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I think I hooked another big fish today. 24k followers, bigger than Karlscrack

I am not ready to link the dood's profile yet because I don'...
startling trailer park
Shut the fuck up you unmedicated kike retard
greedy multi-colored becky
startling trailer park
stubborn slimy pistol tattoo
cocky green nursing home
Seems totally legit
fiercely-loyal chapel masturbator
Link to whatever other prior "big fish" you've &qu...
haunting famous landscape painting lay
Re-read. I'm not linking till I'm done with him.
startling trailer park
Nigger, what part of "other prior" was so fucking ...
haunting famous landscape painting lay
I've been liveblogging this woman's career destruction. I re...
startling trailer park
wtf is this insane drivel
Galvanic violent jew
Social media influencers who you were like "who is this...
startling trailer park

Poast new message in this thread

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Date: December 11th, 2023 4:00 PM
Author: startling trailer park

I am not ready to link the dood's profile yet because I don't know yet how deep I've set the hook. May not know for a few days. I am not in direct contact with him obviously. However, I'm bookmarking this thread and will poast final results one way or another, and I will likely out the account at that time so that poasters can check whether what I'm saying now is consistent with the record as it will have evolved by then.

Here are the basic deets:

- dood claims to have spent time in the military, like TDNW. In interviews however, he does not come across as officer material. He has also unwittingly admitted that he never held a top secret clearance. Moreover, when he talks about security clearances, he makes assertions that are factually incorrect.

- dood emphasizes aspects of his military career that earn respect from the lay public, because Hollywood. If you actually did the kind of work this guy did in the military, you would not present it the way he does in his twitter bio. It's a like someone who plays guitar telling you he plays a Gibson Les Paul, and telling you nothing else about his guitar playing. Furthermore, when you listen to him play on his Youtube channel, he's just practicing old AC/DC riffs in his bedroom.

- dood is a strong opponent of the WEF. He thinks it's bad.

- vaccines too

- dood is followed by >20 others I follow:


If I can set the hook deep enough I can possibly leverage off him to get to others. Even if that's not possible, I can pump his stupid ass with cum and find out who sent him. After I am done with my interrogation I'll hang his corpse out to dry ITT.


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Date: December 11th, 2023 4:08 PM
Author: greedy multi-colored becky

Shut the fuck up you unmedicated kike retard


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Date: December 11th, 2023 4:38 PM
Author: startling trailer park



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Date: December 11th, 2023 4:09 PM
Author: stubborn slimy pistol tattoo



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Date: December 11th, 2023 4:41 PM
Author: cocky green nursing home



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Date: December 12th, 2023 7:50 AM
Author: fiercely-loyal chapel masturbator

Seems totally legit


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Date: December 12th, 2023 8:06 AM
Author: haunting famous landscape painting lay

Link to whatever other prior "big fish" you've "hooked" and explain how this is going to be either objectively good or entertaining

struggling to find a reason to give a shit


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Date: December 12th, 2023 8:29 AM
Author: startling trailer park

Re-read. I'm not linking till I'm done with him.


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Date: December 12th, 2023 8:50 AM
Author: haunting famous landscape painting lay

Nigger, what part of "other prior" was so fucking hard for you to understand


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Date: December 12th, 2023 9:36 AM
Author: startling trailer park

I've been liveblogging this woman's career destruction. I received another indicator that she's desperate just this morning. A colleague of hers just found work in the arms sector, but this woman is not useful there so she's gonna stay a free agent for while.



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Date: December 12th, 2023 8:54 AM
Author: Galvanic violent jew

wtf is this insane drivel


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Date: December 12th, 2023 9:44 AM
Author: startling trailer park

Social media influencers who you were like "who is this person why do they tweet so much why are they on Tucker" are making zero dollars all of a sudden. Tons of talent became desperate on the last 6 months.

There are only a few big money trains for people in this line of work who aren't libs. Libs have all kinds of options but conservatives are fuct. I guess Trump has some cash, but otherwise who's got money to throw at these bums? Legally I mean.
