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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
State judge insists on wearing a "Nelly" bandaid on his face from the bench:    06/14/24  (5)
Biden @ G7 has no idea where he is, Italian PM has to tell him    06/14/24  (53)
POTUS immunity opinion waiting room    06/14/24  (2)
New Explosions in the Sky song is 13 hours long. Gets really good around 7 hours    06/14/24  (4)
Oh Noooo, FL is flooding? 😒 NO FED FUNDS. FUCK THEM.    06/14/24  (2)
so fucking sick of birds    06/14/24  (7)
On Tuesday I got back from an eight-day trip to Israel and the West Bank.    06/14/24  (2)
I'm getting into perfect shape and going to all out war with all frauds    06/14/24  (4)
Best everyday beer?    06/14/24  (40)
Celtics are about to sweep the Mavs    06/14/24  (5)
NYC trying to implement law prohibiting masks on the subway    06/14/24  (5)
Russian armored attack pwned - video    06/14/24  (5)
Birthdays are death rituals    06/14/24  (1)
"cute dogs! what are their names?" "creed and nickelback."    06/14/24  (10)
Putin lays out his plan for ending the war (link)    06/14/24  (9)
Gaddafi was 180.    06/14/24  (1)
Hot dogs are so 180.    06/14/24  (3)
Bank robber doc on Netflix is 170 imho    06/14/24  (9)
Florida Panthers flight finally departs following extended weather delay.    06/14/24  (4)
Hegemon, UFC 303 is fucking cooked, Khamzhat has full blown AIDS from goat fucki    06/14/24  (1)
Why the Stock Market Has Risen Even With No Fed Rate Cuts    06/14/24  (1)
I chase money to invest to make more money so I have more money tomorrow    06/14/24  (3)
This guys selling some cars    06/14/24  (6)
the worst hotel in america is minimum $250 lol    06/14/24  (16)
clique plays a part in every aspect of life    06/14/24  (9)
Taylor Swift please shut the fuck up u fraud whore! U've never earned a thing    06/14/24  (5)
Stopped Payment On $100 Check For Shady Prole Goy Sprinkler Guy    06/14/24  (74)
so boor tp just wants to rent out a box with nothing in it?    06/14/24  (4)
Minimum amount of money 2 the have ur right leg amputated&fed to you?    06/14/24  (2)
i am goign on an unprecedented pussy drug spree when im done with this    06/14/24  (1)
Hot Cousin:youre welcome to lick my toffee Shrew GF:coffee is bad for you!    06/14/24  (6)
Seems Pretty obvious to me which regular poster the colon cancer guy is    06/14/24  (31)
What a stupid decision it was to close down the Xbox Series X subreddit    06/14/24  (4)
Screaming Trees - I Nearly Lost Snoot    06/14/24  (4)
The “Stunning” Job Losses in Hollywood (LA Times)    06/14/24  (59)
"We're weakening Russia for cheap. Slava Ukraini!" says the Redditor as 600k die    06/14/24  (2)
Beavis and Butt-Head Do Carcosa    06/14/24  (1)
Politico does outstanding job on Biden Crime Family, except their conclusion ...    06/14/24  (4)
ive been up for 4 days in my office straight, maybe 3 hours sleep total    06/14/24  (1)
Putins makes ridiculously strict peace proposal - link    06/14/24  (6)
What a fraud existence this is    06/14/24  (3)
"I'm not mentally ill! You're mentally ill!" you scream to your alt on XO    06/14/24  (1)
***Travis Kelce dies in head on collision on I35***    06/14/24  (1)
***Breaking news Taylor Swift Collapses on stage on "eras your"**    06/14/24  (1)
Rare combo: Shaved pussy and hairy armpits    06/14/24  (8)
"White power! White power! Oh look a veddy sexy Pajeeta!!" (JD Vance)    06/14/24  (6)
Does gamecube add value to property? (cowgod)    06/14/24  (11)
Does a roof, walls and running water πŸŒŠπŸ’¦ add value to your property?    06/14/24  (5)
*sips coffee* "Ah" *smiles and settles in for another mentally ill Friday*    06/14/24  (509)
good morning    06/14/24  (7)
Lithe teen girls with hairy armpits and bald pussies    06/14/24  (6)
The Economist: Why Communist China Never Will Be A Science Superpower    06/14/24  (5)
Lab friend asking U if barklaw offers a good woof-fetch balance    06/14/24  (11)
hawaiian judge granting ius primae noctis to :D in legoland    06/14/24  (2)
Board genius HATP: "I never liked twins. On a good day he was mid."    06/14/24  (76)
Does sink add value to your property?    06/14/24  (15)
Seems that if you juggle several addictions successfully they cancel each other    06/14/24  (2)
Frowning Friends    06/14/24  (2)
driveby archery in the rice paddies with your Qing dynasty gf    06/14/24  (7)
if you could go back in time to college and choose a different career path, wwyd    06/14/24  (41)
Mainlining tp has been spamming the bort for 36 hours straight    06/14/24  (7)
out of ideas good night everyone    06/14/24  (2)
Sort of awesome that shitliberry has jumped the shark    06/14/24  (10)
jewish pedophile "correction" tp is not whokebe, it's Henry Aaron    06/14/24  (10)
Huge potential gain on shuffling Zyn rolls from west coast to east    06/14/24  (1)
Going to go fuck the wife...might even get fully nude to do it.    06/14/24  (9)
i think we should just do monorails and if that doesn't work burn Riddler effigy    06/14/24  (1)
Wake up now you damn fools it's fucking Friday! Slave for them damn Jews    06/14/24  (1)
Boor with that much sink you may as well call penthouse basement    06/14/24  (2)
monorails would solve this    06/14/24  (2)
Nero playing with tiny clockwork monorail as Rome burns    06/14/24  (1)
Disco Fries how is the mountaineering training goin?    06/14/24  (3)
Currently poasting from deep within a Pyongyang continuation of government facil    06/14/24  (1)
Subject: Your lack of appearance at firm LGBTQ event    06/14/24  (13)
Not now babe I'm writing emails (guy screaming at ferns)    06/14/24  (1)
already sent 67 emails in June, calling a lid on this month    06/14/24  (3)
trump did nothing wrong except for the 1000 decisions i disagree with (TDNW)    06/14/24  (70)
Dentists are always going nuts and getting naked in public    06/14/24  (14)
When a bodhi catches a hotel shampoo dispenser    06/14/24  (3)
Korean wife screaming at you from the Open Concept Juche    06/14/24  (6)
Inducing sleep paralysis in hopes u get shadow demon hunny    06/14/24  (9)
Brother is that the Balenciaga Asymmetrical Warfare '23 FW money clip (777$)    06/14/24  (4)
Webmd cnidarian blastocyst internal trauma shape rotation prank funny ecchi cgi    06/14/24  (4)
Kubrick dolly shot on your horrified face as you remember Epstein dentist room    06/14/24  (8)
9/10 dentists agree you need an expensive porcelain filling    06/14/24  (6)
Anthony Fauci giant molar shaped bedroom set    06/14/24  (4)
"I'm here for the ClientDev"    06/14/24  (6)
You see an unlocked car. I see a goon cave    06/14/24  (13)
Foid you seem to be mistaken once again. It's "fetus" not "feed us"    06/14/24  (1)
πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘ πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘ πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘    06/14/24  (2)
Sim glitch: Harrier jump-jet completely bald    06/14/24  (2)
might fuck a married chick whos testing some gay open relationship thing w a cuc    06/14/24  (3)
Turnip slice garnish on your watery piss beer (unknown provenance)    06/14/24  (3)
Cheap wine has improved steadily since COVID    06/14/24  (2)
16 briefs & what do u get? Cursed at by Mort and student debt    06/14/24  (2)
Klebold was an internet poster    06/14/24  (5)
Long day at the email factory    06/14/24  (17)
Sim glitch: Baldr had thick beautiful hair    06/14/24  (1)
Rock band Twenty One Pilates washing hands on stage before each show    06/14/24  (3)
What do you envision the C$LG arrest threads to be like?    06/14/24  (3)
HYPO: Wealth & health for decades but you have to be beaten to death each year    06/14/24  (3)
Trump is the lib killer is there anywhere left not stolen&overrun by trash?    06/14/24  (1)
So North Carolina cr?    06/14/24  (3)
This world is trash! You're #1 and the only one which matters!    06/14/24  (1)
What’s up with towns/counties named “Orange”    06/14/24  (10)
🎢 Baby I compare you to a kiss from a poast on the grey 🌹    06/14/24  (3)
Lab friend prosecuting you for fraud (you pretended to throw ball but didn't)    06/14/24  (1)
Lab friend won't shut up about dogpill    06/14/24  (22)
Wyoming is basically Paradise    06/14/24  (26)
Tommy, fresh guava juice is the furking goods. I'm drinking it nonstop in Bali    06/14/24  (5)
where's gatormo ?    06/14/24  (2)
TT use amerikkkan casinos to launder money it's what all the Indians I know do    06/14/24  (1)
Why won't Tommy just kill himself at this point. What is he even living for    06/14/24  (29)
I don't think you can put that in your wedding vows, James Joyce Jr.    06/14/24  (2)
Why do people ignore the mountain of evidence RE: Fake Moon Landing    06/14/24  (114)
Got TEAR GASSED last night in Lyon    06/14/24  (56)
Why is Tesla stock going up again? Company has garbage mgmt, products    06/14/24  (51)
TT explain 2 is what kind of idiot gives their $ to Swift&Kelce and other frauds    06/14/24  (3)
Can I check your oil?    06/14/24  (2)
Your grandpa calls it the slime saver    06/14/24  (2)
What happened to “Waingro” tp    06/14/24  (2)
Chicago Mayor: "I spent $30k on my hair/makeup to support Nigga businesses"    06/14/24  (2)
Trumps first vp won’t endorse him and his next one called him a rapist    06/14/24  (5)
This is what's required for an Asian to get into Stanford nowadays (link)    06/14/24  (7)
Just a sad pussified "society" america is especially    06/14/24  (1)
Running an insurance scam in California must be fun with crook MDs at helm    06/14/24  (13)
Someone angry is cum after cslg he's risking being penniless&imprisoned    06/14/24  (1)
Explain why i'd want to go to prison running Cali insurance scam like I'm 5?    06/14/24  (1)
The Internet is a fraud..most of it same with "irl"    06/14/24  (1)
PorziΕ†Δ£is cramming his enormous Latvian cock up Luka's fat ass    06/14/24  (8)
Just a sad pussified society    06/14/24  (1)
Oprah: "You got a new diaper! YOU got a new diaper! You all got a new diaper!!!"    06/14/24  (107)
tbf calls his hypersonic vibrator collection the black C fleet    06/14/24  (10)
They did the Vance! They did the JD Vance! The JD Vance!    06/14/24  (41)
devastating compilation of Luka Doncic’s defensive skills (link)    06/14/24  (2)
Beatles songs if the Beatles went to law school    06/14/24  (119)
I honestly hate libs like an impossible amount    06/14/24  (3)
Furk this shit, I think I'll get out of CRYPTO    06/14/24  (8)
NYT interview with JD Vance. He explains how he became MAGA.    06/14/24  (93)
"Put some more dick in" hissed disco fries as CSLG pumped away on his step stool    06/14/24  (28)
Can’t get myself to care about money or success. I’m fine being a loser    06/14/24  (10)
how much do you tip food delivery app slaves?    06/14/24  (10)
The Morgan & Morgan guy seems like a huge asshole    06/14/24  (6)
Buys 9 grand worth of deliciou$ juice using crypto gains    06/14/24  (1)
Subaru bumper sticker: STINKERPUSS    06/14/24  (6)
reminder: mooncucks want u to believe astronauts lived on moon for TWO MONTHS    06/14/24  (1)

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