

It started when some SJWs got upset that he had a rug in his office saying "In Meritocracy We Trust" which they claimed was their justification of 'white privilege' and an excuse for why there were so many white male engineers at Github. So they scrapped the rug and 'pledged to make changes' which really meant making diversity hires in a show of kissing the ring. Then there was this bizarre sexual harassment suit that got brought by one of the diversity hires that was ultimately revealed to be baseless, but by then the damage was done. because being accused of sexual harassment is almost as bad as actually committing it, he stepped down, and now people are claiming this whole thing is actually good for github because they're bringing in 'professionals' to 'clean up' the culture.

What this will mean is: their best engineers will leave (the cream of the crop left long ago--these guys are very good at sussing out the social justice bullshit,) and the company will cling to life as it's overtaken by competitors. Github will be fine for a while before it begins its downward slide, however, and social justice types will parade around this as demonstrating how diversity/progressivism 'helps' companies.

This also happened to the CEO of Mozilla (firefox.)


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:24 PM
Author: Lime stirring principal's office


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:36 PM
Author: Talented Faggot Firefighter

Isn't the founder an unhinged SJW too?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:42 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend

Well technically there were 3 founders, but if I'm remembering this correctly, there was one who was pretty hardcore SJW, one who wasn't (The guy who got ousted, coincidentally the most valuable technically,) and one who was halfway (this guy went on to be the current CEO.)

Even the SJW one wasn't really unhinged, he was basically just reacting to the commands of the SJW community.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:03 PM
Author: Angry Razzmatazz Locale

why do you put commas inside your close parentheses. wtf dood


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:05 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend

i will leave them there as a testament to my shame


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 10:09 PM
Author: Cheese-eating bawdyhouse fanboi

Is this incorrect? I think the "T" in "The" shouldn't be capitalized because the parenthetical is part of the original sentence, but are you not allowed to put commas in parentheticals at all (asking because, inter alia, my Biglaw friend wants to know)?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 11:32 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend

i fired off that message on the train and didn't pay attention to the weirdness my phone was injecting into my writing. should have known better.



Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:38 PM
Author: Angry Razzmatazz Locale



Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:49 PM
Author: snowy mad cow disease national security agency

reddit actually avoided this fate by, once they recognized the SJW CEO was SPS, firing her


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:55 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend

Now that's an interesting one because they're still grappling with the SJW problem. Unlike Twitter, which has decided to double down on favoring SJW demands, (and is paying heavily for it) Reddit kind of put a halt on the SJW stuff after Pao left, but not entirely. I remember there was like a 1-2 month period where they were 'quarantining' subreddits (requiring people to register to see them) that were 'politically incorrect,' but they slowed down on that once people started freaking out directly to the new CEO about the original founder's (aaron swartz) intentions for reddit (freedom of information etc.)

Honestly I think a lot of companies are looking to other companies on the vanguard of the progressivism wave to see how things turn out for them--and they plan on steering themselves accordingly.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:02 PM
Author: snowy mad cow disease national security agency

4chan actually did it, too, when moot became friends with some SJWs irl he gave them mod powers, and the reaction was so strong he revoked the powers and literally sold the site to a japanese insane dood who runs 2chan, the original gangsta and super anti-SJW

ljl i have some insane shitlib friends who have been living in japan for a few years and even they've told me the sjw in the us is a reason they aren't moving back it looks so insane from the outside


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:05 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend

Japan's take on American SJWism is honestly one of the most LOL things in the world. They absolutely do not give a single fuck.



Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:15 PM
Author: snowy mad cow disease national security agency



Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 8:02 PM
Author: impertinent senate

xo Hideo Kojima


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2016 1:38 AM
Author: Honey-headed ladyboy new version


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2016 1:58 AM
Author: snowy mad cow disease national security agency

i'm reading this right, he basically said to appease 12yos he turned the video game controller into a vibrator for lil sachiko to get off to, right?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:06 PM
Author: Talented Faggot Firefighter

The irony is that they ended up with an even bigger SJW as CEO.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:00 PM
Author: Tripping field



Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:12 PM
Author: Lime stirring principal's office


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:17 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend



Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:20 PM
Author: Lime stirring principal's office


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:12 PM
Author: Lime stirring principal's office


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:28 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:30 PM
Author: Lime stirring principal's office


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:33 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend

fucking LOL i remember that too. there was some woman who put 'engineer at twitter' on her resume because she successfully made one commit that was nothing but changing pronouns in comments.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:34 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:39 PM
Author: Lime stirring principal's office


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:38 PM
Author: Talented Faggot Firefighter

I would be upset if she didn't earn as much as that neckbeard who codes all day.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:39 PM
Author: Angry Razzmatazz Locale



Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:45 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:48 PM
Author: Talented Faggot Firefighter


Is she a transexual? I honestly don't even know anymore.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:48 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:53 PM
Author: snowy mad cow disease national security agency

the page actually says the average code length change submission by woman is longer, and they specifically looked into this and ruled out your explanation


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:58 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:03 PM
Author: snowy mad cow disease national security agency

i taught your mom what longer means


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:05 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:16 PM
Author: snowy mad cow disease national security agency

Holy shit nelson! you know we actually named you sue


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:09 PM
Author: Slippery Histrionic Degenerate Heaven

seems like the most active users are predominantly men, and that would drive this type of gender disparity. the people who respond to known issues are the ones who feel like it's their responsibility to take care of that stuff. and the recognized users are more likely to have their changes approved. did they account for that?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2016 1:29 AM
Author: startling fragrant telephone chapel

powercuck analysis here http://slatestarcodex.com/2016/02/12/before-you-get-too-excited-about-that-github-study/


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2016 1:34 AM
Author: Slippery Histrionic Degenerate Heaven

ty and good turn of phrase


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:31 PM
Author: Vibrant Hyperactive Mediation

That's actually kind of an interesting article/study. The differences seem pretty slim any way you look at them.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:52 PM
Author: snowy mad cow disease national security agency

LJL at the article concluding "women succeed more than men in CS, so therefore there's a bias against women" holy FUCKING shit is this real life thank God I am a rich mother fucker and never have to suck up to anyone a day in my life at this point


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:05 PM
Author: Angry Razzmatazz Locale

i can haz small fortune?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2016 1:58 AM
Author: snowy mad cow disease national security agency

sorry bro i'm not rich enough to make others rich; just rich enough not to have to be anyone's bitch anymore except be my wife's bitch but that's ok because she's PP confirmed 180


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:43 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:50 PM
Author: Lime stirring principal's office


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:52 PM
Author: mauve tantric antidepressant drug pervert

"But while Isaac is a Joyent employee, Ben is not—and if he had been, he wouldn't be as of this morning: to reject a pull request that eliminates a gendered pronoun on the principle that pronouns should in fact be gendered would constitute a fireable offense for me and for Joyent."

jfc libs. why are genderless pronouns plural


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:01 PM
Author: snowy mad cow disease national security agency

"why are genderless pronouns plural "

I'm not entirely sure but you can't blame it on libs. "Their" as the gender-neutral singular pronoun is hundreds of years old in English. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they#Older_usage_by_respected_authors

I was actually a staunch opponent of it being SJW engineering of the ENglihs language until I found that out

Even Chaucer used it


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 8:15 PM
Author: Vibrant Hyperactive Mediation

They/them is infinitely preferable to some new bullshit like zhir or whatever.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2016 1:59 AM
Author: snowy mad cow disease national security agency



Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:57 PM
Author: territorial doobsian round eye

god damn I fucking hate internet "journalists"


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 10:07 PM
Author: Violent Motley Factory Reset Button Giraffe

It’s almost an inverse echo of Adria Richards and “DongleGate,” in which a developer evangelist lost her job and suffered a deluge of death and rape threats after complaining about hostility at the tech convention PyCon earlier this year.

LOL, that's totally what happened.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2016 3:23 AM
Author: Lilac goal in life

Lol holy shit. I read this thinking that it was sympathizing with the dude who made the dongle joke.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:44 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:49 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend



Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:51 PM
Author: Lime stirring principal's office


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:54 PM
Author: startling fragrant telephone chapel

kill the world now


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:58 PM
Author: Talented Faggot Firefighter

*donates more money to trump*


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:46 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend

You guys are gonna like this:


""bro" has a gender problem, even though the dual meaning is unintentional. It comes of misogynistic and unprofessional due to the world it lives in. I received a series of 'bro' jokes in response to my posting about this new feature."


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:04 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:04 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:05 PM
Author: Lime stirring principal's office


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:06 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend



Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:27 PM
Author: Lime stirring principal's office


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:59 PM
Author: startling fragrant telephone chapel

this must be a parody

edit: ok yea it is


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 8:13 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:47 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:48 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:51 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend

LOL she has all this activity that's literally nothing but changing lines in comments


Reply Favorite

Date: July 6th, 2017 7:56 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:51 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:52 PM
Author: chest-beating haunting famous landscape painting


If you do then hello github


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:57 PM
Author: Lime stirring principal's office


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:01 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:53 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:57 PM
Author: mauve tantric antidepressant drug pervert


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 6:58 PM
Author: Henna church building scourge upon the earth

Diversity will only STRENGTHEN tech!


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:00 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend



Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:04 PM
Author: Talented Faggot Firefighter

I just picture Bernie cowering in a corner as these SJWs take over humanity.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 8:47 PM
Author: territorial doobsian round eye

that's some 4channer trolling, u idiots. it's actually heartening that people are making fun of this crap, and I LOVE how butthurt SJWs get about it when it's done openly.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 8:57 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend

It's real.


Interesting reverse-take on poe's law though.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 7:05 PM
Author: Talented Faggot Firefighter

Someone please bait one of these unhinged SJWs to xoxo.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:06 PM
Author: Angry Razzmatazz Locale

we did. their names are j-j-j-ulia, blue smoke and paulie porsche


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:23 PM
Author: red soggy legal warrant corner


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:23 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:56 PM
Author: Cruel-hearted Sneaky Criminal

paulie, for all his faults, is a real nigga at bottom. no disagreement on the other two though


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:23 PM
Author: mustard passionate rehab

So is github like some website u go to to change code for free?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:33 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend

Kind of. You can upload code and make changes and it shows you at a glance what changes you've made historically. It's useful for version tracking because you can go through a history of code uploads and see what changes were made at each step. Also very useful for teams because it gives you a centralized repository. There's a free version, but this makes your code publicly visible, so most companies opt for the enterprise version.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:35 PM
Author: mustard passionate rehab

So wheres the whole sjw thing coming from? Employees?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:40 PM
Author: Medicated Topaz Queen Of The Night Organic Girlfriend

Github made it very easy to reach out to their team (the people actually keeping Github up and running + company leadership) and eventually the SJWs started publicly harassing them through these highly visible channels. The people in leadership roles capitulated to the SJWs pretty much every time they made a fuss.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:42 PM
Author: mustard passionate rehab

So random bitches are messaging its employees about coc abbreviations? Seems so bizzare


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:46 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2016 1:43 AM
Author: startling fragrant telephone chapel



Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2016 2:01 AM
Author: snowy mad cow disease national security agency

(une fagôt)


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:51 PM
Author: territorial doobsian round eye

SJWs consider any large user-driven website where people conduct themselves freely to be a dangerous "wild west" that needs to be brought to heel. otherwise, people with progressive values might run into something they don't like and not be able to do anything about it.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:53 PM
Author: mustard passionate rehab

You think there will be a point where people regain their balls and start telling these people to fuck themselves and find another website then? I mean how much revenue does caving to sjws create?


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 9:54 PM
Author: Adventurous burgundy cruise ship electric furnace

I have 7 recruiters working for me. Have looked at a couple of hundred resumes. 1 female engineer applied and we found her.

I hope I'm not burned at the stake for my heresy.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 11:07 PM
Author: pontificating university

How has this thread gone on for so long with NO ONE mentioning the legit racist SJW insanity going on at Github?



Reply Favorite

Date: February 12th, 2016 11:11 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2016 2:02 AM
Author: snowy mad cow disease national security agency

tbf this was not while she was employed by github, so it's not technically happening at github

although apparently it's basically impossible to hire a white person at github now according to people who are quitting


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2016 2:03 AM
Author: Violent Motley Factory Reset Button Giraffe

ljl, hope they get DISRUPTED


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2016 1:49 AM
Author: Aromatic deranged hall friendly grandma

I think there's a misunderstanding in this thread. I know many people who work at such startups or bigger companies (like Amazon, Google, etc)

Most engineers are socially liberal, some are more libertarian leaning and others are your typical lib.

The reason why SJWs succeed at these places isn't because they make up a majority -- far from it, the extremists are a minority. It's because people are afraid to fight back and be tarred a racist.

I don't know if a "backlash" is coming, but people are starting to develop the language and backbone to stand up to SJW type arguments.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2016 2:00 AM
Author: Slippery Histrionic Degenerate Heaven

when they do, the SJWs will be out on their ass. that's why they're so rabid about ensuring that violators are punished. if they had any value or influence that wasn't dependent on people having to be PC, they could laugh off these trivial incidents like normal people do.


Reply Favorite

Date: February 13th, 2016 3:27 AM
Author: Crusty Disgusting Bbw Reading Party

for all of github's claims of "diversity" and having positions like "diversity consultant" and "vice president of social impact" it's funny how the company is 98% white males... lol


Reply Favorite

Date: July 6th, 2017 7:51 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: July 6th, 2017 7:52 PM
Author: Angry Razzmatazz Locale


Reply Favorite

Date: August 6th, 2017 4:30 PM
Author: Lascivious sinister area


Reply Favorite

Date: December 23rd, 2019 7:35 AM
Author: Comical property
