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Jill Filipovic: Come in here.

Jill, The long missive posted on your blog today undersco...
bisexual hairraiser feces lodge
excellent post. and her points about "locker room la...
Ebony diverse messiness jew
I think u'r insulting the retarded.
Thriller Citrine Den New Version
Why not post this on her site as well?
Glittery liquid oxygen
She will just take it down anyhow.
bisexual hairraiser feces lodge
I might not *flutters eyelashes*
excitant school cafeteria really tough guy
this site links to her blog. *gasp* Did GTO create her bl...
Primrose naked parlor hunting ground
TITCR. She is just another Serbian ho who cannot decide b...
Flesh yarmulke
I remember a year ago, she wrote a long-winded entry about f...
Exhilarant opaque azn
mustard abode deer antler
Thriller Citrine Den New Version
"She claimed to have stayed in her apartment for days a...
Tan market
Dude, she mentioned me twice. Do you think she knows that Ni...
dead unhinged international law enforcement agency theater stage
You losers should come off it already.
Maize death wish
It's a symbiotic relationship. XOXO nerds pester her bec...
Ruby Embarrassed To The Bone University
heady carmine theatre
heady carmine theatre
Topaz base
By all means, come in here JF...
Thriller Citrine Den New Version
where are you Jill?
purple anal box office
She's in Southeast Asia, killing babies and getting fucked u...
purple anal box office
leave her alone you worthless fuck.
Drab hospital potus
Jill's boyfriend? why is your gf such a man-hating feminist...
purple anal box office
i don't think jill hates men. but do you seriously find i...
translucent house dopamine
You're scary, especially because your feminist brain can't g...
purple anal box office
Then they're idiots, and testosterone-poisoned.
charismatic mad-dog skullcap range
But female reward that behavior. We're following your lead.
purple anal box office
females reward men for raping 5 year olds? most women i kno...
translucent house dopamine
ok dyke you got me there
purple anal box office
You know some women who would not despise a man who raped a ...
Hateful Cracking Site Pocket Flask
You're so desperate for pussy that you'll do anything. We k...
gold heaven mad cow disease
even fuck a fat, baby-killing skank Most men ARE that des...
purple anal box office
Men are ruled by the vagina. You've admitted it, you've los...
charismatic mad-dog skullcap range
How bout if I grab and cup your ass? With a cocky smirk on ...
purple anal box office
Only if you enjoy singing soprano.
charismatic mad-dog skullcap range
Then you're a really uptight cunt because I've probably grab...
purple anal box office
Have fun with your skanks.
charismatic mad-dog skullcap range
It's not skanky necessarily (the ass-grabs are usually in cr...
purple anal box office
Letting random strangers touch you is the very definition of...
charismatic mad-dog skullcap range
No, sleeping around with guys you don't know is the very def...
purple anal box office
there's where we differ: you see no problem with random grop...
charismatic mad-dog skullcap range
they rape, rob, and kill their gfs to impress women? are yo...
translucent house dopamine
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Yates I would imagine...
Exhilarant opaque azn
wasn't andrea yates mentally ill?
translucent house dopamine
No, that was because of her husband. First for getting her ...
gold heaven mad cow disease
Do you realize that women abuse their kids 3 times as much a...
purple anal box office
The first (which I doubt in the first place) is just proof t...
charismatic mad-dog skullcap range
So you never want to have kids, I guess? The world will b...
purple anal box office
I'd have them on my terms. And I'm certainly not going to a...
charismatic mad-dog skullcap range
Talked into having kids they didn't want? What are you nuts...
purple anal box office
To be fair, her husband WAS sleeping and she DID disconnect ...
learning disabled violet shrine goal in life
Talked into having kids they didn't want? Happens every da...
charismatic mad-dog skullcap range
Shocking that a ball-crushing lesbian would feel that men ar...
Exhilarant opaque azn
i have no problem with the decent ones and wouldn't want to ...
translucent house dopamine
And in your own judgment, how many men fall into the categor...
Exhilarant opaque azn
if he's sexist or otherwise enjoys harming people, then he's...
translucent house dopamine
You avoided the questions. How many men do you believe are l...
Exhilarant opaque azn
i don't know for sure because i don't know what they're thin...
translucent house dopamine
"if he's sexist or otherwise enjoys harming people, the...
purple anal box office
Link to her enjoying harming people? Self-defense isn't har...
charismatic mad-dog skullcap range
A tit grab and then ripping someone's balls isn't "self...
purple anal box office
And I'm sure you had nothing to do with that, with your mode...
charismatic mad-dog skullcap range
So it's my fault she's a violent bitch? Feminazis like you ...
purple anal box office
Owning up to what actions? If a cop or somebody wants to ca...
charismatic mad-dog skullcap range
You DO hate most men, right?
Racy nursing home
killself, racist nazi fuck
Charcoal Telephone Crackhouse
Men are responsible for most of what happens in the world, g...
learning disabled violet shrine goal in life
Yes. Men are responsible for about 80% of the bad...and a...
purple anal box office
With that attitude, I really can't understand why you see no...
charismatic mad-dog skullcap range
Jill needs someone fo fuck that ass and take pics.
filthy buck-toothed chapel

Poast new message in this thread

Date: March 7th, 2007 5:53 PM
Author: bisexual hairraiser feces lodge


The long missive posted on your blog today underscores your hypocrisy. A while back, you adamantly opposed Gary He's attempts to publish a Miss NYU calendar. You called it sexist, exploitive, and offensive. But you freely participate in a feminist fashion show and defend your right to pose in provocative positions on your Flickr pics. (Not the bikini, but the dress and the "almost showing panty" picture.) Why is that not exploitation? I assume you feel superior to the other women who would have posed for Mr. He, but I assure you that this is not the case.

Furthermore, you posted the names of the people who run XO and continue to wrongly associate them with the T14 Contest. Just because XO links to a website does not mean XO created that website. In fact, XO brought the T14 site down by making threats against its proprietors -- and was much more effective than you or Reputation Defenders. For this, they have earned your libel. Bring a legal action if you will; the same will be visited against you, and your negligent defamation.

Also, why is everything about you? All these women are suffering, and you talk about yourself. You bring up events from years ago. Yes, you feel their pain. But then you cavalierly co-opt the suffering of rape victims by drawing parallels between the pain of their experiences and your imagined plight. Excuse me, Ms. Filipovic. You posted 4,000 pictures of yourself on the Internet. Some were provocative. Men commented nastily on those pictures. So what? Rape victims have it a lot worse. Don't deign to understand what they feel; don't dare to say this is even close to anything you have ever experienced.

Go away.



Date: March 7th, 2007 6:05 PM
Author: Ebony diverse messiness jew

excellent post.

and her points about "locker room language" --> rape? well, that is just retarded.


Date: April 15th, 2007 3:37 PM
Author: Thriller Citrine Den New Version

I think u'r insulting the retarded.


Date: March 7th, 2007 6:08 PM
Author: Glittery liquid oxygen

Why not post this on her site as well?


Date: March 7th, 2007 6:49 PM
Author: bisexual hairraiser feces lodge

She will just take it down anyhow.


Date: April 23rd, 2007 6:31 PM
Author: excitant school cafeteria really tough guy

I might not

*flutters eyelashes*


Date: March 7th, 2007 7:10 PM
Author: Primrose naked parlor hunting ground

this site links to her blog.

*gasp* Did GTO create her blog? He should get another golden star for that.


Date: April 23rd, 2007 4:47 PM
Author: Flesh yarmulke


She is just another Serbian ho who cannot decide between exploiting her sexuality through "feminism" and pretending to have some self-respect.


Date: March 7th, 2007 6:17 PM
Author: Exhilarant opaque azn

I remember a year ago, she wrote a long-winded entry about feeling so violated on the internet. She claimed to have stayed in her apartment for days at a time because she thought the AutoAdmit creeps would rape her in daylight in the middle of Time Square.

Her disillusionment aside, why did she still then NOT make her Facebook account private to only friends or her Flickr account viewable only to a select few. Certainly, if these pictures were up on the internet simply for storage sake then she should have had the foresight to keep them private. But I just don't think she's capable of leading a private life - even on the internet. That would invalidate her many cries for attention, be it in pictures, in editorials, in blogs, or in magazines. She wants to stay a public figure; but takes exception to the fact that she's ridiculed, criticized, attacked, judged, or even leered at as many public figures are.

But she'll post on her blog that I'm just calling her a bitch or a whore in so many words. The word that seems to escape her is NAIVE.


Date: March 7th, 2007 7:14 PM
Author: mustard abode deer antler


Date: April 23rd, 2007 3:25 PM
Author: Thriller Citrine Den New Version



Date: April 23rd, 2007 3:29 PM
Author: Tan market

"She claimed to have stayed in her apartment for days at a time because she thought the AutoAdmit creeps would rape her in daylight in the middle of Time Square."

That's crazy. A solid girl like Jill could easily beat up one of these 130 lb azn guys on xoxo.


Date: March 7th, 2007 8:24 PM
Author: dead unhinged international law enforcement agency theater stage

Dude, she mentioned me twice. Do you think she knows that Nigger Phelps was just a Freudian typo? I can't be held responsible for the actions of my subconscious.


Date: April 23rd, 2007 3:28 PM
Author: Maize death wish

You losers should come off it already.


Date: April 23rd, 2007 7:24 PM
Author: Ruby Embarrassed To The Bone University

It's a symbiotic relationship.

XOXO nerds pester her because it is their only interaction with a girl.

She provokes them and opens herself to criticism because she is an ugly fatty and can only have the spotlight concentrated on her on the internet.


Date: April 27th, 2007 4:56 PM
Author: heady carmine theatre


Date: April 27th, 2007 5:16 PM
Author: heady carmine theatre


Date: May 4th, 2007 3:37 PM
Author: Topaz base


Date: May 4th, 2007 3:38 PM
Author: Thriller Citrine Den New Version

By all means, come in here JF...


Date: August 9th, 2008 4:11 AM
Author: purple anal box office

where are you Jill?


Date: August 9th, 2008 11:13 PM
Author: purple anal box office

She's in Southeast Asia, killing babies and getting fucked up the ass by rice farmers.

Anybody here know that bitch?


Date: August 9th, 2008 11:18 PM
Author: Drab hospital potus

leave her alone you worthless fuck.


Date: August 10th, 2008 12:19 PM
Author: purple anal box office

Jill's boyfriend? why is your gf such a man-hating feminist?


Date: August 10th, 2008 12:31 PM
Author: translucent house dopamine

i don't think jill hates men.

but do you seriously find it hard to understand why some women hate men?

men are responsible for most of the bad shit in the world. we'd be better off if men just died.


Date: August 10th, 2008 12:50 PM
Author: purple anal box office

You're scary, especially because your feminist brain can't grasp that men do most of it to impress women.


Date: August 10th, 2008 12:54 PM
Author: charismatic mad-dog skullcap range

Then they're idiots, and testosterone-poisoned.


Date: August 10th, 2008 12:57 PM
Author: purple anal box office

But female reward that behavior. We're following your lead.


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:02 PM
Author: translucent house dopamine

females reward men for raping 5 year olds? most women i know would despise someone like that.


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:51 PM
Author: purple anal box office

ok dyke you got me there


Date: August 12th, 2008 1:01 PM
Author: Hateful Cracking Site Pocket Flask

You know some women who would not despise a man who raped a 5-year old child?


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:44 PM
Author: gold heaven mad cow disease

You're so desperate for pussy that you'll do anything. We know that.


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:51 PM
Author: purple anal box office

even fuck a fat, baby-killing skank

Most men ARE that desperate.


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:55 PM
Author: charismatic mad-dog skullcap range

Men are ruled by the vagina. You've admitted it, you've lost, now move on.


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:58 PM
Author: purple anal box office

How bout if I grab and cup your ass? With a cocky smirk on my face?


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:59 PM
Author: charismatic mad-dog skullcap range

Only if you enjoy singing soprano.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:02 PM
Author: purple anal box office

Then you're a really uptight cunt because I've probably grabbed hundreds of asses and the worst I got was a scowl.

A couple girls decided to grind into me. That's always fun.

You must never go to clubs.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:03 PM
Author: charismatic mad-dog skullcap range

Have fun with your skanks.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:10 PM
Author: purple anal box office

It's not skanky necessarily (the ass-grabs are usually in crowded clubs and made to seem like they might be "accidental"). Tit grab is a bit more invasive.

Random weirdo on the street? Then you have a right to be scared...but in that situation running away is probably smarter than fighting a violent man larger than you.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:19 PM
Author: charismatic mad-dog skullcap range

Letting random strangers touch you is the very definition of skanky.

Random stranger on the street (acting as the typical violent male) would be able to catch me. Best response is to try to disable him, and scream.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:22 PM
Author: purple anal box office

No, sleeping around with guys you don't know is the very definition of skanky. Not getting felt up a little in a club where everyone's doing it.

You're good on the second point, but you mentioned a bar, where a violent attack for a little tit grab or ass grab shows your hateful and mean attitude.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:47 PM
Author: charismatic mad-dog skullcap range

there's where we differ: you see no problem with random groping and I do.

Your willingness to touch people who don't want it shows your sociopathic attitude. To suggest someone is a bitch for not liking it shows your mean attitude.


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:01 PM
Author: translucent house dopamine

they rape, rob, and kill their gfs to impress women? are you fucking insane?

you know when a woman is murdered the most likely perp is a husband or bf, right? you're seriously telling me he did that to impress women?

when a man rapes a 5 y/o and tries to cover it up, he did that to impress women? you're a fucking joke.


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:10 PM
Author: Exhilarant opaque azn


I would imagine that's what happens to most women in a world without men.


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:20 PM
Author: translucent house dopamine

wasn't andrea yates mentally ill?


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:46 PM
Author: gold heaven mad cow disease

No, that was because of her husband. First for getting her pregnant, then ignoring her pain and knocking her up over and over again.


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:54 PM
Author: purple anal box office

Do you realize that women abuse their kids 3 times as much as men, and when men do, it's usually the mother's boyfriend and not the father?

Anyway when men murder their wives, it's usually because they were sleeping around or about to divorce them or something. As Chris Rock said about OJ, "I'm not saying he should have killed her, but I understand..."

You are the fucking joke. A "female" who's really a fat, ugly, violent, and somehow anti-gay bitch.

At least Jill F. is hot.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:00 PM
Author: charismatic mad-dog skullcap range

The first (which I doubt in the first place) is just proof that women should refuse your seed.

The second is more evidence of your violent, uncontrollable, apeish tendencies.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:05 PM
Author: purple anal box office

So you never want to have kids, I guess?

The world will be much better off.

You have the violent tendencies. Just cause I referenced OJ doesn't mean I agree with him. He should be on death row. Especially cause he killed a man as well.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:09 PM
Author: charismatic mad-dog skullcap range

I'd have them on my terms. And I'm certainly not going to abuse them.

Funny how the only instances of female violence you can come up with involve potential rapists and women talked into having kids they didn't want.

So laughing about spousal murder is okay?


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:14 PM
Author: purple anal box office

Talked into having kids they didn't want? What are you nuts? If a woman doesn't want kids she has every means possible to avoid it. You ever hear of responsibility?

What are your terms for having kids?

Laughing about Mary Winkler getting 5 months in jail for shooting her husband in the BACK isn't funny. I'll tell you that.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:23 PM
Author: learning disabled violet shrine goal in life

To be fair, her husband WAS sleeping and she DID disconnect the phone before fleeing the scene.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:50 PM
Author: charismatic mad-dog skullcap range

Talked into having kids they didn't want?

Happens every day, especially with religious nutcase husbands.

What are you nuts?

Probably. As was she, and he could see it after the birth of the first couple of kids, yet he chose to continue knocking her up.

If a woman doesn't want kids she has every means possible to avoid it.

Not really. See below.

You ever hear of responsibility?

I don't think she had much choice, given who she was married to and the society she was raised in. Do you think most abused Muslim wives wanted to have the kids they did?


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:07 PM
Author: Exhilarant opaque azn

Shocking that a ball-crushing lesbian would feel that men are expendable. Just SHOCKING!


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:09 PM
Author: translucent house dopamine

i have no problem with the decent ones and wouldn't want to do anything to harm them. the rest should die immediately.


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:11 PM
Author: Exhilarant opaque azn

And in your own judgment, how many men fall into the category of "the rest"

Ballpark figure.


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:15 PM
Author: translucent house dopamine

if he's sexist or otherwise enjoys harming people, then he's garbage and should die.


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:18 PM
Author: Exhilarant opaque azn

You avoided the questions. How many men do you believe are like that? I'm looking for a rough percentage.


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:19 PM
Author: translucent house dopamine

i don't know for sure because i don't know what they're thinking. in the US, probably at least 50%.

in africa or some other similar male dominated 3rd world shithole, probably at least 90%.


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:56 PM
Author: purple anal box office

"if he's sexist or otherwise enjoys harming people, then he's garbage and should die."

So in other words, YOU should die, because you are sexist and enjoy harming people. I'll do the honors dyke.


Date: August 10th, 2008 1:58 PM
Author: charismatic mad-dog skullcap range

Link to her enjoying harming people? Self-defense isn't harming people.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:06 PM
Author: purple anal box office

A tit grab and then ripping someone's balls isn't "self-defense".

She wishes people to die for no reason. Hello.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:10 PM
Author: charismatic mad-dog skullcap range

And I'm sure you had nothing to do with that, with your modern, renaissance man attitudes towards women.

Keep your hands to yourself or accept the consequences.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:18 PM
Author: purple anal box office

So it's my fault she's a violent bitch? Feminazis like you want all the "rights" of men, but when it's time to own up to your actions, it's a man's fault. STFU.

She started the violent talk before I even entered the fray. I just couldn't believe a female is that angry and hateful.

"Keep your hands to yourself or accept the consequences."

Moral of the story - just go for the forcible rape and ignore the foreplay.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:54 PM
Author: charismatic mad-dog skullcap range

Owning up to what actions? If a cop or somebody wants to call me out for twisting your balls, I'll say you were assaulting me or trying to rape me. Then you can own up to your inability to not grope people who don't want it.

sorry you think your only options are being a virgin or raping. That says a lot about you.


Date: August 10th, 2008 3:35 PM
Author: Racy nursing home

You DO hate most men, right?


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:29 PM
Author: Charcoal Telephone Crackhouse

killself, racist nazi fuck


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:22 PM
Author: learning disabled violet shrine goal in life

Men are responsible for most of what happens in the world, good and bad. Women mostly braid each others' hair and pretend to raise kids.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:23 PM
Author: purple anal box office


Men are responsible for about 80% of the bad...and about 95% of the good.

Bitches are here for fucking and raising the next generation.


Date: August 10th, 2008 2:53 PM
Author: charismatic mad-dog skullcap range

With that attitude, I really can't understand why you see no problem with groping random women. You want the mothers of the next generation to be skanks who'll take anything from anybody?


Date: August 12th, 2008 12:52 PM
Author: filthy buck-toothed chapel

Jill needs someone fo fuck that ass and take pics.
