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omg LOL - Boalt has the same bar passage% as Pepperdine!!!!!!!

"6th" best school in the country. They can't even ...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
Boalt's bar passage is not correctly reported. http://dwa...
Balding Gaming Laptop Resort
Do you really expect anyone to click on that?
Painfully Honest Depressive
Is this the first time that a "T6" has had the sam...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
Pepperdine had a better pass rate than Stanford at one point...
drab business firm genital piercing
Bullshit. Stop covering for your shitty school, boalt troll.
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
Painfully Honest Depressive
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
passing the bar on the first time is more important the wors...
rebellious fishy kitty piazza
Yeah, cuz students from good schools don't care about the ba...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
because the bar is easier to pass the smarter you are. edi...
rebellious fishy kitty piazza
Of course, it has nothing to do with that, or how good your ...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
nothing to do with being smart?
rebellious fishy kitty piazza
Except that, other than Dolt, the top schools have excellent...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
They care about the bar, it just isn't as big of a deal if t...
Painfully Honest Depressive
"it just isn't as big of a deal if they fail it the fir...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
it's not.
rebellious fishy kitty piazza
Right. No one at your firm will lose respect for you if you'...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
A lot of people from TTTs who fail the first time never prac...
Painfully Honest Depressive
Right, because small firms are really picky about passing th...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
Painfully Honest Depressive
It's really not as big a deal as you think it is. There are...
Bull headed parlour
It is as bad. Basically that was your first huge test as an ...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
where are you getting this from? what year are you, at what...
Bull headed parlour
That's because you're insincere.
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
can you answer my initial questions, so i can have some idea...
Bull headed parlour
Dood, give it up. You either failed the bar and are all defe...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
so i can take it that you don't actually work at a biglaw fi...
Bull headed parlour
Why be so insincere? Why keep track of those who failed, whi...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
Of course he doesn't.
Painfully Honest Depressive
do you ever feel foolish for arguing with people on this sit...
Bull headed parlour
Sorry about your tiny pink repressing something insincerity ...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
You could be right. I haven't made up my mind yet - there a...
Painfully Honest Depressive
No one ever assumes that anyone from a T14 fails because the...
Painfully Honest Depressive
Keep telling yourself that.
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
LOL Ok hot shot. Good luck in July. Third time's the ch...
Painfully Honest Depressive
Making fun of me for failing the bar? That post doesn't cont...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
"That post doesn't contradict everything else you wrote...
Painfully Honest Depressive
It isn't as big of a deal. There is little chance a V100 fi...
Painfully Honest Depressive
They won't fire you immediately, but it has a hugely negativ...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
There's a very good chance they'll be able to lateral. If...
Painfully Honest Depressive
Right, the small firm, which has employed the TTT for $20/ho...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
it's industry standard at large firms to give you a second c...
rebellious fishy kitty piazza
Right, small firms don't fuck around with bar failers. Fail ...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
Again - a lot of TTT grads who fail the bar exam will never ...
Painfully Honest Depressive
Wait, are you Russkie?
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
Oh dear heavens, you are Russkie aren't you?
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
No. Believe it or not, many people in biglaw or at T14s wil...
Painfully Honest Depressive
T14. rofl. As long as you're from a T14, they'll just hand y...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
"T14. rofl. As long as you're from a T14, they'll just ...
Painfully Honest Depressive
"reasoning" lol.
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
Try it sometime.
Painfully Honest Depressive
Of course, only "T14" students who fail the bar ca...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
No, there are a few others who can also reason, you just are...
Painfully Honest Depressive
Yes sir. Sorry for my affront to your "T14" presti...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
see my post above -- reputation-wise it's really not a big d...
Bull headed parlour
Oh I see, so you have to fail two times before it hurts your...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
basically. look, until you actually take the bar and get ...
Bull headed parlour
A lot of people overestimate how much mental energy partners...
Painfully Honest Depressive
that happens to be exactly how it goes
Black azn
not really.
rebellious fishy kitty piazza
Whats Hastings? I imagine it plummeted this year after the ...
Thirsty Mewling Liquid Oxygen French Chef
Same as Dolt/Pooperdine.
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
ty dood. what about UIUC? How diid Mandy's peers fare?
Thirsty Mewling Liquid Oxygen French Chef
Damn, it's only 88% in Chicago (U of Chicago's is 98%.)
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
Oh, but this has nothing to do with UIUC being a shittier sc...
Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt
Why is Davis so much lower (75%)?
overrated hospital becky

Poast new message in this thread

Date: March 26th, 2008 3:20 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

"6th" best school in the country. They can't even pass the fucking bar.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:18 AM
Author: Balding Gaming Laptop Resort

Boalt's bar passage is not correctly reported.




Date: March 26th, 2008 11:19 AM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive

Do you really expect anyone to click on that?


Date: March 26th, 2008 3:27 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Is this the first time that a "T6" has had the same bar pass rate as their state's tier 2?


Date: March 26th, 2008 3:45 AM
Author: drab business firm genital piercing

Pepperdine had a better pass rate than Stanford at one point in the 1990's.

A lot of TTT's have good pass rates b/c they just teach the local bar for 3 years.


Date: March 26th, 2008 3:47 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Bullshit. Stop covering for your shitty school, boalt troll.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:03 AM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive



Date: March 26th, 2008 10:52 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt


Date: March 26th, 2008 10:54 AM
Author: rebellious fishy kitty piazza

passing the bar on the first time is more important the worse you school is.


Date: March 26th, 2008 10:56 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Yeah, cuz students from good schools don't care about the bar.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:00 AM
Author: rebellious fishy kitty piazza

because the bar is easier to pass the smarter you are.

edit: to respond to your edit, i think TTT students study harder for the bar. additionally the standard TTT curriculum is all pretty blackletter, and this is partly because it's more urgent for TTT grads to pass than for people from real law schools.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:02 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Of course, it has nothing to do with that, or how good your school is.



Date: March 26th, 2008 11:04 AM
Author: rebellious fishy kitty piazza

nothing to do with being smart?


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:05 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Except that, other than Dolt, the top schools have excellent bar passage rates.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:06 AM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive

They care about the bar, it just isn't as big of a deal if they fail it the first time. A lot of them also just assume that they can ace it without much preparation. One out of 11 Yale grads fail the NY bar.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:08 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

"it just isn't as big of a deal if they fail it the first time."

Wow. Just wow.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:11 AM
Author: rebellious fishy kitty piazza

it's not.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:12 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Right. No one at your firm will lose respect for you if you're one of the 2% of associates who fail the bar.

Bar schmar. Biglaw is all about models and bottles.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:14 AM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive

A lot of people from TTTs who fail the first time never practice law PERIOD.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:17 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Right, because small firms are really picky about passing the bar. Hypercompetitive biglaw doesn't care about the bar, but small firms do. It's all so obvious.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:21 AM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive



Date: March 26th, 2008 11:19 AM
Author: Bull headed parlour

It's really not as big a deal as you think it is. There are a few people at my firm who didn't pass the first time, and it's not like we talk about them or look at them differently or anything. It's a tough exam, some people fail, but as long as you pass the second time around one failure is generally just chalked up to one lousy morning/afternoon. After a year or so I don't think anyone even really remembers who needed to retake.

However it does royally suck for the person who failed during those few months before he/she has a chance to redeem him/herself...but even then it's usually not as bad as the failure thinks it is.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:21 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

It is as bad. Basically that was your first huge test as an associate, and you were one of a tiny minority who couldn't pass it. The partners are now suspicious. Your coworkers think less of you. Even your family thinks less of you, because the bar has layman acclaim.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:24 AM
Author: Bull headed parlour

where are you getting this from? what year are you, at what kind of a firm?

i certainly don't think less of my coworkers who failed, and none of the associates whom i work with do either. i guess i can't speak for the partners but i've never seen any indication that they care too much either.

and i don't know about your fam but if they'd think less of you for failing the bar then you have some real shitty individuals in your gene pool.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:25 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

That's because you're insincere.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:26 AM
Author: Bull headed parlour

can you answer my initial questions, so i can have some idea as to what's your frame of reference?


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:29 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Dood, give it up. You either failed the bar and are all defensive about it, or you're unbelievably insincere.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:31 AM
Author: Bull headed parlour

so i can take it that you don't actually work at a biglaw firm, and therefore really don't know what you're talking about?

oh and fwiw it's pretty well documented around here that i passed the first time around...and the fact that everyone on the thread disagrees with your claims should clue you in to the fact that you have no idea how things work IRL.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:33 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Why be so insincere? Why keep track of those who failed, which you admit to doing, lose respect for them (which you did), but not admit it?


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:34 AM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive

Of course he doesn't.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:37 AM
Author: Bull headed parlour

do you ever feel foolish for arguing with people on this site only to realize later that they are clearly flame and/or completely uninformed?

i'm experiencing this right now.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:38 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Sorry about your tiny pink repressing something insincerity bro.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:40 AM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive

You could be right. I haven't made up my mind yet - there are some really stupid people here.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:28 AM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive

No one ever assumes that anyone from a T14 fails because they aren't capable of passing. If you come from a LS that is a glorified 3 year barbri course and are one of the 50% who fails, that's another matter.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:30 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Keep telling yourself that.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:32 AM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive


Ok hot shot. Good luck in July. Third time's the charm.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:36 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Making fun of me for failing the bar? That post doesn't contradict everything else you wrote. You can't even keep your argument straight.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:41 AM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive

"That post doesn't contradict everything else you wrote."



Date: March 26th, 2008 11:13 AM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive

It isn't as big of a deal. There is little chance a V100 firm will fire a 1st year associate merely for failing the bar exam on the first try.

It is a huge deal for those from TTT schools in which a significant % of students are unemployed at graduation.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:15 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

They won't fire you immediately, but it has a hugely negative impact on your reputation.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:19 AM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive

There's a very good chance they'll be able to lateral.

If you don't have a job at graduation and don't pass the bar exam the first time there is a significant chance you'll never practice period.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:24 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Right, the small firm, which has employed the TTT for $20/hour throughout law school is suddenly going to fire him because he failed the bar. However, at hyper-competitive biglaw, failing doesn't matter at all..

It's so obvious!


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:30 AM
Author: rebellious fishy kitty piazza

it's industry standard at large firms to give you a second chance. these are the law firms, remember, that hire you 9 months in advance of your summer associateship and then pay you $30,000 for writing 'research memos' and getting fat for 10 weeks. they do not fire you for failing the bar once. they do not care. you draw that paycheck until you fail a second time.

small firms, on the other hand, tend not to fuck around with TTT grads who can't manage to pass the bar. many won't hire until you've got the bar membership in hand.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:43 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Right, small firms don't fuck around with bar failers. Fail the bar at a small firms and the partner will smack you around Gordon Gecko style and throw you in the gutter. Biglaw though doesn't give a shit. It's all cool and relaxed in biglaw.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:49 AM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive

Again - a lot of TTT grads who fail the bar exam will never pass it even if they plow a lot of effort into studying. There is a huge labor pool of fungible TTT grads.

If you fail and you're from a TTT, that means that you're probably incompetent, or lazy, or both.

Virtually no one from a T14 is incapable of passing the bar. If they fail it is because they were overconfident and didn't study much or because they were very ill. Biglaw firms invest a lot of resources in a person before hiring them.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:51 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Wait, are you Russkie?


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:56 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Oh dear heavens, you are Russkie aren't you?


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:57 AM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive

No. Believe it or not, many people in biglaw or at T14s will tell you the same thing.


Date: March 26th, 2008 12:01 PM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

T14. rofl. As long as you're from a T14, they'll just hand you a partnership. They know you're smart, so huge fuckups like failing the bar have no impact on their perception. But only if you have "T14" smarts. lol.


Date: March 26th, 2008 12:19 PM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive

"T14. rofl. As long as you're from a T14, they'll just hand you a partnership. "

Nice straw man.

I've already explained the reasoning involved. These aren't firms that just try associates on for size and ditch them after two months if they don't work out.


Date: March 26th, 2008 12:41 PM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

"reasoning" lol.


Date: March 26th, 2008 1:24 PM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive

Try it sometime.


Date: March 26th, 2008 1:28 PM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Of course, only "T14" students who fail the bar can reason, eh? rofl.



Date: March 26th, 2008 1:38 PM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive

No, there are a few others who can also reason, you just aren't one of them.


Date: March 26th, 2008 1:47 PM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Yes sir. Sorry for my affront to your "T14" prestige. lol.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:22 AM
Author: Bull headed parlour

see my post above -- reputation-wise it's really not a big deal so long as you pass the second time around.

the fact is that it's a tough exam that even smart people occassionally fail. xoxo-types will clown you incessantly, but biglaw attorneys generally will not.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:27 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Oh I see, so you have to fail two times before it hurts your rep. Failing once is nothing, but if you fail twice, that's really really bad.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:33 AM
Author: Bull headed parlour


look, until you actually take the bar and get a job you might want to stop fronting like you have any frame of reference. you're out of your element.

are you even in law school yet?


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:39 AM
Author: Painfully Honest Depressive

A lot of people overestimate how much mental energy partners and senior associates invest in thinking/caring about first year associates. We're talking about a very busy and self absorbed group here.


Date: March 26th, 2008 12:16 PM
Author: Black azn

that happens to be exactly how it goes


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:25 AM
Author: rebellious fishy kitty piazza

not really.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:14 AM
Author: Thirsty Mewling Liquid Oxygen French Chef

Whats Hastings?

I imagine it plummeted this year after the horrible tragedy they endured last April


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:18 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Same as Dolt/Pooperdine.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:23 AM
Author: Thirsty Mewling Liquid Oxygen French Chef

ty dood.

what about UIUC? How diid Mandy's peers fare?


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:31 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Damn, it's only 88% in Chicago (U of Chicago's is 98%.)


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:47 AM
Author: Disrespectful Elastic Band People Who Are Hurt

Oh, but this has nothing to do with UIUC being a shittier school than Chicago. People at TTTs like Chicago need to pass the bar or they'll lose their job, but people from good schools like UIUC aren't under that pressure.


Date: March 26th, 2008 11:23 AM
Author: overrated hospital becky

Why is Davis so much lower (75%)?
